No. 144 -3627 ~ _.~ ..' \: SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 1981 Published by Authority WELLINGTON: MONDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 1981 Price Order No. 232 (Butter) APPLICATION OF THIS ORDER PURSUANT to the Commerce Act 1975, I, Desmond James 5. This order applies with respect to all sales in New Gasson, pursuant to a delegation from the Secretary of Trade Zealand by way of wholesale, or retail, of any butter (within and Industry, hereby make the following price order: the meaning of the said regulations) manufactured in New Zealand, except butter sold as ships' stores for vessels sailing beyond New Zealand. PRELIMINARY MAXIMUM PRICES FOR SALES OF BUTTER BY WAY OF WHOLESALE, L This order may be cited as Price Order No. 232, and OR BY A MANUFACTURER TO A WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR, TO shall come into force on the 1st day of December 1981. WHICH THIS ORDER APPLIES 2. (1) Price Order No. 180* and Special Approval No. 6. Subject to the provisions of this price order the sever\11 C2047t are hereby revoked. maximum prices at which butter prepared in 500 gram or (2) The revocation of the said price order and the said 250 gram packs may be sold by way of wholesale shall be special approval shall not affect the liability of any person the following: for any offence in relation thereto committed before the (a) In the case of salted creamery butter the standard of coming into force of this order. quality of which is not lower than Category 3 the (3) Notwithstanding the revocation of Price Order No. price of 100.00c a 500 gram pack or 51.81c a 250 180, and Special Approval No. C2047, any approvals given gram pack. under clause 13 of that price order or any approvals deemed (b) In the case of salted whey butter the standard of by clause 3 of that price order to continue to have effect quality of which is not lower than Category 2 the or any approvals given under clause 13 of that special price of 97.27c a 500 gram pack. approval shall continue to have effect as if the said price 7. The price of butter sold in bulk by way of whole­ order and the said special approval had not been revoked. sale, being butter of one of the kinds and standards of 3. (I) In this order, unless the context otherwise requires,­ quality set out in clause 6 of this price order, shall be 3c "the said Act" means the Commerce Act 1975; "the said for each kilogram less than the respective price prescribed regulations" mean the Butter and Cheese Marketing Regula­ for butter of that kind and standard of quality by the said tions 1948t. clause 6 hereof at the rate for 500 gram packs. (2) Terms and expressions defined in the said Act, or in the 8. The price of unsalted creamery butter the standard of said regulations, when used in this. order, have the meanings quality of. which is not lower than Category 3, and which is severally assigned thereto by the said Act or by the said sold, whether in bulk or pats, by way of wholesale shall be regulations, as the case may be. 6c more for each kilogram than the price prescribed for salted creamery butter by the provisions of clause 6 hereof 4. The categories referred to in this price order shall, as at the rate for 500 gram packs. the case requires mean : 9. The price of unsalted whey butter, the stand.ard of (a) Categories assigned at a grading store; or quality of which is not lower than Category 2, and which is (b) Categories assigned in a manufacturing dairy prescribed sold, whether in bulk or pats, by way of wholesale shall be by regulation 26 of the said regulations; or 6c more for each kilogram than the price prescribed for ( c) Categories constructively assigned pursuant to subclause salted whey butter by clause 6 hereof at the rate for 500 ( 4) of regulation 26 of the said regulations. gram packs. 3628 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 144 10. