Fotlnd~d A.D. 1874 by John Singenbergcr .:....; . '.' '\.::.:.~.:.:. :.::.:..:..:...... JACOBUS GALLUS 1550 - 1591 Distinguished Contemporary of Palestrina, JUNE - 1935 No,6 " A NEW BOOK READY, JUNE 20 By V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE, O.S.B. "The SPOTLIGHT on CHURCH MUSIC" (100 pgs. Approx.) (4)/, in.x7 in.) 75c Per Copy .The author, well known to readers of CAECILIA, has assembled the most commouly asked questions on Catholic Church Music, obtained through his column in this magazine. He has ?;athered them into p;roups, under appropriate chapter headings, and for the first time Or­ ganists, Choirmasters, Priests, Sisters, and Musicians in general-can obtain in brief form, authoritative, short answers to tbeir questions­ in one small handbook. There are many awkward questions to bother the avera?;e church musician. Reference to tbis work, will eliminate the ordinary problems. The proposed book, is a "bible" or "Guide Book" for those whose in­ formation is limited, or whose resources in time and location, prevent their cloing much research work in church music. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CHURCH MUSIC? CAN YOU ANSWER SUCH QUESTIONS AS THE FOLLOWING:­ How Can One Tell What Is Liturgical Music? Is It A Sin To Render Unliturgical Music? What Is the Chief Duty of Church Music? Is It Permissable To Play DUring The Elevation? Should "Amen" be sung at the end of an "0 Salutaris" At Benediction? What music is required at Benediction? You will find these and many other similar questions answered in Fath­ er Gregory's new book. about to be published. EVERY DIOCESAN CHURCH MUSIC COMMISSION. SHOULD REQUIRE EVERY CHOIRMASTER AND ORGANIST TO HAVE A COPY OF THIS BOOK. Place your order now for this new book. Advance orders will be filled at SOc per copy provided cash accompanies your order. McLAUGHLIN & REILLY COMPANY 100 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. Entered as second class mat.. ter. October 20. 1931. at the Post Office at Boston. Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Formerly published in St. Francis, Wisconsin. Now issued Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music monthly, except in July. Subscription: $3 per year, pay.. Vol. 61 June, 1935 No.6 able in advance. Single copies SOc. Honorary Editor OTTO A. SINGENBERGER Managing Editor WILLIAM ARTHUR REILLY IN THIS ISSUE Business and Editorial Office 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. THE LITURGICAL WAVE MOVES ON 286 Contributors 1EV. LUDWIG BONVIN, S.J., NEw REGULATIONS IN INDIANAPOLIS 287 Buffalo. N. Y. DOM ADELARD BOUVILL.. CURRENT COMMENTS 289 IERS. O.S.B., Belmont. N. C. V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE. JEWISH MUSIC 291 O.S.B., Conception, Mo. RT. REV. MSGR. LEO P. GREGORIAN CHANT LECTURE 293 MANZETTI, Roland Park, Md. GREGORIAN CHANT DISCOGRAPHY REV. F. T. WALTER. Dom Adelard Bouvilliers, D.S.B. 294 St. Francis, Wise. REV. JOSEPH VILLANI. S. C., PROGRAMS 298 San Francisco. Cal. REV. P. H. SCHAEFERS, OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH 300 Cleveland. Ohio. REV. H. GRUENDER, S.J., UNIQUE CAREER OF NEW JERSEY ORGANIST 300 St. Louis. Mo. SR. M. CHERUBIM. O.S.F. MUSIC ApPRECIATION Milwaukee. Wise. SR. M. GISELA. S.S.N.D., Sr. M. Cherubim, D.S.F. 313 Milwaukee. Wise. SR. M. RAFAEL. B.V.M., MICHAEL HALLER (Biography) 316 Chicago. III. REVIEW OF BOSSI MEMORIAL CONCERT IN M. MAURO...COTTONE, New York. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA 318 RICHARD KEYS BIGGS, Hollywood, Cal. QUESTION AND ANSWER Box MARTIN G. DUMLER, M. M., Cincinnati, O. Dom Gregory Hugle, D.S.B. 319 JOSEPH J. McGRATH, COMMUNICATIONS 322 Syracuse, N. Y. ROLAND BOISVERT, WOMEN IN CHURCH CHOIRS Woonsocket. R. I. W. A. HAMMOND, Rev. Carlo Rossini 322 Fort Wayne, Ind. ARTHUR ANGIE. Whitman. Mass. FREDERICK T. SHORT, Brooklyn. N. Y. ACHILLE P. BRAGERS, New York, N. Y. Contents of each issue. Copy... right 1935. Index of Contents for Entire Year 1934 obtainable on request. 286 THE CAECILIA PROGRAMS masses, don't publish the fact. But at any It was impossible for THE CAECILIA to rate, the newspapers of this year compared print all the programs submitted this year. to ten y.ears ago, indicate that liturgical mu,.. Some.Lent and Easter programs were pre,.. sic, is gaining headway in this country. sented last month, and more are here offered, Whether or not the liturgical music, is sung these will serve to indicate about what is better, than was the old style music of the done in the various parts of the country. last generation, we don't know. That is left to your own observation in your own com... Some other programs are added here for munity. variety, so that all will not be merely Easter programs. * * Upon looking over newspapers from vari,.. THE LITURGICAL WAVE MOVES ON ous cities, it was a pleasant surprise to find The new regulations for Indianapolis, Ind., the large number of churches performing mu,.. set down