Dow |onci Stocki Weather Today''' weather will he ■ loudy and windy with the low in the lowti 60l and th6 hi^h near 80 TCU DAILY SKIFF degrees U I D\ll , SMKK. FRIDAY, U'HIl 2 1982 Reagan calls proposed freeze dangerous w S.SHINCTON , \l etalial l.l.i" .IIKIIIII I Formei Secretar) ol State Edmund Reagan unl the Soviets were earliei Wednesda) from a group ol Reagan is trying to stop .1 said "£t erybodu would be a loter s M"sk"' Mld""''•"' R«-agan called inducting ■■ "propaganda cam U.S. observers of Sunday's elecl 'tonal drive foi an immediate Hatfield and isihei propone ,,, 1/ there's a nuclear war." nee "was a victory foi paign" In which they I Itopresenl 11 Salvadoi v.. id thai 'before we nuilcin arms Freeze In saving il ,11 uediatel ze reacted cooll) the freeze ivement." Bui Muskle themselves .is peace ki-is and the begin Inviting trouble we, Kl l,, > -' '' the United Slates "When he talks about the Russians President Reagan ,,,,,1 he « ii"i reas il b) the United States as seekers of wai should have been a little bit inspired dangerously behind the Soviet Union being able In atom -tali. ■> president's ipe ytalk." Speaking on El Salvador, the b) whal took place there In thai Reagan declaring in a nnalh strike Ilia litates fantasyland il there's a nucleai wai " Paul Warnke, the! s armscontrol president said that with a right-wing election." conference Wed thought 01 fei ling Hatfield said l.i Congress, the Hatfield Ke ,„,,! Ilrectra intheCartei adi stratlon coalition ap| nil. emerging In I.I Referring to the large votei tui nesdai there , ould be mi ss innei ii Reagan threw hiv support t, s.d proposal reflects anti-nucleai ;,.n disagreed with Reagan thai the Salvador, any attempt to retreat from nout, In the face of threats and nucleai war, aisn invited the Soviets , s 1 ' " " ■ backed bs. ., ,,,., Is 111 hM1,,r,i ,„ ,|„. ,,.,,„,„ „|,,l, il,,, Soviets have .1 lead in strategic current reforms there "would give us violence tied to the conflict b "I ' with us now lo substantial!! ili,- Senate, thai would mil hick Ins substitute Warnei Jacks™ isun , 1, ,,i| ibillty. Warnke said all greal difficulties" In i • >■ ■ r ■ t■ 1 ■ ■ ■ >K leftist guerrillas and the Duarte junta reduce uu< leai weapons and make an plans lo deplo) new strategic has the support ni defense-minded the » T-Jacksor, il loes support Foi the Central American Reagan said he heard from the ob. important breakthrough foi lasling 1 Iiers, missiles and submarines senators. "is to provide for a contin ,ii,,11 ,,l nation servers "things that ought to make us pc.l pending a Soviet \ ricon accord (in 11„ Warnei lacks esu re calls thenuclean sraci [*he president, in l,,s First publit a little ashamed of ourselves and how ■ Kremlin respond I In edui foi in.,)iii verifiable redui s ,11 Barbara Roche ol St Louis, comment on Sunday's elections In the much we t..kr I,,, granted In the on Radio Moscow, said I In Reagan said the resolution, l>\ N,-,,s | s and Si 1-1 1 presenting the Nucleai Weapons strlfe-l country, s.inl the voting ability or the right to president supported |ohn W, ■!. II \.i .,,1,1 Henr) M, equal hirce I, Is Reagan s.inl these Freeze ' lampaign, said there is "no "reall) showed that there is ,1 real "The) told ,,t .1 woman standing in ■„ arm, nenls, Jackson. D-Wash., ss.,s ". ,, ,,,,. "essentii dements "I ,1 trul) logii in ,, pollc) which calls For desire for democracy there, and I am the line who was hit b) I lig nevs bombers and 1 ,1 portaii! move in the righl direction." effei tive arm ntrol agreement." 1 g rdei to disarm, Foi therefore going to be optimistic about bullet ricocheted, and refused to Rate freeze nl I S and |ackson, meanwhile, said he ap spending billions ■ ideal what happens.' leave the line to have hei wound Olds niu'ii thai ".iv con 1 als. lie said, "would not predated tlt.ii "the president has wea| s in nrdei to end up with Vsked whethei the administration tended until sin- had voted," the would In* administration nil I,,, ,1,- lagcous, in Fact, indicated his support ol the general Fewer nuclear wea| * would back .,ss.i\ From supporting president said liegin talks with il„. Sosiel I niun on en dangerous tn us butalsowould thrust" nl the proposal he and Li Shull nal al directoi ol any gnven int in El Salvador thai Sen Nanc) Kanebaum R-Kan nuclc.11 sscilpuns This proves »•' Soviet incentives to negotiate Warnerhave le Americans fin Dei alii Action, abandons social reforms instituted by who led the US observers said of the ■■ ill Reagan < intention I duc-tinns Bui Senate Demoi < leader s-'"l Reagan's support Foi the the cu U.S.