MicRR Guide No. 58 Microfilm 5042 A Descriptive Checklist of Selected Manuscripts IN THE MONASTERIES OF MOUNT ATHOS To H 11A.£tf ~" ,.4""I '1 0 .,.. ~ c.c-J ~ k~ ht ;~oh·/".,. :# $'"o'fz. ~ S"/uJ"VI~/.fr.. ~"rc.",,' 'h;""" -6tA.J 'A -n:. Ti"c a­ tOltlc...* (i.t . 'Zv,.,.tml ?e."+ J S/4,vrJ elc) ~J ~.... I'~ I?u"'~ ,G .. -..A ~ tt.. 1«.(-1 of u-.J.. -e n -h- ~ . s ~",. ,-/c ,.,1~+ /,N t) """-to /~ oIl. //14: 50 f 2. Itli~tJt'1 Zoo Monastery of Dionysios, Mt. Athos Founded in the 14th century / A Descriptive Checklist of Selected Manuscripts IN THE MONASTERIES OF MOUNT ATHOS Microfilmed for the Library of Congress and the International Greek New Testament Project, 1952-53 Together With Listings of Photoreproductions of Other Manuscripts In Monasteries of Mt. Athos, Prepared by Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, Paris, France, and the Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Compiled under the general direction of ERNEST W. SAUNDERS Representative of the Library of Congres,s for the Selection and Microfilming of 'the Manuscripts at Mt. Athos Prepared for the press by CHARLES G. LAHOOD, JR. Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE WASHINGTON: 1957 This publication is sold by the Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. Price $1.00. Check or money order shall be made payable to the Chief, Photoduplication Service. Post­ age stamps are not accepted. ~ b. .60 (IQ,(1­ Purchases from foreign countries for this publication may be made with UNESCO Book Coupons. Positive copies of the microfilms listed in Section I of this publication are available in quantities of one or more reels at the currently published rates of the Photo­ duplicadon Service. L. C. card 57-60041 I St4bdi ~S aM Nole : All/"*"I ;*t ~J ~Ia~ ..c~ ; ..."n- r../c. ~.II c:..,Jc, H,'wo 5fJf-L TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page Foreword____________________________ _ v I. Manuscript Reproductions Available Introduction: Report of the 1952-53 Mis- from the Library of Congress- Con. sion Mt. Athos___________ _____ _____ _ _ VII B. Georgian: I. Manuscript Reproductions Available Monastery of I viron__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 from the Library of Congress C. Armenian: ,. A. 'Greek: Anatolia College, Salonika______ 18 'l7);,"Y';") Monastery of Dionysios: II. Other Collections of Photographic Microfilmed in full ____ ___ _ 3 Copies of Manuscripts at M t. Athos Microfilmed in part-_____ _ _ 4 A. Deutsche Akademie der Wissen- Monastery of I viron___ ___ ___ _ _ 4 schaften, Berlin, Germany___ __ _ 21 Monastery of The Lavra: B. Harvard University, Cambridge, Microfilmed in full _______ _ 6 Massachusetts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24 Microfilmed in part___.!___ _ 11 C. Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire Monastery of Pantokrator: des Textes, Paris, France_______ 28 Microfilmed in full _______ _ 12 Bibliography_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35-36 Microfilmed in part_______ _ 13 I. Printed and Manuscript Catalogs Monastery of Stravroniketa___ _ 13 Available on Microfilm from the Monastery of Vatopedi: Library of Congress ___ ___ ____ _ 35 Microfilmed in full _______ _ 14 II. Published Catalogs of M t. Athos Microfilmed in part______ _ _ 17 Manuscripts_________ _____ ~ _ _ _ 36 III FOREWORD The purpose of this Checklist is to make known to scholars the existence and availability of photo­ reproductions of manuscripts belonging to the various monasteries on Mt. Athos, Greece. The first portion of the Checklist is devoted to a detailed description of manuscripts microfilmed by Ernest W. Saunders of the Garrett Biblical Institute over a period of six months covering the latter part of 1952 and early 1953. Dr. Saunders, working on a United States Educational Exchange Grant for research in Greece, microfilmed 209 Greek and Georgian Biblical manuscripts in full and selected portions of 44 others containing apocrypha and writings of several of the early Fathers. The microfilms prepared by Dr. Saunders are in the Library of Congress and are available at the cost of positive prints, which may be ordered from the Photod'uplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. In addition to heralding the availability of the Athos manuscripts to scholars and, in order to avoid costly duplication of effort on the part of other scholars who might, in the future, journey to Athos on photographing expeditions, Appendix II lists the photocopies available from three other known deposi­ tories: Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, Paris, France. Inquiries concerning manuscripts in these collections should be made directly to the aforementioned institutions. v ·INTRODUCTION Report of the Mission When the Sinai-Jerusalem Expeditions