PRESIDENTIAL MOVEMENTS Rancho del Cielo, California Burbank, California LOCATION Rancho del Cielo, California DATE 01 September 1982 TIME MOVEMENTS 1613 Depart Residence via Motorcade 1617 Arrive Vortac 1620 Depart Vortac via Marine One 1714 Arrive K!IBC-TV Landing Zone , Burbank , California 1715 Depart KNBC-TV Landing Zone via Motorcade 1718 Arrive KNBC-T V Studios 1826 Depart KNBC-TV Studios via Moto r cade 1828 Arrive KHBC- TV Landing Zone 1832 Depart KNBC-TV Landing Zone via Marine One 1923 Arrive Vortac 1924 Depart Vortac via ~:Otorcade 1930 Arrive Residence WHCA FORM 15, OCTOBER 15, 1980 PRESIDENTIAL MOVEMENTS Rancho del Cielo, California San Marcos Ranch , California LOCATION Rancho del Cielo, California OATE 03 September 1982 ' TIME MOVEMENTS 1720 Depart Residence via Motorcade l 72li Arrive Vortac 1725 Depart Vortac via Marine One 1736 Arrive San Marcos Ranch, California 1820 Depart San Marcos Ranch via Marine One 1828 Arrive Vortac 1830 Depart Vortac via Motorcade 183li Arrive Residence .. WHCA FORM 15, OCTOBER 15, 1980 [ 9/if/$~;*- No '1144f-en t'A/ lsc11rretl ,,qf- -r.·~e .,.p fn.o ceJ.r:.vtf] 8/19/82 Wednesday, September l to N Cali fornia - at the Ranch Sunday, September 5 : Sunday, September 5 Evening N Return to the White House Monday, September 6 9 : 00 am Staff Time (Baker, Meese , Deaver) Oval Office (30 min) 9 : 30 am National.- Securit.y. Briefing (Clark) oval Offic (15 min) 9:45 am Senior Staf ! 1irne OVal Off ice (15 min) 10 : 00 am Personal Staff Time Oval Office (.60 min) ·. T To New Jersey for Labor Day Event (Millicent Fenwick) Return to White House 8/19/82 Wednesday, September 1 to N California - at the Ranch Sunday, September 5 Sunday, September 5 Evening N Return to the White House Monday, Sep~ember 6 9: 00 am Staff Time (Baker, Meese, Deaver) Oval Offic~ (30 min) .. 9: 30 am National.- Secu.rit¥. Briefing (Clark) Oval Offic (15 min) 9 :45 am Senior Staf! Time Oval O!!ice (15 min) 10:00 am Personal Staff Time oval Off ice (60 min)' T To New Jersey for Labor Day Event (Millicent Fenwick) Return to White House As of 12:00 p.m. September 7, 1982 I SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Presentation Ceremony Awarding the Medal of Freedom to Ambassador Philip C. Habib Tuesday, September 7, 1982 FROM: Muffie Brandon 4:30 p . m. Guests begin to arrive the East Gate and are led by Social Aides up the Grand Staircase to the State Dining Room for brief refreshments. 4:45 p . m. THE PRESIDENT AND MRS. REAGAN accompanied by Mrs. Habib arrive by helicopter on the South Lawn . They are greeted by Secretary & Mrs. Shultz and Ambassador Habib on South Lawn and escorted back in to the Diplomatic Reception Room to meet with the Habib family. PRESIDENT REAGAN and Ambassador Habib and Secretary Shultz will go directly to the Library on the ground floor for a brief consultation. MRS . REAGAN proceeds directly to the elevator and the second floor. Mrs. Habib and Mrs . Shultz escorted by Mrs . Brandon , will proceed to the lady ' s room on the ground floor and then proceed to the Red Room . 5:00 p . m. THE PRESIDENT will escort Ambassador Habib and Secretary Shultz via the elevator to the Red Room where they will meet MRS. REAGAN, Mrs. Habib, and Mrs . Shultz. As soon as this has taken place, Social Aides will begin to seat guests in the East Room. All guests must be seated by 5:15 p.m. Ambassadors have reserved seating in East Room . Ambassador Roosevelt will help identify them at doorway of East Room. 5:10 p . m. Secretary Shultz and Mrs. Shultz will enter East Room . 5: 15 p . m. THE PRESIDENT AND MRS. REAGAN will escort Ambassador and Mrs. Habib down the Cross Hall into the East for the Medal of Freedom Ceremony. PAGE 2 5:15 p . m. They are announced into the East Room and cont'd. proceed to the platform. MRS. REAGAN will stand ,to THE PRESIDENT ' S right and Mrs. Habib on Ambassador Habib ' s left on the platform. The President will read a proclamation and present the Medal of Freedom to Ambassador Habib. 5:25 p . m. The conclusion of ceremony in East Room . THE PRESIDENT AND MRS. REAGAN escort Ambassador and Mrs. Habib to the Blue Room for the formation of a receiving line. (In front of the fireplace . ) The receiving line will include: THE PRESIDENT MRS. REAGAN Ambassador Habib Mrs . Habib Secretary of State Shultz Mrs . Shultz Social Aides will form the receiving line after Principals have departed the East Room in the Cross Hall through the Blue Room door; across the receiving line in front of the fireplace and out south door of Blue Room into the Red Room and into the State Dining Room. 5:40 p.m. THE PRESIDENT and MRS. REAGAN , Ambassador and Mrs. Habib, Secretary and Mrs . Shultz join other guests for the reception in the the State Dining Room and Grand Foyer. 