Budget Unit BU Description Fund Class Project Manager 10001 President's Office 10 DM001 Crain,John L 10002 LCC Fall Scholars Day 80 PM001 Stewart,Stuart L 10003 LCC Multistate Conference 80 PM001 Stewart,Stuart L 10004 LCC-Brown-Match-Str Col-10005 80 MFEDI GR10005 Stewart,Stuart L 10005 LCC-Brown-Strength. Coll. 80 GFEDI GR10005 Stewart,Stuart L 10006 LCC-Misericordia-Ready Am 80 GFEDI GR10006 Stewart,Stuart L 10007 LCC-Summer of Service 80 GFEDI GR10007 Stewart,Stuart L 10008 Louisiana Campus Compact 80 PM001 Crain,John L 10009 Org Communication Assoc 80 PM001 Bryan,Suzette Plaisance 10010 Campus Activities/Wrkshps 10 PM001 Crain,John L 10011 Work Study with Referral 10 PM001 Fairburn,Lori A 10012 VP for Student Affairs 10 DM001 Crain,John L 10013 LCC-State Farm K-20 Progr 80 GPRIV GR10013 Stewart,Stuart L 10014 LCC-GOHSEP Citizen Corp 80 GFEDI GR10014 Stewart,Stuart L 10015 LCC-GOHSEP 80 GFEDI GR10015 Stewart,Stuart L 10016 LCC-CASE Grant 80 GPRIV GR10016 Stewart,Stuart L 10017 LCC-GOHSEP Citizen Corp 09 80 GFEDI GR10017 Stewart,Stuart L 10018 IDC-President's Office 30 IDCST Crain,John L 10019 LCC-WCC Service Learning 80 GFEDI GR10019 Stewart,Stuart L 10020 LCC-GOHSEP Citizen Corp 10 80 GFEDI GR10020 Stewart,Stuart L 10021 LCC-BOR Service Learning 11 80 GSBOR GR10021 Stewart,Stuart L 10022 LCC-State Farm 2011 80 GPRIV GR10022 Stewart,Stuart L 11001 Internal Auditor 10 DM001 Azuoru,Chibuike U 11002 LACUA Conference 80 PM001 Azuoru,Chibuike U 12001 EEO Office 10 DM001 Pregeant,Victor E 13001 Athletic Department 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13002 Athletic Assc-Men's Basketball 80 PM001 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13003 Athletic Assc-Wmn's Basketball 80 PM001 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13004 Athletic Assoc-Accountant 80 PM001 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13005 Athletic Assoc-Athletic Dir 80 PM001 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13006 Athletic Assoc-Golf 80 PM001 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13007 Athletic Assoc-Track&Field 80 PM001 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13008 Athletic Assoc-Wmn's Softball 80 PM001 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13009 Athletic Bldg Renovation 20 ATH01 Howe,Kenneth D 13010 Athletic Concessions 20 ATH01 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13011 Academic Center-Athletics 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13012 Athletic Event Management 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13013 Athletic Facilities 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13014 Athletic Merchandising 20 ATH01 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13015 Athletics Marketing 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13016 Athletics-Post Season Play 20 ATB01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13017 Athletics-Special Events 20 ATH01 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13018 Baseball 20 ATM01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13019 Cheerleaders 30 PM001 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13020 Football 20 ATM01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13021 Football Event Management 20 ATM01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13022 Gender Equity 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13023 Golf 20 ATB01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13024 Men's Basketball 20 ATM01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13025 NCAA Regional Play 20 ATB01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13026 Needy Student-Athlete Fund 80 PM001 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13027 North Campus Concessions 20 ATH01 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13028 Sports Information 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13029 Summer Camps 20 ATH01 Bellairs,Wesley Barth 13030 Tennis 20 ATB01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13031 Ticket Operations 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13032 Track and Field 20 ATB01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13033 Training Room 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13034 Weight Room 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13035 Women's Basketball 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13036 Women's Soccer 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13037 Women's Softball 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13038 Women's Tennis 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13039 Women's Track/Field 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13040 Women's Volleyball 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13041 Suite/Club Sales 20 ATH01 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 13042 Academic Learning Center 30 GPRIV GR13042 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13043 Baseball Hitting Facility 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13044 NC Locker Room 20 ATH01 Smith,Stephen M 13045 NC Gym Remodel-Softball/Soccer 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13046 Asst Director of Athletics 20 ATH01 Bechac,Andrew Michael 13047 Athletic Promotions 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13048 Volleyball Locker Room Project 20 ATW01 Howe,Kenneth D 13049 Athletic Entrance Way Projects 20 ATH01 Bechac,Andrew Michael 13050 Athletics Development 20 ATH01 Bechac,Andrew Michael 13051 Baseball Facility Improvements 20 ATH01 Patterson,Byron Martin 13052 Womens Tennis LR Improvements 20 ATW01 Bechac,Andrew Michael 13053 Track & Field Stands 20 ATH01 Bechac,Andrew Michael 13054 W Stadium Improvements-Offices 20 ATH01 Patterson,Byron Martin 13055 Football Video Board 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13056 Dugas Center-Football Project 20 ATM01 Patterson,Byron Martin 13057 Softball