WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 27 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 VER COM 4:30 KATU News This Morning (N) Good Morning America (N) (cc) 47008 AM Northwest Be a Millionaire The View Journalist E.D. Hill. (N) Live With Regis and Kelly (N) (cc) 2/KATU 2 2 (cc) (Cont’d) 626517 (cc) 17282 21973 (cc) (TV14) 59843 (TVG) 46379 KOIN Local 6 News 33331 The Early Show (N) (cc) 69244 Let’s Make a Deal (N) (cc) (TVPG) The Price Is Right Contestants bid The Young and the Restless (N) (cc) 6/KOIN 6 6 Early at 6 80824 66244 for prizes. (N) (TVG) 88379 (TV14) 91843 Newschannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 Today Gayle Haggard; Sharon Osbourne. (N) (cc) 867060 Rachael Ray (cc) (TVG) 86911 8/KGW 8 8 AM (N) (cc) 44534 Lilias! (cc) (TVG) Between the Lions Curious George Sid the Science Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Tribute to Number Clifford the Big Dragon Tales WordWorld (TVY) Martha Speaks 10/KOPB 10 10 19350 (TVY) 89517 (TVY) 25824 Kid (TVY) 43701 (TVY) 27718 (TVY) 26089 Seven. (N) (cc) (TVY) 35398 Red Dog 91379 (TVY) 39553 11060 (TVY) 29089 Good Day Oregon-6 (N) 71602 Good Day Oregon (N) 16176 The 700 Club (cc) (TVPG) 20466 Paid 86447 Paid 24621 The Martha Stewart Show (N) (cc) 12/KPTV 12 12 (TVG) 15447 Paid 86486 Paid 17008 Paid 49195 Paid 28602 Through the Bible Life Today 15553 Christians & Jews Paid 34176 Paid 91060 Paid 67319 Paid 78244 Paid 79973 22/KPXG 5 5 16282 67355 Changing Your John Hagee Rod Parsley This Is Your Day Kenneth Cope- The Word in the Inspirations Lifestyle Maga- Behind the Alternative James Robison Marilyn Hickey 24/KNMT 20 20 World 91534 Today 31916 (TVG) 34263 53398 land 17850 World 67391 91973 zine 29244 Scenes 26756 Health 20485 96640 (cc) 18529 Paid 474701 Paid 91008 Edgemont (cc) Paid 19992 That ’70s Show The King of My Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? The Steve Wilkos Show (N) (cc) 32/KRCW 3 3 (TVPG) 30485 (TVPG) 98824 Queens 97195 88447 18176 75060 77331 (TV14) 28640 Gospel Truth Eye for an Eye Animal Atlas Recipe TV Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Judge Jeanine Pirro (N) (cc) Judge Hatchett Cheaters (cc) Divorce Court (N) Street Court 49/KPDX 13 13 55176 (TV14) 80398 (TVG) 94945 (TVPG) 84602 (N) (TVG) 70824 (TVG) 79195 (TVPG) 64824 (TVPG) 64350 (TV14) 59331 (cc) 80114 (TVPG) 81843 Paid 955756 Paid 413195 American Justice The Texas Cheer- The Sopranos Tony travels to Italy. CSI: Miami One Night Stand. (cc) Cold Case Files (cc) (TV14) 120973 The First 48 Memphis Blues; Knife A&E 52 181 leader Murder Plot. 306466 (cc) (TVMA) 307195 (TV14) 931176 to the Heart. (TV14) 140737 Paid 959447 Paid 860089 Paid 518114 Paid 597621 Paid 293963 Paid 643404 Movies Shook Hellfighters ★★ (‘68) John Wayne, Katharine Ross. Firefighters travel the globe AMC 71 231 948896 battling oil-well blazes. ‘G’ (cc) (2:01) 69066350 The Most The Most Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary It’s Me or the Dog 15 Strangest Animal Cops Philadelphia Fresh Animal Cops Philadelphia Zeus’ Bat- Dogs 101 English bulldog, fox ter- AP 43 130 Extreme 66824 Extreme 31553 (TVG) 47602 (TVG) 66737 Cases. (cc) (TVPG) 624008 Start. (cc) (TV14) 42244 tle for Survival. (TVPG) 55621 rier. (cc) (TVPG) 