COMMENTARY During September, all Many other special girls have focus of the Foundation. From Gamma Phi Beta alumnae will their lives enhanced as a result your own experience in Gamma receive an annual appeal letter of Gamma Phi Beta alumnae Phi Beta you realize that much requesting a contribution for groups that apply for Founda - of the Sorority’s service to mem- the Foundation. Whether you tion supplemental grants to pro - bers is educational. Many times are a recent graduate receiving vide camperships in their own members have told me that suc- your first letter or a loyal donor, communities. Last year the cess in careers or community the Foundation needs your fi- TYustees were able to designate service or family relationships nancial support. $20,000 for local camperships is a direct result of Sorority The Gamma Phi Beta Founda- and camps. training. tion was established in 1958 as Foundation donors recognize an independent public founda- Financial Aid the value of Sorority educa- tion authorized by the United Financial aid for deserving tional programming and wel- States Internal Revenue Service Gamma Phi Betas has been a come the opportunity to expand to receive tax deductible dona- Foundation service since 1958. it through tax deductible gifts. tions. By law, Foundation funds Most financial aid is in the form This year the Foundation was can be used only for philan- of grants to collegians and able to designate $55,000 to thropic and educational pur - alumnae seeking scholarships help underwrite Leadership poses. and fellowships, which are fi- Training School and PACE pro- Each year the Foundation nanced by interest income from grams. It is the goal of your By Ann Mullen Bronsing, Board of Trustees estimates the permanently endowed trusts. Trustees for the Foundation to Foundation Chairman income that will be realized One fairly recent and unique fund all qualifying Sorority from contributions and budgets endowment is the Doris Bird programs. it to do the most good. Gordon Special Sister Grant es- On behalf of the Trustees, I tablished by Doris (Bowling want to thank all of our past Camping Green) and her husband. It pro- contributors and extend a chal- As a Gamma Phi Beta, you vides financial support to sisters lenge to our new alumnae to know that our international phi- who have experienced major continue the Gamma Phi Beta lanthropy is camping for special changes in their lives. For exam- tradition of generous support. girls. Each year Foundation ple, a Gamma Phi Beta stricken When you receive your Founda- funds provide the opportunity by multiple sclerosis used a tion appeal, whether as a new for girls to spend 10 days away Special Sister Grant to purchase alumna or a long- time, loyal from unpleasant and unhealthy a specially equipped wheelchair Foundation donor, remember home conditions by attending that enables her to participate that a gift to the Foundation is our own Camp Sechelt. Thanks more fully in the lives of her your chance to assist Gamma to Vancouver alumnae and husband and infant son. Phi Beta in its ultimate goal of Gamma Phi Betas from all over developing the highest type of Educational Programming the world, these girls are given womanhood. i wholesome recreation, out - Sorority educational pro- standing role models and love. gramming has become a major 2 Fall 1989 CONTENTS iCRESCENT DEADLINES EEMRES OF GAMMA PHI BETA Winter. September I Leadership Training School 4 Spring. December I The Gamma Phi Beta Foundation funded the 1989 Leadership Training Fall 1989 Summer . March I School for international officers, advisors and collegiate chapter officers. Gamma Phi Beta USPS Fall .. June I 137-620 : intangible Advising rewards 6 THE CRESCENT is pub- Four chapter advisors share their thoughts about working with collegiate lished quarterly in Fall, Win- chapters. EDITORS ter. Spring and Summer by the Editor-in- thief Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Kris Brandt Piske Capital Endowment Campaign 8 7395 E. Orchard Pd., Ste. 200, 2405 W. Gregg Drive Letters from chapters and members reveal their commitment to the Capital Englewood, CO 80111-2509. Chandler, AZ 85224 Endowment Campaign. Subscription price-$l.50. Pro- Alumnae Editor Harassment duced in the U.S.A. by Maruy Margy Molden Wiltamnth Sexual 14 harassment on the work Boyd & Associates. Second 1700 Kiva Poad Sexual campus and in environment is defined in a PACEletter written by the International PACE Committee. class postage paid at Engle- Silver Spring, MD 20904 wood. CO and additional Collegiate Editor mailing offices. Copyright Lin Schafer Sanford DEmmm 1989. Gamma Phi Beta 808 Lake Felicity Court Foundation Grants 16 Sorority. Slidell, LA 70461 Postmaster: Please send no- Feature Editor Officers 29 tice of undeliverable copies on Natalie Meyer McKenzie Honors 30 Form 3579 to Gamma Phi 531 S. Burton Place Beta, 7395 E. Orchard Pd., Ste. Arlington Heights, !L 60005 In Memoriam 40 200, Englewood, CO 8011 /. Business Manager Subscribers: Send changes Marjory Mills Shupert Directory 42 of address, notices of marriages International Headquarters and