week ending PRL 106, 033402 (2011) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 21 JANUARY 2011 Autoionization Mediated by Electron Transfer Marko Fo¨rstel,1,2 Melanie Mucke,1 Tiberiu Arion,1 Alex M. Bradshaw,1,3 and Uwe Hergenhahn1,*,† 1Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Plasmaphysik (IPP), EURATOM Association, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany 2Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 3Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4- 6, 14195 Berlin, Germany (Received 7 October 2010; published 18 January 2011) Electron-electron coincidence spectra of Ar-Kr clusters after photoionization have been measured. An electron with the kinetic energy range from 0 to approximately 1 eV is found in coincidence with the Ar 3s cluster photoelectron. The low kinetic energy electron can be attributed to an Ar þ Krþ þ Krþ final state which forms after electron transfer mediated decay. This autoionization mechanism results from a concerted transition involving three different atoms in a van der Waals cluster; it was predicted theoretically, but hitherto not observed. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.033402 PACS numbers: 36.40.Mr, 34.70.+e, 79.60.Jv, 82.33.Fg Recent investigations of excited ionized states in weakly electronic configuration of the two holes in the final state, bonded systems, e.g., in van der Waals clusters, have another factor which influences the total final state energy shown that the environment of an ion can actively take is the Coulomb repulsion energy between them. This will part in its deexcitation, giving rise to autoionization path- decrease as the spatial separation between the two Kr ways which are not energetically possible for the isolated atoms, on which the holes are located, increases. When þ species. Interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD), for example, considering the Ar-ðKr Þ2 trimer, ETMD is not possible in is a process in which an electron is emitted from a species a bent state, but in the linear Krþ-Ar-Krþ configuration the in the immediate neighborhood of the initial vacancy, final state energy is below the ionization energy of an Ar3s created, e.g., by photoionization [1–4]. Since its recent orbital. Thus, autoionization by ETMD becomes possible. discovery, this process has received much attention, both The process is shown schematically in Fig. 1. A decay to for fundamental reasons and because of its interdisciplin- states involving Kr2þ is not possible: Only due to the ary relevance [5]. Another autoionization process which lowering of the Coulomb repulsion by the presence of can take place in heterogeneous systems is so-called elec- two singly charged Kr atoms in the final state, can the tron transfer mediated decay (ETMD), first predicted theo- double ionization threshold (DIP) decrease to a calculated retically by Cederbaum and coworkers [6]. In ICD, a value of DIP ¼ 29 eV, which is below the single ioniza- concerted transition takes place, in which the vacancy tion energy of the Arþð3sÀ1Þ state (30 eV). When more Kr created by photoionization is filled from the same atom atoms are added to the system, the ETMD efficiency or molecule and a neighboring entity within the cluster is increases, because more combinations of one Ar and two ionized. In contrast, the initial vacancy in ETMD is filled Kr atoms with a sufficiently large Kr-Kr separation are via electron transfer from a neighboring atom or molecule. possible. The only competing relaxation mechanism for Autoionization can occur at either the electron donating the Arþð3sÀ1Þ vacancy is radiative decay by fluorescence, species [ETMD(2)] or at a third, neighboring site on a much longer time scale [10]. In this Letter we present [ETMD(3)] [7]. In the final state after ETMD(3), the the first direct experimental observation of the ETMD initially ionized site has been neutralized and two vacan- process. The particular process we demonstrate is cies have been created at two other, separated atoms or ETMD(3) in medium-sized mixed Ar-Kr clusters, in which molecules. Both ICD and ETMD do not require the assis- an Ar 3s vacancy autoionizes into a state containing two tance of the nuclear dynamics in order to proceed, and are Krþ cations. In two earlier experiments the influence of mediated solely by electron correlation [1,6–8]. It is clear ETMD on the results was discussed, but it could not be that ETMD, which requires the transfer of an electron, can separated from competing mechanisms [11,12]. occur at observable levels only in systems where no other The experiment was performed on the beam line TGM4 autoionization processes are energetically allowed [6]. of the BESSY II