The Bow Times “Of the People, By the People, For the People” BOW, NH VOL 23, NO. 3 March 2016 FREE A NEW FACE FOR 2016 TOWN AND SCHOOL ELECTION ISSUE SELECTMAN Chris Nicolopoulos ON MARCH 8 VOTE YES ON SB2 By Bill Kuch To the Editor, an SB2 form of meeting, when more voters to engage in the SB2 for the Bow School District both the school board and bud- system. All warrant articles, in- will be voted upon this March get committee overwhelmingly cluding the budget, will be on the 8th. Adoption of this form of voted to NOT recommend pas- town election ballot. Prior to the School Meeting will afford sage, I contend that this would vote, a deliberative session will greater opportunity for voters to not have passed. Imagine if next be held, as it is now, and ques- engage in the democratic pro- year a small group of motivated tions can be asked. There will cess. As a precursor to the vote, and social media savvy people be ample time before the ballot a meeting was recently held to wanted to have preschool pro- vote to research the validity of inform the electorate and solicit vided by the district. statements made at the delibera- The President of the New their comments. I attended this Someone said that the purpose of tive session and become better Hampshire Association of meeting and was surprised at SB2 was to allow more people to informed. SB2 brings the dis- Insurance Agents (NHAIA), Chris some of the assumptions made vote against the school budget. enfranchised voter back to the Nicolopoulos of 4 Pine Crest Drive about the reason for the petition That is correct and it would also voting booth. For the veteran is running for the seat on the Board and arguments against adoption. allow more people to vote for away from home, the infirm, the of Selectmen vacated by Jack Crisp. As a signer of the petition for the the budget. I don’t understand snowbirds and others not able to Chris is a lawyer who served as the SB2 warrant article, I believed Government Affairs Director of the argument. Another argument attend the school district meet- it was time to make sure that the New Hampshire Association against SB2 was that it was bet- ing, there will be the ability to the Town people’s wishes are of Realtors from 2004 to 2008. He ter to have 300 informed voters vote absentee. For those with heard and that the system is not then practiced in the Concord office (with the current system) than obligations during the hours of manipulated by a small group of the firm Preti, Flaherty, Beliveau 1000 uninformed voters (under the meeting, they will now have and Pachios representing some For- advocating a single issue for SB2) make decisions. Besides the opportunity to vote during a tune 50 companies in their govern- their benefit. It was suggested being offensive, the too dumb 12 hour period on election day. mental legislative and regulatory by some at the meeting that the to vote argument doesn’t hold matters. As the NHAIA President, petition was retribution for the Bill Kuch up. We elect people to represent Chris oversees the budgeting, all day kindergarten vote of last 348 Page Road, Bow our interests at all levels of gov- investing and cash management year. No it isn’t, but the Kin- [Bill Kuch is a State Representa- ernment. Even if you have lim- finances of the group. dergarten vote was an example tive for Bow/Dunbarton, Merri- ited knowledge of an issue you of how the current meeting sys- mack District 23] The father of two girls aged six should have confidence in the tem could be used to circumvent and eight, Chris is concerned about people you elected to provide IN A PURE DEMOCRACY the guidance of our elected of- fostering business development, a recommendation and vote ac- IT SHOULD BE JUST AS ficials. In a town of 6500 voters planning better for capital cordingly. EASY TO VOTE NO AS IT a majority of the 300 people at improvement projects and reducing IS TO VOTE YES. the tax rate to improve real estate the 2015 School District meet- Adoption of SB2 will allow values in Bow. Chris graduated cum ing were able to pass the all day laude from UNH. kindergarten warrant. Under YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE USED TO FIGHT SB2 Candidates for Bow Elections on March 8 AN EDITORIAL Selectman (2): Colleen Hunter (incumbent) The Spring Newsletter for the Bow board. With that raise and lower Christopher Nicolopoulos School District was recently circu- gas prices it makes the commute lated by SAU 67. On its third page from his home at Wicwood Shores Budget Committee (2): John Heise (incumbent) it contains an article critical of SB2. in Meredith more pleasant. Dominic Lucente (incumbent) The article discusses the disadvan- Library