LA COLLEZIONE DI CIPREE (3219 esemplari) Archaic groups Propustularia Sacco, F., 1894 surinamensis surinamensis (Perry 1811) PRO1 33.7mm Brazil, by diver under rock at 45 m. depht. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) Fortaleza, Brazil. LRM ref. coll. Live collected. Glossy lovely juvenile, not yet callused, well formed teeth, darkening PRO2 26.8mm pattern. Interesting for the specialized collection. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) PRO3 26.6mm Fortaleza, Brazil. Ex coll. Roberto Cotta Ramusino. (From Roberto Cotta Ramusino) PRO4 25.3mm Fortaleza, Brazil. Ex coll. Roberto Cotta Ramusino. (From Roberto Cotta Ramusino) Cypraea aubryana Jousseaume, F.P., 1869. Colombia. Really scarce now. Ex LRM coll. Ex Alfredo Ilardi coll. (From Alfredo PRO5 37.7mm Ilardi) PRO6 33.6mm Brazil. Rome 2009. (From Fabio Porfiri) F+++/G; collected at night by diver on side of rock at 80 feet off Fortaleza, Brazil; rare specimen when gem like this, no PRO7 26.5mm ex pisces. Ex Alfredo Ilardi coll. (From Alfredo Ilardi) PRO8 26.8mm Cypraea aubryana Jousseaume, F.P., 1869. Colombia. Diver. (From Doug Thorn) PRO9 27.0mm Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. (From Luciano Petruccioli) Nesiocypraea Azuma, M. & Kurohara, 1967 teramachii teramachii (Kuroda 1938) teramachii polyphemus Lorenz 2002 NES9 53.6mm Balut Isl., Philippines. GEM-. Pinkish dorsum. One tiny growth line barely visibile. (From Roberto Cotta Ramusino) teramachii neocaledonica Lorenz 2002 NES4 56.8mm New Caledonia, (LRM coll. Never "extra"). Beautifull dwarfed, almost sferical. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) NES15 65.3mm New Caledonia. From old collection. I.M.M. 2009, Frascati. (From Maria Demertzis) midwayensis midwayensis Azuma & Kurohara 1967 lisetae lisetae Kilburn 1975 lisetae maricola (f) Cate 1976 NES3 14.5mm Aliguay Island, Philippines. Dead taken at 150 mt. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) aenigma aenigma Lorenz 2002 Ipsa Jousseaume, F.P., 1884 childreni childreni (Gray 1825) IPS2 19.6mm Samar Isl. 2007. Very beautifull. Yellowish color with pale yellow/orange cords. (From George Sangiouloglou) IPS3 22.3mm Tahiti, French Polynesia. (From Fabio Porfiri) Kwajalein Atoll. Live collected, night scuba in 30-50 ft depth, in coral caves on sides of surge channels. (From Gabriella IPS4 20.8mm Raybaudi Massilia) Ipsa childreni samurai (f) Schilder, F.A. & M. Schilder, 1940. Okinawa, Japan. The Japanese variation, inflated shape and IPS6 18.4mm big. Hard to get. Gem-. Ex coll. Ettore Molteni. (From Jose Lopez Ortega) IPS8 27.2mm Philippines. Samar Island. Divers 15-30 m. July, 2007. (From Steven Ko) IPS9 25.2mm Philippines. Samar Island. From local dealer. April 2008. (From Luciano Petruccioli) childreni novaecaledoniae (f) Sch. & Sch. 1952 IPS1 17.4mm New Caledonia, From local dealer. (From Felix Lorenz) IPS5 17.5mm New Caledonia, LRM ref. coll. Live collected. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) IPS7 23.0mm 5 Miles Reef, New Caledonia. Dead taken in perfect condition. Paris Shell Show 2008. (From an unknown French dealer) Erosariinae Schilder, F.A., 1927 Cryptocypraea dillwyni dillwyni (Schilder 1922) ERO189 11.6mm Tahiti, French Polynesia. Live taken. By diver -30 m. (From Roberto Cotta Ramusino) Raena Village, Huaine Island, French Polynesia. Taken on reef at 3-5 meters, night dive. Coll. By J. P. Lefort, June 1989. ERO347 11.0mm Ex Andrè Weber coll. (From Marcus Coltro) Tuamotus. Spécimen pêché vivant dans les années 80. Extrèmement brillante, très fraiche, ocelles bien visibles, ERO358 10.5mm extrémités parfaites. Le top! Ex Gilles De Girard coll. (From Gilles De Girard) Nucleolaria Oyama, K., 1959 nucleus nucleus (Linnaeus 1758) STA3 25.6mm Philippines. In coral reef. (From Felix Lorenz) STA25 16.9mm Kwajalein Atoll, Oceanside west reef, at 35 m. (From Felix Lorenz) STA26 20.0mm to 21.5mm Suva South Coast, Fiji, by diver at 15-20 m at night, on coral rubble. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) STA39 17.0mm to 17.8mm Solomons, Marau Sound. By snorkeller at 5 m. 2004. Set of 3. (From Fulvio Ferraiolo) STA40 20.8mm Maldives, Kaafu Atoll. From local diver. March 1998. (From Fulvio Ferraiolo) STA47 19.0mm Kuriamura Isl., Oman. (From Maria Demertzis) By diver Shea O'Neal in small rock cave at 10 ft. In Ogimi, Okinawa, Japan, 1999. Ex W. Van Damme coll. Set of 3. (From STA49 16.6mm to 21.9mm W. Van Damme) By diver on sand between coral heads at 45 ft. in Laolao Bay, Saipan, Mariana Island, 2007. Ex W. Van Damme coll. STA50 16.9mm (From W. Van Damme) By diver on sand between coral heads at 85 ft. near Marpi Bay, Saipan, Mariana Island, 2007. Ex W. Van Damme coll. STA51 16.9mm (From W. Van Damme) STA52 23.8mm By local fishermen near Olango Island, Philippines. Ex W. Van Damme coll. (From W. Van Damme) STA57 22.6mm Fiji. Ex Alessandro Petronzi coll. (From Alessandro Petronzi) STA61 26.9mm Djibouti. From old collection. (From Luciano Petruccioli) Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Live taken under rocks in coral reef -2/3mt deep by dive. Superb live quality and color, STA62 21.0mm really rare from Hawaii. For localities specialist-collector. Ex Domenico Natale coll. (From Domenico Natale) Nucleolaria nucleus sturanyi (f) Schilder, F.A. & M. Schilder, 1938. Original label: "Recif corallien, Plateau du Heron, STA63 22.5mm Djibouti, June 1969, collected by J. Lavronos". Ex LRM ref. coll. (From Andrea Guardiani) Squat, rounded, close to gemmosa from Polynesia. Note the perfect rostrate protruding extremities. Port Vila, Vanuatu, STA65 16.3mm to 17.4mm 90's (ex LRM ref coll.). Set of 2. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) nucleus madagascariensis (f) Gmelin 1791 STA5 19.1mm to 21.6mm Tumbatu Island, Zanzibar. On intertidal reef flats. Set of 4. (From Felix Lorenz) STA27 22.3mm to 22.8mm Tumbatu Island, Zanzibar. On intertidal reef flats. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) STA67 23.2mm Gris Gris, S. Mauritius, Self collected. Found dead on the beach. June 2012. nucleus gemmosa (f) Perry 1811 STA4 16.5mm Tahiti, French Polynesia. In coral reef. (From Felix Lorenz) STA28 15.7mm to 17.8mm Taiarapu, Tahiti, in quiet lagoon waters at 1-2 m under coral slabs. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) granulata granulata (Pease, W.H., 1862) STA15 23.1mm to 26.1mm Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii. Under rock and coral in 15-45 mt. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) STA18 25.2mm to 26.8mm North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii. Set of 3, bulla, juvenile and fully mature. Dead collected. (From Watts Dave) STA29 21.9mm to 32.5mm Haleiwa, Oahu, in crevices of corals at 12-15 m. Set of 3, two fully mature and one juvenile. (From Felix Lorenz) STA58 29.4mm Marquesas - NOT CASSIAUI - (LRM ref. coll.) 29.4mm gem. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) granulata cassiaui (Burgess, C.M., 1965) STA59 21.5mm Nuku Hiva, Marquesas. LRM coll. (From Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia) limacina limacina (Lamarck 1810) STA22 27.0mm Kangean Isl., Indonesia, shallow water. (From Felix Lorenz) STA23 23.6mm Olango Isl., Philippines, shallow water. (From Felix Lorenz) STA24 25.2mm to 28.0mm Malapasqua Isl., Philippines. From local dealer. 2007. Set of 3. (FromLuciano Petruccioli) STA30 26.5mm to 27.9mm Cebu Isl., Philippines, shallow water. (From Felix Lorenz) STA31 27.5mm to 29.3mm Southern Taiwan, on sea-urchin traps from 40m. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) STA32 26.2mm Kangean Isl., Indonesia, shallow water. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) Along wall and wall edge at 2-35 metres depth in coraland rubble. Unnamed reef off southern Kommerrust Island, east of STA42 11.8mm Batanta, Irian Java, Indonesia. 07-10-05. 0° 46' 659" S - 130° 06' 689" E. (From Felix Lorenz) On sandy slope among coral and rubble at 6-40 metres depth. North side of Van Rozengain Reef, S/E Banda Islands, S/W STA43 21.3mm of Irian Java, Indonesia. 13-10-05. 04° 36' 029" S - 130° 03' 760" E. (From Felix Lorenz) In sand pockets among coral and rubble along slope at 5-25 metres depht. North-eastern side of Tifore Island, Molucca STA44 20.8mm Strait, east of Sulawesi, Indonesia. 03-10-2005. 0° 58' 729" N - 126° 07' 580" E. (From Felix Lorenz) At night in cabbage coral and rubble at 2-30 metres depth. Inlet on eastern side of Groot Fam Island, Irian Java, STA45 24.7mm Indonesia. 07-10-05. 0° 35' 488" S - 130° 17' 142" E. (From Felix Lorenz) At night by snorkel diver on black sand at 1-2 metres depth. Lembeh Resort, Pulau Lembeh, L. Strait, near Bitung, N/E STA46 23.6mm Sulawesi, Indonesia. 01-10-2005. 1° 27' 396" N - 125° 14' 582" E. (From Felix Lorenz) limacina facifer (Iredale 1935) STA2 20.5mm Keppel Bay, Queensland, Australia. In vital reef area. (From Felix Lorenz) STA12 28.5mm Japan. In vital reef area. (From Felix Lorenz) STA13 19.3mm to 20.4mm India. In vital reef area. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) limacina interstincta (Wood 1828) STA1 16.9mm Tanzania, under coral amongst seaweed. (From Felix Lorenz) STA33 27.4mm to 27.7mm Tumbata Island, Zanzibar. On intertidal reef flats. Set of 3. (From Felix Lorenz) STA34 20.2mm to 20.3mm Pemba Island, Tanzania. On intertidal reef flats. Set of 2. (From Felix Lorenz) limacina clarissa Lorenz 1989 STA48 30.8mm Natal., South Africa. Live taken. (From Maria Demertzis ) semiplota semiplota (Mighels 1845) STA19 15.5mm Hawaii. Scuba dived 20-30 feet. Off Ewa Beach in black sponge and under coral slabs. 1994. (From Philip Poppe) semiplota annae (f) Roberts 1869 STA35 16.0mm North shore of Oahu, by diver at 15 m. (From Felix Lorenz) STA68 14.6mm Oahu, Hawaii. From the COA 2013. (From Luciano Petruccioli) staphylaea staphylaea (Linnaeus 1758) STA9 16.2mm Philippines, in vital reef area. (From Felix Lorenz) STA21 28.5mm Southern Taiwan, on sea-urchin traps from 40m.
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