OF KAPPA DELTA RHO FEBRUARY 1978 AN EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL VOLUME LXXXIV, NO. 1 HE Sixty-Seventh National Leader­ Tship School and Convention of Kappa Delta Rho will be held August 17th through 19th. Lafayette College at Easton, Pa., will be the convention site. The Lafayette campus, high on the hill overlooking Easton and the (Delaware river), will provide us with the facilities needed for a successful convention. Rho Chapter, which is celebrating its 50th year as a Chapter of Kappa Delta Rho, will be the host chapter and their chapter house will be the location of the social gatherings. The business meetings will be held in college facilities. Although all plans are not firm at this time, we feel we will have an outstanding Leadership School. Thurs­ day, August 17th, will be devoted to registration, campus tours and the delegates getting acquainted. Friday will be the Leadership School and Saturday will be the Convention, The Closing Banquet will be Saturday evening. Undergraduate and alumni brothers are encouraged to attend. Registration fee is only $35.00, which includes room and board for the entire time. You will find a registra­ tion form on the inside back cover. Please complete and return as soon as Lafayette's Pardee Hall which dates from 1879 is the center for the humanities, mathematics and social sciences. possible, if you plan to attend. The spire of Colton chapel is in the background. KAPPA DELTA RHO FRATERNITY F ounded at Middlebury o n M ay 17th, THE QUILL AND SCROLL OF KAPPA DELTA RHC 1905 by *George E. Kimba ll , G ino A. Ratti, ©1977 Kappa De lta Rh o, Inc. *Chest er M . Walch, *Irving T . Coates, *J oh n Beecher, *Thomas H. Ba rtley, * Ben­ ja min E. F arr, *Pierce W. D arrow, *Gideon R . Norto n a nd *Roy D. Wood. * Deceased THE QUILL & SCROLL Convention coverage . .... ... .. ..... ... inside covers Business Office: 1111 East 54th Street The National Sweetheart . ... ... ..... 2 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Editorial office, Box 529, R.D. 1, Gerald Cugini Believes in Boston ...... 4 Macungie, PA 18062 Publication Office- Modern Mailers, Inc., Alumni Worldwide .. 5 225 W. Erie Avenue, Philadelphia , PA 19140 KDR Saves KDR .. 7 T he Quill and Scroll is publi shed four ti mes a year, in Februa ry , M ay, August and November. Chapter Eternal . .. 9 Second class postage paid at I ndianapolis, I N. , a nd at additio nal mailing offices. Sub­ Half-Year Report on Alumni Fund. 10 sc ri ptions are avail able onlv to life members of t he fr at ernity at $25.00.each. On Campus .. ·... 11 Notice of cha nge of add ress, giving both old and new add ress shou ld be fo rwa rded a t least fo rty d ays before date of issue. Western Conclave a Success. 12 All manuscri pts and correspondence sub­ mitted for publi cation shou ld be add ressed to the Ed itor, Charl es F. Beck, R.D. N o. I, Cover : Rho chapter house at Lafayette Macungie, P A 18062. P hot ographs should be sharp, glossy prints. Closing d ates fo r edito rial copy: F ebruary issue, J a nu ary I s t; May issue , April 1st; August issue, J uly 1st; November issue, October I st. member of the P rint run this issue: 11,000. national interfraternity conference page one feb ruary, 1978 The National Sweetheart of Kappa Delta Rho 1. Penn State 2. Illinois 3. Lycoming 4. Lock Haven 5. Indiana (P A) 6. Lafayette Zeta Chapter Eta Chapter Psi Chapter Alpha Alpha Omega Chapter Rho Chapter Carole Koepke Lisa A. Happ Diane Yuska Cathy E. Nichols Kathleen Kramer Susan Longenbach The National Sweetheart selections OFFICIAL REGULATIONS chapter will be printed in the February for 1978 are shown above. Last year issue. Each chapter will receive four we asked for comments on ways of A. Chapters and colonies send Sweetheart votes. There can be no more than two photographs to either the National of­ votes for any one candidate-All four bettering this annual contest, but fice or the Editor. Two glossy black and received very fe w. We also asked white photos-one in formal attire; one votes must be used. The Editor is · casual, should accompany a summary of given 3 votes, as a tie-breaking device. chapters to indicate whether t hey the girl's accomplishments. E. The coupon ballots should be sent di­ would like the contest to continue. In rectly to the Editor for tabulation. There all cases the answer was "yes". We B. The Sweetheart of a chapter should be is a deadline of 30 days after mailing single when installed. of the February issue. So when you are again including these questions in C. Photographs will be printed provided get your copy of this issue, call a meet­ coverage of this year's contest, in the five or more chapters submit copy. ing and send in your vote