' ' ., ' '!i. • ~·· ' K~EP· KEEP '. YOUR .... ···.··~th ~nib~~ 1aub YOUR­ · __ , .... 4... _.._ -···-. ··--- . I :' • _ ... • _ , .•. .:QATEI .... ····' ,. · ... · ~- c ~ne.ge Library . \ ilurk DATE! \ V,{.ake _yores~ .. - . ... -·~ .-.---~-.1111 -..... .. Jlt ~ :, - "' * Volume XXXII. No;lO · .Wake Forest, N.C., Friday, November 22, 1946 * Phone 304-6 .W:f.( Charter . - . .. ., ~u,ke~ Day CoJDillll;· .F~I.I: Empha:sis B~ptists .Turn ~~A-melldnlents S•dentai tO CelebJeate W~ekto Begin Site Disposal The Meleag~idae of :~e country really doesn't·. matter for the plir- . De'~ce· mbe: r 2nd' .Get ApProval are taking their last . struts · and poses of this article, the Pilgrim gobbling their last gobbles these celebration means to Wake Forest- To Colnmittee days, because next week most of ers a variety. of things; bumming T .. · "y• •t• ,. Minis-• • Trustees Make Final Ar­ them Will be nothing but stuffed on all four· corners, a last coke at W.~. · lSI. _mg ters to Convention Votes $1,500,· rangemnts ·to Accept· turkey-white meat, dark meat, Hardwicke's before the bus comes ··AS$1St. Fac~ty Me~~rs; 000 For New Plant; Re­ Reynolds Offer and · hash. Thanksgiving, jjy the in only an hour late, and above ·. Schedules Re~r~nged scinds Former Action grace of the govsmmi;mt, is just an,- nat ·an..-assignment · ft)r four . The College Board of Trustees, around the corner, along with a days. At the other end of , the Plans have been completed for The Baptist State Convention meeting in c;hap~l Hill -last Sat­ lot o~ther things that aren't quite line there are to look forward to: Religious ·Emphasis Week,· to be adopted a resolution that a com­ urday, _passed two amendments to as depep.dable. a faqtily· reunion, long _delayed,_ belli on this campus during the mittee be appointed to confer with the Wake_ Forest College Charter, . To the"students,of Wake Forest and a very definitely :victorious .first week of December. "Christ trustees of Wake Forest College thus making_ it po~ible for the Thanksii,ving . means no classes football game -to . be listened. tO My Sufficiency" is the theme !or and representatives of the South­ college to accept the offer of the from Wednes~y ~ternoon . until over the radio. All of that mixed the week. Rev. M. L. BanistEll", PS!l~"' . ern Baptist Convention in consid­ Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. Monday.. There is a feeiing tuck- up with the turkey. 'tor in Oxford, is to deliver the eration of a possible offer of the Final arrangements for adcep­ ed away. in .some campus miJ;lds Tl:}at. 'is what Thanksgiving· chapel messages.· The forums and College property to the Southern tance ·of the offer·· had been made that Thanksgiving is to. celebrate -means to Wake Forest. Or at least study. courses will be held in the REV. BANISTER Convention as a- site for a South- earlier this week when Judge John the vacation, not the vacation to that's what people ~aid when. we Religion Building at 7: 15, each ev- -------------- "eastern . Theological· Seminary in A. Oates, president' of the Board celebrate_.: Thanksgivmg. .asked 'em. Serve it au brown, with e$.g. .. - I . the last meeting of its three day of Trustees, and Mr. ·E; B. Earn­ · Whichever· came first, and it plenty of cranberry sauce. Rev. Charles B. McConnell, ~t session in Asheville yesterday.· shaw; College bursar and secretary . Franidinton, . is conducting_ the Societies Set It was further resolved that the of the Board, met with representa~ 'forum; ·"Students Confronting a churches composing the Conven­ tives· of the Reynolds ·Foundation !Changing World." Political and tion undertake to raise $1,500,000 in Fayetteville to sign the contract. Portrait· Date·s·. Vets' Petition.-·· :economic-problems that face youth For Contests in three years to be given to Wake · Thus ends a series· of committee Forest for use in erection of a pew investigations; conferences, and .c· . I . d. will be considered. -Dewey Hobbs lr(U :W~; ~e the student chairman for Phi's and Eu's. Announce plant at Winston-Salem. board meetings which began last Not-Being.Met Is ate · During the same session, in March 25 when the Reynolds' of­ · ·:. thi~. fo~. _ Date For Society Day 1 which various resolutions were fer was made known. .......