75485 BET Inspiration 425331 Sunday Best (cc) (TVG) 837992 The Mo’Nique Show (cc) (TV14) The Jamie Foxx The Jamie Foxx The Game (TV14) The Game (TV14) BET 56 270 818076 Show 507089 Show 154911 369756 360485 Newsroom (N) 496114 Newsroom (N) 499850 Newsroom (N) 992027 CNN 44 100 Paid 9467089 Paid 9856621 Paid 1290060 Paid 1219195 Paid 8233331 Paid 8232602 Daily Show The Colbert Wayne’s World 2 ★★ (‘93) Mike Myers, Dana Carvey. A dead rock COM 60 190 8256282 Report 9117244 star tells Wayne to organize a big concert. ‘PG-13’ (cc) 9137008 Paid 618878 Paid 509447 Oregon Basketball Full Court Trail Blazers Courtside 513640 Softy 166850 CSN 37 77 829973 Paid 920060 Paid 428027 Paid 150114 James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid 693244 Cash Cab (cc) Cash Cab (cc) Cash Cab: After Cash Cab (cc) I Shouldn’t Be Alive Dive Into Dan- DISC 7 120 139621 694973 (TVG) 617824 (TVG) 354843 Dark 419379 (TVG) 613008 ger. (cc) (TVPG) 155669 Phineas and Ferb Imagination Mov- Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Special Agent Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Imagination Mov- Jungle Junction Chuggington Tigger & Pooh Little Einsteins DISN 41 250 403824 ers 956331 (TVY) 611756 2631621 Oso 6976485 74 30398 (TVY) 3645640 ers 5774176 (TVY) 2146621 (TVY) 7218718 9858602 (TVY) 2702027 Paid 665602 Paid 507114 The E! True Hollywood Story Bret The E! True Hollywood Story Rock Star Wives. Rock The E! True Hollywood Story Rock Wives. Rock stars’ Keeping Up With the Kardashians E! 70 196 Michaels. (cc) (TVPG) 476805 wives. (cc) (TV14) 558008 wives. (cc) (TVPG) 616737 Body Blows. (TV14) 227466 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 248843 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 773114 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 774843 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 971669 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 506379 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 519843 ESPN 35 70 5:00 Mike and Mike in the Morning ESPN First Take (Live) (cc) 1596640 ESPN First Take (cc) 9294824 Mike and Mike NFL Films Pres- ESPN2 36 74 (Live) (cc) (Cont’d) 8796718 6839350 ents 6847379 Joyce Meyer Paid 693379 Sister, Sister Sister, Sister Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch 700 Club Special Programming 694008 Gilmore Girls (cc) (TVPG) 306331 FAM 39 199 111350 (TVG) 318176 (TVG) 320911 892553 891824 America’s Newsroom (N) 9332485 Happening Now (N) 8409331 The Live Desk (N) 4099195 FNC 48 118 Paid 9469447 Paid 9865379 Paid 1209718 Paid 1211553 Paid 8242089 Paid 8234060 Paid 8258640 Will Work for Food Emeril Live Football Party. Entertaining Quick Fix Meals FOOD 66 164 9119602 1217737 2452718 2453447 Paid 71756 Paid 46485 The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score Paid 88485 Paid 79737 Paid 99486 Paid 37737 Paid 68621 Warren Miller Warren Miller FSN 34 76 52534 71669 89114 65756 66485 Paid 2687008 Paid 8433398 Malcolm in the Malcolm in the Pleasantville ★★★ (‘98) Tobey Maguire, Jeff Daniels. Two ’90s teens are transport- Rushmore ★★★ (‘98) Jason Schwartzman, Bill FX 53 53 Middle 6805331 Middle 6824466 ed into a 1950s TV sitcom. ‘PG-13’ (2:03) 8059824 Murray. ‘R’ (1:33) 2153485 San Diego Invitational