THE BRITISH COLUMBIA OCTOBER 1972 PUBLISHED BY THE DEPA TMET OF H IGHWAYS VO UME 9, NUMBER 4 / BRIDGES Extreme high water and milch driftwood in the most northerly Carr, Regional Maintenance Engineer, and H. L. Good, District end of the Fort St. John Highway District caused the col/apse of Superintendent, assessing the damage and making plans for a the Tuya River Bridge centre span recently. A bove picture is an replacement. Loss of the bridge left the community of Telegraph aerial view of the remains of the bridge and the inset shows P. J. Creek without communications except by air. I / I / / L Fort St. John District bridge crew under Foreman Floyd Erick­ permitting increased span length-30 feet as compared to 20 feet stad recently constructed a new bridge over the Alces River on for wood-as well as greater durability and simplicity. Consider­ the Cecil Lake Road 6 miles west of the British Columbia-Alberta able care was needed in handling the units weighing in at about border. The deck system, a departure from past practice in the J2 tons each. district, consists of 24 prestressed-concrete box section stringers, 2 MISCELLANY THE ROAD RUNNER Volume 9 October 1972 Number 4 Published**Quarterly by the British Columbia Department of Highways Victoria, British Columbia Ray Baines, Executive Editor ..I Arthur J. Schindel, Editor Associate**Field Editors A. R. Lima cher . Victoria Bill Ingram .... Victoria Wayne Randell .. Vancouver Highw ay Herb Gutteridge Regional Electrical Crew L. Q. Fong Centreline Marking, Cloverdale Jim Winton .. .North Vancouver R. J. Archer .. ..Burnside J. W. Morris.,__ . ... .. Nanaimo Mike Butler . ... Courtenay George Cooper Patrol, North Vancouver Ellis Meads __ .__ ... .__.__.. ..__ Dock District Lloyd Burgess ..__. New Westminster Don Osborne . Chilliwack Edna Hodgson McBride Jim Ferrier __. .__.__.Kamloope Edie Smith .... .. .Williams Lake Thi s massive rock landed unexpectedly on the travelled portion Murray Ramsay Salmon Arm of the Mica access highway, 59 miles north of Revelstoke. The M. J. Newlands .. Revelstoke only damage was to the road. Shown standing on the top of the AI Desimone .. ..__..__ __ _ __Vernon rock is A . L. Davis, Road Foreman, 50-Mile. Fred Evans .... .__..Kelowna J. W. Zaporozan ...__.. Penticton Jim Chenoweth ......__ .. ....... .. Merritt Dave Roberts .. ..__ Lillooet Dorothy Wilkins Grand Forks A. Dyson .. .. Rossland S. J. Dixey .__ .. .._...Nelson Fred Angrignon .._ __.._...... New Denver Fred Ryckman .__ .__.__. .. ..__.__. Creston N. K. Molander .. ..__..__ Cranbrook Sam Caravetta .. .. .. .. ..__........ .... __ Fernie J. W. Hickmott .. .. ..__ Golden Frances Martin . ....__..__..__._ __ Smithers J. C. Bartsch .. .._..__... .._.. ..Pouce Coupe Homer Good ... .. ..__.... ..Fort St. John Don Hutton .__ ._...__...... ..__. Terrace Shirley Hrechka .. .. .. ..__.. ..Prince George Jack Doddridge .... .. .... __..__ Prince George Wayne Chappell .. .. ..__ Quesnel George Harper _ .. .. __ _Vanderhoof H. R. Walker . __ Burns Lake W. R. Ball .. .. .. .. Princ e Rupert COVER PH OTO Tranquil scene on the Upper Arrow Lake shows 30-car De­ D. Roberts, Machine Operator 3, Rossland District, has devised partment ferry MV. Galena leaving Shelt er Bay terminal (light this garbage-disposal can as a discouragement for bears who fre­ area, left centre) and rounding Bannock Point on its way to quent parts of the Rossland area. Galena Bay. The view is approximately northeast. 3 PROMOTIONS P. B. (PAT) MAC­ D. R. LISTER has been appointed Re­ N. T. BAIN has been appointed Lab. CARTHY was re­ gional Aggregate Prospector (Engineer­ and Data Analysis Assistant (Engineering cently appointed Sen­ ing Assistant), Region 1, Geotechnical Assistant), Geotechnical and Materials ior Maintenance .Engi­ and Materials Testing Branch. He was Testing Branch, Headquarters. He was neer, replacing D. F . formerly Engineering Aide 3, Geotechni­ formerly Engineering Aide 3, Geotechni­ Martin who has taken cal and Materials Testing Branch. cal and Materials Testing Branch. over the position of Senior Paving Engi­ neer. Mr. MacCarthy joined the Depart­ ment in May 1952 as Resident Engineer B. 1. HUNTER has been appointed Re­ at Rossland and the following year was gional Aggregrate Prospector (Technician W. HOLLINGSHEAD has been ap­ promoted to District Engineer. In 1959 I ), Region 2, Geotechnical and Materials pointed Mechanic Foreman 2, Prince he moved to Courtenay as District Engi­ Testing Branch. He was formerly Engi­ Rupert District. He was formerly neer and in )965 became Bridge Inspec­ neering Assistant, Geotechnical and Ma­ Mechanic Foreman I, Prince Rupert tion Engineer in Headquarters at Victoria. terials Testing Branch. District. For the past five years he has been Re­ gional Maintenance Engineer at Nelson. He is married with four daughters and is an ardent golfer. A. L. O'BRYAN has been appointed L. A. GARAY has been appointed Regional Aggregate Prospector (Tech­ Technician I, North Vancouver District. nician 1), Region 3, Geotechnical and Ma­ He was formerly Engineering Assistant, R. L. CULLEN has been appointed terials