Distribution MDBANK Today wkk M* It JT* T '.19,200 tik aad pleasant See Wetter, I Dial SH 1-0010 brad telly. KM4V thwatfc TridtT- SecoM Clui P«U{t VOL. 85, NO. 54 Mi « B*S Btak w& •* M4Uau> lUiltoi oust**. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1962' 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE ' • • • • ' . Nationalist U2 Downed By Red China; Rap U. S. TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) -Red A Nationalist spokesman said be turned over to the United tionalist officials said privately 90,000 feet, they must have the China, reporting it shot down, one the U2s were bought from the States in the normal course of in- they were convinced he could not latest ground-to-air missiles at their disposal. of two U2 planes the Chinese Na- Lockheed Corporation in the Unit- telligence exchange between two have been captured alive. ed States in 1960 and put into op- allies. It was recalled, however, that Assistant White House press tionalists bought from the United eration that December. The latest U2 incident, an- the Communists offered Aug. 8 to secretary Andrew T. Hatcher said States, charged today the flight A State Department spokesman nounced over Peiping , radio, pay $280,000 in gold to any Na- the State Department was looking over Communist soil was part of said in Washington that the U2 came five days after the Soviet tionalist pilot who delivered a U2 into the incident and that word a U.S. spy program. purchases were made with U.S. Union protested that an Ameri- intact to the mainland. of the Peiping announcement had approval, but that operation of the can-piloted U2 had violated Sovi- Missiles Used been relayed to President Kenndy Plane Missing planes was solely a Nationalist et air space over Sakhalin Island Peiping's announcement did not in Newport, R.I. The Nationalists confirmed that matter. north of Japan. The United States disclose how the plane was Paul H. Nitze, assistant secre- one of the high-altitude U2s they Intelligence Exchange admitted that one of its patrol brought down. tary of defense for international have been, operating for nearly Officials admitted privately, planes might have been blown off A Defense Department official security, affairs, declined to say two years disappeared Sunday on however, that it could be as- course by high winds. in Washington said that if the whether the United States has 'HISTORICAL MOMENT — The first high school in history,of Raritan Township, a a routine reconnaissance mission sumed that information obtained Peiping did not disclose of the Reds bagged the plane at its nor- turned over U2s to any other al- over the Red mainland. from Nationalist U2 flights would fate of the Nationalist pilot, but na mal flying altitude of 60,000 to lied nation. $1,500,000 800-pupil 28-room building, was dedicated Saturday. In prior years, Raritan pupils attended Keyport High School. Papers here are being placed in cor- nerstone capsule by, left to right, William E. Madden,.,principal; R. Thomas/Jan- narone, local school superintendent; Mayor Philip J. Blanda, Jr. and Earl B. Sam- Reserve Call-Up Weighed ion, county schooj superintendent. They include lists of school board members, ad- WASHINGTON (AP)—The Sen- ists who already had served,two call-up, two new combat divisions ministrators, student and adult committees, school's phijosbphy,' code of student ate Armed Services Committee or three years of active duty. have been formed and three train- dresi, student handbook and course of study. Speakers at ceremony were Board begins hearings today on Pres Defense Department officials, ing divisions have been turned dent Kennedy's request for stand- noting that the President's request into combat units. president Robert J. Corbliis, Mayor Blanda and Mr. Garrison. by authority to order 150,000 re- specifically exempts those who Diplomatic officials, comment* servists back to active military were called up last year,, said ing on Kennedy's- request, said it duty if needed. there still are plenty of combat- appeared to be a warning to So- Secretary of Defense Robert ready reservists available for fu- viet Premier KhrushcheV to think McNamara was scheduled to be ture duty. twice- before stirring up new em- the first witness In the closed ses- In addition, Pentagon officials bers in the already hot Berlin Mull Bias Charge have noted that since the 1961 situation.. sion. If past handling of slmilai ENGLEWOOD (AP)-The boil- At the same time, a poll ol Volk said he felt that Engle- requests is a guide, Congress rna; Ing issue of racial imbalance in Englewood has shown better than wood's citizens do not oppose de- complete action within a week the elementary schools was head- 5 to 1 support for continuance of segregation but do want the chil Leaders of both parties