21822 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 6, 2001 HONORING ALLEN NOSSAMAN Water is the lifeblood of a community. Water PAYING TRIBUTE TO JUDY lines form the lifelines for citizens and their TURNER HON. SCOTT McINNIS families and for local, regional, and national OF COLORADO economies. Terrorist attacks, whether physical HON. SCOTT McINNIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES or cyber, are a clear and present danger. We OF COLORADO can mitigate that danger with a coordinated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, November 6, 2001 program of research and development. Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Science, technology, and appropriate dissemi- Tuesday, November 6, 2001 take this opportunity to honor San Juan Coun- nation of information are keys to building, Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ty Judge Allen Nossaman, as he celebrates maintaining, and operating secure and sus- take this opportunity to pay tribute to Judy his retirement. After 16 years of service, tainable water systems. Turner for her significant contributions to our Judge Nossaman has stepped down from his I urge my colleagues to join the growing list educational system. Mrs. Turner has served position in Silverton, Colorado. It is my pleas- of cosponsors and supporters of H.R. 3178. I the Montrose County School District Re-1J for ure to recognize the many years of dedicated also want to thank water management profes- over two decades and was the heart and soul work that Judge Nossaman provided to his sionals, such as the Association of Metropoli- of the School District. community. tan Water Agencies and the Association of Judy Turner began her career with the Dis- Allen Nossaman has decided that, due to Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, and engi- trict in 1975, as a volunteer for Oak Grove El- health reasons, he will resign from his position neering and scientific research organizations, ementary School. As a volunteer, Judy was in- as a judge and move to Durango, Colorado, such as the American Society of Civil Engi- strumental in reestablishing the school library. where he will work on his writings of the his- neers, for their help on the bill. I look forward Her work led to a full-time position as the tory of San Juan County. Judge Nossaman to working with all of my colleagues, both on media paraprofessional at Oak Grove. After has long been a champion of preserving Colo- and off of Capitol Hill, as the legislation ad- five years, Judy moved on to Centennial Jun- rado’s history and its historical landmarks. vances. ior High School, where she held the position While in Durango, Allan will help expand the of guidance office secretary. After serving as San Juan County’s current three-volume his- f secretary to the district’s central office, Judy tory that he has already penned, preserving moved onto the district’s superintendent office Colorado’s past. HONORING BETTY FEAZEL serving in a secretarial capacity for four super- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to pay tribute intendents. The current superintendent, to Judge Nossaman for his contributions to the George Voorhis, noted that Judy trained his Western Slope of Colorado. Allen Nossaman’s HON. SCOTT McINNIS predecessors, and lamented she will leave be- service as a judge and commitment to pre- OF COLORADO fore he can finish learning from her. serving Colorado’s history deserves the praise Mr. Speaker, Judy Turner has devoted and recognition of this body. I wish Allen the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES much of her life and countless amounts of best and send my warmest regards to him and Tuesday, November 6, 2001 time and effort to the Montrose County School his family. District for over twenty-five years. I would like f Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with a sol- to thank her for her commitment to the school emn heart that I would like to take this oppor- district and extend my congratulations on her WATER INFRASTRUCTURE SECU- tunity to recognize the life and memory of retirement. The District will certainly not be the RITY AND RESEARCH DEVELOP- Betty Feazel, who recently passed away at the same without her. MENT ACT age of eighty-five. Betty was from Pagosa f Springs, Colorado where she was a longtime HON. SHERWOOD L. BOEHLERT resident and a strong voice for the environ- HONORING THE LIFE OF DON OF NEW YORK mental movement. EASTMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Betty began spending her summers in Tuesday, November 6, 2001 Pagosa Springs when her family bought the At HON. SCOTT McINNIS Last Ranch in 1922. Later she studied philos- OF COLORADO Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, last week, ophy at Wellesley College, graduating in 1938, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES joined by Representative BRIAN BAIRD and six and eventually started a