Highlights San Diego Invitational Highlights San Diego Invitational Highlights Paid 62447 Paid 92176 Paid 20447 Paid 51331 Inside the PGA Top 10 59195 GOLF 33 304 2000. Phil Mickelson. (N) 24350 2003. Tiger Woods. (N) 614621 2004. John Daly. (N) 615350 Tour 58466 Paid 7195195 Paid 7107553 Paid 9797599 Paid 4547896 Paid 5132350 Paid 5131621 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Little House on the Prairie Ebene- HALL 18 240 5122973 2114553 7198805 5151485 zer Sprague. (TVPG) 8242404 Paid 1137447 Creative Juice Cash in the Attic Get Color (cc) Color Correction Design Remix Designing-Sex Good Buy, Bad Get It Sold (TVG) Get It Sold (TVG) House Hunters House Hunters HGTV 67 165 (TVG) 5205737 9500599 (TVG) 4350896 (TVG) 7867176 (TVG) 7866447 7880027 Buy? 1129350 5296089 7879911 (TVG) 9061447 9062176 Paid 7197553 Paid 7109911 Modern Marvels Apollo 13. (cc) The Real Tomb Hunters: Snakes, Curses and Booby Traps Real-life Indiana Jones and the Ultimate Quest History’s mysteries and trea- HIST 50 128 (TVG) 5632331 archaeologists and the dangers they face. (cc) (TVPG) 7197176 sures inspire films. (cc) (TVPG) 2103447 Paid 124824 Paid 699553 Joyce Meyer Paid 333485 Reba (cc) Reba (cc) (TVPG) Reba (cc) (TVPG) Reba (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Will & Grace Will & Grace LIFE 69 140 314350 (TVPG) 805027 804398 888350 (TVPG) 532669 (TVPG) 680805 (TVPG) 884534 (TV14) 440114 (TV14) 441843 The Daily Rundown 1779460 MSNBC News Live (N) 7262447 MSNBC News Live (N) 7263176 MSNBC News Live (N) 2694398 Andrea Mitchell Reports (N) MSNBC News Live (N) 6831756 MSNBC 128 103 6811992 AMTV (TV14) 125466 Grounded for Life Grounded for Life Degrassi: Next Degrassi: Next Buffy the Vampire Slayer (cc) MTV 63 210 880718 527737 675973 879602 (TVPG) 304973 Family Matters Family Matters SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob The Backyardi- Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi NICK 40 252 (TVG) 928602 (TVG) 426669 158756 137263 625843 gans 624114 615466 352485 (TVY) 400621 (TVY) 604350 (TVY) 824027 (N) 825756 Paid 850718 Paid 343843 Paid 367832 Paid 317517 Paid 526089 Paid 518060 CSI: NY Live or Let Die. (cc) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation No CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Mas- SPIKE 57 54 (TV14) 869466 Way Out. (TV14) 412981 cara. (TV14) 317337 Paid 9470621 Paid 7897485 Paid 8547701 Paid 5597486 Invasion The Hunt. (cc) (TV14) Invasion Fish Story. (cc) (TV14) Invasion The Cradle. (cc) (TV14) Invasion The Dredge. (cc) (TV14) SYFY 59 180 5331244 9496669 3692850 9292094 Married. With Married. With Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Fresh Prince of Fresh Prince of Fresh Prince of House of Payne Just Shoot Me Home Improve- TBS 55 52 Children 575534 Children 344981 798398 777805 249447 248718 Bel-Air 262398 Bel-Air 976089 Bel-Air 649373 251282 (TV14) 431331 ment 432060 Jon & Kate Plus 8 Jon & Kate Plus 8 18 Kids-Count 18 Kids-Count Bringing Home Bringing Home A Baby Story A Baby Story Clean Sweep A man keeps busi- Say Yes to the Say Yes to the TLC 38 139 (TVG) 878114 (TVG) 338911 604460 482295 Baby 544485 Baby 543756 (TVPG) 534008 (TVPG) 255089 ness receipts.
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