II Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 49-SULT AN PUR llISTRICT _= . ';,n_ =06,.. II Price) Re.1-8. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in Ma~ch; "i9S2~ (0 supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward -wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urb-an tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came wqen the slip sorting had been finished and (he Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tebsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately. however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen­ tuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars'. (ii) COUnt Bhangi, Khakrob. Sweepers. Harijan, Mehtar. Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution of India, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of cotal population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of tbe code gives the code number of the district, th, second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh pop·ulation). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW AR J PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations} July 23J 1952 • Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPUtATION STATISTICS OF SULTANPUR DISTRICT A-Errata to column 1, Code number and name of Villages (Rural) (a) Addition of neW village Page no. Particulars Additions --- - - -~---- II Umler pa.rgana Isauli It 239-Makhdumpur (b) Deletion of existing village ' 12 Delete' 239-Makhdumpur and the entries against it: (c) Corrections in existing Code numbers Page For Read no. 4 267-Ramnathpur 367-Ramnathpur 8 192-Dhanapur o. 198-Dhanaupur 12 95-Dakhin Gaon Kiyar 94-Dakhin Gaon Kiyar 12 JS3-Harkbu Mau 156--Harkhu Mau 17 365-Jwalipur 366-Jwalipur 17 532-Mahmudpur 522-Mabmudpur (d) Correetions in existing names of villages Page For Read no. --- -- ~--~- ---- ---------- 3 33-Balipur Dandiya 33-Balipur Dohiu 3 70-Bhaghbaria 70":""'Bhaghoria 3 89-Chakapur .. 89-{Jhachkapur 3 90-Chand Rahai 90-Chanderia 3 117-Dhawain 117-Dhoen :3 128-Gad Gaon .. 12B-Gadyan 3 I 29-Gagawki I 29-Gangauli :3 141-Ghata Muafi 141-Gadha l\fuafi 3 149-Gopalpur 149-Gulalpur 3 165-Hariapur I 65-Hariharpur 221-Khardwao . ° 221-Khaa:awan "4 292-Ma.inahax 292-Nainahar 4 322-Panri 322-Pandri 4 334-Pirerpur 334-Piparpur 4 584-Shabipur 384-Shahjipur 5 303-Neotbia 303-Neoriha 5 32-Ajaon 32-Al'jon 6 245-Ghunha 24S-Q-hamh'l G 299 -HarilI8[OpUr Mathur Lai 299-Ha.r;harpul'Ma\,hura Lal 7 53l-Newa Dinupur 531-N"ewa Danuupur 7 534-Nujhapur .. 534-0jhapur 7 567-Patkbauli Hoeai 567-PatkhauIi Haresa.r 7 682--Sa.rai Jauhar 682-Sarai Jujhar 7 723-Sikipa.lpur .. 723-Shiripatpur 7 739-Tahri 739-Tarahi 8 69-Baahupur 69-Bakhshooplll'.-_ 2 List of errata to District Population statistics of Sultanpur District-(Iconcid.) Page no. For Read 8 117-Bhatbipur .. 117-Bharthipur 8 185-Dia.ri Tiyan Patti 185-Deori Tuan Patti 9 365-Katgha.ra Mutabi 365-Katghara Mutarbahi 9 366-Kachha Bbitona 366-Kachha Bhitaura 10 • 667-8a1'ai Khalhopul' 667-Saraiya Kelhaupur II 417-Talmasan .. 417-Talmasiaon 11 151-Rasai Makundpur 151-llansui Makundpur 11 226-Lohraypur .. 226-Loharipur 12 93-Dakhin Gaon Hari Mohan 93-Dakhin Gaon Had MatJ J2 IOO-Daulatpur Niyara IOO-Daulatpur Nisura 12 248-Mangrairah .. 248-Mangraura 12 266-Mirapur 266-Miranpur 12 267-Mirapur Miura 267-Miranpur Nisura 13 269-l\Iohabbatpur 269-Misirpur 13 427-Tilda 427-Tikra 13 429-Umapur 42 Sl-Umanpul' 13 26-Amasi 26-Amari B-Errata to population figures (Rural) :Page no. Particulars 2 3 4 5 7 2 Pargana Isauti For 34,862 34,728 69,590 7,632 Read. 35,048 34,927 69,975 7.680 2 Pargana .Jagdishpur For 62,877 60~905 123.782 28.17~ Read 62,691 60~706 123,397 28.131 II Pargana Isauli For 69,590 7,632 61,958 Reoa 69,975 7.680 62~29S II 239-lVIakhdumpur For Read 385 48 337 11 pargana .Jagdishpur For 123,782 28,179 95,603 Read 123,397 28.131 95,266 ~-~- - DISTRICT