synchrotron radiation facility in Berlin, in Pernpointer et al. have considered in a theoretical study single bunch mode operation. Ar-Kr clusters were pro- the autoionization of an Arþð3sÀ1Þ vacancy after photo- duced by coexpansion of an ArKr mixture (5 Æ 1% Kr) ionization of an Ar-Kr2 trimer [9]. They found that decay through a conical nozzle (100 diameter, 15 half opening to an Arþ-Krþ-Kr state (ICD) is energetically not possible. angle) into an expansion chamber, which was separated The ionization energy of Kr is lower than that of Ar, from the main chamber by a conical skimmer [13]. however, so that doubly ionized states with both vacancies The stagnation pressure was kept at 1.5 bar. The nozzle on Kr sites will have a lower binding energy. For a fixed temperature was 118 K. It was shown earlier that a 0031-9007=11=106(3)=033402(4) 033402-1 Ó 2011 The American Physical Society week ending PRL 106, 033402 (2011) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 21 JANUARY 2011 binding energy (eV) 30 25 20 15 1•106 Ar 3s (monomer) 8•105 Ar 3s (cluster) * 0.2 6•105 5 counts/eV 4•10 (counts/eV) / 5 2•105 0 0 5 10 15 20 kinetic energy (eV) FIG. 2. Electron spectrum of mixed Ar-Kr clusters after photoionization at 32 eV photon energy. The two solid vertical lines indicate the region of the Ar 3s cluster photoelectron line; at the low kinetic energy side of it, the 3s photoline from uncondensed Ar atoms can be seen. Between 15 and 20 eV kinetic energy the Ar 3p and Kr 4p contributions can be seen. This part of the spectra has been scaled by a factor of 0.2. Intensity is given as counts per eV. for the ETMD final state. ETMD in larger Ar-Kr systems is FIG. 1 (color online). Scheme of the ETMD(3) process. The therefore energetically also possible. solid, horizontal lines correspond to the monomer binding en- As in the case of ICD [3], the very low kinetic energy ergies. The shaded bands designate the corresponding binding energies in a cluster. A vacancy in the Ar 3s cluster is created by ETMD electron is difficult to detect on the background of photoionization, releasing electron e1. The 3s band is filled via secondary electrons, as shown in Fig. 2. It is therefore electron transfer from a neighboring Kr 4p cluster electron. At necessary to perform an experiment in which possible the same time, ionization occurs at a second, neighboring Kr ETMD electrons are registered in coincidence with the Ar atom which releases electron e2. The final state fragments by 3s cluster photoelectrons. Only in this way can incontro- Coulomb explosion (not shown). vertible evidence for the presence of this decay process be obtained. In Fig. 3 we present in the color-coded panel (b) coexpansion of Ar and Kr leads to heterogeneous clusters the yield of electron pairs (e1, e2) recorded in such a which consist of a Kr core with Ar atoms on the surface coincidence experiment, also at h ¼ 32 eV. The color- [14]. All spectra were recorded using a magnetic bottle coded panel shows the intensity of the recorded two- electron analyzer with an energy resolution of approxi- electron events vs kinetic energy of the first electron e1 mately E=ÁE ¼ 20. In order to efficiently detect electrons and the second electron e2. In our experiment, the photo- with kinetic energies down to less than 100 meV, a static electron always arrives first for the events we will identify acceleration potential of þ2:2Vwas used. Energy cali- with ETMD. The e1 axis has therefore been converted to bration was performed using a set of He 1s spectra. binding energy to aid in the interpretation of the photo- The photoelectron spectrum of the mixed Ar-Kr cluster electron lines [see also top of Fig. 2]. The kinetic energy of beam is shown in Fig. 2 for h ¼ 32 eV. The Ar 3p and Kr the higher energy electron e1 increases along the vertical 4p photoelectron lines, which dominate the spectrum due to axis, that of the lower energy electron e2 along the horizon- their large cross sections, are seen between 15 and 18 eV tal. The right-hand panel (c) in Fig. 3 shows the intensity of kinetic energy. The sharp feature at 2.7 eV kinetic energy is all electron pairs summed along the energy axis of the the Ar 3s monomer photoelectron line. At slightly higher second electron (e2 axis) as a function of electron e1 energy. kinetic energy, the Ar 3s cluster contribution is located [15] Again, the 3s cluster photoelectron line is recognized as a in the range of 3 to 3.8 eV. Compared to the calculations for sharp feature in the range between 3 and 3.8 eV kinetic the ArKr2 trimer, the observed Ar 3s ionization energy is at energy (29 to 28.2 eV binding energy), sitting on an un- a lower value.
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