Vol. 33, No. 10 www.arlingtondemocrats.org October 2008 Garvey wins with October red/blue chili means Libby Garvey’s “Red Hot and Very Blue Chili,” prepared by Dale Proctor, took the People’s Choice Award at this year’s Chili Cookoff. This is the first win of two in two months (the hard work latter being in the General Election in November) for the School Board candidate. First Runner Up—and the first and only time and hard the Obama campaign will come in second in Vir- ginia—went to the Obama campaign’s “Ready to Go” chili, prepared by Kate Maliga. partying The awards were only a part of the fun and politicking at the annual Labor Day (and first Gold Card) event. More than two hundred people came out on a clear and sunny day to kick off the cam- paign season, sample the best chili in town, and oth- VOLUNTEER erwise have a GOT (grande olde time)! See Page 3 for all the The event was organized by first-timer WOW — You can almost see the smoke contact information you Michelle McCall like a seasoned pro. rising as Chris King sampled this chili. need to get involved. Here’s what to do to keep PARTY See Page 4 for lots of getting The Voice opportunities to eat, drink, Last month The Voice announced that, been published, you will need to provide hoot at the GOP and bid on as of the December 2008 edition (which is ACDC with your email address and you will published in late November), the newsletter receive a monthly reminder with a link you behalf of Barbara Favola will only be available online. Due to the can click on to go directly to the newsletter. heavy cost of printing and mailing, the print To do this, you just go to the ACDC edition will no longer be available. website, www.arlingtondemocrats.org, and Now we’re going to tell you how to en- on the home page click on “Sign up to receive sure that you may continue to read election The Voice electronically.” Then fill out the VOTE analysis, feature articles and other informa- easy form. That’s all. DO IT NOW! And, please, don’t tion of interest to Arlington Democrats. For those who do not have email—and A little-known fact: You can already ONLY for those individuals—if you would forget to vote! So you read The Voice online at the ACDC web site, like to continue to receive a print version of can work Election Day, www.arlingtondemocrats.org. On the left- The Voice, fill out the form on page seven and hand side of the home page, click on “Read mail it to ACDC headquarters. At this time, or just avoid the crush, The Voice.” It has been available there for we cannot guarantee there will continue to vote early. It’s legal years! It is in full color and looks great! be a print version. This will depend entirely and it’s all explained on Check it out now! on the number of requests received and the However, in order to ensure that you cost and time effectiveness of producing and Page 3. know when the latest edition of The Voice has mailing a print copy. ACDC Voice, October 2008, Page 2 Report from Chairman Peter Rousselot rebuilding an economy that works for the middle class. He’ll break the grip of the spe- cial interests, and put the middle class first by giving a tax break of up to $1,000 to 95 Obama: Yes, we can! percent of hard working Americans. Under In times of national crisis, a natural earthquake that is about to consume it, and Barack Obama’s plan, middle class families leader will inspire all of us to join together to contrary to the wishes of much of its base, will benefit from the lowest income tax rates meet the challenge. Without inspiration, we has nominated for president a Vietnam war in over 50 years. And overall taxes will be stray off course. Barack Obama has risen hero who is unfit to lead us. John McCain below what they were under Ronald Reagan. within reach of the American Presidency be- endured horrible torture in Vietnam, and de- Barack Obama will create jobs by ending tax cause he is uniquely gifted to inspire our na- serves America’s admiration and praise for breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas tion in times of crisis at home and abroad. that heroism. But, the John McCain who and by cutting taxes for small businesses and Jealous adversaries have belittled Obama’s comes before us 40 years later seeking our companies that create jobs in America. gifts for oratory as “just words.” In their days, Presidency is a brittle and unsure hot head What about John McCain? Despite the the same was said of Lincoln, FDR, and JFK who is so out of touch with the ordinary con- current crisis in the American economy, John by their less-gifted opponents. cerns of Americans that he cannot be entrusted McCain’s initial, instinctive reaction to the In her wonderful recent biography of with that office. bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers—an invest- FDR, Jean Smith captured his inspirational A man who doesn’t know how many ment bank that withstood the American Civil leadership at the moment of his first inaugu- houses he owns, who cannot use a personal War, the Great Depression, and two world ral address: computer despite being in positions of lead- wars, was to claim that “the fundamentals of “‘The vast crowd stilled, sensing the des- ership in the Senate (including chair of the our economy are strong.” Let me tell you: the tiny of the moment. Roosevelt’s voice was firm Senate Commerce Committee) throughout the fundamentals of our economy are not strong. and reassuring, instilling confidence by tone time the personal computer was developed, Even here in Northern Virginia, where we’ve and example. ‘This great Nation will endure and who is prepared to roll the dice of our had great leadership at the state and local as it has endured, will revive and will pros- nation’s leadership by choosing Sarah Palin level, the fundamentals of our economy are per. So, first of all, let me assert my firm be- as his VP nominee (passing over many others not strong. lief that the only thing we have to fear is fear in his party, including leaders like Senator Kay McCain believes “we’ve made great itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified ter- Bailey Hutchison of Texas), is a man who progress economically” under George Bush— ror which paralyzes efforts to convert retreat lacks the temperament and judgment to be with whom he has voted 90 percent of the into advance.’… The effect of the speech was President of the United States. time. McCain himself has admitted, truthfully, electrifying, the praise all but unanimous.” Our current economic crisis starkly il- that he doesn’t understand economics very [FDR, by Jean Smith, Random House Paper- lustrates why we need President Obama. If well. If he did understand economics better, back ed., pp.302-303 (2008).] you believe our economy needs to change, he would be aware that unemployment is at a After eight years of ruinous economic there’s only one choice in this election. Barack five-year high, home values are plummeting, policies at home and disastrous foreign poli- Obama will bring the change we need by re- and household incomes have dropped $2,000. cies abroad, the Republican Party, sensing the versing the policies of the last eight years and John McCain doesn’t get it. He wants to give nearly $2 trillion in tax breaks for corpora- tions over the next 10 years, but doesn’t offer any tax relief to 101 million families or to any small business. In fact, he’ll raise taxes by Jerry Botland $3.6 trillion on health insurance for average Americans. While Americans can barely af- Computer Consulting ford a tank of gas, he’ll give billions in tax Troubleshoot and resolve computer and breaks to Big Oil. computer related problems. That’s not change we can believe in; Perform upgrades, set-up wireless routers and print servers. that’s not change we can afford—that’s not change at all. That’s just more of the same Transfer old files, address book and emails failed Bush economics that got us into this from an old computer to a new one. recession to begin with. Bush, McCain and Ph# (703) 933-0558 — [email protected] their allies have argued for years that padding the pockets of the wealthy would trickle down. Well, now the economic mess they created is trickling up. So, the choice in this election is Published monthly by the clear. If you are better off than you were eight Arlington County Democratic Committee years ago and want four more years of a presi- dent who puts the biggest corporations first, 2009 North 14th Street, Suite #612, Arlington, VA 22201 then you should vote for John McCain. If you Tel: (703) 528-8588 Fax: (703) 528-2321 believe that it’s time for fundamental change http://www.arlingtondemocrats.org in Washington and a president who puts the Chair: Peter Rousselot —703-276-1584 (o), [email protected] middle class first, then you’ll vote for Barack Editor-in-Chief: Barbara van Voorst —703-522-6294 (h), [email protected] Obama. Deputy Editor: Warren L. Nelson —703-243-7867 (h), [email protected] ACDC Voice, October 2008, Page 3 Next Monthly Meeting— Bumper Sticker All Dems Invited of the Month Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 7 p.m.
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