A Complete Bibliography of Publications in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 1970–1999

A Complete Bibliography of Publications in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 1970–1999

A Complete Bibliography of Publications in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 1970{1999 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 March 2018 Version 3.14 ∗ Title word cross-reference aK(at);a! 0 [Log79b]. B [Rei79]. BC1 [Ask82]. β [HT87]. BV (Ω) [AK99]. C1 [Coh89]. C3 [McC97]. Cα [YL94]. Cα(Ω) [XA91]. Cp [Rea86b]. C [Yao95]. C (T ) #11889 [Spe79]. 0 0 [Wu90]. C` [Mil94]. A [FM99]. D [Har80]. D O(2) [ML93]. Dr u(x; t)=D u(x; t) (−1; 1) [LS93]. (−∞; 1)[Pas74]. n x t 0 0 [Kem82a]. (m(t)x (t)) + A(t)x(t)=0[Ede79]. k ∗ 0 0 0 D U(X1; ···;Xr)=DX U(X1; ···;Xr) (p(x)u (x)) + g(x)u (x)+qu(x)=f [Whi79]. X1 k [Kem85]. DA [Har80]. δ [Lan83b]. ∆2u = λu (φ(y0)) = qf(t; y; y0); 0 <t<1[O'R93]. [Cof82]. ∆ u(x)+F (x)u(x)=0[CG71]. (r(t) (x)x0)0 + a(t)f(x) = 0 [MR79a]. p+2 ∆ + K2 = 0 [Kal75]. 0 <p(x) 2 L1[a; b] [Whi79]. 0 ≤ x ≤ l − ∆u + K(jxj)jujp 1u = 0 [Yan96]. [CL73]. 2 [AJV94, CW99]. 2m + 1 [Sho70]. − − ∆u + jujp 1u −|ujq 1u = 0 [Tro90]. E3 2π [FR91]. 2π/m [FR91]. 3 [KoM98]. 40 [Pie73, Pie74]. eiut [dB76]. ex [Bor85]. E [GM94]. 6 [GB72, Gra72]. 6 − j [AW79]. 7 2 [Lip72]. x¨ = f(t; x; x_) [Die86]. exp(−x4) [Ura84]. [−1; 1] [Rah91]. [0;T] [Log83d]. F 0 3 [Nev84]. F [Sil85, PR71]. f(A)[BR82].F [Car70c]. F [FI75]. [Kad87]. F 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 [Mil73a]. F [Sas91, Sin80]. F [B¨uh87b, Sas91]. F (1) [WB95]. A 3 4 4 3 [Gar90, Iwa88, Car75b]. f 2 C(Ω) [Whi80]. [Aom94, Har80, Ise79, Ehl73]. 1 2 4 k G [Fie73, Fie83, Mil74a]. g(x) 2 L1[a; b] [AS79, Qui93]. R [Eck92]. R ;k≥ 3 N [Whi79]. G2 [Gar88, Gus90, Zei87]. H [And93]. R [FSW96, NS89, Dom72, Gru85, [Jua95, Pes95, Kel79a, Leg76]. H1 Kni72, Yan96]. S [Oja78, LL90]. s>1 [FF92, Gu92]. Hp [CR83]. Hs(R3)[EV97]. [EV97]. S2 [SS92]. Sk=k+1 [vdP83]. σ m 1=k+1 H0 [Jen91]. Hµ [Lee74]. Hp s 1 [Ver72]. SL [Hra85]. 0 f(j)A(j; x)=f(x) dj = [BH85, Log79a, McC83]. 1 [KS86]. 1 R 1 s f(x)A(x; j)=f(j) dj [PW82]. SO(4;C) e−atJ (bt)J (ct)tµ−ν dt [Ben75]. 