Stadium Improvements 20 ATW01 Patterson,Byron Martin 13058 Football Playoff Game-Rd 2 20 ATM01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13059 Athletic Facility Improvements 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13060 Football Playoff Game-Rd 3 20 ATM01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13061 Athletic Facility-Dugas Bldg 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13062 Southland Conf Softball Tourn 20 ATW01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13063 Remodel of Basketball Offices 20 ATB01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13064 Suite/Club Seating Expansion 20 ATM01 Howe,Kenneth D 13065 Track & Field Scoreboard 20 ATB01 Howe,Kenneth D 13066 Football Playoff Game-Rd 1 20 ATM01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13067 Southland Conf Track Meet 20 ATB01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 13068 Baseball Score/Videoboard 20 ATM01 Howe,Kenneth D 13069 North Oak Park 20 ATH01 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 14001 Exc Dir-Public/Govt Affairs 10 DM001 Cowser,Erin Moore 14002 Advertising 10 PM001 Abadie,Rene Gerard 14003 Pride Day 10 PM001 Cannon,Gregory Alan 14004 University Promotions 10 PM001 Cowser,Erin Moore 14005 SLU Women Empowered Conf 80 PM001 Lanaux,Leigh Ann 20001 VP Administration & Finance 10 DM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20002 Contingency-Academic Support 10 CF005 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20003 ACT971 Carryforward-PM 30 ACTPM Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20004 ACT971 Non Recurring-Control 30 ACTNR Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20005 B of S-LA Univ of LA System 30 PM001 Smith,Stephen M 20006 Bldg Use Fee - General 70 BUFEE Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20007 Housing-Bad Debt Expense 20 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20008 Copyright & Patents 10 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20009 Deferred Maint/Misc Projects 10 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20010 Delchamp's Land Option 70 PLUNX Smith,Stephen M 20011 Contingency-Scholarships 10 CF009 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20012 Contingency-Operations & Maint 10 CF008 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20013 Contingency-Institutional Supp 10 CF007 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20014 Farm Sale Proceeds 70 PLUNX Smith,Stephen M 20015 Gender Equity Scholarships 10 SCH00 Artigues,Christopher Jarrod 20016 Guest House-Lecturer 10 PM001 Golding,Tena L 20017 Health Center Bond Fees 20 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20018 Housing Remediation-BofNY 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20019 Housing Scholarships 30 SCH00 Smith,Stephen M 20020 Hurricane Recovery 30 GFEDD GR20020 Smith,Stephen M 20021 Contingency-Instruction 10 CF001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20022 Katrina Expenditures 30 GFEDI GR20022 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20023 Katrina Expenditures 10 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20024 Land Swap Proceeds 70 PLUNX Smith,Stephen M 20025 Contingency-Library 10 CF004 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20026 Member. in Organizations 10 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20027 Motor Vehicle Reg. 70 MVRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20028 PeopleSoft Upgrade 10 PM001 Asoodeh,Mike M 20029 Pres Res-Repair & Replace 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20030 Provost/V P for Acad Aff 10 CF010 Smith,Stephen M 20031 Contingency-Public Service 10 CF003 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20032 Repair & Replacement 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20033 Contingency-Research 10 CF002 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20034 Rita Expenditures 30 GFEDI GR20034 Smith,Stephen M 20035 Rita Expenditures 10 PM001 Smith,Stephen M 20036 Contingency-Student Services 10 CF006 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20037 Student Technology Fee 30 ST001 Asoodeh,Mike M 20038 The Oaks-Repair & Replacement 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20039 The Village-Repair/Replacement 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20040 Title IX Compliance-B of R 20 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20041 University Resid Land Sale 70 PLUNX Smith,Stephen M 20042 4th Circuit Crt of Appeal 80 PM001 Smith,Stephen M 20043 LCC - KY Ready Response Svc 80 GFEDI GR20043 Stewart,Stuart L 20044 Serv Learn - KY Match-20043 30 MFEDI GR20043 Stewart,Stuart L 20045 Serv Learn Opp Expansion 30 GSBOR GR20045 Stewart,Stuart L 20046 BOR-LCC Ready Campus 30 GSBOR GR20046 Stewart,Stuart L 20047 Airport Property 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20048 LCC-VISTA Project 80 GFEDD GR20048 Stewart,Stuart L 20049 Serv Learn-VISTA Match-20048 30 MFEDD GR20048 Stewart,Stuart L 20050 Gustav Expenditures 10 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20051 Institutional Review 10 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20052 Surplus Funds-Student Housing 70 PLUNX Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20053 Gustav Expenditures 30 GFEDI GR20053 Smith,Stephen M 20054 H1N1 Swine Flu Expenditures 10 PM001 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20055 Weight Room-Repair & Replace 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20056 Stadium Renovation-Rpr&Rpl 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20057 SACUBO Workshop 2009 80 PM001 Smith,Stephen M 20058 LCC-NC MLK Day of Service 80 GFEDI GR20058 Stewart,Stuart L 20059 Student Rec Center-Rpr&Rpl 70 RPRPL Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20060 Capital One 30 00000 Domiano Jr.,Sam B 20061 Contingency-Other
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