on the follOWing pages, are the lat,.. sic by J. Singenberger, and other composers est to be issued, and record another diocese whose works are in the so,..called German in the ranks of those aiming for liturgical Cae,cilian style. The universality of appeal music, through an orderly, definite plan. Pitts,.. of this type of music is again demonstrated. burgh, Newark, Baltimore, St. Louis, Cin,.. Music by Yon, Montani, Rossini, McGrath, cinnati, Cleveland, San Francisco, Rochester Mauro",Cottone, and Biggs, kept the modern and Harrisburgh, Pa., have taken steps to se,.. American school of composition abreast of cure appropriate music at church services in the Caecilians in some localities, where Witt, their respective dioceses. The Pius X School Stehle, Haller, Bonvin, and Wiltberger were of New York is giving Summer Courses, in found programmed. several cities now, and no doubt the result But this year's most noticeable advance of these will be the appearance of enough was in the large number of choirs perform... J properly equipped musicians to undertake 10... ing Gruender s Masses. They appeared on cal reform in localities other than those men... programs in the east, middle west, and on the tioned above. The movement in 1904 failed coast, with such regularity that it was inter... because the old music was too deeply im,.. esting to note that the appeal of Father Gru... bedded in the affections of the generation of ender's music could not be described as ra... that time, and practically none of the mu,.. cial in any sense of the word. In some cas.es, sicians knew how to go about teaching, or French parishes which lean towards music by obtaining the proper music. Both of these ob... French composers, where people of G,erman stacles have been, and are being removed extraction live, works of German composers now. We doubt if this country or may predominate. Likewise Italian, Spanish, any other will ever come to Hall chantH, Polish, etc., may be found to have a natural outside of Cathedrals and Monasteries, inclination to perform the music with which but we do bel i eve that the next they are best acquainted through association, twenty y,ears will bring about a more be,.. and a sympathy of expr.ession. coming type of music in our choir galleries, Father Gruender S. J., has eVidently sur... to the everlasting credit, of the pioneers..­ mounted any such sentiments, to a "greater the late John Singenberger, the Society of extent than w,e had realized before, and his St. Gregory, the Pius X School of Music, music is performed by choirs of all national... and those others who labored so long and ities. faithfully for the reform of Catholic church While the liturgical masses, are appearing music. more regularly on published programs than hefore there are still found a generous sprinkling, of the lighter works, in many so • NO ISSUE NEXT MONTH called liturgical dioceses. One must give As old subscribers know, THE CAECI,.. credit to Pittsburgh in this respect for we LIA is published eleven times a year-every found liturgical masses scheduled exclusively month except July. So don't expect this there, and the Proper of the Mass seemed to magazine next month. THE NEXT NUM,.. be universally render.ed. We don't recall BER WILL BE THE JULY,..AUGUST IS... having seen one Haydn mass published any,.. SUE, dedicated to some prominent American where this year. But there ar.e still many H church musician, or agency, whose work has performances of Gounod's uSt. Cecilia uSa"" been outstanding over a period of years, for cred HeartH, Father Turner's Masses, and H the betterment of church musi,c, or whose occasionally a uMozart's Twel£th abridged. contributions have gained national or in,.. It may be that those who program these ternational recognition. THE CAECILIA 287 N'EW REGULATIONS IN INDIANAPOLIS OFFICIAL BULLETIN DIOCESE OF INDIANAPOLIS Objectives Office of As a preamble to this se'ction of the Bulle... The Commission On Church Music tin, we respectfully urge that the ancient dis... cipline of the Church regarding sacred music Capitol Ave. and Georgia St. be called to mind, especially the words of our Indianapolis Supreme Pontiff, Pius XI (The Apostolic Constitution, December 20, 1928) and the BULLETIN OF REGULATIONS ON pronouncements of Pius X (The Motu Pro­ CHURCH MUSIC prio, November 22, 1903). These Papal Documents, recognized as law by the Uni­ Introduction versal Church, enunciate in a most positive On January 21, 1935, the Most Rev,erend, manner the principles which shall govern all the Bishop of Indianapolis, established a sacred music. Commission on Church Music assigned to the duty of effecting means whereby all sa,.. At the time of the issuance of the Motu cred music employed in the service of public Proprio thirty...two years ago, a little atten­ worship be made to conform to ecclesias­ was given to the observance of legislation tical regulation.
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