WE always knew that the stars Rain and warmer tonight. Saturday, had a potent effect on people, rain followed by storm with decreas- but when Dr. Lande says it works ing tempcratnre in the afternoon or the other way—that's news. evening. Student Center to Hear 7 "OBJECTORS" U HALL SPEAKER SENATE AWARDS Dr. Tippet Speak Sunday Radio Junior College Plans Dr. Donald H. Tippet , pastor of MUST TURN FEE COURT POSITION the Bexley Community Church, will address the Indianola Student Cen- Activities Monday TO SMITHHISLER ter at the vesper services Sunday at To Begin CARDS IN TODAY 5 p. m. on "Democracy Faces a Crisis." Special This evening at 8 p. m. the Center PROM CHAIRMAN President's Office Notifies 3aal Presides by 22 GREEKS JOIN STUDENTS WILL Successor will present a travesty on the mili- Students of New Action Permission ; tary science .situation at the Univer- Yet To Be Named. sity with a "Military Bawl," under ASSOCIATION TO RECEIVE CREDIT Over Telephone. the direction of William M. Smith, Ag-4. A debate on the merits of mil- Howard R. Smithhisler, Com-3, itary science for women and the elec- BUY BULK FOOD conscientious • object- FOR WORK DONE The seven " editor of the Sun Dial was elected tion of a queen for the "Bawl" will suspended ors" who were verbally to the Student Court Thursday night were feature the evening. from the University Thursday by the Student Senate to fill the va- Membership Requires $50 Henderson Named Super- the 1 notified today by telephone by cancy caused by the graduation of their fee Purchase of Merchandise intendent of New WOSU President's office to turn in Fred Trimmer at the end of the win- cards at once. ter quarter. Beatty Named Through Group. Emergency School. today - It was understood at noon By special permission, Alex Gaal, complied that three of the men had Com-4, deposed as head of the senate Business Head that Twenty-two fraternities were de- ¦with the request. It is possible because of scholastic difficulties , was Opening class broadcasts in the students' clared members of the Fraternity junior a part, if not all, of the permitted to preside at the meeting. Of new Ohio emergency radio Ag Student Managers Association at a meeting fees may be refunded. No action was taken by the senate college will occur Monday morning, A. held Thursday night in Page Hall. The seven objectors are Robert to name a successor to Gaal. with WOSU as the master station. D, , Attempting to Se- The requirement for membership, Ralph, Donald B. Leach, Paul Nominated from Floor Pearl Fogle Under the direction of the Ohio Dob- as decided by the board of trustees Sutley, David Telfair, Douglas Smithhisler's nomination came cure Advertisement, Receives emergency schools administration, D of the association in a meeting Tues- educa- son, Robert R. Hare, and Richard Norman Thomas, Socialist party from the floor as did that of Robert with the state department of Position Instead. day, is a purchase of at least $50 in cooperating, Baumgardner. leader, will speak today at 8:15 E. Potts, A-3. Nominees named by tion and the University merchandise through the association. offered this Chance to Reconsider p. m., in University Hall Chapel. the committee were: John B. Dods, radio courses will be promised Any fraternity or sorority meeting lish, French, political President Rightmire had His talk is being sponsored by A-3, secretary of the court, and Russell C. Beatty, Ag-2, was quarter in Eng to this requirement will become a full reinstatement into the University the Sophomore Y. M. C. A. and Willis R. Deming, A-3, secretary of appointed assistant business science, and Spanish. member of the association. an ex- the objectors whenever they decided W. C. A. Councils. fraternity affairs. manager of the Agricultural The radio junior college is Y. The 21 members to date are : Chi to take the military training course. Three ballots were required in the Student by the magazine's board tension of emergency school activi- strik- Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Burdell is Citing the consequences as election, the final vote being between of control Thursday. ties, of which Edwin S. Delta Tau Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, ing proof of the sincerity of the stand the two highest contestants in the Beatty will assume the duties administrator. A. Lee Henderson Phi Delta Chi, Phi Delta Theta , Phi taken by the seven objectors, a 168 WIN PLACES second ballot. of the business manager, Pearl has been named superintendent of Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Gamma three-page circular was distributed Smithhisler is not a full-fledged L. Fogle, Ag-4, who will not be the radio college. Ben H. Darrow of Delta , Delta Sigma Pi, and Phi Mu Air, is con- Friday morning by sympathizers senior although he does have some in school d".ring the winter —Courtesy Columbus Citizen. of the Ohio School of the Delta. the group. ON AG COLLEGE senior credit, and will be in school quarter. Robert R. Rinehait, Com-2, is sultant in the project. Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Chi, Sig- Entitled "Our Case," the circular at least part of next year. He will The vacancy of the position of general chairman of the Sopho- New Milestone ma Nu , Sigma Pi, Sigma Phi Epsi- tonight explains in detail the attitude taken hold office until the time of his business manager occurred after more Prom to be held Marking a new milestone in the ROLL OF HONOR lon, Zeta Beta Tau, Phi Beta Delta, in the Gymnasium under the and the reasons back of the antip- graduation. Fogle went into the downtown field of education by radio, the jun- Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Alpha sponsorship of Romophos, men's athy to compulsory military train- School Colors Changed office of the International Har- sophomore honorary. ior college carries with it the oppor- Epsilon , and Alpha Tau Omega. ing. Financial condition is given as Names The request of the University vester Company last quarter to tunity for its students to receive Dean Cunningham A meeting of the members of the the principal reason why those who High School to change its colors to sell an ad. credit for the work of enrolling later Fraternity Managers Association object to military science do not go Students Having 3.0 Av- Scarlet and Gray was granted by the He was informed that the Debating Tryouts for resident college courses. re- will be held Thursday night in room are in progress to a school where they are not sena'.e. company wanted no ads but that "Arrangements erage or Better. 100 of the Administration Building quired to take a course repugnant Richard E. Vance, A-3, was named they could offer him a good job. that jvill enable any high school to formulate plans for enlarging the Will Be Held Under to them. head of a committee to investigate Fogle accepted the job. Conse- graduate to take full advantage of organization. Circular Distributed Names of 168 students in the Col- possibilities of distributing copies of quently he is not in school this any reasonable effort he puts forth Sorority representatives will meet C. Emory Glander The circular declares that legal lege of Agriculture who won places the Lantern to Ohio high school stu- 1 quarter. in that his work will count the same j Tuesday to discuss plans for coop- aspects are confused on the point of on the honor list last quarter were ! dents. Fogle expects to return to as if obtained on a college campus, [ erative buying through the Frater- compulsion of a University to en- announced today by Dean John F. Funk, A-4, senate vice: school in the spring quarter. He provided he meets the requirements Mary Ellen Managers Association. Both Negative and Affirmative law stating that it must Cunningham. chairmani will resume his position as busi- nity of the institution at which he even- force the \ president, was appointed for placing coopera- his return. The deadline Teams Will Be Sent To Chi- tually matriculates," the radio col- 1 An average of 3 points or better of the community project commit- ness manager upon this quarter 's (Continued on Pa*e Four) tive orders based on lege announcement says. l out of a possible 4. is required for tee which will make awards to stu- Tuesday, cago, Coach States. price list, originally set for The University will permit radio : this honor, achieved by one-fifth of dents of the University who have Friday, Delbet has been extended to college students later matriculating ' the 779 agriculture students. Head- done outstanding work in social Council Attempts said. Speaks Kinsel, fraternity auditor, Tryouts for the winter quarter at the University to take examina- Dr. Dupre ing the list were Clarence W. Barn- service during the summer months. men's debate teams are to be held in tions, which, if passed, will give the hart, New Carlisle; Harold F. Brei- Twenty-two members of the re- To Get Kettering room 310, Derby Hall, January 18, students credit for their junior col- To Pacifist Class; myer, Fort Recovery; Marshall C. cently named all-Ohio high school at 4 p. m., C. Emory Glander, Var- "It is hoped that other Hervey, Westerville; Virginia Lentz, football team will be the guests of Equipment in Use lege courses. As Guest Speaker sity debate coach, announced today. colleges and universities will follow Raps Nationalism Marysville; Margery K. McGar- the senate on the campus January 22. i Mr. Giander stated that the only a similar procedure," Henderson raugh, Columbus; Joseph L.
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