hav< ed back today for the desk of the neighborhood school policy. dren to attend schools in their pledged to support Kennedy's re Susan Lenard Queen quest. the state commissioner of educa- The results of the poll were an- home districts. tion,. Frederick M. Raubinger. nounced here Sunday by Mayor He added however that the pe- High administration figures say A petition of appeal was to be Austin N. Volk. tition to Raubinger puts the whole the President's request is basec filed with Raubinger in Trenton primarily on concern over th< Of 10th Country Fair Favor Plan question up to the commissioner contending that Englewood has of education. v tense Berlin situation, There alsi By JANE E. MORROW from the great spelling bee as (ailed "to put into operation plans has been speculation that Kenned; "The very large, majority of the The petition filing was an- queen of local spellers. In a which would eliminate the pres- made the move to show that th< NEW SHREWSBURY - Susan people who responded to the poll nounced by Robert L. Carter, gen- hard-fought contest, Shaun Kelly, ently existing and entrenched United States is prepared to mee Lenard of Shark River Rd. favored the neighborhood school eral counsel of the National As- son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, patterns of racial segregation in any serious military threat arislnj reigned Saturday as queen of Sycamore Ave., emerged second, policy and policies of the sociation for the Advancemen New Shrewsbury's 10th Country the public schools." board of education," he said: from the shipment of Communls with Richard Hamilton, son ol of Colored People. The action bloc arms and men to Cuba. Fair, assisted by runners-up Bar- was being taken in behalf of Deb- Dr, and Mrs. Richard B. Hamil- bara Milligan and Claire Thorn ton, Sycamore Ave,, third, and orah Spruill, a 6-year old firs Taking Precautions as. , grader now attending the Lincoln Michael Burke, son of Mr. and HOME AGAIN —Harold B. Milliard, president of Red Senate Democratic leaders am She had thousands of happy, Mrs. P.P..flurke,.Wy'ckhara Rd., school.*" carefree subjects, who ate and Worcester Seely Bank Savings and Loan Association, right, examines defense officials have stressec fourth. Lincoln School, with Us 98 pe that the President does not intern made merry at this borough' cent Negro enrollment, has been copies of the institution'* first II annual reports being to call up reserves Immediately event, where each, year resl Not .Accommodated a focal point of the school con- presented to him by Wesley A. Croiier, partner of the but is merely taking precautloi Disaster loomed over the spell- Is Killed in Crash troversy. Allegations of school dis- Monmouth Stamp and Coin Shop at 39 Monmouth St. for the period when Congress (Related Story, Page 8) ing bee when the demon word, crimination are more than a yea adjourned and Is in the earl "accommodate" felled some 20 RUMSON — Worcester Seely, old, but as yet no change in the The printed reports, some of which were not included stages of the next session. students, to wipe the boards clean 38, of Romaine Rd. was killed dents come together to rals school system to alter the racial in the association's early files, were among a group of The authority would cover thi money for charities and civli of contestants. But a swift de- Friday night In a four-car col- makeup of tfie schools has been cision by Mrs. William Brennan lision on 'the New York Thruway put into operation.' stamps, coins and other historical documents brought period between adjournment am purposes, and to enjoy them ne« Feb. 28. selves. and Mrs. Robert Henck, PTA while'* en' route to Cummington, into the stamp and coin shop recently for.disposition. Vice president and chairmen of Mass., for a family reunion. School Boycotted When the Berlin situation grey Herbert Schweers and mem <•"' •' '. the event, erased that defeat and tense last year, Kennedy receive* bers of the fair's board of gov Mr. Seely, who was economic The Lincoln School was boy started the contest again. in five days Senate approval fo: ernors last night were busily analyst for American Airlines, cotted for three days last week to ' The main hazards after that was alone at ths time. Seven a call-up of reservists. The 147,001 counting receipts, and they cal- protest the failure of the eriy to were "scientist" and "accidental- persons in the other three cars Savings & Loan Getsreservists were released this sum culated that when all the paid act -on the alleged discrimination ly," and then the final word, "ex- were injured in the pileup, which mer as East-West tensions ovei admissions are added up they The citywide poll was taken perience," which felled the three occurred at Ardsley, N.
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