15 OralAnswers AUGUST 13,1991 Oral Answers 16 ward. So, let the flaring be brought to zero SHRl SATYAGOPAL MISRA: Sir. Ito- and the gas be utilised for the benefit of the tally disagree with the answer given by the consumers. (Intenqtions) hon. Minister that there is 95 per cent punc- tuality of suburbantrains in Calcutta. Imysel SHRI RAM NAIK: It is an admitted fact am a daily passenger of those trains in that that the gas is being burnt on a very massive area and I do not know from where he has scale and it is a national loss. My specific collected this information or data. However question is this :since the Government is not in his reply, he has admitted that in Howrah- able to restrict that and utilise that for any Kharagpur section there is some irregularity productive purpose so far, I want to-know if in running the trains. any Indian private enterprise comes forward to use that - in view of the Government's May Iknow from the Hon. Minister what is the genetal policy of privatisation-whether the percentage of punctuality in the Howrah- Government will consider such proposals of Kharagpur section? giving that gas for tha bse by the private parties. This is my specific question and he What are the reasons for late running of did not reply to that. trains in that section? SHRl B. SHANKARANAND: Ihave just SHRl MALLIKARJUN: Sir, in the South- now given the scheme which is undertaken Eastern Railway, that is, the Howrah-Khar- by the Government. In the event of failure of agpur Section, the punctuality of trains used this scheme, perhaps, the suggestion made to be around 94 per cent in 1988-89. Cur- by the hon. Member will be considered. rently, it is in the range of 90 per cent. It however suffered during June-July, 1991. It EMU Services In Calcutta was affected by factors like frequent power- cuts trippings on account of irregular supply '417 . SHRI SATYAGOPAL MISRA: from West Bengal State Electricity Board. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: SHRl SATYAGOPAL MISRA: The Hon. Minister is misleading the House because (a) whether the Government are aware that is not a fact. In this area, Kolaghat that EMU services of the Calcutta suburban Thermal Power Project is there. They are sectipns have become irregular and daily supplying electricity regularly to the South- passengers have to face difficulties as a Eastern Railways. result thereof; Now he is passing on all the responsibil- (b) if so, the reasons therefore; and ity to the State Government. The actual fact is that there is more than 100 per cent (c) the details of the steps takenlpro- congestion in the Howrah-Kharagpur sec- posed to be taken to run the local trains tion in the trains. Can the Minister deny it? regularly? Sir, what 'is the remedy? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MR. SPEAKER: Please ask a specific MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI question. MALLIKARJUN): (a) and (b). With the ex- ceptionof Howrah-Kharagpur section, punc- tuality of suburban trains in Calcutta area 5HRI SATYAGOPAL MISRA: There is has been averaging about 95%. a necessity for constructionof fourth railway line from Santragachi to Panskura and third railway line from Panskura to Kharagpur to (c) Running of these trains is being avoid the congestion. Otherwise the prob- monitored intensively. lem of congestion cannot be overcome. May 17 Oral Answers SRAVANA 22,1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 18 Iknow from the Hon. Minister his reaction in SHRl HANNAN MOLLAH: I am asking this regard? the question. Are they going to open a new platform at Howrah station? SHRI MALLIKAWUN: Ido not have to answer this question. It is only about the Are they alsogoing to arrange the regu- punctuality of the trains. lar running of the trains between Kharagpur and Howrah and Howrah and Bargachia? MR. SPEAKER: Now second supple- One more platform is urgently required. mentary. Mr. Misra, you formulate the ques- tion. I will ask him to reply. MR. SPEAKER: Are you going to con- struct one more platform at Howrah? SHRl SATYAGOPAL MISRA: Sir, I am saying about the over-congestion. Over- SHRl MALLIKARJUN: There is no congestion is the main reason for late run- scheme to create one more platform at ning of trains. What is the going to do for Howrah is addition to four platforms already construction of the fourth railway line which coming up. is required to solve the problem of over- congestion? SHRI CHITTA. BASU: Sir, I would be very specific and I want a specific MR. SPEAKER: Is there any plan to answer. Is the Government aware of the fact overcome the over-congestion? that there is no punctuality in the running of trains between Bongaon and Sealdah in the SHRl MALLIKARJUN: