), DOCUMENT WORE ( ED-172 269 CS 502 493 1 , . t ., TITLe Ajoraula for Change: The Report of the Task Force on Minorities in Public. Broadcasting.',. -INATITOOON 'Corporation for Publi6 BroadCasti'ng, Washington, D.g. ' . t '._'. PUB DAT " , NOV 78. : . NOTE:- 99p.;$40t available.in paper. copy to marginal' .' . legibility of original document . EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not 'Available. from EARS. DESCRIPTORS .*Bias*Broadeast'Industry; *Educational: Radio; Educational Television; Media Research;.*Minorilv Groups; Minority Role.; *Programing (Broadcast); rt *Public Tel4vision; Television ABSTRAcT '' C . The results of research conducted by the 1977 Task f?rce' on Minorities in Publkc Broadcasting ate. repotted it this .. document...The task force, consistingofa group of 28 individuals_ OT NVarioils.ethnicsbackgrounds,.was assetbIed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to detepaine tke'succass of publicbroadcasting in meeting the informational. and educational needs and interests of , JaaCks, Asians,Latinos, and Native Americans. The report.containsa :statement of key findings and key recottendations, as well as research findings orc'tlie effects on minorities of the. followinl,' factori: public broadcast policies, emploImentspatterns, career . development prOgrams,:mtnorittprograming,,and minority access. Audienceresearchis also discussed.. Research results indicate th' --following: national minority public broadcast programingisseriously. 'deficient, minority programing' being disproportionatelyscarce; and he's'cAfcity of minority programi is directl/ attributable to.the' j.ntaircient number df minoritypersons employed in, public . brmcasting, controlling statiogs)with public broaldcast licenses, or having access to traditional soces of funding support. (DF) , 2 . 8 . ,, .. ... ********************************************************************* is .. .ReilrrOaeOtions supplied. byEARS,are the best.\that:Oan be made * * . - from theriginal document. * ******************************* *************************************** . .,... , . ar U.S. DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH. EDUCATIONS WELIPARIE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP UDUCAT'ION " , TAIS DOCUMENt ""NAS BEEN Rginto. ouceo Exactor As RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS,OF VIEW OR °PINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT °OFICIAL NATIONAL INST/TUTE OF.1 EOU c AT ION POSITION OR -POLICY' C=3 .:1.1 . A .FOR CHANGE 33. TheReporfof the TaskForce on Minorities . in Public BrOadcasting 3 . ... )- 0 a.4;ftt . .1 0 .. t \:, .41, 3 V o '"PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS- . MATERIAL H6S BEEN GRANTED. BY . I. Coi-por' Lion for Public-.. ., ... \ Brcitticastifit: . TO THE EDUCATIONAL RES9UR6EE , ., INFORMATION CENTER (P10:".)° . I Novertter , The findings, conclusions and reconmendatio contained in this .RepOrt were arrived at by an independent Task Forceriwened alfunded by ,the Corporation for hiblic Broaticastinp ReprbductiQncpstsoffhe Reportwere funded by .the Corporation.f Thei entire contents of theReport is thi proclu'ct of the Task Force'and do not necessarily reflect the viewsof th:e eof-poraiidn. a 2 . : MEMBERS of the TASK PORCE. 4 , . v .- STAFF Of the TASK FORCE ''",'. ''.- , ' SPECIAL CONSULTANTS v 1` ACK?' OW 4E1? 0440.1.17S i PREFACE 4*; LLrlITER-of,TRAN§MITrAL , 74e,!Jti EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A SUMMARY Of KEY. FINDINGS .. ixvii SUMMARY of KEY RECOMMENDATIONS s , ?xxi BACKGROUND., XXV ,. & Chapter; One POlic Broadcast Policies and. Their Impact on Minorities, 1.. 1 '6 \ ChapterTwo: Mloyment. of- Minorities in Public Braadcasting ,.' v'o , 'Iv Chapgr Three: Training Programs and lthe Career Developmentof Miiorites ,s' 27 i ,,fiaptei; Four: 'Programming By and About MinOritiei . chapter Five: Minority Ace* Through Control of Public Broadcastacilities 6"t - Chapter Six: Audience Research in Public. Broadcasting 83. pist of Tables .:- 1,1, Composition. of Local Public Television Station Boards by Selec On proceas ' _172. CompositiOn of Local Public Radio Station Boards by Selection Process 1.3 Composition of Public Teleion Station Boards by 'LiCensee 1-4 'Composition of Public Itadi Station Boards by 'Licensee Type II-1 Total Full-Time Minority Employees in Public Broadcasting in 1978 11-2 Minorities Employed at the National Organizations in 1978 11-3 MinoritieS by Job Categories at CPB in 1978 \'.. II-4-Minorities by,Job Categories at NPR in 1978 1176 .Alinorities by Job Categoriei of PBS in 1978 / , 114 A Comparison of the National Organizationie Minority EmPloent Levels in 1978 i , 114 Minority Primary Decision - Makers at the National Orsiniaatio in 1978 II-g Total Minority Employment for Public Broadcast Stations in 18: 44'/ ''''11-9 Total Minority Employmentfor Public Broadcast StatiOnsbY .14 Category in 1978 II-I0A Comparison of PublicRadiO and Te vision Minority EinPlajies byJob CategorY: II-11 Eniployinent Trends:in Public o and Television Stationig I-6972-1977 11-12 Mintgities at Officials /Managers Level lic Radii) and Tele Stationi-from 1970-1978 11-13 Minority Officials and Managers at 'Public Radio-and Teleyisi tatiorikbetween' 1977-1978 11714'Minority Professionala at Public Radio and, Television S onsfrOm 197248.; II-16A Comparison of Minority Decision- Makers in Pub 6 aiidIeleVision Stations in 1978 II-16Minority Chief Executive Officers in Public Rsdio.andTelevision Stations,in 1978 11-17 Minority Production ',Managers in Public Radio and Television.Statione jn 1978 1 1-18 Minority Chief - Engineers in Public Radio and Television Stations 1978' 11-19 Minority Chief Financial Officeri iri PUblic Teleibilon Stationix.19:78t 11-26 Minorities in Office/ClericriPositions in Public Radio and Telivision Stations in 1978 IV-1 Distribution of ThreeTypes of PBS,Adult A3rograrrinting on Program Content Iteins W-2'Race and Storiii Charactere in :PBS General Adult frograrnining (excludes Music, Dance and Dxairia) ''t Rice' and Sei of Charatters in PBS Drarnatic'Pro- itrainming (excludes General Adult, Music rind Dance) . IV-4 Amount of Time Spent in.dive tarticipation by Vale and Female Characters fV-6Amount of Time Span n Active Participation by Members of Racial Groups IV-6 Distribution of C ra in Radial Classifications General Adult and DramaticPrcigramming" on Descriptive Ite IV-7 Leadership Scofor Mt* Characters in Adult Programining W-8 Rtge of Professional Musicians and Dancers IV-9 Distribution of segments rorn Children's Programming on General Content Items. 13/-10 Appearance of Themes in Children's Program Segments IV-11Distribution of Charactera in Chfidren's Programming Segment on Character Content Items -W-12 Sex and Race of Characters in Children's ProgrammingSegments 1V-13 Characters in Children's Segments Pertrayed as Working in an Occupation ,ii I - ;f : A '.1v44 '-C. J0t.racteia Po iVdriOng' in Ocenpatio as Male; Female' and Neutrafin ( ': : Sagnientairem Cl ldi'en'a Program's., .1V;15 /Tyke( A.CtiV4 xbed. §ytharaaers in PBS Chil ..' IV-16.: Aativi:PartiOiliiiti. of Charactera in'Plis Children's Pro ng d IV -17 Verbal Partictpas n of Characters iii.PgS Children's Prograniniing .. , . 0 ' IV 18 Distributitip of rt.; in Adult programming by Race and Sex for 1975 and 1977 Samples IV-,19 pietrilMtionef in Children's Segments by Race and Six' for 1975, and 1,977 IV-2a Televils,ii)*ries lute* to Minorities during the 197677 Season 'IV-21Minority-Pro SubmissiOns to the SPC process 'I EV-22 -: Miiibrity.,Pro Making.Pieference C4t,: 1V-t .-. Minority PrOgra Piire.hased bythe SPO'isCoinparedtO Preference Cut ,IV-Z4'; 'MinciritY.Progra Purehaaed by'SP,C Compared .to Suiiinisaion '. ' IV.-25;. CPB Expenditure: for,Pillilic Television Pfogritruming in 'fiscal Year1976 IV-26 CPB Expenditures tizr Piiblic Television PrOOmming in Fiscal Year;` 19,77 1 - ',IV-27 CPB Expenditures or/Ptiblic Tel ion Programming intlia 1977 Transition Quarter IV-28 NPR Affiliate ,Stiint' Included Survey .' 4 /: ',' IV -29 Distribution:Of Su ay Stations According toLicenseeRypt. IV-80 .populations -in SM of Survey' Stations .... f ' IV-31,. 'Minority. Program anagers in public Television and Radio in 1978 V-1, , . Minority2contro11 Public TeleVisionEtationa:'. 1.' ': , ' V 2 . Board Composition f Minority- Controlled PubliC TeletriSiOIStations V-3 Racial/Ethnie Corn ition of .Boards of .Minority- Controlled Public TelevisiOnStationi, V-4 Riciat/Ect.tinic. Co sitiOn. of; Chief. Decition-Makers at Idinoity-Contralled Piiblic Television Stations , : i V-p 11(inoritzr;Controll ,..-Litb_dio Stationi .. V-6 Board - Composition Minority-Controlledpublic Radio StatiOns V-7 Racial/Etnie sition of Boards o MinciriipContiO1Wublic Radio. Stations V-8 . RiciaitEth Com itipiI of Chief ISTision-Makers at Minatitq-Contiolled,Public,Itadio Stations V-9 titiei Targeted bye .CPB Radio Expansion Project,and Their. Minority Populations V-10.Profile of Requests tha.Education1 Broadcasting Facilities Program 'for the Period of 196; 0;i. 4976 . v-ii''GearitAwards mad ny the Educational Broadcasting Program Idinrinithe Period 1963- I X , /. , i VA2 Grants: Awarded bye Educational Broadcasting-Facilities Program ger-Public TelevigiOR Station , 'Activations 'V 13 .- Grants Awarded by the Educational ,Broadcasiing Facilities Program for Public Radio Station Activations tn. V-14 . Grants; A e Educational Broadcasting Facilities Program .to-Expand/Imp-rOtre, Public 'I,,., Television Stall ---- V-15', . Grants AWaradii.y.,e Echicational BrOadcasting Facilitjea prOgram to Expand/Improve -Public HAP°Radio Stations , . / V-16 GrantsiAwal-ded"bye Educatio71 Broadcasting Facilities Programfo;'/ArtiVatiMintifinority
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