A^4T~lri*4a^c*e£ *m THE NEWS WILL KEEP yOD POSTED ON THE SEND THIS COPY TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUR FRIEND WHO- M1KKS—$5.00 THE YEAR. WANTS INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DISTRICT Devoted to the Interests of th* Mining Districts of Northwestern British Columbia Ob. 5, NO. 33 STEWART, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1924 $5 THE YEAR P FIT PROJECTS 01 STEWART-HYDER LOCAL NEWS BETTEi N ii jAMCEirsr" WITHJESITS PROTECTION Mrs Sam McNiel, now of Hy- Young men of Hyder, beware! LOWER^TUNNEL LAID Al SEA der, visited Rupert this week. ' This is Leap Year, K icutivea of Indian Mine Citizens Association Meet N. lilyn and VV. Ackroyd of J.C.Wilson was among the ar- Values in the New Dunwell Two Near-tragedies Occur Solve Knotty Problems And Discuss Various Mat- the Premier mine arrived from rivals from the south Thursday. Strike Show Improvement As Result of Heavy Snow And Overcome Sinister ters of Importance to the |the so,)th Thursday. Mike Tulley came down from Over Similar Ore in Tun­ Storm Last Week-end— Opposition . Allan Carolan left on a busi- the Premier this week for a few Community ness trip to Rupert Thursday, days'recreation. nel Abo ye Narrow Escapes expecting to return in a week. Mrs W.R.McDonnell of Hyder G D.B.Turner, vice president At the Citizens Association j Major North, manager of the'left Thursday for Seattle to visit The face of No. 3 tunnel on he Indian Mines Co., after a Jas. Ajtken, until recently con­ meeting held in Moose hall last|,_B . Qw . Silvet_.**.«_.( , retufnf...mud jfondauu»j, foLorr aa timtimee witwuhn relativesrelatives.. , the Dunwell is now 354 feet from lisit to the mine during the week UU nected with the maintenance of Tuesday evening President IT. | Vancouver. Dan Brophy, of the p j J the portal, the last 20 feet being Ind, expressed himself to the night from a visilin rem eP the Dominion telegraph system Scuvil took the chair, and consid- ( R L> Clothier, manager of the left Thursday for Rupert to ap- j'" heavily mineralized ground, between Stewart and Anyox, .V: with s as being agreeably sur-jerable business of interest to the, Indian mine( received an injury j pear before the Pensions Board. conditions similar to those had an unpleasant experience found in No 2 tunneI Assays rised to find such a satisfactory ,town waa transacted. Among | to an eyethi8 week that i8 keep. H. Comer and son Jim return-1 - - ! the Litter par^^^^^^_t of lasm_t mwee_m***---k that taken from tl e first three feet sealed his ondition, and "while he had (other things of vital importance |jnghim home. ed Monday night from .Vancou-| ? | determination to sever •n advised regularly by Mr! was the fire department, around j Mr and Mrs A. B. Trites and'ver. They brought back a five- near the --•"•--"-'->? wail of the jhfs connection with this work. ..-.-,--.--. t.i-^a ss«U|vci. ii'L-y uruugm oat-K a nve-i ' """ •—;«—» "—« "- ---- • '"= tonne lier of new developments, j which considerable discussion' JVJJ Stanleuiou.cvy lefK-ltt Vancouve(iJHCUUVflr Oiorl, passedgepUS3c( r McLaughlan car. [north-south vein, the striking of | On tin morning of the 2nd he ,a i.nl'j Kir r\f. .•^u-.r,., I *.IM-W,_,,»-. !~~—* ....,11 — to.'. which wa • as only by personal observa-l j centered, resulting in the secre- ^e Q_ p ^ ()n a 'roun(j jue \rQI man Rothnie, brother of s reported last week, left on the telegraph launch for il..,i-nrUaii./i1ti.,n-ffi„,.:„ i i • it iii I — - • - » •>••".-^ v..-. Yunnan r.u.uum, urocner oil - •'• - •--" ••*--. .ivu WM -ur w ieg raj n launcn tor thai a real.zatwaof tho «. tary being instructed to send a -•«*«ld- Wi.i,ij-i-p of fouIUUp I monthguivu.us< . ^.ui* . uenry nocniort, arrived oini r the cre to bfi of u goo6™d «mill HUM.j Map|- e B ^ ul •A net* nf fhft roanrra nrna r.h. i <_'_..,->,_ ,-•,,..- .,-, _l.<_ V, -,-„, rw.i.,1 fir.^ _____ ...... with him. which would hav•' e been cance of rhe results was ^ strong wire to the Provincial fire Sergt,s_ Wan-or ^ Jepgon the CardenafromVancouverand ing grade, with an average of half an ounce in old sufficient under ordinary circum­ med.anvalue do f ththee aregreaa t generallyprospec-, 1j marshanecessitl y urginof appointing upon g hiam locathejl j of the Roya] 0anadian ;Mounte d | is enrolle^ d in the^Stewart public I * and a small Police paid Stewart a v git dur [silver and lead content. Beyond stances. At 1 p. m. on the 4th ore reserves of the property • fire marshal at the earliest pos ^t, . ,•••-.ing the sta.yj o--.f thv..e~ Princ_....,,.,e_ Ri,u W.Hii.ii. Watsouinauini ias takinlaiwiig ciiurgcharge i• thi" s no assay**~s