Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 2-27-1989 Columbia Chronicle (02/27/1989) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (02/27/1989)" (February 27, 1989). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/264 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. col.umbia chronicle Faculty, students voice support for Rushdie · By Matthew Kissane Fiction Department Chairman case. " Tlte world should stand John Schultz immediately issued up. " Lehrman said. The condemnation of Salman a memo Thursday asking his in­ " It's political terrorism with a Rushdie l1y Iran's Ayatollah structors to discuss the Rushdie vengeance." Dr. Philip Klukoff, Ruhollah Khomeini hit home case with their classes as an is­ English Department Chairman, when several administrators, sue of censorship. said . " To be a great writer takes staff and students reacted to a " If an author believes his own great courage. Yo u can't let rally held for the author. career depends on the respect of yourself be intimidated." Many prominent authors, pub­ the First Amendment and the re­ In an interview following lhe lishers and educators took ad­ spect worldwide of the civil lib­ Feb. 23 rally, Heinemann said. vantage of Rushdie 's situation to erty to express himself in writing " It takes guts to be a writer." protest forced self-censorship. and art, the writer should defi­ " Writers in any culture have a Ten speakers, including former nitely make a state me nt,'' special responsibility," he add­ Columbia professors Cyrus Col­ Schultz said . ed. " Rushdie is fulfilling his re­ ter and Larry Heinemann, rallied Journalism Department Chair­ sponsibility." with more than 200 participants man Nat Lehrman cited the Photography Chairman John last Thursday at the Chicago statement should be an obliga­ Mulvany does not believe Rus­ Public Library's Cultural Centet: tion. in the Rushdie hdie 's case affects censorship in the United States. "I don't think there is a lot to learn from it because they are just observing it," he said. "That immediate type of cen­ sorship is not apparent in Amer­ ica.'' Panhand.. r IIIII, hla dog Bill and hla other dog Bill collect money Liberal Education instructor In a styrofoam cup outside a Pathway Financial Savings and Loan. Dr. Louis Silverstein said, " If the principle here is the freedom of speech, we have to clean our Panhandlers cash in own house ." Silverstein cited the BBC's in­ st itution of widespread cen­ on public generosity WTTW's John Calloway expressed outrage at the Ayatolla sorship of news from the Irish Khomelnl's order for Khomelnl'a Moslem followers to kill Sal man conflict and the Reagan and By Joe Kristufek ander, a Loop e mployee said . Ruahdle for hla writing the Satanic Verses. Students and faculty Bush administrations' support of " But if I really think the person joined Chicago area wrltera gathered In a show of unity and support How many times have you is needy I'll offer them a meal. I Feb. 23 at the Chicago Public Library Cultural Center. Continued on page 3 been asked or begged for money have realized that a lot of times by a local "street dweller?" Al­ they don't use the money to buy though you may feel compassio­ food because when I offer them a Student government attempt, nate and hand over some spare meal instead o f money they change, you may not realize a storm off mad." few of the panhandlers are better In a poll of 50 Columbia stu­ ambition ·withers in time off than they seem. dents, 35 admitted to g iving " I make e nough money off money to panhandlers, some out the street to make a living with­ By Bonnie Booth Daniels did not think collecting been successful in maintaining a of pity. others out of fear. out working." John, 30, said . the signatures would be a prob­ student government a lthough " I can tell when someone des­ A lack of student interest has He added he has been panhan­ ., lem, only 500 signatures had they are commuter schools with perately need s it a nd when hindered the formation of a stu­ dling for nearly fi ve years. " I been collected when attempts to student bodies that are around someone tries to !swindle] it out dent government here, according never have to beg people for my form the government reached a the same size as Columbia's. of someone," journalism soph­ to Hermann Conaway, dean of standstill. money but just g ive them the Student Services. omore Robert Jones said . Conaway said that the 2,000 At Elgin Community College. best sob story I can think of. In " There have been several at­ figure was negoti ated between in Elgin .Ill. a student senate the winter I sometimes stand "I play a mean sax," tempts to form a student govern­ the students and the administra­ consisting of 18 members allo­ outside without a coat. and this ment in the past," he said. " But one panhandler said. tion. "If they want to organize. cates student "activity fees to makes people feel sorry for me. the lack of interest and no stu­ roughly 50 percent of the stu­ clubs and organizations on cam­ The summer is not as easy, but dent continuity has made it diffi­ dents would have to indicate that pus. the best way is to stand at a train " I don't think they would be cult." they are interested." he said . A l t h oug~ only 12 percent of station with some luggage and out there if they didn't need it." Last spring's attempt by a Both Conaway and Daniels at­ the approximately 6.000 stu­ ask people for train fare." theater freshman Lynn Albers group of students to form student dents voted in the last election. said . " I feel I may be in poor sit­ tribute the lack of interest in stu­ John said he is not alo ne. government . seems to bear out Dave Paeth. coordinator of Stu­ uations but at least I have a roof dent government to the faci that "Yeah. I've met a lot of people Conaway's theory. dent Services fee ls that the gov­ Columbia is a commute r col­ like myself but I never fee l over my head. clothes o n my According to Ryan Daniels, ernme nt is an asset to th e lege. guilty. It 's not like I'm out rob­ back and meals I can eat three president of the African-Ameri­ college. " We support the child "Residents would make a dif­ bing people." times a day and they don't." can Alliance and one of the stu­ care center. hold blood drives. ference because this would be Sometimes it is hard to tell if a Panhand lers all have their dents involved in last years voter reg istratio n drives and where we live and we would person is tru Iy needy. ways of wheedling money from attempt. "At first there was a lot renting lockers," he said . have ro appreciate it," Daniels " There arc a lot of pan­ you. Some arc pure scam artists. of interest but then everybody The student senate is also re­ said . handlers on the streets now that Some hold children ar.d beg for fi gured that they dido 't have sponsible for choosing the head Conaway said that most com­ are out there to get money.·· Co­ money to feed them. Others fake time." of the programming board at muter schools have a diffic ult lumbia freshman Brenda Ciesla an injury. A man with dark sun­ Last year's attempt was also ECC, the group in charge of all time getting students involved in said . "There are some that need glasses and a wa lking stick. sup­ stymied by the requirement by dances and outside activities that activities o thet than routine it , but there's also a majority that posedly blind. may stand with a Conaway that 2,000 sigtlatures are held at the college. classes. don't need it." tin cup in hand at a street comer. be collected on petitions for a However, comllj~nity colleges " I hate to give people money, student governmen~. Although in the Chicagoland area have Continued on Page 2 in fact I refuse." Golden Alex- Continued on page 2 Interviewing opportunities abound at fair ed States Justice·Deparlmenl: market today. the question is: By Lance Cummings Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and " How much computer do you The Career Services Depart­ Firearms: admissions counselors know?" rather, than, "Do you ment. headed by Director Dr. from the top area law schools: know computers?" Students can Catherine McGove rn will hoSI The City of Chicago: The State help us to help them by attending its first Career Fair. to be con­ of Illinois: major airlines: The the fair and giving us their in­ tinued annually. Wed .. March I Veterans Administration: and put.'· McGovern said. at the Congrc's Hotel. 520 S. many others ... McGovern said . Students planning on attend­ Michigan Ave. " We 're hoping to gel a lot of ing the fai r must bring a resume The fair will be open from 10 feedback.
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