European Parliamentary Week 2017 Semaine Parlementaire européenne 2017 List of participants from national Parliaments Liste des participants des parlements nationaux European Semester Conference, organised by the European Parliament Conférence sur le Semestre européen, organisée par le Parlement européen 30.01.2017-31.01.2017 Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union, co-hosted and co-presided over by the House of Representatives of Malta and the European Parliament Conférence interparlementaire sur la stabilité, la coordination économique et la gouvernance au sein de l'Union européenne, organisée et présidée conjointement par la Chambre des représentants de Malte et le Parlement européen 31.01.2017-01.02.2017 Version 24.01.2017 Compiled by / compilé par European Parliament / Parlement européen Directorate-General for the Presidency / Direction générale de la Présidence Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments / Direction des relations avec les parlements nationaux Legislative Dialogue Unit / Unite du dialogue législatif BELGIQUE/BELGIË (BELGIUM) Chambre des représentants/Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers Members: Mr Vincent VAN QUICKENBORNE Chair, Committee on Social Affairs OPEN VLD - ALDE Mr Eric VAN ROMPUY Chair, Committee on Finance and Budget CD&V - EPP Mr Ahmed LAAOUEJ Member, Committee on Finance and Budget PS - S&D Officials: Mr Liêm DANG-DUY Advisor, Committee on Finance and Budget Mr Tom DE GEETER Advisor, Committee on Finance and Budget Mr Joris VAN DEN BOSSCHE Advisor, Committee on Social Affairs Ms Stephanie ZOULIAMIS Advisor, Committee on Social Affairs Mr Daniel LUCION National Parliament Representative EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 2 Sénat/Senaat Members: Mr Jos LANTMEETERS Chair, Committee on Economy of the Flemish Parliament N-VA - ECR Mr Philippe MAHOUX Chair, Committee on EU Affairs PS - S&D Mr Stefan CORNELIS Vice-Chair, Committee on European matters of the Parliament of the Brussels Capital Region Open VLD - ALDE Mr Jan BERTELS Member, Committee on Finance and Budget of the Flemish Parliament sp.a - S&D Mr Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ Member of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community SP - S&D EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 3 Ms Güler TURAN Member, Committee on International Policy and European Affairs of the Flemish Parliament sp.a - S&D Officials: Mr Ludwik KURZEJA Secretary, Committee on European matters of the Parliament of the Brussels Capital Region Mr Antoine PIRET Advisor to Mr Mahoux Mr Hans VAN DEN ABBEELE Secretary, Committee on Finance and Budget of the Flemish Parliament Mr Luk VAN LOOY Legal Adviser, Flemish Parliament Mr Tim DE BONDT National Parliament Representative ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA (CZECH REPUBLIC - RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE) Poslanecká sněmovna / Chamber of Deputies Members: Mr Ondrej BENESIK Chair, Committee on European Affairs Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (KDU- CSL) - EPP EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 4 Mr Jaroslav ZAVADIL Chair, Committee on Social Affairs Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD) - S&D Mr Karel FIEDLER Vice-Chair, Committee on Budget Unclassified Deputies - No group affiliation in the EP Officials: Mr Filip FICNER Secretary, Committee on European Affairs Mr Petr JELINEK Secretary, Committee on Budget Mr Antonin PAPOUSEK Secretary, Committee on Social Affairs Ms Eva TETOUROVA National Parliament Representative Senát / Senate Member: Mr Leopold SULOVSKÝ Vice-Chair, Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport Ostravak - No group affiliation in the EP Officials: Ms Andrea JUZOVA Secretary, Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 5 Ms Terezie PISAROVA National Parliament representative DEUTSCHLAND (GERMANY - ALLEMAGNE) Bundestag Members: Mr Ralph BRINKHAUS Chair, Delegation of the German Bundestag CDU/CSU - EPP Mr Norbert BRACKMANN Member, Committee on Budget CDU/CSU - EPP Mr Andrej HUNKO Member, Committee on European Affaires Die Linke - GUE/NGL Mr Joachim POß Member, Committee on European Affairs SPD - S&D EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 6 Mr Michael STÜBGEN Member, Committee on European Affairs CDU/CSU - EPP Mr Wolfgang STRENGMANN-KUHN Member, Committee on Europan Affairs and Committee on Social Affairs & Labour Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - Greens/EFA Officials: Mr Harald BERWANGER Head of liaison office of the SPD in Brussels Ms Eva-Kristina HANGE Policy Adviser, Liaison Office of the CDU/CSU in Brussels Mr Florian HÖPPNER Senior Advisor, CDU/CSU Mr Andreas KOENIG Official, Delegation Secretariat Mr Markus ORTWEIN Official, Delegation Secretariat Mr Olaf ZEHNPFUND Official, Delegation's Secretariat Ms Theresa ESSERS National Parliament Representative Ms Vesna POPOVIC National Parliament Representative Ms Gabriela SIERCK National Parliament Representative EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 