Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1968-69 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 2-7-1969 The thI acan, 1969-02-07 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1968-69 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1969-02-07" (1969). The Ithacan, 1968-69. 17. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1968-69/17 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1968-69 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ,11//eekly Newspaper, Published by the Students of Ithaca College Vol. 42 - No. 17 Ithaca, New York, Friday, February 7; 1969 Price 15 Cents Second Meeting Planllll.edl New Theater Language Doirm to Open in lF alil -To Preview by Jean Stillitano By Sociology Students Plans to establish a French- I rn:cnd to major in these Ian-: dcntb living in the dorm will ob­ Spanish dormitory on the l.C.' guagcs, although other students serve a "No English"' rule in Interested Sociology majors tunities for community involve­ In "Laundry" campus in September, 1969, have:\\ ho have some background in, order to speak exclusively in arc planning to continue discus­ ment; and student participation been announced this week by Dr.! spo:-:cn French or Spanish will be thcll" major language. "The in selecting faculty. Last Tues­ For the premier production in I sion, with the faculty of the So­ Anthony F. Taras, Chairman of considered," Dr. Taras said. ' point of the o\·crall effort in day, the sociology students in­ its new, experimental theatre, the cio!ogv department about depart­ the Department of Modern Lan- Dean Paul Givens of Arts and I establishing the language dorm," ment·,;! renovations, Tuesday, 7:30 troduced their goals and ques­ Ithaca Drama Department ha s guage. The purpose of the new Sciences considers the plan "a said Dean Givens, "is to create chosen "The Laundry" by David p.m , in the Union Recreation tioned the faculty. However, no language dorm, according to Dr. g;·eat opportunity for students to a more vital academic setting Room. They have proposed a definite opinions resulted from Guerdon, modern French pl2y­ Taras, "is to give students an ! develop language abilities and to wherein we relate our academic the confrontation. The second split in the Social Relations de­ wright. opportunity to learn the Jan-: understand the culture behind! activities to dormitory life. This partment resulting in a separate meeting has been called to in­ 1 A restaging in a contemporary gaug~ and cul_ture of Fr~nc~ and' the language." He . noted that 1 integr~ted dormitory system will volve all ·majors and interested S0c10Iogy department. They have setting of the Minotaur theme of Spamsh-speakmg countries m an some colleges rcqmrc all Jan- cstabllsh more meaningful at­ persons in the work of the so­ also asked for more flexibility ancient Crete, the play will be informal and relaxed atmos- guage majors to reside in a :nosphcrc outside the formal ciology majors concerned with in curriculum; courses that are presented in a translation by phere." maJors dorm for at least one I dassroom." increasing the relevancy of tli.e more attuned to contemporary Howard Richardson. Richardson Although the exact dorm has year. All interested students are courses at J.C. social problems; more oppor- is best known for his musical not been selected at the present Foreign student aides will also urged to write, call, or see Dr. drama, "Dark of the !\foon." time, it is expected that the dorm reside in the dorm with the Jan- Taras as soon as possible so that The Ithaca College production will be reserved for women only guage majors and hopefully will the language department will will be the fifth American stag. since all of I.C.'s language help to create a more meaning- have some indication of student :Pub Rocks to Moustache :ng of the play. First produced majors are women. "Preference ful atmosphere surpassed only interest in participating in such 1 -_ff Broadway during 1965, "The will be given to French and by living in the foreign country a dorm. As Part of Weekend Laundry" achieved the longest Spanish majors and those who itself. It is expected that stu- by Georgianna Glace run of any play which opened during the New York City news- Bernie Welle Is A mixture of Hendrix and The success by the condition of the paper strike. Three productions Cream could be distinguished in Pub at the end of the evening. have since been given at West Dillinghams Discuss Trip New IFC President the original sound of the· Hello The louder the audience sang the Coast universities. by Chris Flatley louder they played; the