deaths to Gamma Phi Alumnae News 44 Beta. 7395 E. Orchard Pd.. Ste. 200, Englewood, CO 80111. Catalog 46 Cover Allyson Rosen (Rhodes), Amy Jo Olson (lowo St.), Jen Dallavo (Iowa) and Me- lissa Mounce (Illinois St.) attend Gamma Phi Beta Leadership Training School. THE CRESCENT 3 H * 4 Foil 1989 FEATURE Leadership Gaining School olorado State University was the site Individual leadership training sessions were of the 1989 Leadership Training School, which held for advisors, collegians, International Rush c Phi Beta Foun Consultants, Province Alumnae Directors, Prov was funded entirely by the Gamma - - dation. More than 150 international officers, advi- ince Collegiate Directors and Area Financial Advi- sors and collegiate chapter officers experienced a sors. While international officers were learning June weekend of learning, sisterhood and Gamma how to better serve and guide collegiate and Phi PRIDE. alumnae chapters, advisors and collegians ex- The first evening, International President plored the specifics and basic philosophy of rush, Randy Stevens (Calif. St.- Long Beach) welcomed pledge programming, recommendations, public those attending and reviewed the state of the So- relations, scholarship and finances. rority. Indicating that Gamma Phi Beta’s future Leadership TVaining Coordinator Brenda Dunn looks bright, she cited an improved financial pic- Rickert (Texas Tech) conducted individual ses- ture, an increase in the number of women sions for International Rush Consultants, collegi- pledged and initiated, and general chapter excel- ans, advisors and international officers. All lence. And the dream of a Sorority-owned Interna- attendees benefitted from her four- hour presenta- tional Headquarters will soon be reality. tion on values and ethics, which focused on the Randy also spoke about challenges facing nine basic expectations listed in the summer 1989 Gamma Phi Beta and the Greek system. “Each one issue of THE CRESCENT. Brenda reminded every- of our undergraduates must look long and hard at one that “ being a Gamma Phi Beta is a private the Greek system on her campus and ask some choice and a public commitment.” In turn, she hard questions,” she said. “ Do the Greeks received a commitment from collegians to post enhance university life? Do we abuse alcohol and the basic expectations where all chapter members party irresponsibly? Do we live up to the ideals will see them. and purposes of our organizations?” She chal- Kevin Oschner, a member of Alpha Gamma Rho lenged collegians to take the lead and work with- and past national secretary of the Future Farmers in the Greek system to make necessary im - of America, gave a motivational presentation Fri- provements. day evening in which he echoed the words of Speaking about Gamma Phi Beta’s founding Randy Stevens. “The Greek system is on the auc - premise “ to promote a higher spiritual, mental tion block, up for grabs,” he said, and challenged and social culture,” Randy emphasized the need collegians to begin with themselves and their for good scholarship and intellectual growth. “ Are chapters to institute changes. “The Greek system we working as hard as we can to develop women is all about building better people.” who value intellectual achievement,” she asked, A highlight of the Pink Carnation Banquet “who are curious about the world around them, Saturday evening was the message of Sonia 1m- who aren’t necessarily satisfied with the status Masche, a member of Alpha Phi and Colorado quo, who see themselves as vital, thinking, rea- State University Greek Life Coordinator. She re- soning human beings?” viewed the history of Greek societies since the Members were encouraged to promote and 1776 founding of Phi Beta Kappa and then fo- maintain high standards. “ As a voluntary social cused on current trends. “The largest challenge organization we have the absolute right to expect facing us today is responsibility,” Sonia said, “and good behavior from our members,” Randy said. If our survival depends on proactive programming.” every member strives for excellence, “ by looking Particular areas of concern are: alumnae involve- for the best, and expecting it, we can insure a ment, cultural diversity, the non- traditional stu- bright future for Gamma Phi Beta." dent, single sex status, values and ethics, and With those key thoughts in mind, an intensive pledge programming. weekend of learning, growing, sharing and striv- ing began. THE CRESCENT 5 FEATURE m Advising: intangible rewards M v$< L\$i v*5c & <<* W W ould you accept a position that re- arship chairman to ensure high scholastic £>• Wquired overtime, flexibility, dependability, exten- achievement and adherence to international So- sive listening, confidence, assertiveness, and rority guidelines. While the challenge may be “to management and leadership skills— and paid keep grades up," Delta Lambda Scholarship Advi- nothing? sor Doris Havercamp Nelson (Iowa) knows the Hundreds do each year when they volunteer to reward: “The Scholarship Tray!“ be Gamma Phi Beta collegiate chapter advisors.
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