.7476 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER-25, 1898. To authorise the Company to take, collect, and Bishqpsga'te-avenue. London 'Bridge Wharf. recover rents and charges for the supply of Black Lion-yard. Maidstone Wharf. .electrical .energy and power, and the use of any Botolph Wharf - gate- Meeting House:court. machines, lamps, meters, fittings, "or apparatus Montefiore's-buildings, connected therewith. - - , Britannia-place.' ' ' Jewry-street. C arron Warehouse-yard. New-court, . St. To incorporate with the Provisional Order and 1 to -extend and apply to the proposed undertaking, Catherine-cour -, Tower- Swithin's-lane. and works and to the Company as Undertakers hill. New Zealand-avenue. of the same, and with or without variation; all Catherine Wheel (The) Nicholson's Wharf- or some of the provisions of the Electric Lighting . Inn-yard, Bishops- Acts, 1882 and 1888, and of the Acts or-portions gate. Old Jewry-chambers. of Acts incorporated, therewith, and to confer Church-court, Lothbury. OneSwan-yard,Bishops- .upon the Company ail or some of the powers Church - court, St. gate. within the area of supply which, by the Electric Clement's-lane. Phil's - buildings, Lighting- Acls, 1882 and '1888, or any Act Cooper's. Wool Ware- Houndsditch. amending the same or incorporated therewith, house-yard. Phoenix-court. are or may be conferred upon Undertakers,, and (•ox's Quay-gateway. Post Office-court. the Provisional Or,der will contain 'all such Cox's Quay-passage. Purfleet Wharf. regulations and conditions as to the supply of Crown and Horseshoe Queen's - court, Vine- electricity, and all matters incidental thereto, as Wharf. • ' ... street, Minories. the said Acts authorise or the Board of Trade Crown and Shears-court. Queen-street-place. •may prescribe, and will alter, vary, or extinguish Custom House Quay; Railway-place. all rights and privileges which would or might Docks Warehouse-yard, Red Bull Wharf. interfere with any of its objects, and confer all Fenchurch-street. Redgate-court.. .other rights and privileges necessary for carry- Dunster-court. Red Lion-court. ing such objects into effect. Exchange - buildings, Rutland Wharf. Cutler-street. Smith's-bnildin gs, Lead- The streets and other places in, over, or along Fishmonger's • Hall enhall-street. which it is proposed to take power to place any Whaif. St. Andrew's Wharf. electric lines or other works are all the streets Flcur-de-Lis-court. St. Dionis-yard. and other places within the .said area of supply, Fowke's - buildings, Tabernacle-alle'y. whether repairable by the local authority or not. Great Tower-street. Temple-avenue. It Is proposed that electric lines should be laid Garden-place. Trig Wharf. down in the following streets within a period of George-yard. Trinity-buildings,Great two' years after the commencement of the Gres ham-place. Tower-street, order:—' . ' Hercules-passage.- Victoria Wharf. In the City.of London. Hooker's-courfc. Vulcan Whaif. Charterhouse-street. Queen Victoria-street. Horse-shoe Wharf. " Wheatsheaf Wharf. Farriugdon-street. Threadneedle-street. Howford - buildings, White Hart-court. New Bridge-street. Old Broad-street. Fenchurch-street. White Lion Wharf. Holborn-viaduct. Fore-street. Kennet Wharf. Winckworth-buildings, Newgate-street. New Broad-street. Leadenhall Market. Austin Friars., Cheapside. Bishopsgate • street Worcester-place, Cornhill.: Within. ' Worley's-court. • Leadenhall-street. Bishopsgate - street . • In the Parish of St, Luke, Middlesex. Aldgate High-street. Without. Aldersgate-street. Gracechurch-s treet. Bunhill-court. Thomas-place (Middle Fleet-street. Finsbury-pavement. Charles-court (Hull- Row). Ludgate-hill. M oorgate-street. street) Three King - court, St. Paul's-churchyard. Princes-street. Lewen's-couit. Whitecross-street. Cannon-street. Queen-street. New-court (Middle- Waterloo-place. Eastcheap. King-street. row). Wellington-place. Great Tower-street. Oliver's-yard. Whitby-court. In the Parish of St. Luko, Middlesex. Osinan's-place. York-mews. City-road. Buuhill-row. President-mews. Finsbury-square. Tabernacle-street. In the District of the Holborn District Board "Chiswell-street. Old-street. • . of Works. Hall-si reet. ' South-place. Lincoln's-inii. Goswell-road. Golden-lane. In. the extra-parochial places of Gray's-hm and Finsbury-pavemeut. t Furnival's-inn, all streets or roads and paths In the 'Dist.nct of the Holboru District in such places. Board of Works. The canals which- the Company propose to .Charterhouse-street. High Holbom. take powers to pass or cross over or under, are as Southampton - build- Theobald's-road. follows:— ings. Great Ormonde-street. The Regent's Canal. Bedford-row. Chancerj'-lane. The railways which the company propose to Lamb's Conduit-street. Gray's Inn-road. take powers to break up, pass, or cross over or Goswell-road. Hatton- garden. under, are as follows:— Charterhouse-square. Clerkenwell-ro.ad. Railways. The streets, roads, or places within the said Metropolitan Railway. area, not repairable by the local authority, London, Chatham, and Dover Railway. which -the undertakers propose to take power to Metropolitan District Railway. ' break up, are as follows:— Midland Railway. In the City of London. • Great Eastern Railway. • Abchurch-yard. London and St. Kath- Central London Railway. Anchor-alley. erine's Docks Corn- London, Tilbury and Southend Railway. Anchor Wharf. pany Bonded Ware- Great Western Railway. Austin Friar's-avenue. houses, streets within South. Eastern Railway. Bell-court. area "of. r North London Railway. Billingsgate Market. London Bridge. ' Great Northern Railway. ..
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