7 EESTI (ESTONIA - ESTONIE) Riigikogu Members: Mr Remo HOLSMER Vice-Chair, Committee on Finance Estonian Reform Party - ALDE Mr Kalvi KÕVA Member, Committee on Finance Social Democratic Party - S&D Mr Jürgen LIGI Member, Committee on Finance Estonian Reform Party - ALDE Mr Kalle PALLING Member, Committee on European Union Affairs Eesti Reformierakond - ALDE Mr Aivar SÕERD Member, Committee on Finance Estonian Reform Party - ALDE EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 8 Officials: Ms Maria ALAJÕE Secretary General, Chancellery of the Riigikogu Mr Andres ANDO Adviser, Committee on Finance Ms Tiina LICHT Adviser, Committee on Finance Ms Teele TAKLAJA Adviser, Committee on European Union Affairs Ms Kristi SÕBER National Parliament Representative EIRE (IRELAND - IRLANDE) Seanad / Senate Member: Mr Aidan DAVITT Member, Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation FIANNA FÁIL- ALDE Official: Ms Cait HAYES National Parliament Representative EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 9 ΕΛΛΑΔΑ (GREECE - GRÈCE) Βουλή των Ελλήνων / Hellenic Parliament Members: Mr Gerasimos BALAOURAS Chair, Committee on Economic Affairs SYRIZA - GUE/NGL Mr Nikolaos MANIOS Chair, Committee on Social Affairs SYRIZA - GUE/NGL Mr Nassos ATHANASIOU Member, Committee on European Affairs SYRIZA - GUE/NGL Mr Christos STAIKOURAS Member, Committee on Economic Affairs New Democracy - EPP Officials: Mr KOUVELIS Advisor to Mr Staikouras Ms Evangelia SPANOUDAKI Official at European & Bilateral Affairs Directorate Ms Eleni SIANNA National Parliament Representative EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 10 ESPAÑA (SPAIN - ESPAGNE) Congreso de los diputados / Congress of Deputies Member: Mr Pedro SAURA Member, Committee on Economy, Industry and Competitiveness SOCIALIST PARTY - S&D Officials: Ms Mónica MORENO Legal Advisor, Committee on Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ms Carmen SÁNCHEZ-ABARCA Representative of the Cortes Generales to the European Union Senado / Senate Members: Ms María Del Mar ANGULO Member, Committee on Economy, Industry and Competitiveness POPULAR PARTY - EPP Mr Juan Antonio DE LAS HERAS Member, Committee on Budget POPULAR PARTY - EPP EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 11 Mr Juan María VÁZQUEZ Member, Committee on Treasury and Public Finance SOCIALIST PARTY - S&D FRANCE Assemblée nationale Members: Ms Danielle AUROI Chair, Committee on European Affairs Non-inscrit - Greens/EFA Mr Christophe CARESCHE Vice-Chair, Committee on European Affairs Socialiste, écologiste et républicain - S&D Mr Pierre-Alain MUET Vice-Chair, Committee on Finances Socialiste, écologiste et républicain - S&D EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 12 Ms Karine BERGER Member, Committee on Finance Socialiste, écologiste et républicain - S&D Ms Isabelle LE CALLENNEC Member, Committee on Social Affairs Les Républicains - EPP Ms Valérie RABAULT Rapporteure générale, Committee on Finance Socialiste, écologiste et républicain - S&D Officials: Ms Elise VALETOUX Administrator, Committee on European Affairs Mr Vincent VIVES National Parliament Representative Ms Janaina LUCERO ANDRADE Trainee Sénat Members: Ms Michèle ANDRÉ Chair, Committee on Finances Parti Socialiste - S&D EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 13 Ms Fabienne KELLER Vice-Chair, Committee on European Affairs Les Républicains - EPP Mr Albéric DE MONTGOLFIER Member, Committee on Finances Les Républicains - EPP Mr François MARC Member, Committee on Finances Parti Socialiste - S&D Officials: Ms Anne-Céline DIDIER Administratrice, Committee on Finances Ms Nadia GANEM Parliamentary Adviser on European Affairs, Socialist Group of the Senate Ms Marie Noëlle SAROCCHI GERONDEAU National Parliament Representative EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 14 HRVATSKA (CROATIA - CROATIE) Hrvatski sabor Members: Mr Mirando MRSIĆ Chair, Committee on Labour, Retirement System and Social Partnership Social Democratic Party of Croatia - S&D Ms Grozdana PERIĆ Chair, Committee on Finance and Central Budget Croatian Democratic Union - HDZ - EPP Official: Ms Tanja BABIĆ National Parliament Representative ITALIA (ITALY - ITALIE) Camera dei deputati Members: Ms Chiara GRIBAUDO Member, Committee on Public and Private Sector Employment Partito Democratico - S&D EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 15 Mr Antonio MISIANI Member, Committee on Budget, Treasury and Planning Partito democratico - S&D Officials: Mr Riccardo GRECO Official, EU Affairs Department Ms Maria SCHININA National Parliament Representative Senato della Repubblica Members: Mr Giorgio TONINI Chair, Committee on Budget Partito Democratico - S&D Mr Paolo GUERRIERI PALEOTTI Member, Committee on Budget Partito Democratico - S&D Mr Remigio CERONI Member, Committee on Budget FI-Pdl - EPP EPW 2017 | 30/01-1/02/2017 16 Ms Nunzia CATALFO Vice-Chair, Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Movimento 5 Stelle - EFDD
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