of 1949­ brarian of the Library of Congress, and with 50 completed their work of recording on microfilm Donald C. Holmes, Chief of the Library's Photo­ the complete contents of 2,717 manuscripts,! there duplication Service, disclosed their keen interest remained only one known center whose rich manu­ in the possibility of an expedition to Athos similar script collections had not been thoroughly investi­ to the Sinai program. They pledged their assist­ gated and made available to the world of scholars. ance to this pilot mission and promised to make The twenty ruling monasteries of Mount Athos in available a portable microfilm camera with a sup­ Macedonia house a manuscript collection of stag­ ply of film once the necessary permissions to carry gering proportions, estimated to number about on such work at Athos could be secured. 11,000 books which represent the vast learning of Although many scholars from Europe and the ages of Athens and Byzantium. The work re­ America have visited the Athonite libraries during ported in this Checklist is the result of a photo­ the last 75 years, only K. Lake, who traveled graphing program which extended over a period of among them in 1899, attempted any extensive six months in 1952 and 1953 and brought back the copying of New Testament tests.3 For his icono­ largest single collection of photographs ever taken graphic studies, K. Weitzmann of Princeton at Athos. With the use of an electrically operated University, has systematically photographed many microfilm camera lent by the Library of Congress, of the miniatures found in these biblical manu­ there were copied the texts of 209 Greek and scripts.4 Furthermore, a German expedition of Georgian manuscripts· of the Bible, ranging in age 1942 enabled F. Dolger and his associates to · from the sixth to the fifteenth century, and selected recorq Oli film the great collection of monastic portions of 44 others containing documents of the charters, property deeds and chrysobuls which . apocryphal New Testament, writings of John of completed a task initiated--as early as 1857 when Damascus and Theophylact of Bulgaria, and var­ Russian scholar, P. I. Sevastianov, did the first ious books of Byzantine music and letters. photographing of manuscripts at Athos.5 Father In July, 1952, notification was received that I M. Richard of the Parisian Institut de Recherche had been awarded a United States Educational et d'Histoire des Textes, added some 9,915 frames Exchange Grant for research in Greece. My proj­ of selected manuscripts to the Institute's collec­ ect had been defined as a photographic mission to tion as a result of his visit in 1951.6 He has made Mt. Athos in the interests of the International subsequent trips in 1953 and again in 1955. Greek New Testament Project.2 A conference Even though pr~parations were made with great with Verner W. Clapp, then Chief Assistant Li- haste, it was nearly two months after arrival in I See K. W. Clark, "Exploring the Manuscripts of Sinai and Jerusalem'" 3 K. Lake, "Texts from Mt. Athos" in Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica, V, The Biblical Archaeologist, XVI (May, 1953),22-43. A full account of the pt. 2 (1902), 88-185, and the Jo·urnal of Theological Studies, I (1900), 290-292. results may be found in his Checklist of Manu scripts in St. Catherine's Mon­ 4 K. Wietzmann, Die by zantinische Buchmalerei des 9. und 10. Jahrhunderts a.,tery, Mount Sinai (WasingtoJl : Library of Congress, 1952), and in the (Berlin, 1935) . Chec/."list ofManuscripts in the L ibraries ofthe Greek and A rmenian Patriarchates - , "The Narrative and Liturgical Gospel Illustration," in M. M . Parvis in JeTtLsalem (Washington: Library of Congress, 19.53). The expeditions and A. P. Wikgren, New Testament Manuscript Studies, (Chicago, 1950.) were jointly sponsored by the American Foundation for the Study of Man, ~ F . Dolger, Aus den Schatzkammern des Heiligen Berges (Munchen: the Library of Congress, and the AmericaR Schools of Oriental Research. F . Bruckmann Verlag, 1948), 2 vols. 2 M . M . P arvis, " The International Project to Establish a New Critical 6 M . Richard, " Rapport sur une Mission d'Etudes en Grece, 1951," in Apparatus of t he Greek New Testament," Cro zer Quarterly, XXVII (Oct., Bulletin d'Information de l'Institut de Recherche et d' Histoire des Textes, r 1950), 301- 308 . (1952) 48-80. 4307580- 5 7- 2 VII ./ Salonika before the first trip to the Holy Mountain World War I from the monasteries at Serres and was made. The list of those who expedited the Drama.7 In the library of Anatolia College in plans is a lengthy one, but special acknowledg­ Salonika I came upon a mutilated Armenian ment is gratefully recorded here of several to manuscript of the Four Gospels.
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