__ "';l'he Cb.r:istian and Current So- Speeches passed concerning such topics as The College. Boa),'d of 'l;'rustees Forty per cent of the students T:P,e Veterans Club is circulating. cial Prob~ems," the. f_~rwn led ~Y the condemnation of alcohol, a re-· met here in Wake Forest on ~ho have signed up· for portrait a petition calling for: an. iltcrease· Dr. ~ank:ey B~ton, mcludes ~- An executive committee of the in the present subsistence allow.; cusslon of family, race, and ethics.. Philomathesian and Euzelian Lit­ quest that the government release . March 26 and '"looked with favor" appointments for the HOWLER imprisoned conscientious objectors, .on· the proposal for additionai en­ ance ben:ig piyed ,:etei-ans attend- :The ·student chairman· will be Eli erary Society has completed plans and in which much routine busi- dowment and removal of Wake are .not showing up at the OLD ing school. Dick Mitchell, presi- Gall?~ay. , · ' · · for .Society Day, December 9. Ora- Forest College to Winston-Salem. GOLD and BLACK office at the dent of. the local ex-servicemen's William C ..Boone s What We Be- tions are scheduled for four o'clock ness was attended to, the Conven- .,. t b ta ht b D M tion resc}nded an earlier resolu- Further· action . was . postponed appo!Jlted time, according to editor organization, has had such a re- ··t~ve, ~ . e .. ug .Y_ r. arc in the Euzelian Hall and debates t · tion condemning race segregation pending 'investigation by a special Parley A. King, a SPE senior 'from quest drawn up and has placed it L ove1 a~e, mel u d es_ bell. e f8 a b ou at seven p. m. that night in the in the churches. committee appointed to obtain Myrtle Beach. on the bulletin ·board beside the God, man, sal~atlon, the church, Philomathesian Hall. The members defended their fi- "fUrther and more definite infor­ Mr. C. C. Burnes of Chicago, the door to th Old G 0 ld. d. B" la k and service. The . book begins The query for the debc~te, resolv-· e an c "th th ·t f b li · nal action on the question of race mation on the proposal.". · photographer, can handle 95 stu..:' office in the stud~nt center. 'Wl e necess_1 Y or e evmg ed ihat labor should te given a dents a day under the present An effort will b d t g ~' :and concludes With a treatment of direct share in the mau&gemi;!nt uf segregation on the .grounds that, Trustees' Desire ' . e rna e 0 e~ loyalty to one's beliefs. though they had heard it read, set up. Unless the appointments the signature of every veteran at- · R B. t . t h" D industry, is the National Pi Kao- The trustees emphasized their ~hey had not understood the full are kept, all the portraits will tending Wake Forest. It. is to ey._ .. .: L G pa Delta question. It is being used desire to know what the Baptists be.-~.: ;n~ ~s :a~ ::g ~ep- not be.taken by Thanksgiving, and forwarded to the Hon. Harold D;: :emng a. plr! a_ l 1e Y. ames this year at the national tourna­ import of the first resolution. of North Carolina wanted to.do in ther,_~ is a possibility that the Cooley, congressman for the foUrth S. Dobbm~. ThiS. book l~volv_es ment in Bowling Green, Ky. and Unanimous Action the matter of accepting the off~. ·:f:iOWLER 'may~come out late ·as ~ongressional district of N~rtb :che_ f_ollow .. ~g' top1'7s: Gods Gift will possibly be used at all regio- The resolution which was re- On April-11 the sp~ial'.committee a resu).t. Carolin · hi h Wak . F t .of· Life, . L1fe s Veil of Mystery, nal tournaments. scind~d was embodied in a report .. , a 1n w c . e ores • . S R •. aled . Christ, b · h ~ported4o··a. joint 'meeting 'of·:the Conce~g'.the·:fee· foi:"liavmg iS iocatecf'- '' · · .... , . ~-- ... ·tile"~ ecret _-. eve ',ID-:-=.. -,_The Philomathes_ian Society is y a. comnilttee on t e first day of trust~ with the · general board the protrait made, Mike Thomp- ~The petition was suggested by Christ: Meeting 0~ Dee~est Needs, debating the affirmative.. William the Convention meeting, which and the Educational Council · of son, SPE junior from Aurora, letters which the local veterans Fun_damental ~dS of Lif~, and the Wagoner is the first speaker and the whole group adopted unani- the Baptist State Convention that business manager of the annual club has received from other suni- Savmg and Losmg of Life. Bynum Shaw the second man· rep- mously. the offer should be accepted upon said, "We have been forced to lar organizations over the state re- The. chapel ~peaker for the resenting the Phi squad. Also included in the original recommendation from the State ask the students to pay a .small questing that assistance be given week lS ev. Baruster. Sam Beh- The Euzelian Society, debating resolution was the advocation o.f Conv.ention as a whole. fee because of the increased costs in the ~ffort being made to have rends, of Wilmington, president if the negative, is represented. by equal hospitalization, education, Further action was postponed of printing and engraving." The the monthly subsistence allowance the Women's Student Gove1·n- Hubert Humphrey and Kermit and suffrage for Negroes, and until the Convention should meet fee is one dollar for seniors and increased.
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