SULTANPUR Population of Towns by MohalIas/Wards Population Scheduled Code no. and name of }.j:ohalla Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 3 4 5 (I 7 SULTANPUR (MUNICIPAL BOARD) Civil Lin~B 2.,664 1,621 4,285 784 231 3,270 2 Khairabad 1,774 1,376 3,150 1.,422 164 1,564 .5 M.QjorganJ 2,288 1,709 3,997 1,001 30 2,966 4 PerkinsgauJ' 707 653 1,360 419 941 5 Shahganj 2,567 2.197 4,764 1,862 339 2,563 Total 10,000 7,556 17,556 5.488 764 11,304 PopnJation according to Primary Census Abstract 9,896 ,7,600 17,496 Pqnlation of Muslims accord'•• to Table D-U 5,544 PopuJatio. of Scheduled Caste, .ccordinl to Table D-llI 805 2 DISTRICT SULTANPUR Summary of Rural Population Population Population Populatif)n of of Scheduled Seheduled Castes Castes Code ~ccording aecordin~ no •. Tehsil and Pargana Males Females Total to Table D-III to N, C. R. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 TEH~IL AMETHI 120,021 121,514 241,541 24,122 23,520 PargaM .Amethi 97,375 99,063 196,438 18,606 Patgana .d8al 22,652 22,451 45,103 4,914 2 TEHSIL KADIPUR 158,948 156,710 31.$,658 11,693·~ - - 18,964 Pargana Ohanara 49,'131 49,611 99,342 24,024 Pargana .Aldemt!u 109,217 107,099 216,316 54,940 3 TEHSIL MUSAFIRKHANA 153,706 151,483 305,189 51,126 Pargana GaurajamQ 31,728 31,175 62,903 14,750 pq:rga'fl.(J- !8auZi 34,862 34,728, 69,590 7,632 Paf'gana Jagdi8hp11/r 62,877 60,905 123,182 28,179 Paf'gaM Muaaf;'rkha'rla 24,239 24,675 48,914 1,165 4 TEHSIL SULTANPUR 198,884 203,392 402,216 43,166 41,751* Pargana Mira1lp'Ur 99,606 102;'596 202,202 17,196* Pargana BaraU'I!8a 99,278 100,796 200,074 24,561 Total 6;11,565 633,099 1,264,664 294,83S 201,967 Il1o Excluding population of one missing N. C. R. 3 DISTRICT SULTANPUR Rural Population by Tehsils, Parganas and Villages I I Total Seheduled Total Scheduled Code no. and name of Village Population Castes Others I Code no. and name of Village Population Castes Others -~-------~- --~ - _----- -_---------- ---~ ----------- ------ I ------------------ 2 3 4 2 3 4 -~------_. --------- TEHSIL AMETHI 241,541 23.520 Zl8,021 106 Darka 18,606 177,832 619 37 582 Pargana Amethi 196,438 107 Darpipur 369 21 348 946 58 888 109 Darpasar 846 846 I Afoia 110 Dewar Dewakali 247 247 2 Aghal' 591 5~>l 114 93 III Dakkhin Gaon 536 102 434 4 Aharwal 21 1'12 Dhanapur Aintha 425 425 282 63. 219 5 Dhani Jalalpur 6 Aksard 482 56 426 113 248. 13 235 148 141 114 :Qhanapur 126 126 8 Alipur 7 Dharupm Amai Muafi 1,430 21 1,409 115 427 39 388 9 Dllarai Mu.afi Ambarpur 134 9 125 116 5J1 5 506 11 Dhawain Amiya 311 147 164 117 481 68 413 12 Dehra Amtahi 715 179 536 118 910 25 885 13 DilShahpur 14 Anapur 249 22 227 121 395 31 364 15 An:p.i Baijal 1,167 7 1,160 122 Dilshahpur 200 7 193 16 Al'gawan 403 74 329 124 Dullapur Khurd 306 27 279 17 Al'sahni 305 58 247 125 Dullapur Kalan 977 137 840 18 Asaidaur 367 367 127 Dostpur 285 41 244 19 Asura 323 6 317 128 Gad Gaon 81 81 20 Atan.agar 567 567 129 Gagawki 754 145 609 21 Baburi Tula 186 34 152 131 Gadairi 1,121 256 865 22 Babupur 490 17 473 132 Gangohan 361 65 296 23 Badlapur 565 565 134 Gangapur 410 86 324 24 Bagia Kailash 232 232 136 Garthulia 961 4 957 25 Bahanpur 581 22 559 137 Gauripur 1,269 155 1,114 _26 Bahurikpur 307 22 285 139 Ghaghoghar 412 66 346 27 Bahanpur 552 552 141 Ghata Muafi 657 130 527 -30 Bainipur 613 100 513 142 Glmt Kaur 397 136 261 32 Belipur 100 23 77 143 Ghatampur 866 22 844 33 BaUpur Dandiya 527 2 525 144 Ghorha 432 432 34 Balipur Khurdwan 299 17 282 115 Giyan Chandpur 201 29 172 35 Bandoya 473 473 146 Gujar Tola 479 II 468 36 llinw8xipur 123 4 119 147 Gojipur 360 33 327 ,37 Bargaon 1,238 17 1,221 149 Gopalpur 477 92 385 38 Barnatike 1,225 71 1,154 152 Gopalipur 215 16 199 39 BarBera 624 32 592 153 Gopiapur 133 70 63 40 13artaH 200 200 154 GOvindptu Unpopulated 41 BaJ:iyapur 387 387 155 Gowanwan 1,522 351
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