
1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 2731 the Youth Correct ions Act to the District of the Federal service not by removal for cause; By Mr. KING of Pennsylvania: Columbia; without amendment (Rept. No. to the Commit tee on Post Office and Civil H. R. 7195. A bill for the relief of Harilaos 1629). Referred to the Committee of the Service. Filippos Ikonomou; to the Committee on the Whole House on the State of the Union. By Mr. DOUGHTON: Judiciary. H. R. 7188. A bill to provide that the add i­ By Mr. MANSFIELD: tional tax imposed by section 2470 (a) (2) H. R. 7196. A bill for the relief of Antonio PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of the Internal Revenue Code shall not apply Fopp; to the Committee on Int0 rstate and Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public in r_espect of coconut oil produced in, or Foreign Commerce. produced from materials grown in, the Ter­ By Mr. McCARTHY: bills and resolutions were introduced and ritory of the Pacific Islands; to the Com­ H. R. 7197. A bill for the relief of William severally referred as follows: mittee on Ways and Means. E. Ackerknecht; to the Committee on the By Mr. KIRWAN: H. R. 7189. A bill to amend the provisions Judiciary. H. R. 7176. A bill making appropriations of the In ternal Revenue Code which relate By Mr. O'BRIEN of Illinois: for the Department of the Interior for t he to machine guns and short-barreled fire­ H. R. 7198. A bill for the relief of Louis fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, and for oth er arms, so as to impose a tax on the making Joseph Rago; to the Committee on the Judi- purposes; to the Committee on Appropria­ of sawed-off shotguns and to extend such ciary. · tions. provision s to Alaslrn and Hawaii, and for By l\[r. REES of Kansas: By Mr. ENGLE: ot her pu rposes; to the Committee on Ways H. R. 7199. A bill for the relief of Shung H. R. 7177. A bill to authorize works for and M·eans. Yon Rhee; to the Committee on the Judi­ development and furnishing of water sup­ By Mr. HESS: ciary. plies for waterfowl management, lower San H.J. Res. 407. Joint resolution designating Joaquin Valley, Central Valley project, Cali­ the 7-day period beginring October 20, 1952, fornia, and for other purposes; to the Com­ as Clea n er Air Week; to the Committee on PETITIONS, ETC. mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions By Mr. ANDERSON of California: By Mr. STEED: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk H. R. 7178. A bill to authorize works for H.J. Res. 408. Joint resolution authorizing and referred as follows: development and furnishing of water sup­ the Commissioner of Labor Statistics to pre­ plies for waterfowl management, lower San pare and publish a Consumers' Price Index 643. By Mr. KELLEY of Pennsylvania. Joaquin Valley, Central Valley project, Cali­ and certain other indexes and budgets; to Resolution of the Woman's Club of Irwin, fornia, and for other purposes; to the Com­ the Committee on Education and Labor. Pa., demanding that immediate steps be taken mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. BARDEN: to increase aircraft production so that, with­ By Mr. ALBERT: H. Res. 585. Resolution authorizing the out delay, the air forces of the United States H. R. 7179. A bill to provide for the fur­ printing of the committee print en titled will be superior in type and number to any ther development of cooperative azricultural "Federal Educational Activities and Educa­ other in the world; to the Committee on extension work; to the Committee on Agri­ t ional Issues Before Congress" as a House Armed Services. culture. document; to ~he Committee on House Ad­ 644. By Mr. PRESTON: Petition of the By Mr. THOMPSON of T~ xas: ministration. Uvalda (Ga.) Lions Club, relative to preserva­ H. R. 7180. A bill to provide for the fur­ tion of constitutional government; to the ther development of cooperative agricultural Committee on the Judiciary. extension work; to the Committe~ on Agri­ MEMORIALS 645. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Resolu­ culture. