Wilkes BEACO Vol. 5, No. 6 WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BAFtRE, PA. Friday, October 27, 1950 WILKES CO-ED NAMED 1950 CAREER 0,1 L 1950 CAREER GIRL OF WYOMING VALLEY BEACON CABARET PARTY TICKETS ON SALE; Wilkes Students Hear AFFAIR TO FEATURE ONE HOUR FLOORSHOW U. N. Representative By CHUCK GLOMAN Stating that "non-violence is (General Chairman) the first standard of conduct in In- Tickets (priced at 50c per person) are now on sale for the dia," Dr. Bharatan Kumarapa, vice- Commission PARTY, of activi- chairman of the Social forthcoming BEACON CABARET one the main of the United Nations Tuesday ties for the present semester, to be held next Friday night, explained the position of his coun- November 3rd, at the Victory Room, Hotel Redington. Students try in the world before students Wilkes College friends book- and faculty at the may secure tickets for themselves and their at the weekly assembly. store or from any member of the ticket committee. Tuesday's program highlighted - This year's affair promises to be Tragedy Guild Of America" the observance of United Nations one of the biggest ever staged by sounds impressive, doesn't it? Day at the local college. Wilkes College. Why? Because it's At any rate, the group is the Using as his topic "India's Alter- got everything in the line of a very first of its kind on the Wilkes Dr. Kuma- Believe not, native to Communism," great event. In addition to the campus. it or there rappa said that communism is not smooth dance rhythms supplied by has never been any dramatic group his country, as never a new idea to Joe Bednarek and his Five Men of like them and there probably India had used a similar form 2500 Note, the Cabaret Party will in- will be. (After you've witnessed years ago. The communism that clude a top-notch one hour floor- their production, you'll know why.) practiced, he explained, not all! Our India once show featuring the finest profes- But that's Master was not the totalitarian kind that sional and campus entertainers. of Ceremonies will be a well-known Russia has adopted; it was a co- Although the complete contents radio announcer (whose name will operative community plan. of the floorshow can not yet be dis- be disclosed next week). The one-time associate of Gandhi closed, here are a few of the out- And, in keeping with the tradi- reviewed his countrys long strug- standing acts that will be featur- tion of past Cabaret Parties, the gle for solving the problems of affair will be highlighted by the promoting good will and brother- Through the courtesy of the appearance of a popular celebrity hood among men by non-violent Fred Astaire Dance Studios, the of the entertainment field. Previous means," the speaker said. on page 8) show will include a brief, fascinat- (continued He added that this is the same ing exhibition of the very latest in principle on which the United Na- modern dance steps (including the tions is based. ever-popular "jitterbug") as pre- Pre-Med Students Seek Speaking of Gandhi. he told how sented by Jerry Stout and Mar- the great Indian teacher sought to guerite Wolfe, head instructors at Admission To Schools recapture for India and for the on the Astaire Studio South Frank- Mr Morris has announced world an old form of planning so- lin Street. This dance team has that the following students have ap- ciety where the basis will be the been received with great enthusi- plied for admission to various Me- good of the community without asm a number of prominent val- at dical schools throughout the coun- sacrificing the individual. ley affairs. try. These students are: Peter Tuesday's program was under The Wilkes Mudgutters, whose Coray, Albert Danishanko, Philip the direction of the International popularity is steadily increasing Domin, Donald Foilmer, Edward Relations Club of Wilkes College. throughout the valley, will be on Groblewski, William Kashatus, My- Joseph Reynolds, head of the hand to offer a medley of your fav- program committee, acted as mod- orite songs in barbershop harmony. ron Motsko, Michael Kotch, Joseph Lubin, William Martin, Joseph erator and Harry Hiscox, presi- The group, incidentally, consists of Parrella, Richard Raiber, Joseph dent, introduced the speaker. Phil Nicholas, Frank Anderson, Scheicher, Thomas Stine, and Rom- MISS FRANCES TREMBATH Don Follmer and Tom Morgan. an Tether. land, Louisville, McGill, Marquette, The inimitable Skinny Ennis is Their applications were filed Maryland, New York University, presently engaged in directing his with these colleges and universi- Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Roches- latest "dramatic" achievement ties: Chicago, Cincinatti, Colum- ter, St. Louis, Syracuse, Temple, FRANCES TREMBATH, WILKES SENIOR "Rip Van Winkle" - starring