BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing other wk over 1BBB (N/A over 1AAA) INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing other weak (0-7) STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening varies according to opening Names: Richard Misior Bruce Williams Jump shifts after major opening fit showing jumps, invitational with support ABF Nos: Responses to strong 2 suit opening N/A Basic System: Precision - modified Responses to 2NT opening 3AAA = F1, others = correctable Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) S 1A 15+, any shape 1B 10-14, 0+ BBB 1C 10-14, 5+ CCC 1D 10-14, 5+ DDD Underlead other Journalist v NT 1 NT 11-14 hcp, balanced, 4333, 4432, 5332 (m) may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highestS attitude 2AAA Stayman: simple extended other 3rd/5th other Journalist v NT - attitude lead (lower the better) transfers 2BBB transfer to CCC 2CCC transfer to DDD 2DDD transfer to AAA From 4 small 2nd highest other 2 NTtransfer to BBB other From 3 cards (no honour) top middleS bottom 2AAA 6+ AAA 10-14 hcp or weak II BBB (6-9) or weak 5+/5+ CCC + DDD (5-9) Signal on partner's lead: high encouragelow encourage low encourage 2BBB 6+ BBB 10-14 hcp or weak II CCC (6-9) or weak 5+/5+ DDD + AAA (5-9) other REO (odd=encourage, even = suit preference) 2CCC 8-9 pt CCC < 15 hcp or weak II DDD (6-9) or weak 5+/5+ AAA + BBB (5-9) Signal on declarer's lead REO 2DDD 8-9 pt DDD < 15 hcp or weak II AAA (6-9) or weak 5+/5+ BBB + CCC (5-9) Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT weak 5+/5+ AAA + CCC or BBB + DDD (5-9) odd/even other REO 3 NT any solid 7 or 8 card suit, no outside A or K Count natural reverse REO (odd=odd, even=even) PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS 1AAA = 15 + hcp, any shape 4NT: Blackwood RKCB other Norman responses 1BBB = 10-14 hcp, 2 or 3 suits, may be 0 BBB 4AAA Gerber when? 4AAA = Control response (A=1, K=half) 2 AAA 2 BBB 2CCC, 2DDD, 2NT = myxo two's Other Conventions Swine Positive slam doubles COMPETITIVE BIDDING Unassuming cues DOPI/ROPI control responses Negative doubles through4CCC Responsive doubles through 4CCC Western cues Jump overcallsweak Unusual NT minors or minor + major Rubensohl 1NT overcall (immediate)15-18 (re-opening) 11-14 Archimedes Immed cue of minor Michaels Immed cue of major Michaels ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) Pottage - see inside for details Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) Twerb - see inside for details Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos X with Rubinsohl responses FAX: 02 6239 1816 Over opening threes opt X Copyright © BCC 6.3.17 RESPONSES TO OPENING BIDS CONVENTIONS Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B negative, 0-8 2NT 9-10 hcp, balanced 3A/3B 6+ suit, at least 2/3 top honours, invitational 1C/D 9+ hcp, 5+ suit 3A 5-8, 6/7 A, 2/4 top honours 3C/3D 6+ suit, at least 2/3 top honours, invitational 1NT11+ hcp, balanced (*see 3NT) 3B 5-8, 6/7 B, 2/4 top honours 4A preemptive transfer to C 2A 9+ hcp, 4+ A 3C 5-8, 6/7 C, 2/4 top honours 4B preemptive transfer to D 2B 9+ hcp, 5+ B 3D 5-8, 6/7 D, 2/4 top honours 4C To play 2C 9+ hcp, triple suited, inc C + D 3NT 11-14, balanced, any 4333 4D To play 2D 9+ hcp, at least 5/5 minors 4 bids Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits 1B 1C/D 1C=NF with C or 11-12 any 3A preemptive other or other minor + major over minor opening 1NT< 11 hcp, no 4 card major 3B preemptive 2A < 11 hcp, natural 3C preemptive Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B GF - 13+ hcp, any distribution3D preemptive 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C < 11 hcp, 6+ card suit 3NT To play NT Checkback Priorities 2D < 11 hcp, 6+ card suit 4B Defence to 3NT opening Bid minor = pick a major 2NT<11 hcp, at least 4/4 in minors 4 Other 1D = < 11 hcp, 4+ D, no 4 C Defence to opening 2-s: Multi over European 2B - X = t/o of D, 2C=t/o of C 1C/D 1NTForcing relay, 11 + hcp 3A FSJ - invitational RCO style 2-s X = 15 + any shape, 2NT = 17-20 balanced 2A < 11 hcp, 5+ A 3B FSJ - invitational 2B < 11 hcp, 5+ B 3C/D preemptive raise - 0-7 hcp Other 2-s X = 15 + any shape, 2NT = 17-20 balanced 2C/D 6-10 hcp, 3/4 supp, not 6-7 + 4 3NT To play 2NT11-12 hcp, 2 card support 4A/B wk at least 9 cd, suit + support Defence to strong A Twerb - X = B or C + D, 1B = C or D + A, 1C = D or A + B A B C D 2 2 NF relay 2 / correctable 1D = A or B + C. 1NT = A + C, 2A = B + D, 2 level = single suit other 2NT = F1 Lebensohl Over NT interference 2B 2C NF Relay 3A/B Correctable Other uses 2D Correctable 3C/D