Sir, the over- Eastern Railways since a long time past? congestion in the suburban trains is the obvious fact of reality. So far as the coming Is it because of the fact that the proposal it over isconcerned, there is no proposal. But of doubling of the track between Barasat to whatever existing facilities we have, we have Bongaon has been delayed so long? to go ahead with that. (Interruptions) Is it also due to the fact that there has SHRl HANNAN MOLLAH: Sir, I am been no proposal yet taken up by the Gov- another daily passenger in that section. The ernment for the remodelling of the Sealdah reply of the Minister does not corroborateour station. Would the hon. Minister reply to experience. Every day, we find late running these specific questions? of trains. There is a possibility of deteriora- tion of law and order in this section-because SHRl MALLIKARJUN: Sir, so far as the of unrest among the daily passengers. We doubling is concerned, it does not interfere are repeatedly asking the authorities for with the punctuality of the trains running regular running of the trains but without any there at the moment and so far as moderni- result. sation of Sealdah station is concerned, it will be taken up in future plans and not at the The question is that from Howrah to moment. We have already taken note of it. Bargachia and from Howrah to Kharagpur, there are not sufficient local trains, and regu- SHRl BASU DEB ACHARIA: The EMU lar timings for running of the trains. coaches of the first class compartments in Eastern Railways have been withdrawn. But There is also the problem of platformsat they are still continuing in South-Eastern Howrah railway station. Railways. There is no difference between the first class and second class compart- ments. May Iknow from the hon. Minister as MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Hannan Mollah, to whether or not the firsi class compartment you ask a question. Otherwise, he will say in South-Eastern Railways, in between that he will not reply. Howrah and Kharagpur section, will be with- 19 Oral Answers AUGUST 13,1991 Oral Answers 20 drawn as it has been withdrawn in Eastern hon. Members. The question is of finding Railways? money. We have constraints on production of EMU coaches. We have constraints of My second part of the question is that additional line capacity. But we can improve there is a long standing demand from the certainly provided you people help us in passengers of Burdwan-Asansol section to maintaining the law and order situation and dedare it as a suburban section and intro- see that you will be able to run the trains on duce EMU coaches there. So, may I know time. We have the problems of power supply from the hon. Minister as to whether or not and law and order situation. And we need the Government will consider to declare your cooperation. Only with your coopera- Burdwan-Asansol section as a suburban tion, we can improve the situation. sedion and introduce EMU coaches there in future? SHRl RUPCHAND PAL: Sir, in the past. demands had been made in this House SHRl MALLIKARJUN: So far as the regarding Bundel-Katwa line for its conver- existing facilities of the South-Eastern Rail- sion from single line into double line and also ways are concerned, they will continue to be for electrrfication of that line. Even the other there. Regarding the other part of the ques- day, during thedebateof the Railway Budget, tion, i.e., making Asansol-Burdwan section the demand was made. May I know from the as suburban section, it is not feasible at this hon. Minister as to how and when will this moment because of the production con- conversion of Bundel-Katwa line into double straints of the EMUS. line be made? When is the electrification of Bundel-Katwalinegoing to be implemented? SHRl ANlL BASU: Sir, one of the main reasons for the late running of trains IS con- SHRl C.K. JAFFER SHARIEF: We are gestion in the lines and the hon. Minister, examining it. during his reply, said that it is an obvious factor. The line capacity of the suburban SHRl SAlFUDDlN CHOWDHARY: Sir, section has not been augmented since the my question is the same question regarding last so many years. Iwould like to know as to electrification of Bundel-Katwal line and it is how much investment has been made in connected with this question because it is Howrah-Bundelsuburban section during the also a suburban section. lastfive yearsto augment the line capacity of the trains so that they can run in a regular Since no improvement has taken place, manner. I thought of putting this question. By asking this question, we are giving an opportunity to SHRl MALLIKAHJUN: Ido not have the the hon.
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