-backed military- apparent rightist lead: "If that's whal sliatcgi. purill and In achieve Ffirmed that Ins RoliertC Byrd of West Virginia, who Warner-Jackson resolution "is out ol civilian junta led b) Jose Napoleon the) want line The) have to 1 ze inilit.m sii|i,iii,,in ovel 111, ■du I,MI \\,,.i|„„is | signed both M-S,,IIII s, warned step with America's wishes Its actual Duarte, Reagan avoided endorsing ,t ma) mean they're going to gel I llloll." Ill,'-I.Ill'111,,III s.uil las lialicalll ssuring lasting peace „| griming imp mce with tin- purpose is to continue the buildup ol the idea that the rightists would form anyaidfi is HiMg.ni said Wcdm-silas nighl that president's stand on arms control 1 icessarj and expensive str gii thegoven nl She firmed thai Robert KMUI In Sens '-''■" could b ad) "It is discouraging that aftei IS I a 'We are watching this ver) D'Aubuiss md other leaders of his Mark Hatfield. Ft-Orc and Edward In this sn talks will nlhs In office the president is still Henr) Kendall ,,l Boston, .1 carefull) Ithinktl would give ui National Republican Alliano x > Kl minis D Mass « cl il , Sin iris on reducticn trategic unable tu provide any specif ics aboul spokes For the Union ,,l Con great difficulties If a government now leading right-wing party-have been maim , 1, margin nl weapons Hi his intentions." Byrd said "I hope cerned Scientists called Reagan's appeared on the scene that totall) warned that any backing away fi Iv 'lasnringllu-Sosiels I \ nucleai war, lie s I that his statement is a first step along progr "a guaranteed recipe foi turned awa) from the reforms that land refo ind lnini.ui rights Soviets grcal edge , in ilun'l think there could I 1 path ol aningful .,i„l expeditious contin u the , 111s I,ml,In instituted," lie said progress wou id mean ,,n end to U.S »""" "'" C"«ld b inn , , rsbnds would be I,, legotialions." Iheadministrati II I . win, re , »~>r-»r--»--i. m n si 11 11 ., ri-n^rr-e^»%>-V>VT7 .ii ^ rTlHllllllinililllu. IIH<miT«l"..ll Player rebounds from knee injury »-•-■■" rT^rttl»tiiii«.''>IU'MryiTT!L^-; H, s \l l.i KMCHT '' was the end ol practice and ready for the 1982-83 season, but il Otherwise it would get boring ever) s. I in 1 ,1 girl ran down the court on .1 ss ill take that long for recover) day," she said with a laugh I.I-I break. I wenl aftei her." Mter "She's one of the hardest workers in S said riien she went up fi ayup rehabilitation." he said "She reall) F the sound of her determined -JW ^ ^ * *a k W,el wl , ; Uter looks like she plays Jnl| , ,,)M„W(,d h(, when 1 came wants to get well." "•'<*• « ''" whatever Is """'"" «•"■'«. teium or gol- ,|,m„, mv knK.,urnedoutward Aboul the difficult) icessary to be ready In Novembei ,« cxiepl basketball-bul rehabilil in, Alter said, "Sure it's Wilh *e new seas ■ is a new '* k""; ha,,l"sS , ' " ' hard ,nd times, us, t to I ' -"an ill ste , h I sop ' - ' "■"' ,,„„,., ,, Bu, TOu've aol to keen Division II to Division I ^'" """'"'" """'-■"■ '" ','," l""'' .D"dn" '"",k I''"',,"' lelUng yi-uisself it will ^1 work out for * ""« '""> "' '"'"I""' SJ.. follov I sewed it to the the best Yin ks urself if vou want Mter is unsure of d ffects of the '•«"«'■» I " lh'"l"" """' topla, and Id,, Also. I'm lucky. Al ,ll""c" ,,1) ,,l I,,'I kl,,', \\e all got ■ I,,,, leastH ,-, I1 have1, ,- ■ basketballn.isK.-in.iii 1,,sins,.I,,,HI -.II is,-1, >t Ui|| |,|n jus) [ms ]ltt|t. -)nu| gradualnm ill rs I I just fell in Shock VII u hei first I wa, „a||, depressed aftei the ig and there'll be all these big girls Ion-with this pi Mter said I red n to the injurs 1 couldn I injury | ^eryone was supportive playing." she said. "Coming off an "aiilnl .1 dill, , • e I wasn t going to gelI to pla) rhe gir|s , was still part of the „ y, its scars because I don't want isassoprelli II,,,, ik- were realli II was Whv me? I thought I had m) team and the) made me I reall) to get I again With the size of Iricmll) and that turned 1 ,1 injuries last year when 11 ., [,,,..,: la Bear was Ihose girls, 1 could get hurt easily." 111 ' » id ankle I knew though hkr ,, bjg ,M„ driving me to the - ,- was bad cause I heard ,),„,,„ illl(| telling everyone whal Since Mter didn't play this y, ■ it I 1 know ■i.,,' I , ,,,,1,1,, , 1 ,,„ still has three years ol eligibilit) left.
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