family with her hus- other colleagues, I introduced H.R. 3178, the Tuesday, November 6, 2001 band Earnest. He died in 1976, and she relo- Water Infrastructure Security and Research Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to cated permanently to the At Last Ranch where Development Act. Senators JEFFORDS and take this opportunity to honor the life of Mr. she began her conservation and preservation SMITH, the chairman and ranking minority Don Eastman who recently passed away. A efforts. member of the Senate Environment and Pub- native of Gunnison, Colorado, Mr. Eastman lic Works Committee, introduced the com- Betty played a large role in preserving open made tremendous contributions to the sur- panion measure, S. 1593. spaces in her county and was instrumental in rounding community as a leader and role This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is a di- establishing the Southwest Land Alliance, model for others. rect response to the physical and cyber which is a non-profit organization, created to As a young man, Don joined the Marine threats facing our drinking water and waste- provide tax incentives to land owners who do- Corps as a 2nd Lieutenant and served in the water treatment systems. H.R. 3178 author- nate their land’s developmental rights. In order Korean War. Don Eastman was a patriotic cit- izes and coordinates Environmental Protection to honor her memory and recognize her ef- izen who loved his country and put the needs Agency assistance ($12 million a year for 5 forts, the Betty Feazel Open Space Fund has of the nation before his own. Upon retiring as years) to public and private nonprofit entities been created. This fund will continue to aid a Lieutenant Colonel from the Marine Corps to research and develop technologies and re- landowners that choose to donate the devel- Reserve, Don pursued a career in banking lated processes to increase protection of opment rights of their property. back in his hometown of Gunnison, Colorado. America’s water resources. Research projects Mrs. Betty Feazel dedicated an incredible Don followed the footsteps of those family will include improved vulnerability assess- amount of time and effort to preserving our members before him when he was named ments, methods for real-time detection and nation’s open spaces to ensure that future President of the First National Bank of Gunni- monitoring of chemical, biological, and radio- generations would have the opportunity to ex- son, a position he held for 15 years before re- logical contaminants, cyber security measures, perience and appreciate them. Betty fought tiring. and information sharing and analysis. The bill long and hard for this noble cause that will Don Eastman was well known throughout will also have multiple benefits outside of the continue to be fought in her name. My Gunnison and was well received by all people terrorism context as water managers and pub- thoughts and prayers are with Betty’s family he came in contact with. Even though the lic officials gain more tools to detect, monitor, and friends at this time of mourning. Betty will Eastman name was a foundation of life in the and respond to contamination and other prob- surely be missed and her memory and her community, Don made it a point to establish lems confronting infrastructure. mission will endure for many generations. himself as a community leader. Don served VerDate Aug 04 2004 08:50 Aug 15, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E06NO1.000 E06NO1 November 6, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21823 with the Western Colorado Economic Develop- walks of life emerge as we rebuild from this to a smooth transition from Stapleton to the ment Council, the National Highway 50 Fed- horrible attack. One of the unseen but critical Denver International Airport playing an integral eration Commission, and Club 20. Don was contributors to this new battle is Capco Inc. lo- role in the VIP/Special Services Program for also a member of the Rotary Club and the cated in Grand Junction, Colorado. Their ef- United. Nancy has decided to end her career Gunnison County Chamber of Commerce. Ad- forts to further our success against an elusive where it first flourished, in Denver, Colorado. ditionally, Don’s role in the banking business enemy are greatly appreciated and I would Mr. Speaker, Nancy is a specialist in cus- allowed him to provide assistance to local like to recognize this company and its employ- tomer service and will be dearly missed by the ranchers, small businesses, and college stu- ees for their efforts. many frequent patrons who looked forward to dents. Don Eastman played a monumental As the U.S. flag drapes across workstations, her smile, sincerity, and professionalism. I role in the development of Gunnison and its the 128 employees of Capco are diligently commend Nancy for her long and successful surrounding community.
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