longer Alan R. Robb, assistant profes­ People. The Hello People began Collecting Art Objects The Executive Committee re- thc audience st0mped and clap- sor of speech and drama, w·111 di" - by Maureen Blanchfield ported to Student Congress on this years' Winter Weekend in an pc d (R csu It- b ro k en Pu b tables), rect a cast of six. The players February 3, that the Campus Life informal concert Friday, January the longer they played. The arc Penelope DeWitt, Toni Seger, Committee will present the re­ 31. Moustache became wrapped up Jacqueline Yancy, Peter Houten, port and policy recommendations The white face in which the with the audience just as the Gregg Weatherby and Michael of its sub-Committee on Liquor Ile II o People performed is the audience became enveloped by 1 Warren. and Intervisitation to the Board ,badge of the mime. Those sit- the large moustache. The evening of Trustees and the chances for ting on the floor near the front ended in catastrophe for the Pub The Carousel Theatre is lo­ these proposals being passed of the Ben Light Gymnasium but the beer was good and the catcd across the lobby from the seem good. The sub-Committee seemed to enjoy the ~oncert Ientertainment totally different Pros c e n i u m Theatre which feels "that the College must pro­ much more than those m the from the ordinary Friday night opened Jan. 22 with Pirandello's vide an atmosphere conducive rear. Only those who could see in the Pub. "Enrico IV." After a slow start not only to intellectual develop­ the expressions on the faces of I carol Colby, a freshman from the experienced cast reached its ment but also to the enhancing Thump, Thump, Good Fellow, Syracuse, N.Y., was crowned stride and played to sold-out of individual responsibility in Smoothie, Why One, Country and "Rose of Delta Sig" at the Delta houses. finding solutions to the many :\luch More could understand Sigma Pi Rose Ball. The Ball, an George Hoerner, Chairman of problems of adult living in our their sound and the meaning of annual Winter Weekend event, the Department of Speech and 1 time."' Regarding key privileges, their music. was held Saturday evening in the i Drama, predicts a busy theatrical it is now standard procedure that Following the Hello People, Terrace Dining Hall. Music was , season in the new building for women 21 yrs. old and above will a~other typical Moustache eve- provided by an Ithaca College I ,ne remainder of the semesu:r. Photo by Burb Goldberg have this privilege regardless of nmg began in the Pub. Your group known as The Six of The annual student Scampers I I Primitive Art from Mexico purchased by Dr. and Mrs. their academic standing. Father's Moustache was a proven , Sound. Continued on page 7 Dillingham on their recent trip. IFC announced that Bernie Dr. and Mrs. Dillingham em- I items are for their own use with Welle is the new president of IFC barked on their fifth trip to i many being later donated to the for the 1969-70 term. Russ Bick­ Mexico on December 27. Their' museum. !er reported that IFC is in the vacation began in Mexico City Dr. and :\lrs. Dillingham are process of investigating hazing followed by a drive to Guadala- \·cry fond of the l\lexican people , procedures and will set up guide jara. A friend then took them as a whole and greatly enjoy I lines to be followed during the in his pla~e. to Puerta Vallarta , their food. This trip allowed I pledging period. on the Pac1f1c. them to get to know the people I In further business. Et:B an- The purpose of their trip was better as they were enertained in nouncecl that Board member Sue to collect primitive art objects . Sanders has been replaced by for the Ithaca College Museum. : .al!M:!-r,YI, Robin Handler. The Search Com- Pre-Colombian art dominates the,1 mittec announced that anyone types of objects they returned, , can sponsor or recommend an in- with; dating from B.C. to The' II d1\'1dual for the next president of Conquest. Stone, clay and jade · . the college. Recommendation pieces added weight to their suit-: ! procedure im·ol\'es giving the in- cases on their return trip to , d1viduars background and cre- !thaca, January 12. lll!IJ!l!!l!lllia ; ii dentials. presenting a reason why Collectors in Mexico are fear- this person \\ ould be a good ful that the government may ap- '. president and a list of references. propriate their goods, so they ; I Names can be_ forwar~ed to the are quite willing to sell. Through l'hol<• 1,,- Bud, (;01<11,,,r~ · Search for a '.\cw President Sub- contacts with Morse Chain who Mexican Crafts I C ommi·tt ec.
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