---., GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY "' - I No. 13. DECEMBER, 1941. .."' "UNDER THE SHllDOW OF CA.IRNG.ORM ';f R�tbpbridgt llottl NETHYBRIDGE Situat-ecl at the f.oot of the Cairng.():rm& --Ideal flotel f0r Mounta.iaeers.-­ Facitrties for River aad 'Loch Fi6kin.g. Goff -Tennis. --Excellent Centre for Motoring.-· - ,Phoae 8, Apply A. FOTHERINGHAM, GROCER and GENERAL MERCHANT. A.M.GRANT A. F. ·MACPHERSON BAKER and CONFECTIONER POST 'OFFIC�, BOAT OF GARTEN BOAT .OF G�IUEN. 'Phone 201. SPECIAL LINES- Rich Fruit Cakes i,1 vc1rious sizes. 00:NFEC"fIONERY. Finest Scotch Shortbread. TOBACCO and OIGARE'J.VfES. Spiced Fruit Gingerbread- n speciality-in 1 lb, 2 lb. ,uid 4 lb. HARDWARE,, Etc. Cakes. FILMS and, PHO'fOGR.API-UC , REQUISITES. A TRl"AL ORDER· SOLICITED, LOGAL VIEWS, STA'l'IONERY. LANG'S WRAPPED BRE,AD 'Phone 202 . For QUALITY, VARIETY P. DIMASCIO and PERSONAL SERVICE LUNCHEONS, 'COFFEES and TEAS. visit The Best Cate in Town. 5 6 High Street MACKINTOSH'S STORES ROSE BO�T OF GARTEN CONFE.CTIONER. No orde,r is loo· large. or too small for us to execute,. Agent for Kunzie anrl· Fuller's Cakes. bur Stocks are a.lways, Fresh and 25 HIGH STREET, our Prices Keen. G:RANTOWN,ON,SPEY. Phone 223 .. L . , .TELEPHONE 30, GRANTOWN-ON-SPE.Y J. Kg HASTINGS FlR.ST=CLASS 1, 1; • FAMILY BUTCHER. THE 40 High Street· PALACE HOTEL Grantown ..on-5pey Established over Half-a-Centur'y. Shoo·ting Lodges 'PHONE 7, G. R. HASTILOW. Supplied. School Outfits H. M'BAIN B�OKSIELLER, STATIONER and CONFECTIONER School Jumpers, .Jerseys, E.tockings, ..\ nkle Socks, Scarves, 'l'ies and Badges. Gym._ Costumes, Yelonr Fiats, Berets, OIGARE,TT'ES. Blazers,. Blaze·r Sni.ts, Serge Suits and TOBACCOS. 'l'll'eed Silits. LENDING LIBR�.\.RY. Blouse�, Shirts, e i c., etc. 'l'elephoue No. 82. DIXON & BAIN Alexander Olaokenzie & aon HOUS·t. PAINTERS,· GRANTOWN-ON=SPEY, . Grantown-on-SpeyDRAPERS and OUTFITTERS ·• JOH.N KING Successor to 'Photographic and­ James Kerr Dispensing Chemist 21 HIGH STREET Grantown - on - Spey. Telephone No. 6. Telegrams-Kerr, Gra.ntown•on-Spey, Frazers Quality VfiU Solve Your Clothes Problem Quality is not ratz'o11ed at Ftazers. It has always been of the highest standard, and· th.at is why i·n ·these days of clothi,i;: coupons, that knowledgeable people buy at Frazers, where they are sure of getting the best possible value for /heir coupous. The Right · * In choosi7.1g Tweeds or Suit­ Angle on ings for w.ar-tz'me wear it = pays to select materials 1vhich War time Clothing will last long and keep their good looks. You'll [;81 them' at Frazers I Fraze:rs of Perth, Ltd., Grantown=on=Spey Mackintosh & Cumming BEALE & PYPER Specialists in COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, SCHOOL OUTFITS AUCTIONEERS and VALUATORS, CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS. For Showrna'lls-'-The Square. BOYS and .GIRLS. Workshop-Fairest Road. GIRLS-Gymnasium, Kilts and Blouses, DEPARTMENTS. Jumpers, and Carci•iga,ns, Blazers and CARPETS. BEDROOM SUITES.' RUGS. PARLOUR SUITES. Stockings. LINOLEUM. BED SETTEES., B0:!'S-Suits, Pullovers,, Blazers, Belts, BEDSTEADS. FIRESIDE CHAIRS. and nes. BEDDING. CHINA CABINETS, CH INA and GLASS. Estima, tes, Free. Mackintosh & Cumming 'Phone 24 . • GRANTowN=ON-sPEY. Gr�ntown-on-Spey The Quality House for over 90 years. GILBERT BOOKSF.,J,LJ<JRS, STATIONEiRS. and NEWSAGE:N"11S, Splem1ic1 Select.ion Of BOYS' and 63 HIGH STREET, GTRLS' BOOTS and SHOES, best makers SPORTS 1SHOES, SAND GRANTOWN=ON=SPEY. SHOES and DANCING SHOES at I�eenest Prices. vVide range of LADIES' a.nd GENT. 'S SHOE1S. Artistic St,yles. La test Colours. For LADIES' and -GENT.'S HOSIERY and CHILDREN'S OUTFlTTING, visit PETER GRANT & SON STANDARD BOOT SHOP (Sign o-i the Golden Boo,t) R. GRANT Draper and Outfitter, ' . Grantown-on-Spey GRANTOWN=ON=SPEY. Sn,le Partner-W. MACLACH_LAN. Wrantown-on-S,p�i,. No. 13. DECEMBER, 1941. Editor-Ruth N,\athieson. Advertisements-Sandy Gordon. - Editorial. A f�w months ago �e were faced· the sincere wish that our articles will with .a problem of preposterous pro- bring ·a smile to the lips of the reader portions-Should we be able, to Rub- in these dark days of storm which, let Iish for the 1 3 th successive year a us not forget, precede the ea Im ones Grammar School Magazine;:, It seemed . of peace and prosperity cJt the present well-nigh impossible with paper .obscured by the thunder clouds of shortage and lack of subject matter war. from former pl:lpils whose time is If we have been able to recall in­ generously being given to the war cidents, comrades, teachers of care­ effort; but, with Victory as our watch- free schooldays; if we have �aused you word, and the generous support of our to rid youroelf of worldly cares, to friends, the advertisers, whose aid is dream of the happy hours spent 'neath of primary importance, and for which the school's sturdy roof our work hils we extend our heartfelt th,rnks, we not been in vain, our reyvard not dis­ shall triumphantly send this Maga- proportionate. With thanks to many unmentioned like a ray of sunshine,· tci the zine, friends and a fervent prayer that ends of the earth ohould a Grammarian victory and peace is not so far distant find himself there serving King and as many of us imagine, we commend Country. Along with it we convey this number to your kind attention. 