Testing Branch. He was formerly Headquarters. Regional Lab. Supervisor (Engineering Engineering Assistant, Geotechnical and Aide 3), Region 2, Geotechnical and Ma­ Materials Testing Branch. terials Testing Branch. He was formerly Engineering Aide 2, Geotechnical and Materials Testing Branch. P. ESPIG has been appointed M.:­ chanic-Welder, Kamloops District. He 1. E. BRENNER has been appointed tr tr tr was formerly Mechanic I, Kamloops Regional Aggregate Prospector (Tech­ District. W. D. EYRE has been appointed Re­ nician I), Region 4, Geotechnical and gional Lab. Supervisor (Engineering As­ Materials Testing Branch. He was for­ sistant), Region 3, Geotechnical and merly Engineering Assistant, Geotechni­ Materials Testing Branch. He was for­ cal and Materials Testing Branch. merly Engineering Aide 3, Geotechnical A. A . GUSTAFSON has been ap­ and Materials Testing Branch. pointed Mechanic 2, New Denver District. He was formerly Mechanic lA, New Den­ 1. A. WATTS has been appointed Re­ ver District. gional Lab. Supervisor (Engineering As­ K. D. McRAE has been appointed sistant), Region 1, Geotechnical and Ma­ Regional Lab. Supervisor (Engineering terials Testing Branch. He was formerly Assistant), Region 4, Geotechnical and Acting Engineer Assistant, Geotechnical Materials Testing Branch. He was for­ and Materials Testing Branch. C. 1. VON MATT has been appointed merly Engineering Aide 3, Geotechnical Mechanic 2, Revelstoke District. He was and Materials Testing Branch. formerly Mechanic lA, Revelstoke Dis­ trict. T. W. WALTON has been appointed M. K. ALAM has been appointed Re­ Regional Lab. Supervisor (Engineering Assistant), Region 1, Geotechnical and gional Lab. Supervisor (Engineering As­ A. 1. LOVESTROM has been ap­ sistant), Region 4, Geotechnical and Ma­ Materials Testing Branch. He was for­ merly Engineering Aide 2, Paving Branch. pointed Road Foreman 4, Golden Di s­ terials Testing Branch. He was formerly trict. He was formerly Road Foreman 2, Engineering Aide 3, Construction Branch. Grand Forks District. A. M. LARSON has been appointed D. C. KERSLAKE has been appointed Regional Inspector (Engineering Assis­ Regional Inspector (Technician I), Re­ tant), Region 3, Geotechnical and Mate­ P. 1. RICHARDS has been appointed gion I, Geotechnical and Materials Test­ rials Testing Branch. He was formerly Mechanic 2, Prince George District. He ing Branch. He was formerly Engineer­ Engineering Aide 3, Geotechnical and was formerly Mechanic lA, Prince ing Assistant, Geotechnical and Materials Materials Testing Branch. George District. Testing Branch. tr tr tr 1. S. DUGGAN has been appointed D. 1. ST. THOMAS has been appointed Regional Inspector (Engineering Assis­ Regional Inspector (Engineering Assis­ W. DIENO has been appointed Dia­ tant), Region 2, Geotechnical and Mate­ tant), Region 4, Geotechnical and Mate­ mond Drill Foreman, New Westminster rials Testing Branch. He was formerly rials Testing Branch. He was formerly District. He was formerly Acting Dia­ Acting Regional Inspector, Geotechnical Auger Drill Foreman, Geotechnical and mond Drill Foreman, New Westminster and Materials Testing Branch, Kamloops. Materials Testing Branch. District. 4 PROMOTIONS TRANSFERS WEDDINGS J. T. JOHNSON has been appointed PATRICK J. (PAT) Engineering Aide 3, New Westminster BONSER started in his District. He was formerly Engineering new position as Re­ Aide 2, Construction Branch. gional Location Engi­ neer at Nelson, in Sep­ tember. Pat has spent "it "it "it the last five years in Kamloops as Regional Paving Engineer. He is married and has K. W. AITKEN has been appointed two children, and his hobbies are fishing Assistant Mech anic Foreman I, Lillooet and reading. District. He was formerly Mechanic 2, Kamloops District. "it "it "it . 1 H. 1. KELSALL, Regional Location ~ * i'! Engineer, Nelson, has been appointed Re­ gional Maintenance Engineer, Nelson, re­ placing P. B. McCarthy. R. J. NlJHOFF has been appointed Technician I, Nelson District. He was formerly Engineering Assistant, He ad­ "it u i:l quarters. "it "it "it Lucille Dian e Kidd and Jame s Allan Arnusch were married in St. John Vian­ D. BRETECHER has been appointed ney Church in Penticton in April. Th e Engineering Assistant, Prince Rupert couple are making their home in Gran d District. He was formerly Engineering Forks where Jim is an Engineering A ide Aide 3, Prince George District. 2, Grand Forks District. i:l "it i:l "it "it "it JAMES RICHARDS, Bridgeman 2 L. J. THONY has been appointed with Langford Bridge crew, was married Technician I, Prince George District. He to Linda Fletcher, Saturday, August 5, was formerly Engineering Assistant, at the Victoria Truth Centre. Jim has Prince George District. been with the Department since 1970. i:l i:l i:l "it "it "it Neil Koel, Mechanic 2, Port A lberni, R. W. ( RON ) GARNHAM and Irene W. G. McDOUGALL has been ap­ above, who was promoted and transferred Olah were married recently in St. John's pointed Road Foreman 2, Pouce Coupe as A ssistant M echani c to Cranbrook , bids Anglican Church, Victoria.
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