promptly. hope that a more satisfactory way of D. A coupon providing voting space for each A chapter officer must sign the ballot. presenting each candidate may be possible. Small photos without indica- page two the quill and scroll The National Sweetheart Can You Improve this Annual Contest? As noted on the facing page, .small photographs are not the ideal way to present candidates. Choices are then made for beauty alone - or against beauty (if your chapter has a potential winner). Yet, we usually receive such sparse data on a candidate that it is necessary to hold the information to provide a paragraph about the winner. Any ideas? Another flaw is that chapters select candidates at different times of the year - some after the contest has ended. Suggestions please! 7. Oregon State 8. Purdue 9. Bradley r--MAii'"P'RoMPTLY~o ~HE EDITOR WITHIN 30-DAYS -­ Sigma Chapter Theta Chapter Gamma Alpha CHARLEs F. BECK, National Editor Sue Wahto Cheryl Fischer Pamela Cox R.D.1, Box 529, Macungie, P A 18062 The 1978 Sweetheart Contest votes for _ ______ tion of further data are not the best chapter are attached. (Please use all four votes, no more way of making a selection. than two to any selection) Please include a vote on your ballot on the desirability of continuing this event. And should you wish to make (use numerals 1-9 instead of chapter name) further suggestions on how to handle the selection, please use an extra Would you prefer that the sheet of paper expressing your opin­ Sweetheart Contest be continued? D Yes D No ions. There are certain problems (see What changes in regulations would you like to see made? editorial above) which are difficult to (Use separate sheet of paper) solve, but which might improve both the method of choice and participation by each chapter. _Signed _ __________ Office._ _-- _-_-_-_-~ page three february, 1978 to provide open living space, lit by In addition, Mr. Cugini's firm, along Gerald R. natural light, with unique design. with developers, has submitted a Cugini "The apartment itself was con­ proposal to the Boston Redevelop­ Alpha '55 ceived as a large sculpture ordered ment Authority for the construction and dimensioned to move within the of a parking facility adjacent to the believes existing volume and to gain 'room' historic Faneuil Hall and Quincy definition by control of ceiling height Markets. One unique feature of de­ in Boston. and floor level changes," he says. sign for this parking garage is the He admires cities in general but, The particular solution that was location of a 2800 seat theatre with since Boston is where he lives and featured in the N ew York T imes won integral gardens and terraces on the works, he wants to do both of these the Interior of the Year Award for roof level of the structure. things in an aesthetically pleasing Mr. Cugini. The prize was a dream Over the past ten years, Mr. environment. For that reason, he trip for him and his wife, Lois, Cugini's firm has been involved in a has applied much of his confidence in through the Orient for 40 days. multitude of projects of varying the urban future to the formerly The firms of Gerard R. Cugini scope and size. The firm has designed threatened areas of that major New Associates and Eduardo Catalano large scale apartment complexes, con­ England city. Associates are involved in the design dominiums, educational facilities, of­ Principal architect in the firm of of "La Galleria" at Sargent's Wharf. fice buildings and residences. Gerard R. Cugini Associates, Mr. "La Galleria," a multi-use urban Recently, the Boston Globe featured Cugini's designs first drew national complex, will be located on the Boston another Cugini restoration, this time attention when he foresaw great waterfront adjacent to the North away from the North End-Waterfront things for the mostly dilapidated End. "The project integrates into a area. The new residence, one the waterfront of Boston, covered with single spatial event, all programmed Cuginis found more accommodating decaying warehouses. The New York activities such as cultural affairs, for a family with two small children, Times Magazine and the Boston Globe theater, shops, apartments and com­ is the reincarnation of a dilapidated devoted pages to his reclaimed water­ munity facilities." The main focus of 19th century storage shed and factory front triplex. By raising the roofline of the complex is the "Galleria," a glass in the Bay Village section of Boston. an 1888 warehouse, he gained a two­ enclosed, three-tiered area for shop­ "Keeping up with Lois and Gerard story high window-wall view of the ping, sidewalk cafes, exhibitions and Cugini can be a provocative pastime," harbor.
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