hav— e as ye•'"-t bcen *-Q tapped the wire at Burnt are being continually added to Bible date, pert Thursday. if: the local Canadian National itakentaken*- ***-and ^refortfweforae no state*- Point and informed the local I om all indtcattons it would Another matter that came ,n Miss Francis Whillans left on Express office, relieving P. S juntaj ment sa s toto actuaactual l valuevaluess cacann bbee operator, S.G.Lawrence, that he iar that the heart of the for a good deal of comment WM the Prince Rupert for Victoria. Jack, who left for the south last j^ade at thia time. The point was forced ashore by snowstorms I nag approached. There the blocking of the Stewart.Hy-|after visitingfor several week. Mondaynight 1 reached on this level is roughly and needed help. Mr Lawrence 300 i in increased value to the ore der road-during the past week wJth her father. Dr. H. A. Whil* MrsHelen Bell, proprietress! ^ vertically below the out-'secured Fred Dorey and hisfish- .ework advances, Ihat it,• end; and as, in the opinion of ,an8of Stewart of the BelMew Hotel in H.der, crop, whic^ h o^^n the dip^ give s ap- ''in g tug Sea Lion, of Hyder, Al- .old and silver value* So those present, there will be a. Carolan-s> who ,,cently pU!*r'r>. C., ltftThurs,'ar lor ' Settle proximately.450 feet of backs. I aska, but was unable to locate : antial have been the re-, recurrence of (his slide and con- h J rh R-IJ,...*,, Mnnt, nr>, , , • „, , , | No, 2 tunnel, from which the lAitken or the launch. The latter 1 (iiasedtne ba.dwin block, are, • business, ftlie expects to re- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ sthatlthas been definitely equenl blocking of the road I f turn in two weeks ist and west drifts have been (managed to heat back to port at io 3 preparing to oppn a branch 0 led to enlarge the mteeplanl afterevery heavy snowfall, it their general store there at as Owing to snow slides on the! xtended, is 01 feet vertically 11 p. m, on the 5th. He was com- f 1 build a concentrator, tram-jwai s decided to request the Gov- !ear]y a da{eag possib,e> end f fch Sa]rnon va„ey below No. 1, and 177 feet above j pletely exhausted by exposure to .,1 ...u~.. :.: J' . , ..Lii.L. .L_ .« •_________________________________. -------------------------m **-----------------------------------m .. _ .. _ . ... ! , and ither necessities of anfernmenl to establish the neces- Boyd Young, pioneer merchant] road, the Cra \ i d Transfer Co. :N'°- -*•• No- - level is st--- being'*' 'vet and cold, as well as lack • .ting mine. jsary local authority for immed of Stewart in the boom days of | stage wns held up for several developed.aud also from it ex- ,! inH*- The launch carried no The ore is now being tested iately clearing away such slides. hgjQ, wa8 a visitor during the stove days at the Premier mine, iploratory drifts and crosscuts( » and constant baling was r a separation plant that will! Correspondence and informa- L-ay 0f t^,e Cardena. He now Miss Virginia McConftey, who are being made to determine the required to keep the craft from pare the most desirable i ro-ltion regarding the town protec-; jias a Rtore in p01.t Essingtor. spent the holidays in Vancouver [direction and extent of the min-1 Dein«? awamped. A new crew 'or marketing, and no time; tion project taken up with thej After the law suit in which he iave „, §. „ ^^ .,.,., .,,,,„.,..,.,.,,,„ J.:^:; M=| with her motin !•. returned Mmi- |eralization. One cri&scut lias; - arrived and are now out - ig" fixin u the ist in worKing out aJgovernment some time ago were| js interested haa been heard in day to resume her duties teach- proved the width of the solid | « P line, which has I I•Ia nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*****************m that wil! fit in wilh; considered.. A wing dam along: Ketchikan, Dan Davis intends ing the Stewart public achool. sulphides in the - I and west een down all wini r. >, i.i , i i. ..- it ..;..,. K.r, I . ...... l . ions." (the ..... bank of Bear river be-jgojngeagt and spending the bal- Rnh Kiiv/p'l hnnphflll BMIIPII to be, at that particular pointJ , ! _ . , , tween ,he WiiKon bridfffl and the Boo frizzell, Daseoaii athlet. _, During the big week-end irner went on to s y that ance of the winter with his wife and saxophone impressa io, who L2 feel wlda- this point being50j snow ^^^^^ , , -.. u n storm that blocked practically all i ' company appreciates very old ra I . bridge had beed sug-. an(1 famj|y has been a resident of Stewart e ,fe where another cross- '" - : , .. , •-,, onus in the tlistnct, I*rank Bovv- h the wwik of R.L.
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