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, me­ tion of the Walworth County Taxpayers Asso­ By Mr. BERRY: ciation, that Congress be urged to take H. R. 7181. A bill to approp1·iate $25,000,000 morials were presented and referred as note of the recommendations of its biparti­ for the establishment of laboratories for re­ follows: san fact-finding bodies such as the Hoover search and study of foot-and-mouth disease By Mr. GOODWIN: Resolution of the Mas­ Commission, and adopt their recommenda­ and other animal diseases, as authorized by sachusetts Legislature, memorializing Con­ tions as a move toward balancing the Federal section 12 of the act of May 29, 1884, as gress to place a limitation upon the amount budget, reducing Federal debt, and placing amended; to the Committee on Appropria­ of money to be spent by the Federal Govern­ the Federal Government on an efficient and tions. ment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. sound :financial basis; to the Committee on By Mr. HARVEY: By Mr. HESELTON: Resolution of the Gen­ Expenditures in the Executive Departments. H. R. 7182. A bill to provide for the deduc­ eral Court of the Commonwealth of Mas­ 646. Also, resolution of the Milwaukee tion by a divorced husband of certain pay­ sachusetts, memorializing Congress to place County Highway Committee, requesting the ments for the support of minor children, for a limitation upon the amount of money to Wisconsin Senators and Congressmen to the reduction of the exemptions claimed by be spent by the Federal Government; to the assist in obtaining such radar equipment for the divorced wife in such cases, and for other Committee on the Judiciary. General Mitchell Field; to the Committee on purposes; to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. MARTIN of Massachusets: Rernlu­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ' Means. tion of the General Court of Massachusetts, By Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania: memorializing Congress to place a limitation I I ..... •• H. R. 7183. A bill to amend section 112 (n) upon the amount of money to be spent by of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to the Federal Government; to the Committee SENATE nonrecognition of gain from sale or exchange on the Judiciary. of residence) with respect to persons serving By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1952 - on active duty with the Armed ·Forces·of the lature of the· State of Massachusetts, me­ United States; to the Committee on Ways morializing the President· and the Congress The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown and Means. of the United States· to place a limitation Harris, D. D., offered the following By Mr. WITHROW: upon the amount of money to be spent by H. R. 7184. A bill to amend the act of July the Federal Government; to the Committee­ prayer: 6, 1945, as amended (Public Law 134, 79th on the Judiciary. Almighty and most gracious God, Cong.), to provide overtime compensation whose mercy is from everlasting to ever­ for employees of the postal transportation service for service in excess of 32 hours per­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RE30LUTIONS lasting and whose goodness is new every formed in any calendar week in which a morning and fresh every evening: We . holiday oecu·rs; to the Committee · on Post Under clause 1 of rule xXII, private bow before Thee in contrition and grati­ Office and Civil Service. -bills and resolutions were introduced and tude. In Thy light we- would find wis­ By Mr. McKINNON: severally referred as follows; dom for each perplexity, strength for H. R. 7185. A bill to provide for research By Mr. ANFUSO: each testing situation, safe guidance into and demonstration of practical means H. R. 7190. A bill for the relief of Vincenzo through every peril, and courage for for the economical production, from sea or Como; to the Committee on the Judiciary. every emergency. other saline waters, of water suitable for H. R. 7191. A bill for the relief of Antonio agricultural, industrial, municipal, and Messina; to the Committee on the Judi­ We thank Thee for our ability to re­ other beneficial consumptive uses, and for ciary. spond to good impulses. Incline our other purposes; to the Committee on Interior H. R. 7192. A bill for the relief of Luigi hearts to obey every beckoning finger and Insular Affairs. Rizzi, also known as Louis Rizzi; to the Com­ which invites our souls to larger life. By Mr. CLEMENTE: mittee on the Judiciary. Make us eager to translate the glowing H. R. 71£6. A bill to amend title 28, United By Mr. BLATNIK: impulse into the worthy deed. Give us States Code, to require Federal grand and H. R. 7193. A bill for the relief of Marina ·a divine discontent with low levels o-f petit jurors to take an oath of allegiance and George Loizas Kellis; to the Committee on lif~ - subscrite to an affidavit, and for other pur­ the Judiciary. poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. -KEARNS: We bririg our Nation to Thy throne. H. R. 7187. A bill to provide reduced annui­ H. R. 7194 .- A bill for the relief of Adaman­ Protect, preserve, and unify our people. ties S\t age 55 after 15 years of civilian serv­ . tios Niamonitakis; · to the Committee on the · May we see Thee as th~ guardiaa of- our ice for persons involuntarily separated from Judiciary. Republic and the keeper of our destiny.
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