~- '. ' \ Vo"l.-73,. Number 5· Information·.Now.-'. .. ',' -~. - ;: : ~<· ~~ ·· ; ,:. : ' · · .. :D.~ . -, :.- :.~~·.....,m ~~ . " '.. .,,'. ' ,,_.'.:,. '. -,.,. .,'" , .. - ..' " ......77ie ..~ .. ...." ..,<. ':".: ~"''': ~ ln~Policy ,...... :.~ ... _. By~~~~~~~~__ .. ," ." .... '," . , To accomm()date·Students who wish to.studyall night at school instead ofleavingfor home at mid- night,theMediaCenteronthefirst B h rn..... EodAlI·Be floor oftheNewmari Librarybuild- aru.C· . .LV ..· med·ediati·.on tnsurance.tson . ..: ccmem;· .-"natIon ingon 25th Street will stay open 24-houI-s during the week of final Desaite Failed CUNY Resolution exams,fromMay 18toMay28, this r' semester. Only Baruch students ByChan-joo Moon studentsto succeed academicallyand 5111'1Ii(CUN¥)\~iSWithoutheaItb·iDsili'- will be allowed to stay for theex- Baruch College will end all not,asthecriticscharge,barringtheir .m~>~:$iriii.Jart.tre1lds. ... .... ,: '. tended hours. remediation by the Fall of1998, Col- entry:iht9,college. The new policy comes as a result lege President Matthew Goldstein, withcharacteristicdirectness,''Let's of Tlie' Ticker making the request said in a phone interview on March not be shackled by the things which \ to Provost Lois Sv Cronholm and 27. have been done in the past," he said, .\ Chief Librarian Arthur Downing. _ This comes despite the defeat atthe referring 1»~ system of remedial Working students.have reported City University of NewYork (CUNY) courseswmChHa've enabledthe com­ ,'" to The' Ticker that it would help .Board of Trustees meetingon March mencement of Open Admissions 28 .~ ... "~-~them-,if-they~euld-stay",~nigbtjn:_~.ot:~resolution to allow the se- years ago in1970. the·Ne~ Library~~g~xam nior colleges of~ to either elimi- A key issue raised byTrostee John periodsrather tlUuicOnimuteho:me .nate remedial courses or limit them Monring was whether the vote was at'Iateheursas theydo now; They to onesemester. necessary atall. He saidthat under ,..' ~. ."said that. the long hours spent at ''I don't think we have a majori~". the authority .granted college presi- ~,...,. ..;wo~koften:forces them to~!<NA1:me A PaoIuCei;cliaiiWdriian of the'-dentsbyBoard'~utiOlis15 and 16, ".', ..... ··~,:·~tiat··pttHiil"g:"'·an· ·a.ll- Board, hadannounced, to an eruption ,·whid1·the'Du.ees~iDB95t. :g!g!l~~r..~t _tl:!e J!:Qrlgy~~puld h~l.E~. __~.~~applausefromthefacul~ college pl"9Sidents already have the them achieve -bester.seoresonex-'.. staffand'sbyfentsmattendaDre-'-~---'·p;wa:.tO.. ..____.._. ._.__~.. .>$.. .......-,-..---.---..,-.~ ~'8mS ".,I/.;,~:~,-;c.,.. ,:~~.:~I, ~.,:::~.<.,.,:, "~""".:, --'-' "'.- . '. There were eight votes in favor- 'We have the author'ity," said .-:1..I..-,.I,..•,-:», ,.I,.. .. ...•. -: r.': :d,·>.·:·..,,···.·.,.:·:;,;·. :.,- ". • 'ol~~,:,_, . .• ..' en~4Sit~i~;"ittibilt::'o_·~t~of Female students have espre~~..oneshortofthenmeneededfora Goldstein. "There wfll be no .:·:>:··c:;:'''"~.:·c:·,:·~;~}'>~·:-·::o>.':·,>:<:.:r~y;\~··;·'f:>~:i! . ... '''''''1-'< .,.. • . ediati ch. J Iik tillmtA1t8DCe conc~rn that t h ey cannot stay at, nuyonty. rem ation at Baru ust ewe ClJN¥·s20tJ.;(}OOsaldea1fS. ..;·· .. ~;_y0;:iibOUi~ the library ·tl·11 midnight despite The proposal had largely been m- had planned." ~.:....·· .. ;7:";;:-.,·-:?:.:::.5'~·,··<~... '.(: ....• :,..... <~.. :"'<::.~; .. ,'o:,.,.:<.::, .' , stU~·were<iDSURd"1j'·~···'Hea1tb the current policy, because it ~s not ~dedforBaruchand ~ldstein,also After Baro~ ends all ~mediation Irtc6;:.';~~f';Gil.:\:.iil~.:,~orJ~ed safe for them tra~ellateat~ght. m atten~ance , had.Vigorously. ~e- by Fall '98, said Goldste1I7 Qu~ns ~msUtero~t':~·students. ·At The computers In the Media Cen- fended his stance, whichmanycntics College and then Hunterwill do like- th··, ·.·····.··.··:··.3n... ~... ':'. ··.··.·.·.·.·········f·:.·the·::··· ·C·.V·N'y. t 'II I b '1 bl t t . ttack Ope Admi . isewithin he said . ettme,.. :,.~.per cent0 .. stu- d:::lun~i~~i:n~;t~ aIn eco:j~n~~ sa~=~ argu=that&roch~:X:~ ~:hatse:= ~ :moo~cession to deDt.b()djdid:flOthaveiDsurance. Continued on page 5 inga new and innovative wayto help Continued on page 5 Students Com.plainAbout SecurityOfficers By Tamim Islam formerBaruchstudentwho was barred from toknow," registry bas a student'sname, social security There have been complaints by Baruch entering Baruch premises because he is not When the Tidcer requested to see only the nwnber, address, courses completed, and students that some Public Safety officers registered for any Baruch courses. heading ofthis student registry, Safety Of.. courses cunently registered for and GPA have approached them with information A security officer atthe 25th Streetbuild­ fieer Chu andAssistant DirectorofSecurity, 'Thisbook has every thingabout you," said about their grade point averages (GPA) ing,Oflicer P~ denied that securityhad Donald Barto, rook this reporter's identifi­ the security officer. and other confidential information, access to the confidential academic records cation card for ovet: 15 minutes, for some Most ofthis infonnationis confidentialand These students are notwillingto go on ofstudents. 