0 0 µ ν [KM78]. Sp [Hra85]. Sp(n)[Gus94].su(1; 1) − 2 2 iUt +∆2U αx1 + βx2 U = 0 [Boy76]. J [Edw93, MR91]. SU(2) [Chi77]. Jν (νx)[Par84].K [Koe94, Koo91, Koo93]. SU(2) × SU(2) [Amo89, CJ99, Rus77]. k = 1 [Kad88b]. [Koo85]. SU(3)=T (k; l) [Ura84]. SU(n) f g 1 K Mp [Swa72]. L [FM92, HW84, JW80b, [HBL76, DG92, Gus94]. T MP77, Nor88b, Peh84b, Han77]. [RA79, Cla83, IK76]. × [JS87]. U(n) 1 \ 1 + 2 00 L1(R) LN (R ) [CK87]. L [Gus87a, Gus87b, Hol80]. u (t)=A(t)u(t) 2 [Alp93, FF92, Lon87, RW78, KS79a]. l (Z) [Lev73, Lev73]. u00 + c(t)f(u)h(u0)=0 [MR91]. L1 [Fis75, Lon83]. Lp [PJ73]. Uq(3) [LB94]. ut + H(u; Du)=0 [DL84, LN98, Mei77, LW95]. Lp(Rn) [Ho74]. [BJL98]. ut = !uxx [Ise85c]. L1 [And96, Wan98b]. L1(0; 1) [CPS87]. L2 utt − ∆u − ∆ut + f(u)=0[AP88b].´ [AK85, LMW96, MM77b, Ven78, AEU94]. U + U + "2U = U [Lo72]. u 2 H [a; b] s xx yy tt t 1 L2(R ) [She95]. L1 [BMP92, Hil98, LL90]. 1 [Whi79]. v [Ber75b]. " [Cuy83b]. Lloc [And91]. Lp [Kry96, LM82, Log79b, "2∆u + ru = f(x; y) [HK90]. Log85, May79, McC81, CSW80, Wal97]. "r2w =(@=@y)w [CL73]. "r2w = @w=@y − Lp[0; 1] [PS82]. Lq( 1; 1) [BH85]. λ<1 [CL71]. " ! +0 [CL71]. " ! 0+ [CL73]. [Dol81a]. m [Gut82]. M(λ) 1;1 W [k; s; Cij ] [She80b]. W [Lar98]. [Kra89a, Kra89b]. N [AL78, AB93a, AB93b, W 1;2[−1; 1] [Coh71a, Coh75]. W r;2[−π, π] BH85, Gau90, GM93, MS88, Sac84, San98, [Coh71b]. Wkm [D'A75]. WZ [Zei94]. Azz80, Azz81, Bog74, Bro75b, CD80, Hen89, x00(t)+p(t)g(x(t)) = 0 [BY72]. Joy97, KMT91, Kow82a, Kow82b, Leu74, x0(t)=−a(t)f(x(t − r(t))) [Had74]. Mel85, MM79, Pet84, Sin75, Wyr77, Zio85]. x0(t)=ax(λt)+bx(t)+f(t); 0 <λ<1 r2 2 ≥ N + 1 [CS99]. φ + λ φ = 0 [Mer76]. n 2 [Lim78]. x00 + g(t; x) = 0 [Ste80b]. xt log x [Dom72]. p [CL91, CK95a, Jan96, LMN87, [Car87]. xD [Tre79, TF84]. x∆[Tre79]. 2 (0;−1) Man91, Zha86]. P (F2)[SY89].Pn (x) x 2 Ω [Whi80]. 1 0 00 2 [WZ94]. PC [KS79c]. Φ =Φ [Wim85]. pn y (x) − λ p(x)y(x)=0;y 2 L2(−∞; +1) [Sch90]. p !1[Jan96]. Q [Wei71]. y00 + p(x)y = f(x) [Wal76]. 00 0 00 [KMM94, AKM87, ASC87, And76, Aom94, y + p1y + p2y = 0 [CM80]. y = '(t)f(y) Ask82, Bre81, BI83, Car73a, DG92, Eva92, [Tal81]. y(n) + py =0: [Jon81]. Zd [JRS94]. 0 GR83, GR84, Gas85, GR86, Gas89, GR89, Z [de 78]. Z2 ⊕ Z2 [Bri88]. jy|≤1 Ger94, Gus92, Gus94, Hab88, HM80, Ism86, [CL71, CL73]. Kad88a, Kad88b, KM88, Koe94, Koo91, Mil70d, NR85, Rah86a, RV86, Rah86b, -acceptability [Ise79]. -accretive [Gut82]. RS94a, Sta80b, Sto97, VK91]. -Algebra [KMM94, Rei79]. -algorithm 2 −m q; f H−1[a; b] [Whi79]. Qn (cosh z) [Cuy83b]. -analogue [Kad88a]. -Analogues [Fre90]. R [Rei86, Rot93b]. r =2; 3; 4; ··· [And76, Car73a, Kad88b]. -Approximation [Kem82a]. R2 [BW99, Qui93]. R3 [MP77, Peh84b]. -arrangement [SY89]. 3 -Ary [Zha86]. -Beta 31011a [Ban79]. 