a bia, Cornell, Flower, George Wash- Wa hington U., Women's Medical, newly organized, "talented" (using ington, Georgetown, Hahnemann, University of N e b r a s k a, and WINS FAME, FORTUNE AND FREE FARE the word loosely) group of campus Jefferson, Johns Hopkins, Long Is- Creighton University. actors who perform under the name of "The Wilkes Thespians Dedicat- Frances Trembath, Wilkes senior, felt "surprised and hap- ed To The Preservation Of Shakes- PRESERVATION OF PRIVATE COLLEGES py" when the few words by the announcer at the Parade of ,cean Drama And Elizabethan Progress told her that she had been selected Career Girl of NOT EASY TASK, SAYS BUCKNELL HEAD Wyoming Valley. Frances, aiming at a career in commercial Three One-Act Plays To art, was speechless at the news. Lewisburg, Pa.(I.P.)Declaring that "it would be tragic The Wilkes beauty, who won Bert Husband's studios, a diamond Be Shown Nov. 8, 9, 10 if higher education became completely dependent on the state", out over 150 other contestants ring, a diamond wrist watch, a fur President Horace A. Hildreth of Bucknell University points out from the valley, was awarded the coat, and a complete going-away Spend the evenings of Novem- title "1950 Care.er Girl" in Wyo- outfit from the Junior Chamber ber 8, 9, or 10 at the gym where that the preservation of private colleges will not be an easy task. ming Valley at a program during of Commerce. the Cue 'n' Curtain will present "The role of the independent colleges must be to do fewer the Parade of Progress festivities Several Wilkes instructors take three one-act plays. Admission is things for smaller and more selective student bodies than the last Friday night. part credit for Frances' victory. FREE. Dance to "canned music" Dr. Kruger feels that Frances ever expanding tax-supported universities do, but to do those The Forty Fort native won art after plays on all three nights. awards while at high school and picked up valuable composition Students' guests are cordially in- fewer things better than anybody else," he said. has been extrem.ely active on the points from him which enabled her vited. Turning to the subject of who est ability and will pay the price Wilkes campus doing art work to become a finalist. Cathal O'Toole The varied program to be pre- should go to college and who in devotion to work." for the Theta Delta Rho Sorority feels that he did his bit by helping sented by the Cue 'n' Curtain at should pay for the education, he "We find ever increasing num- and the Cue 'n' Curtain Club. her pick the paintings and draw- 8:00 p.m. on the dates listed a- emphasized that mere ability to bers of people who are saying that Frances was a w a r d e d many ings which she entered as exam- hove, will consist of: A NIGHT do college work is not enough. everyone who has the ability to go "wonderful" prizes. She will re- ples of her work. And even Mr. Far- AT AN INN, directed by Peter "There must be a willingness on to college should be 'given' a col- ceive a $1000. cash award toward rar felt that his economic theories Margo; SUBMERGED, directed by the part of the student to sacrifice lege education. The implication is furthering her education in art, and instruction helped Frances in Henry Merolli; and NO ORCHIDS, and expend energy to obtain the always that this education should dancing lessons from the local dan- her praiseworthy accomplishment. directed by Don Williams. best college has to offer," he con- be given at somebody else's ex- ce studio, a two-weeks course at The showing of the plays at tinued. pense," he said. the Conover Career Girl School in From February, 1943 to June, the Gymnasium is a new experi- "There is an obligation on the "I believe that there are many New York (whch Frances will at- 1944, a contingent of 250 Air Crew ment, and is presenting quite a college to screen applicants more people who have the ability to go tend sometime in March, around students was stationed at the col- work project to members. They are carefully and also to see that what to college who should not do so Eastertime), a round trip ticket lege with the Sixth College Train- to be commended for their meri- financial assistance is available is because they lack the proper atti- to New York on the American ing Detachment. They were quart- torious efforts. given to those who have the great- (continued on page 8) Airlines, a large portrait from ered in the Hotel Sterling. PDFAttend compression, OCR,Alumni web optimization Sport using a watermarked Dance evaluation Tonight copy of CVISION at PDFCompressor Gym! 2 WILKES COLLEGE BEACON Friday, October 27, 1950 EDITORIAL Debating Society SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! Scheduled For Dec.
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