Correctable Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X 2NTF1 3NT To play 4C X 4D X C D 2 / 2NTF1 3NT To play OTHER NOTES 3A/B correctable 4A/B correctable A B C D C C A B 3C/D correctable 4C/D correctable Pottage - X = penalty interest , 2 = single suit, 2 = + , 2 = + or 2D = D + A or B, 2N = A + B 2NT 3A F1 4A correctable Opening two's V protected pairs 3B correctable 4B correctable 2A = 10 - 14 hcp 6+ A, 2B = 10 - 14 hcp 6+ B or weak 2 in either major 3C correctable 4C correctable 2C = 5 - 9 hcp 5/5 C + A or B, 2D = 5 - 9 hcp 5/5 D + A or B or C 3D correctable 4D correctable 2NT = 5 - 9 hcp 5/5 A + B 3NTTo play other BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing other Value Bids INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing other Value Bids STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening Value Bids Names: Andrew Richman Sandra Richman Jump shifts after major opening Value Bids ABF Nos: 382655 377910 Responses to strong 2 suit opening Basic System: Strong Club, Artificial openings, Weak NT Responses to 2NT opening Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 15+ any 1B 4+C 10-14 1C 4+D 10-14 1D 4+B 10-14 Underlead other Overlead except AK - K for count or A for Attitude 1 NT 11 - 14 may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended other KERI 3rd/5th other transfers 2B transfer to C 2C transfer to D 2D Range Probe From 4 small 2nd highest other 2 NTtransfer to A other 3A 3B 3C is splinter in suit above, 3D splinter A From 3 cards (no honour) topNT middle bottom 2A 6+ A 9-14 Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B Multi - Weak 6 - 9 pts 5 or 6 C or 6 D // 21-22 semi bal // 9 play tricks in minor other Reverse Count except Ace lead which is Low Encourage 2C Myxo - Acol 2 C // Weak 6 D 6 - 9 // 5/5 Minors 6 - 9 Signal on declarer's lead Reverse Count 2D Myxo - Acol 2 D // A pre-empt // 5/5 Reds 6 - 9 // 5/5 Blacks 6 - 9 Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT Myxo - 5/5 Odds 6 - 9 A & C or B & D odd/even other Odd - Good, Even - McKenney 3 NT Pre-empt in a Minor Count natural reverse PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS All 1 level bids not natural - can be canape Opening 4 A = Strong 4 C Opening 4NT: Blackwood RKCB other 1430 All 2 and 3 level bids not natural Opening 4 B = Strong 4 D Opening 4A Gerber when? CRO after NT only No Stayman (KERI) Opening 4NT = Specific Ace Ask Other Conventions Long Suit Trials KERI, CAD, SWINE, COMPETITIVE BIDDING Lebensohl DOPI, ROPI, DEPO Negative doubles through4 D Responsive doubles through 4 D Unassuming Cue Raises Jump overcallsWeak Unusual NT Lowest two unbid suits Namyats 1NT overcall (immediate)15 - 18 (re-opening) 10 - 14 Ougust Immed cue of minor Highest & Another (except after Strong 1 A opening) Immed cue of major Highest & Another ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) Capaletti Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) Capaletti Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos X = takeout then Lebensohl FAX: 02 6239 1816 Over opening threes X = takeout Copyright © BCC 6.3.17 RESPONSES TO OPENING BIDS CONVENTIONS Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 0 - 8 points, any shape 2NT 12 - 14 points, semi balanced 3A/3B 3 A is B splinter 3 B is C splinter 1C/D 9+ points, 4+ cards, unbalanced3A 5 - 8 points, 7 cards, constructive 3C/3D 3 C is D splinter 3 D is A splinter 1NT9 - 11 points, semi balanced 3B 5 - 8 points, 7 cards, constructive 4A CRO 1430 2A 9+ points, 4+ cards, unbalanced3C 5 - 8 points, 7 cards, constructive 4B Transfer to C with RKC continuations 2B 9+ points, 4+ cards, unbalanced3D 5 - 8 points, 7 cards, constructive 4C Transfer to D with RKC continuations 2C 5 - 8 points, 6 cards, constructive3NT 15 - 16 points, semi balanced 4D To Play 2D 5 - 8 points, 6 cards, constructive4 bids Very weak, 8 card suit Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits 1B 1C/D Game invite or better // 4+ D 3A 6 A 6 - 10 points other 1NTnatural, not forcing 3B 6 B 6 - 10 points 2A 5+ A & 4 B or C not forcing 3C 4 C 6 - 9 points Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 5+ B & 4 A not forcing 3D splinter 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C 3 C 7 - 11 points 3NT 3 card support 15 - 18 NT Checkback Priorities 2D 6 D 6 - 10 points 4B splinter Defence to 3NT opening X = t/o majors, 4A = t/o prefer C, 4B = t/o prefer D 2NT4 C 11+ points 4 Other splinter Defence to opening 2-s: Multi X = t/o D, 2C t/o C, overcall 10-15, jump 16+ X later 10+, X & bid 17+, X & cue is stop
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