34087b [WH88]. [Ask82, DG92, Eva92, Gus92, Gus94]. -binomial [HM80]. -body [MS88]. -Cell 58 [Spe79]. [AJV94]. -classes [BH85]. -Clausen [GR89]. -component [KoM98]. -data 8 [Cig79, Spe79]. 80d [Ack80a]. 80j [Obi81]. [DL84]. -Difference [Aom94, Mil70d]. 81f [Ban79]. 82d [Car86]. 84f [Log84a]. 85j -dimensional [GLY88]. 86f [Mad88]. 88i [WH88]. [Azz80, Azz81, CD80, Ura84, GM93, AL78]. -Dirichlet [Jan96]. -Equation [Leg76]. 9 [Ack80a, Obi81]. -Equations [Kel79a]. -Error [Wal97]. -Estimates [And91]. -extensions [Gas89]. Abel -Fraction [Lan83b]. -Fronts [San98]. [Atk74, GL90, LW79, Ort80, PS72, Wal79]. -Function [Mil74a]. -functions Ablation [Ric90]. Abrikosov [WY92]. [Fie73, Fie83]. -Hahn [Sta80b]. -Harmonic absolute [Dom88]. Absolutely [Man91]. -Instability [MM77b]. -integral [AP74, HS86a, Saa74]. Absorption [Hab88]. -int´egrale [Hab88]. -Jacobi [BNS98, Wol93, CD95, HV87]. Abstract [GR86, Ism86, Sto97]. -Junctions [Sch90]. [Ada78, Bra76, Car71a, CN79, Det78, Gri79b, -Laplacian [CK95a]. -Legendre Hir86, Kif80, Lag75, Say71, Str76, Bre82, [Koo91, Koe94, VK91]. -Level [Joy97]. GS87, Gv85, GH87b, Hea82, Sta78b, TW79]. -Like [Jua95]. -Linear [RS94a]. -Measure acceptability [Ise79]. Accessory [Pes95]. -norm [LM82]. -orthogonal [Har94a, Har94b]. accretive [Oja78]. -Periodic [FR91]. -perturbations [Gut82, Mer87, Oht79]. accurate [CL87]. [Lon83]. -Pollaczek [ASC87]. Ackerberg [Olv78]. Acknowlegment -Quasiconvexity [FM99]. -Racah [GR84]. [Ano94]. Acoustic [CD96c, Kli97, SU97, -remainder [JW80b]. -Scaling [LMW96]. Col78, Col82, CK84, CKP89, Coo88, CD95]. -Selberg [Rah86a]. -separation [Rei86]. acoustique [CD95]. Across [Hab76]. -Series [Ger94, AKM87, KM88, Zio85]. Acting [WY75]. active [Zem79a]. Adapted -soliton [Sac84]. -Solution [YL94]. [MP98]. Addendum -Solutions [LW95, Lon87]. -Spaces [GLY88, KM91a, Noh74, Car86, Spe79]. [Chi77, May79]. -Sphere [KMT91]. Addition [BB97, BC90b, Car71c, Dun78, -Stability [MM77b, Ven78]. -Stable Dur77, Dur79, KB73, Koe94, Koo75, Koo77, [Ehl73]. -symmetric [ML93]. -systems Koo91, VK91, Lai82, Rah79, RV86]. [RA79]. -th [Bog74]. -Theory [Kry96]. Additional [Lev74b, Lew74]. Adiabatic -Type [Ver72, Aom94]. -ultraspherical [BSSV98, HS96, Ste77, Was73, Was74, [Bre81, BI83, GR83, Gas85, RV86]. Ste85b]. Adjoint [BH76, Col73, EP97, -Variables [Ber75b]. -width [BH85]. Gre91, Mil75, Mit75, Nay78, St.84]. -widths [Mel85]. -Wilson [NR85, Rah86b]. Admissibility [Key91]. Advection [EM90, Hil97]. Affine [CL96, CS97b]. after 10 [Ban79, Car86]. 14 [Log84a]. 