2 GRAMMAR SCHOOL MAGAZINE SCHOOL NOTES. Cor:,sjste:nt wi,th war conditions and the The -scr.ool branch of the National Savings var.ied cla'ms which our nat;'onal .effort makes Association continues 'its useful work under the on young as well as adult citizens, norma! guida'.nce of its t,reasu·rer, Miss Ala'nach. Pupils' school activities have be.en well maintained cont·ributions during War Weapons Week. €\X­ during the past year. ce,eded £200, while the total for session 1940-4 1 was £897 2s 9d. lnst,ead of the usual Con·cert and Pare"ts' Day which have been features of summer terms The senior boys have had a successful season in previous years, an exhibition of arts and in their war-time potato patch. Over fifty crafts was held last J1:1ne. hundredweights of potatoes were lif,ted this year, approximately twice last year's crop. This exhibition proved to be a popula,r in­ novation from ;ill points ·of. view. Staff and Mr Charles Grar-t, Advie, who has under- pupi Is showed great zest in its preparation and · taken . the school's be�chwork instruction, results were well worth while. The public supervised operations in the gathe.ring of this turned out in !a.rge numbers. Although there crop. were no articles for sale and the idea of money­ making was entir€ly absent from the sch.eme, the proceeds of the exhibition--from teas and The county scheme, for immunising children a door collection-amounted to· £26. This was against dipl- heria has. met with a ready re­ Com:­ 1 ! · har:ided over to the local War Comforts sponse here . Over 90 pe.r cent. of pupils under mitte·e. 14 years of age have already been immunised. During session 1940-41, six Senior and nine Junior Secore:Jary Certificates, · and s·ix Lower In .last year's r.otes it was stated that Mr Day School Certificates were awarded: whil·e Cruickshank. our pre-war janitor, was repNt-ed ei@hteen pupils were approved for entra-nce on m•ssing afte.r the Dunkirk evacuation. The a secondary ·course. very s_ad news officially confirming his death in action was r•eceived some time ago, and school The Customary Prize Day ceremony was held m::,urns the los,s of a popula-r official and valued in July. Mrs Maclaren presented the prizes, friend. To Mrs Cruickshank and fa mily is ex­ and Dr , Maclaren, Director · of Education, tended the sincere sympathy of staff and pupils. addressed a large and most appreciative assen;,bly of pupils and msmbers of the pubI ic., 1941 EXAMINATION RESULTS. Donald B. M' I nty.re was Harvey Dux Medal!ist. The school captain, Jolin M. Cameron, qualified for the ·award of a Cairn­ The. following pupils w.ere awarded, Senior gdrm Badge. Leaving Ce,rtificates :--John M. Cameron, Mar­ guerite Cameron. Isabella Fraser, Donald • B. Addi:ional. attraction�if that were possible . M'ln1y,e, Margaret W. M'Andrew, D�vid D. -has been added to the posts of girls' and Reid. boys' school e:aptaincy thrnugh the generosity Junior Secondary Certificates :-James C. of Mr M'Gregor, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, who has gifte·d silver badges for these offices. A_!anach, Dor.ild R. Allan, James Hay, Donald G. M'Lean, Elizabeth E. Mackintosh, Alice E. The school's Red Cross Penny-a-week Fund Stuart, Ian M. Ross, William Calder, Kather ine collection has oeen kept: going throughout tl-,e Grant. Day School Ce,rtif:cates (Lower) :-Mabel . year, with Miss Paterson as treasurer. This scheme was begun in the summer of 1940 and Anderson, Michael G. Rona l dson. Constance over £ 1.00 has been raised among staff and M'Millan, Evelyn · Runcie, Elizabeth ). Smith, pupils f,{r the Re;d Cross up to date . Joseph A. Forbes. GRAMMAR SCHQOL MAGAZINE - 'IMPROVING THE HIGHLANDS. th-� Highlands as witness our depopulated straths and g!ens. It i_s or.ly reasqnable to say what was accomplished in the past · could be In the midst of this almost world-wide con­ greatly •improved upon by modem science. flagr.afion of war our thoughts and action; are Great areas of the Spey valley akme not to above everything e.lse hinged on _the unflinching , mention its many tributaries,.
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