Trustee (3): Christine Carey tages of SB2 but does not in any As a member of the Budget Com- Converse Peirce Hunter way describe the advantages. The mittee I can attest to the fact that Benette Pizzimenti newsletter is published by the SAU a majority of the Budget Commit- using our tax dollars. tee supports SB2, even though the Town Moderator (1): Peter F. Imse (incumbent) School Board is marching to Dr. Supervisor of the Checklist (2): Judith V. Goodnow With a salary of $129,112 and ben- Cascadden's tune. This is the kind Betsy Patten efits of $61,878 Bow taxpayers of improper use of your money that Beth Titus have been good to Mr. Cascadden. should get you out on March 8 to In fact while Social Security recipi- vote YES on SB2. Trustee of Trust Funds (1): Mary Beth Walz (incumbent) ents got no cost of living increase Chuck Douglas School Board (2): Ginger Fraser (incumbent) this year Dean Cascadden got a 2% for a free press, Kathy Garfield raise rubberstamped by the SAU Je suis Charlie Robert Louf (incumbent) MONTHLY BOW TIMES IS DELIVERED TO 3,000 RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES - FREE THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 3 March 2016 FREE 2 A DOZEN THINGS EVERY CITIZEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TOWN AND SCHOOL MEETINGS By H. Bernard Waugh, Jr., Esq. LOW TAXES 2015 Update by Cordell A. Johnson for N.H. Municipal Association ARE THE 1. Every Voter Is a Legislator. which, if they pass, will not be mon language. As U.S. Supreme Those quaint sayings about town legally binding (i.e. would not be Court Justice Holmes once said: government being a “pure de- enforceable in court). But that “The machinery of government RESULT mocracy” are true! State law re- doesn’t mean you can’t vote on would not work if it were not al- fers to the town or school meet- those things anyway. No group lowed a little play in the joints.” OF LOW ing as the “legislative body.” of voters has ever been arrested (Quoted in Lamb v. Danville The town meeting is to the town for taking a vote, no matter how School Board, 102 N.H. 569). what the Legislature is to the off-the-wall it might be. SPENDING State, or the Congress is to the 8. You can Ask for a Secret United States: the town meeting 5. It’s OK to Ask Questions. Written Ballot on Any Ques- has all the basic power. There is The beauty of the traditional “de- tion. There are two ways for the no higher authority in town. But liberative” session of meetings voters to request a secret written in order to have the right to par- (as compared with questions on ballot at town or school meeting: The Bow Times ticipate, you must be a registered the “Official” or “Australian” (a) Any 5 voters can make the voter of the town, and you must ballot usually used for elections) request in writing to the modera- Publisher – The Bow Times, LLC Editor – Chuck Douglas 224-1988 attend. If you don’t go, how can is that through the process of tor before a vote is taken, or (b) Co-Editor - Debra Douglas you justify blaming anybody but discussion and debate, the vot- After a vote has been taken and 496-0265 yourself? ers can educate themselves about declared by the moderator, any Sales Manager – Gary Nylen the question at hand, and about seven voters can orally request 496- 5239 2. The Moderator Presides, the procedure, and become able the vote to be taken again using [email protected] and Can Do What It Takes to to vote more intelligently. Don’t a secret written ballot, but the Technical Editor – Denise Ehmling 724-7853 Maintain Order. The town or shyly assume that everybody request must be made immedi- [email protected] school meeting’s business is but you knows what’s going on. ately, before the meeting moves Travel Talk Editor - Chase Binder regulated by the moderator, and They probably don’t. on to other business (RSA 40:4-a Contributing Writers – Joyce Kimball your right to vote is subject to the and 40:4-b). and Faye Johnson moderator’s authority to keep or- 6. No Vote Can Be Legally Photographs - Eric Anderson der. Voters may not talk without Binding Unless Its Subject 9. Virtually any Vote can Printer – Seacoast Media Group being recognized. If someone Matter was Stated in the War- Later be Reconsidered and Mailing address for news or keeps on being disruptive after rant. The “warrant” is a sort of Rescinded. So you think you notices: 40 Stone Sled Lane, Bow being warned, the moderator can agenda for the town or school finally finished the debate over Email: [email protected] ask a police officer to escort him/ meeting, which is posted two the town administrator’s sal- her out of the meeting.
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