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions 3. This price order applies to all milk sold for human con­ of this order, the price for any parcel of butter sold, whether sumption in any milk district after the coming into force of in bulk or in pats, in a quantity of less than 25 kg, by way this price order. of sale by wholesale, being butter of one of the kinds and 4. The standard rates specified in the Schedule hereto are standards of quality set out in clause 6 of this order, may hereby fixed with effect from and including the 1st day of (at the option of the vendor) be the sum of 5c per parcel December 1981. more than the appropriate price prescribed for butter of that kind and standard of quality by the foregoing provisions of this order, and the said sum of 5c shall be added to the SCHEDULE rates referred to in clause 11 of this order for the purpose of that clause. STANDARD RATES OF MARGINS AND ALLOWANCES PAYABLE FOR SERVICES PERFORMED IN RESPECT OF TOWN MILie 11. In the case of sales by a manufacturer to a wholesale distributor, the prices of which butter shall be so sold shall Margin or be: Allowance Nature of Service at the Rate '(a) For butter sold in bulk 8.202c a kilogram less than of Cents the price hereinbefore specified. per Litre '(b) For butter sold in a 500 gram pack; <l:.lOlc a pack I. Treatment by treatment station if the aggregate less than the price hereinbefore specified. quantity treated is: '(c) For butter sold in a 250 gram pack; 2.27c a pack less than the price hereinbefore specified. (1) 11 500 litres or over per day ...... ...... 8.30 (2) 4 500 litres or over but less than 11 500 litres 12. Any butter sold in pursuance of the provisions of clauses per day ...... ..... 8.36 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 of this order shall be delivered freight (3) Less than 4 500 litres per day free into the purchaser's premises. 9.57 2. Treatment by treatment station if such milk is MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE OF BUTTER TO WHICH THIS PRICE not stored by refrigeration in the treatment station ORDER APPLIES pending delivery but is stored elsewhere, and if the l3. (1) The maximum retail price of butter to which this aggregate quantity treated is: price order applies shall be computed at the rate of: .(1) 11 500 litres or over per day ...... ..... 8.19 (i) I IOc a 500 gram pack of salted creamery butter. (2) 4 500 litres or over but less than 11 500 litres (ii) 57c a 250 gram pack of salted creamery butter. per day ...... .. ... 8.25 '(iii) 113c a 500 gram pack of unsalted creamery butter. (3) Less than 4 500 litres per day 9.46 (iv) 107c a 500 gram pack of salted whey butter. 3. Homogenisation by treatment station, if the (v) 110c a 500 gram pack of unsalted whey butter. aggregate quantity homogenised is : (2) If, in respect of any lot of butter sold by a retailer, (1) 4 500 litres or over per day ...... ..... 0.88 the maximum price calculated in accordance with the fore­ (2) 2 250 litres or over but less than 4 500 litres going provisions of this clause is not an exact number of per day ..... 1.18 cents, the maximum price of the lot shall be computed to '(3) Less than 2 250 litres per day 1.51 the nearest whole · cent. 4. Diverting to town milk industry by treatment SPECIAL PRICES WHERE EXTRAORDINIARY CHARGES INCURRED station of skim milk if the aggregate quantity diverted is: 14. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this price order and subject to such conditions, if any as he ,(1) 4 500 litres or over per day ...... .. ... 0.52 thinks fit, the Secretary, on application by any trader, may (2) 2 250 litres or over but less than 4 500 litres authorise special maximum prices in respect of any butter to per day ...... 0.60 which this price order applies where special circumstances '(3) Less than 2 250 litres per day 0.68 exist or for any reason extraordinary charges are incurred 5. Storing by refrigeration in vendor's depot 0.82 by the trader. Any authority given by the Secretary under this clause may apply with respect to a specified lot or 6, Storing by refrigeration in community depot 1.24 consignment of butter or may relate generally to all but~er Dated at Wellington this 30th day of November 1981. to which this Price Order applies sold by the trader while D. J. GASSON, Director, Commerce Division. the order remains in force. *New Zealand Gazette, 9 July 1981, No. 80, p. 1911 Dated at Wellington this 30th day of November 1981. (T. and I.) D. J. GASSON, Director, Commerce Division. *New Zealand Gazette, 2 October 1981, No. 116, p. 2981 tNew Zealand Gazette, 22 January 1981, No. 4, p. 107 Indecent Publications Tribunal is.R. 1948/16 I, Patrick John McKone, Comptroller of Customs, give '(T. and I.) notice that I have applied to the Indecent Publications Tribunal for decisions as to whether the books described below are indecent or not, or for decisions as to their Price Order No. 233-(Milk Treatment Allowances) classifications. I. Title: "Look", Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. I Desmond James Gasson, being duly authorised by the Secretary of Trade and Industry in this behalf, do hereby Autho.r: -.
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