15 [GLY88]. [Coo74]. Against [CO92]. Age 16 [Mad88]. 16th [FLLL89]. 18 [WH88]. [BIT91, HY95, IMP92, KM91c, Wan80, Bra83, Lan85, Mar81, Swi80]. 2-resonance [vV84]. 21 [Tah91]. 2D Age-Dependent [HY95, KM91c, Wan80, [HFL99]. Lan85, Mar81, Swi80]. Age-Structured [BIT91, IMP92, Bra83]. aggregated 4 [DW82]. Ahmed [EL86b]. Airy CV87, CS89, Coh89, Kaz84, Mil79, Mil84]. [LY70, OT94, PS91b]. Airy-Type [OT94]. Analytical Algebra [Eng99, IMP92, Lin94, Tem74, IR89, Piq86]. [Edw93, KMM94, KV98, MR91, Rei79, Zei80]. Analyticity Algebraic [AMRR92, FT94, Kai92, KO96, [Hay91, LB96, TBD+96, Zha95a, vd86, Str80]. MW78, MW93, MG70, OK94, Ser75, Vas79b, Andrews [ASC87, Ask80]. angle [Cof82]. Vas79a, Vas81, Cha79, Wex80]. Algebras angular [Tal80]. Anharmonic [JMR96]. [Mil71b]. Algorithm Anisotropic [ES97a, Jol92, Urb96]. [Gu92, HM84, MMM97, OFK77, CL87, annihilation [Cam89b]. Annular [LP91]. Cuy83b, Oht79, Cuy84]. Algorithms Antiplane [GN93]. Any [Olv92, Pog99]. [MT95, SN71, Thr94, WW88a]. All-Time Aomoto [Sas91]. apertures [Zio85]. [HL98]. Allen [EY98, ES97a]. Alloys Appearance [CP73]. Appell [AC80, SZZ98]. Almost [Car71b, Car75b, Car76b, Iwa88, Mil73a, [Ber76, FSW96, HT71, Mil71a, Muc70, Pog99, Sas91, Sin80]. Applicability [Paz72]. Sim85,ˇ Dav78a, GH86, Hir85, Per82, Sei87]. Application almost-periodic [Dav78a]. Along [Her91]. [BMP92, Chi74b, Dou98, Dun90a, EM90, Alternating [Tre73]. Alternative Hof99, JNW94, Kha87, Lab99, Mer87, Nii97a, [BH75c, GG77, Kug74]. Ambiguity [AT85]. San98, Tem90b, Thi93, BG89, BD86, CS80, Among [Pal77]. Amp`ere [KS91]. GS81, Gun73, Hea88, Kaw79, Lou80, Mad85a, Amplitude [St.88, Veg93, Coo88, Sal89]. Mad88, Nip86b, Ren84, Tem87, TWW89]. Anal [Ack80a, Ban79, Car86, Cig79, GLY88, Applications Log84a, Mad88, Obi81, Spe79, Tah91, WH88]. [Ack77, Ada78, AGV82, Ban75, Bar85b, Analogies [DM82]. Analogue BJL98, BH75b, BVB94, Bud89, Col70, DS81, [Des98, GM94, Wil72b, Kad88a]. Analogues ES76, Erb77, Gus85, GLP91,Lad94, LM75, [And76, Car73a, Ism85, Kad88b, Per86, Lew79, Mat78, MP77, Mil70b, MNY94, Per88, Sid85]. Analogy [CS77c]. Analyse Osl71, Piq89, Ros78, Rus77, SW75, Ubh76, [CD95]. Analyses [DGH96]. Analysis Yao95, Bra86, Chi87, CLP89, Chu84, Coh89, [ABH94, AO81, AM95, AJV94, AF96, Ast91, DK83, Dol80, HM80, How85, KS80a, ML84, BB90, Bra71a, Bra72, Che92c, CE99, Chr80, O'R87, Rab84, Sas91, SS80, Tah90, Tah91, CD96b, CZ94, CD96c, Dom72, Dun93, Wal79, Whi80, Zei80, ZD84, dM86, vd86].

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