THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF BOSTON 26 COURT STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02108 John D. O'Bryant, President Jean Sullivan McKeigue, Vice-President Elvira PixiePalladino, Treasurer John J. McDonough, Esq., Member Kevin A. McCluskey, Member * * * Joseph M. McDonough, Acting Superintendent * * * John R. Coakley, Senior Officer, Department of Implementation Dr. Catherine A. Ellison, Executive Director, Department of Implementation Vernon c. Polite, Acting Director, Extet·nal Liaison Unit, Department of Implementation Additional copies of this book are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Ftench, Greek, and Vietnamese. The 1981-1982 Student Assignment Information Book was produced by the External Liaison Unit of the Department of Implementation, Boston Public Schools, 26 Court Street, Boston, MA 02108 1 Copies of this booklet are available in English, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese Vietnamese and Russian. If you want additional copies or prefer a translation in one of eight other languages, kindly contact the nearest public school, the office of one of the Community School Districts (see DIRECTORY for AD· DRESS/TELEPHONE), the Office of City-wide Bilingual Programs, 26 Court Street, Boston (726-6296), or the School Information Center, 26 Court Street, Boston 02108 (726-6555). Multi-lingual instructions accompany the student assignment applications. Des copies de ce livret sont a votre disposition en anglais, espagnol, fran<;ais, grec, italien, chinois, portugais, vietnamien et russe. Si vous desirez des copies supplementaires ou si vous preferez une traduction dans l'une des huit autres langues que nous venons de citer, veuillez contacter l'ecole publique Ia plus proche, le bureau de l'un des Districts Scolaires Com­ munautaires (consulter le repertoire pour adresse et numero de telephone), le Departement d'Enseignement Bilingue Tran­ sitionnel, 26 Court Street, Boston (726-6296) ou le Centre d'lnformation Scolaire, 26 Court Street, Boston 02108 (726-6555). Les formulaires de demande d'affectation sont accompagnes d'instructions en plusieurs langues. Copie di questo opuscolo sono disponibili in lingua inglese, spagnola, francese, greca, italiana, cinese, portoghese. viet­ namita e russo. Se si desiderassero delle co pie supplementari, o si preferisse una co pia tradotta in una delle otto altre lingue, si prega di rivolgersi alia piu vicina scuola pubblica, all'ufficio di uno dei Distretti Scolastici Comunali (consultare I'ELENCO per gli INDIRIZZIINUMERI TELEFONICI), al Dipartimento dell'lstruzione di Transizione in Due Lingue, 26 Court Street, Boston 02108, Numero telefonico: 726-6296, o il Centro di lnformazione Scolastica, 26 Court Street, Boston 02108, Numero telefonico: 726-6555. lstruzioni in piu lingue vengono fornite assieme aile domande di assegnazione dello studente. Temos c6pias deste exemplar em ingh3s, frances, grego italiano, chines, portugues, vietnames e russo. Se desejar obter c6pias adicionais, ou preferir uma das outras oito lfnguas, e favor contactar a escola publica que lhe fique mais pr6xima, a secretaria de uma das Escolas da Comunidade do Distrito (veja o diret6rio se necessitar a direc<;ao ou o numero de telefone), a Secretaria de Educa<;ao Bilingue Transicional na 26 Court Street, Boston. (tel: 726-6296), ou o Centro de lnforma<;ao Escolar no 26 Court Street, Boston 02108 (tel: 726-6555). lnstru<;oes em lfnguas diversas vao junto com as fichas de coloca<;ao dos estudantes. Copias de este folleto estan en ingles, espaliol, frances, griego, italiano, chino, portugues, vietnames y russo. Si Ud. desea copias adicionales o prefiere una traducci6n en cualquiera de los restantes ocho idiomas, p6ngase en contacto con Ia Escuela Publica mas cercana, Ia oficina de una escuela del distrito comunal (Vea el DIRECTORIO para DIRECCIONES'/ TELEFONOS), el Departamento de Educaci6n Bilingue, 26 Court Street, Boston, 02108 (726-6296), o el Centro de lnfor­ maci6n Escolar, 26 Court Street, Boston, 02108 (726-6555). lnstrucciones multi-linguisticas acompalian las aplicaciones del estudiante. Ban va,n cua tap tai lie_y nay cfuQc djch ra cac tieng Anh, Phap, Hy-L~p. Y, Trung-Hoa, Bo:f>ao~Nha, Vi~t-Nam va Nga. N§~ Quy mu6n cd th~m nhung t!P tai-li~u nay hay ban djch ra cac tieng khac,., yeu-c§u lien l~c v6i trubng Cong-l§p gan nh'St, van Vi 1 pho.(lg dJa~mot/trong nhung khu giao-d~c cQng-{)ong (xem biln chi 1dan de biet ctia-chi, di~'h-thoai), Cd-quan giao-duc song ng~ chuy@n-tiep, 26 Court Street, Boston (726-6296) hay C6-0uan Thuc-Thi Giao-Dyc (726-6555). • Nhong dieu chl dan bang nhieu thu'tie'hg se dlioc ghi tren t>on xin Phan {)inh Hpc-Sinh. "Avtituna OUTOU TOU 6t6At0U KUKAOq>opouv OTO 'AyyAtKQ, lanavtKci, raMtKO, 'EAA11VtK6, 'ltOAIKQ, Ktvt~tKO noptoyaMtKO B&&TVGJ.&t~lKQ Kai PwootKci. Av XP&lci~&OT£ napanavw civtituna ii av llPOTliJOT& TO 6t6AiO IJ&Taq>pOOIJtVO ot IJlO cin6 tic; aAA&c; 6)(Tc.i. (8) yAwao&c;, TOT& oac; napaKOAOUIJ& vci cin&u8uv8flt& ii OTO KOVTtV6t&po ot oac; 15111JOOtO OXOA&to 11 OTQ ypaq>&ta IJlOC: 6n6 tic; IxoAaKt<; neptq>tp&t&c; KotvoTTitwv (OTOV Kat6.).oyo '01511YO 80. 