6:00 p . m. Termination of reception in the State Dining Room. Ambassador Habib ' s car will be at the North Portico. ..... ~t;;.-:. \)(I.I ~I f') • \ 9 8)... '-I'.:! ~I.le~ ~\'("'-. 'STA~ 'F~(\... ~J..J- "'-~l)t¥.... C>t t=~~"' P!"N~ ~f)t.Jl, ~... ~~ . ~~ @1§) 'ti \> ~r . 'f - ~o'"l\l~ "" \-lAn'1 [\..nll..w~ '$. biQ$.U.)[)6, \IIt\ '-"E:..Lo . '"'~ ?cm.L!> , l~~-0~ ' ~'~ ~~\\,.~ -n. ~..!> ~loo.._, ~ ~ Ko\o1u. \A~Q. --t-.> ~0~U::o'- . S'~ ~!AC.~T:i> -T7) €)1~T ieoo1-1. 5!:! Penus .. '~LAPt w1m AM6 1../.4~18 ~ ~MtU(-1b ~?YI-TL ~LO&kJ ~ 0:.tuM~~'f/R~77e>-</ . foO_?~\M :0.. -aOl~"\'S~ -i?, ~ i=°t.£>Olv ~I'\~~' L.Y, ?dfl.4~ .., I ~s LA-£> ~ d!'p ~. f. ~ /5.,J.11141,. (J.R1Sl't:I\/ ;! OJ-.f RDC(.} • (p6E buE$TS '"Dci'A4l..\ W • ~, 71/_! l>~A.Jc.·A- ,t:1)I... JJ~ .s i I efu7 /b.:f!. 2_-r T//t t.. ,) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATIOH DATE S~ER 8, 1982 'IHE WHI'IB HOOSE WASHnGICN, O.C. TIME DAY 7:45 a .m. WErnES~ 7:45 '.the President had breakfast. 9:02 '!he President went to the Oval Office. 9:02 9:22 '!he President met with: Jlll'eS A. Baker III, Chief of Staff F.d.lin Maese III, Cbunsellor Michael K . Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9:23 10:01 '!he President met for a natic:nal security briefing with: George H. Bush, Vice President Geo.J:9e P . Shultz, Secretary of State William P. Clark, Assistant for National Security Affairs 'Ihanas C. Reed , Defense Ccnsultant, Natiooal Security Council (NSC) Maj . Oliver L. North, Staff Melrber, NSC Cdr. Dennis Blair, Staff MllrtJer , NSC Rebert C. MCFarlane, Deputy Assistant for Naticnal Security Affairs 10:54 p '!he President teleftloned Raynond L . AOOsta, U.S . District Attorney, Puerto Rioo. '!he call was not ocrrpleted. ll:Ol 11:06 p '!he President talked with Senator MaJ:k O. Hatfield (R-Oregal) • 11:07 11:24 p '!he President talked with Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) . 11:25 11:28 p '!he President talked with Senator David Durenberger CR-Minnesota) . 11:27 R 'Ihe President was teleftloned by Mr . Acosta. '!he call was not o:mpleted. 11:30 11:59 '!he President met with: Vigdis Finnbogadottir, President of the !epli>lic of Iceland Hans G. Andersen, Arrbassador of the lepli>lic of Iceland to the U.S . Olafur F.gilsson, Chief of Protocol, MinistJ:y for Foreign Affairs Vice President Bush Secretary Shultz R:lbert D. Blackwill, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Marshall Bremant, Arrbassador of the U.S . to the Reptblic of Iceland ,......, .. ;~._,, Poge__ l ot __ 5 Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE 'IHE WHITE HOl5E SEPJfl'BER 8, 1982 WASHINGI'CN, D. C. TIME DAY 11 : 30 a . m. WECNESDA.Y PHONE '! J3 .______ ... ii:• a:¥ I I o. er continued Mr. Clark Cdr. Blair 11:59 'Ihe President escorted President Finnbogadottir to the Red l«1'0. 11:59 1:38 'Ihe President and the First Lady hosted a lundleoo in hooor of President Finnbogadottir and representatives of Scandinavia Today . For a list of atterrlees, see APPENDIX "A." MeTberS of the press, in/out 12:08 'Ihe Presidential party participated in a receivin;i line outside the Blue R::x:rn. 12: 20 The Presidential party went to the East Rocm. 12:40 'Ihe Presidential party had lunch. 1:20 1:33 The President and President Finnbogadottir exchan;ied toasts. 1: 38 'Ihe President and the First Lady escorted President Finnbogadottir to the North Portico. 'Ihe President and the First Lady bade farewell to President Finnbogadotti. M:!nbers of the press 1: 39 'Ihe President and the First Lady returned to the State Floor. 1:42 The President returned to the Oval Office. 1:45 2:25 'Ihe President met to discuss intemational ecorx:mic ccnditions and darestic ea::nanic ~rovenents with: Vice President Bush secretary Shultz D:>nald T . Regan , Secretary of the Treasury Mr. ~se Mr. Baker Mr. Clark Richard G. Darman, Assistant and Deputy to the O"lief of Staff Craig L . Fuller, Assistant for Cabinet Affairs E&in L. 11",.,...,r, Assis 'lcmt for ""li"' O;· · · Pag ~ot_S_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN DATE LOCATION SEP'IEMBER B, 1982 '1HE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHING'roN , O.C. 2: 27 p .m. WEOOESJ:ll\Y PHONE ~ 3• !: ..----r----t 0:I a:I 0.
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