'Thisstudentregistryonly hasa purpose ofverification, and then denied the protected under the 1974 Buc1dy Amend­ the record for fear offurther harrasments student's name, address and social security request to see the heading. "No, you can not ment from what they say are very inquisitive number,"said Pena, referring to the stack of see the beading,this infonnation is classi­ The Ticker could not reach SeniorReg­ security guards, studentrecoRls officeIs use to checkthesta­ fied from students," said Chu. The Ticker istrar, Thomas P. McCarthy, forcomments One female Baruch student said that she tus who do not have identification cards. bad only requested to see the }leadjn~ and regarding this issue. Maria Lepani, from was singled out by security personnel and "There is no need for us to know anything not the entries. the office oftheRegistrar, declined to in­ tauntedfora dropinherGPA. This has been more [in order]to veri1Y ifyou areastudent A member oftbesecurity force, on coedi­ dicate when or how The Ticker might thecase forassociatesofOrlandoGreen,the here at.Baruch ornot. It is forthe Rgimars timofannonimity, verified1bat the, student reach McCarthy. " ..... ...... ,-.. ~ ~.. ". " - ' .: :~:. TICKER NEWS APRIL 1,\1998 3 APRIL 1, 1998 CCNYForumFailsto ireStudentTurnout - Jeffries Leads Forum In Absence ofBig Name Leaders By Chan-joo Moon during the 1930s, the state did Perhaps it was the commit- not cut CUNY budget. In con- ment in time, perhaps the steep trast, he said, the state in- hill, perhaps the inconvenience creased the budget. of a subway ride. Whichever "During the harshest time, the reason may have been, the the state considered it a prior- supposed-to-be-large-scale fo- ity not to divest from the uni- rum organized for March 19 by versity but to invest," he said. numerous student groups, tout- "After Blacks and Latinos came, ing the attendance of major po- tuition was introduced." litical figures, did not even Imeh called on students to at- draw the attendance of students tend rallies. She said that at City College of New York NYPIRG just took about 8,000 (CCNY), the campus at which students to Albany and lobbied the meeting was held. gthe legislators there. She said A fax announcing "Emergency' ~that this resulted in the an- Forum: Crisis at CCNY" was '';'Inouncement of many possible sent to the campuses 'of City ~fiscal commitments to educa- University of New York °tion, to programs like SEEK (CUNY). Among those who LowattendaneeatCCNY"EmergencyForumw and HEOP and a first-ever tu- were supposed t o speak were in 1847 and the land grant col- to arouse the listeners. "I'm in ition reduction. Helen Marshall, Chair of City leges started with the Morrill the pot because genocide is real When the floor was opened for Council Higher Education Com- Act of 1862, which guaranteed for African Americans and N a- questions from the audience, mittee; Peter Vallone, Speaker access to higher education to tive Americans. I'm standing on one ofthe activists in the crowd of City Council; and David anyone who COuld profit from it. the shoulders ofMalcolm X and (judg'ing from the statements Patterson, New York State He said these systems were Harriet Tubman...," he went on, shehadmadeabouttheorgani­ Senator. modeled after the African free closing his speech with grandi- zations she was involved in), At the day of the event, for schools, the university system ose metaphors. shouted that the meeting was one reason or another, each of for ex-slaves. Another speaker at the forum, "ridiculous." those speakers did not come, What happened in 1970, he Torres-Saillant, said that the is- "The student government is which made the chief speaker said, was that Open Admissions sue of Open Admissions should not here, no-one is here. Leonard Jeffries, the controver- gave Blacks access to the sys- be taken to an international fo- There's a pattern. 'Let's take it sial CCNY Black Studies Pro- tern for whites. "You come on a rum because it is no longer a to the cafeteria so we can reach fessor. wave of history," he said.' matter of civil rights because it the student body. Take it to To an audience numbering "A brilliant Jewish man sup- has become one of human them if you can't get anyone to about 20 people on average, al- ported it," he then went on, bal- rights. come. It's a waste of time to though it reached about 30 at ancing his previous a nti-. Currently, society is increas- talk about statistics."
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