THE ANCIENT GOSPEL, ETC. 257 the Prophets, and on the children of men children have been redeemed from the while the earth should stand, because of fall, and are perfectly innocent and pure the atonement that was to be made in before God. The original sin is not im- the meridian of time. puted to them. Why? Because of the But the great question for us to con- atonement. The atonement is just as sider, on this occasion, is, in what way broad as the original sin and the effects the fallen sons and daughters of men can of it. If the original sin extends its ef- be made partakers of the benefits of this fects to the latest generations of Adam, atonement? Are they to be uncondition- so the atonement will extend its effects ally redeemed by the blood of Christ? Is to all his posterity, and redeem them it to be done by free grace alone, with- from these consequences. But you may out any works on the part of the crea- inquire, If we are to be redeemed from ture? Or are there required on the part Adam's sin and its consequences, uncon- of the man certain conditions by which ditionally, by the atonement, shall we the atoning blood of Christ can have ef- not be restored into the condition Adam fect upon him? I will answer this ques- was in before he fell? I answer, You will tion. The atonement of Jesus Christ re- be. What condition was he in? He was an deems mankind, so far as the fall is con- immortal being, and you will be restored cerned, unconditionally. Now, I want you to immortality, whether you be Saints or all to understand this clearly. There is sinners. The decree has gone forth that no faith, repentance, baptism, or works every man is to be raised to immortality. of any kind required on the part of man Then you will be as Adam was in the gar- to be redeemed from the fall, or from the den of Eden before he fell. sins committed by our first parents. Not Furthermore, Adam, before he fell, one of you are guilty because Adam and was in the presence of God, and could Eve sinned. Did you eat the forbidden behold the face of his Maker, hear his fruit? Were you there, on that occasion, voice, look upon his glory, behold his an- to put forth your hand, and take of that gels, and associate with those pure and fruit, and eat of it? The united response holy beings. Will you be restored, back of all the world in this and all gener- to the presence of God? Yes, after the ations of man would be—"We were not resurrection; for Jesus says, "if I be lifted there." You are not condemned for a sin up, I will draw all men unto me"—that is, you did not commit. Can you repent of lift them up from their graves, and bring something you never have done? I defy them into his presence, to stand before the whole world to repent of Adam's sin, the bar of his judgment. What for? To for they never committed it. You did be judged. For Adam's sin? No. We have not exercise your agency on that occa- nothing to do with that sin in the day of sion: why, then, not be redeemed from judgment; but we shall be brought before it without exercising your agency? Why the bar of God, and be restored from the not be redeemed by free grace alone, fall, with flesh and bones, but not blood, without works? Why be required to be- and be capable of enduring forever and lieve, repent, and be baptized for Adam's ever; and there we shall behold the face sin? It would be foolishness. The atone- of our God and of Jesus Christ, and the ment of Jesus Christ will redeem every face of his angels, and be able to converse son and daughter of Adam from his day with them, and hear them converse, as down to the end of the earth, so far as Adam did before the fall. Is not this a that sin is concerned. Hence, all little complete restoration? Yes..
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