ACADEMIC LAW LIBRARIES–SPECIAL INTEREST SECTION AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF LAW LIBRARIES The ALL-SIS Newsletter Volume 27, Issue 2 Spring 2008 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR Michelle Wu In looking forward, planning for the annual 2007 - 2008 ALL-SIS Chair meeting is in full swing. This year, ALL-SIS has Happy New Year! As one year winds to a close made some notable changes in response to and another begins, I would like to take this time sponsorship and timing concerns. This year, we to reflect on where we have been and also look to will forgo all vendor sponsorship, in hopes of our activities in the months ahead. becoming more self-sufficient and avoiding any This year, our reflections are dominated by appearance of conflict. We have also changed memories of two great lights recently lost: Bob times and/or dates of events to accommodate the Oakley and Don Dunn. They will both be greatly tighter schedules of the now condensed annual missed, and our sympathies go out to their meeting and to make sponsorship less critical. The families, friends, libraries, and law schools. changes are as follows: (1) the Middle Managers’ Their legacies will live on in AALL and Breakfast will turn into a late afternoon ALL-SIS, and we will continue to honor them by substantive forum, to be held on Saturday, and (2) celebrating their contributions to librarianship and the Business meeting will be combined with the by following their lead in making our profession Reception and Awards Ceremony. The first 30 ever better. (Continued on page 8) Inside this issue: Slate for Election of Officers Call for Papers 2 Carol Bredemeyer, Chair For Vice/Chair-Chair/Elect Academic Law Libraries 2 ALL-SIS Nominations Committee Experiment with Facebook • Beth Adelman (University of Never Too Early to Start 3 Buffalo) Planning for 2009 Annual Mtg The ALL-SIS Nominations • Legal Research Sourcebook 3 Kris Niedringhaus (Phoenix Committee is pleased to announce 5 New Year’s Resolutions 4 School of Law) the slate for the annual election of Public Information on Gov’t 5 For Secretary Websites officers. We received many good nominations and thank the • Joann Hounshell (Chicago- On the Nightstand 7 following people who have agreed Kent) Memorials - Robert Oakley 9 to run: • Sara Sampson (Georgetown) 10 Memorials - Donald Dunn (Continued on page 7) Member News 12 Volume 27, Issue 2 Page 2 The “Call for Papers” Has Begun! Joseph L. Gerken, Reference Librarian • Chair, Joseph Gerken, [email protected]; University at Buffalo Law Library • James Donovan, [email protected]; Have you been thinking of writing an article of • interest to law librarians? Need a push to get started? James Heller, [email protected]. Well, here it is. Good luck! The AALL/LexisNexis Call for Papers Committee is soliciting articles in three categories: Academic Law Libraries Experiment with Facebook • Open Division: for active and retired AALL members and law librarians with five or more Jennifer L. Behrens. years of professional experience; Duke University Law Library Facebook (http://www.facebook.com) recently • New Members Division: for recent graduates and announced its new Facebook Pages feature, which AALL members who have become law librarians allows libraries and other corporate entities to since July 1, 2003; establish a presence on the popular social-network- • Student Division: for students in library, king site. Previously, Facebook had prohibited the information management or law school. creation of institutional profiles, citing a policy Participants in this division need not be members against the use of “fake” names for individual of AALL. accounts. The winner in each division receives $750 Since the launch of Facebook Pages in Novem- generously donated by LexisNexis plus the oppor- ber 2007, several academic law libraries have used tunity to present the winning paper at a program the feature to promote their services and resources during the AALL Annual Meeting in Portland! to students, the largest demographic of the site's 59 Winning papers are also considered for publication in million users. As of this writing, the participating the Association’s prestigious Law Library Journal. libraries are: A list of previous winners is available at the Call • Duke University Law Library: http:// for Papers web site. This list can give you an idea of duke.facebook.com/profile.php?id=7739830819; the range of topics that law librarians have chosen. • Nova Southeastern University Law Library & The web site also has additional information about Technology Center: http://nova.facebook.com/ the competition, including information on how to profile.php?id=6300758860; submit your entry and an application form. That web site is at: http://www.aallnet.org/about/ • University at Buffalo Law Library: http:// award_call_for_papers.asp. buffalo.facebook.com/profile.php? id=9003151019; Articles in the Open and New Members Division must be submitted by March 1, 2008. • University of British Columbia (UBC) Law Library: http://ubc.facebook.com/profile.php? Articles in the Student Division must be id=6582698414; submitted by April 15, 2008. • University of Kentucky Law Library: http:// If you have any questions, please contact a utk.facebook.com/profile.php?id=19878188104. member of the AALL/LexisNexis Call for Papers (Continued on page 6) Committee: Volume 27, Issue 2 Page 3 It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning an ALL-SIS Sourcebook for Teaching Annual Meeting Program Legal Research Sara Sampson Cheryl L. Kelly, Member Chair ALL-SIS Programs Committee Legal Research and Sourcebook Committee Although the 2009 Annual Meeting in Washing- Need a head start on that legal research ton, D.C., is over a year away, it’s not too early to presentation? Want to inject some new life into begin thinking about program proposals. Proposals your legal research course syllabus? Whether you will be due shortly after this summer's meeting in are a librarian new to legal research instruction or a Portland. seasoned veteran looking for new ideas, the ALL- If you’ve never submitted a program, check out SIS Sourcebook for Teaching Legal Research has the program planner’s handbook for the Portland resources to help you! meeting at http://aallnet.org/events/ The ALL-SIS Sourcebook for Teaching Legal ProgramPlannersHandbook.pdf. While a new hand- Research contains nearly 300 documents such as book will be written for the 2009 meeting, it will ex- short lectures, elaborate tutorials, in-class exercises, plain the general process. and take-home research problems created and Not sure where to get a program idea? Try these contributed by your colleagues in AALL. Currently sources suggested by ALL-SIS members: the Sourcebook contains materials by Penny Hazelton, James Duggan, Lisa Smith-Butler, Lee • Attend conferences (e.g., AALS, LWI, ASIL) and Peoples, and many others. The wide range of local chapter meetings. A speaker or program instructional material available also includes may give you an idea for a program on a similar syllabi, handouts, exams, and PowerPoint lectures. topic. You will not find the Sourcebook on a • The next time an issue comes up at work that you bookshelf, but for AALL members with an don't understand or when a problem arises again AALLNet password, these materials are just a few and again, jot them down. Talk to other librari- keystrokes away. The Legal Research and ans to see if they experience the same problems. Sourcebook Committee collects and presents these If so, it might make a good program. materials in a user-friendly database for the benefit • Check AALL Annual Meetings: An Annotated of AALL members accessible at http:// Index of the Recordings to see whether a program www.aallnet.org/sis/allsis/secure/Research/ presented five or ten years ago could be updated. sourcebook.asp. Members do need to log onto • Monitor legal and educational blogs, newsletters AALLNet in order to access the materials, ensuring (including chapter and SIS newsletters) and other that the Sourcebook is password protected and that publications. Especially recommended by ALL- your students will not find your materials on the SIS members were: Educause (http:// open web. Once you are logged in, the Sourcebook www.educause.edu/), Information Today (http:// database is keyword searchable and browsable by www.infotoday.com/), ACRLog (http:// subject, title, and author. acrlblog.org/), and The Shifted Librarian (http:// Because the continued success of the theshiftedlibrarian.com/). Sourcebook depends on contributions from AALL’s (Continued on page 8) Volume 27, Issue 2 Page 4 Five Professional Development New Year’s Resolutions for a New Librarian I-Wei Wang, Reference Librarian guidance than students and faculty, may not University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt recognize the limitations on the amount and types Hall) of assistance we can provide, and may evoke a Having just finished my first year as an deeper sense of pressure (as well as compassion) academic law librarian, I decided to take some precisely because their research is motivated not tried-and-true New Year's resolutions and re-focus by mere academic interest but by a real-world them on the theme of professional development. legal problem. Instead of being intimidated, my (1) Stop procrastinating! This resolution is “helping“ resolution is to be proactive by finding perennially the hardest to tackle (“I'll stop ways to improve service to public patrons. Ideas procrastinating next year”). My professional picked up at last year’s annual meeting supplied development version is to buckle down and focus some starting points, including improving on publishing. Setting publication goals encour- networks with local partners to ensure we provide ages me explore topics of personal interest while up-to-date referral information and developing deepening my knowledge of my school’s collection research guides geared towards lay researchers.
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