6pflt& T11Atq>wva Kai 15t&u8uvo&tc;). ii OT6 T~-ti'!IJO M&ta6attKi'l<; &yAc.oomKfl<; 'EKnatl5&uo&wc;. 26 Court Street. Boston (726-6296), ii OTO Ktvtpo nAl"lPOQ>OPIOKWV Ixo.).&iwv. 26 Court Street. Boston 02108 (726-6555) Oi aittio&tc: vt6 tono8ttnon toO ua8ntti ouvol5&uovtat an6 61511Yi&c; ypaiJ~-ttvec; ot no.).Atc; y.).wooec;. • 2 Introduction The purpose of this book is to provide parents and students with information about the schools and programs of the Boston Public Schools. In addition, it outlines some of the policies governing the assignment and transportation processes. It is a general guide which we hope will help you in your search for concise information about our schools. This book includes the following sections: - Common questions about the assignment and transportation processes. - Information about community district schools, magnet schools, magnet programs, and special programs. - A directory of important telephone numbers. You will note that certain symbols appear in the outer margins of the pages. These symbols direct you to information on~hat particular subject, for example, magnet schools. PLEASE NOTE: THE APPLICATION FORM IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS BOOK. The application will be issued in a separate envelope to students already in the Boston Public Schools. UPON RECEIVING THE APPLICATION, FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS, COMPLETE THE FORM, IGN IT AND RETURN THE APPLICATION PROMPTLY TO YOUR CHILD'S PRINCIPAL. If you have any questions, call the Department of Implementation at 726-6555. Common Questions WhatisaCommunity A Community School District (I-VIII) is an area of the District School? city with clearly def1.ned boundaries. Each district is further divided into smaller areas called geocodes. Your address within a specific geocode determines your Com­ munity District School. Residents of a particular community school district are entitled to attend their geocoded schools at the elementary and middle school levels. In most cases, the number of high school students in a district exceeds the number of seats available in the district. Students names are picked at random from among all students re­ questing assignment to the Community District High School until no more seats are available in the school. Of course, desegregation goals apply. WhatisaMagnetSchool? A Magnet School is a school offering a distinctive program of instruction that may serve the needs and interests of students from all areas of the city. District IX is the city-wide school district which includes all the magnet programs or components which also are open to students on a city-wide basis. Assignments to magnet schools and programs are made on the basis of student preference, desegregation goals and seat availability. For information regarding Magnet Vocational/Occupational Programs, contact the Office of Career and Occupational Education, 726-6456. · 3 Currently, the Boston Public Schools are under WHY ARE STUDENT orders from the Federal District Court to de­ ASSIGNMENTS NECESSARY? segregate all its schools, at all grade levels, and in all programs to comply with Federal laws and regulations. The overall purpose of the Court Orders is to insure the Consitituional guarantee of equal educational opportunity to every student. Basically, you may choose between your geocoded MAY I CHOOSE WHERE Community District School and a Magnet School or MY CHILD GOES TO Program. The Student Application Form indicates SCHOOL. the range of choices you have in selecting a school. The process for assignment varies at different WILL MY CHILD GET school levels and under different circumstances. THE SCHOOL I SELECT? Consult the general outline below to learn how the assignment process works. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING GENERAL INFORMATION DOES NOT APPLY TO STUDENTS IN SPECIAL PROGRAMS, SUCH AS BILINGUAL EDUCATION OR SPECIAL NEEDS (SUBSTANTIALLY SEPARATE) . September Grade IF A STUDENT REQUESTS The student will be assigned to the COMMUNITY DISTRICT geocoded Community District School if: ELEMENTARY OR MIDDLE - the Community District School is one of. K SCHOOL. • . • the choices marked on the application 1 form. - no prior choice could be granted for a 2 Magnet School. 3 IF A STUDENT REQUESTS In many instances there are more students A MAGNET ELEMENTARY OR requesting assignment to a particular 4 MIDDLE SCHOOL . school than there are available seats. In such cases, since assignments to 5 magnet programs are not guaranteed, the names of all students re­ 6 questing the same assignment form the basis of a computerized drawing for seats in the magnet schools. Those students whose names are 7 drawn will be assigned to the reques.ted magnet school. Those students who do not receive their magnet school choices will be assigned to 8 their geocoded Community District Schools. IF A STUDENT REQUESTS In most cases, the student will be PRESENT SCHOOL .
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