Volume 12 | Spring 2010 J%()*$+ %, S!"#$%& F"%'()" Richard Haass President of the Council on I*&-)*$&!%*$+ Foreign Relations Wars of Necessity, Wars of Choice Reconsidered R-+$&!%*. Baha’i Identity in Islamic Iran Alexandra Leavy | University of Pennsylvania Resistance and Popular Front: 2e Push for a National Communist Party in Italy and France Peter Cere4i | University of Pennsylvania Economic Sanctions: an E/ective Tool for In0uencing International Behavior in the Twenty-First Century JoAnna Tonini | University of Pennsylvania Biological Weapons and the Future of Biosecurity: Recommendations for Prevention and Nonproliferation Cory Siskind | Tu1s University We’re Not in Hollywood Anymore: 2e E/ects of Climate Change on Migration Amjad L. Asad | University of Wisconsin, Madison 2e U.S. Naval Question in Southeast Asia Brian Chao| Dartmouth College Czechoslovakia From Totalitarianism to Democracy: Di3culties in Transition Joshua C. Roberts | University of Pennsylvania C$)--) N%&- Leigh Sloan Self-Determination, Secession, and Sovereignty: South Executive Director of APSIA Ossetia’s Claim to Right of External Self-Determination and APSIA: Your Future in International International Law Relations Irina Kotchach | University of Pennsylvania S!"#$ I%&$ R'% 2e E/ect of Industrial Agriculture on the Health of Latin National Honor Society for American Peasant Farming Communities International Studies Elena Blebea | University of Pennsylvania /$8'(53$*(&2/25$' 6,=(:;+ Preparing students to speak the global language of business, culture and politics. Fluently. For over 25 years, the Lauder Institute has been a pioneer in integrating management education with international studies and advanced language and cross-cultural proficiencies. 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Penn Lauder CIBER presents the Summer Institute for Teaching a Second Language for Business Communication. The Summer Institute teaches language educators how to design curricula for teaching business communication by integrating second-language pedagogy and business fundamentals. This practical 30-hour, one week summer program includes: • 10 hours of Business Fundamentals • 10 hours of Second-Language Teaching Methodology • 10 hours of Curriculum Design Exercises The Summer Institute for Teaching a Second Language for Business Communication Program Dates: June 21-25, 2010 • Program Fee: $450.00 • Registration Deadline: June 1, 2010 Penn Lauder CIBER University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA contact: [email protected] call 215-898-4642 or visit www.lauder.wharton.upenn.edu/ciber 3 SPECIAL STUDENT OFFER <I8 LBHEF8?9 4A87:8 12 issues of The Economist for just $19.95 Plus online and audio access— save over $181.00! Subscribe today at www.economist.com/mail/us and enter code: SIR10 Journal of International Relations 4 3XEOLVKHGE\WKH&RXQFLORQ)RUHLJQ5HODWLRQV ,I\RXUHFRJQL]HWKHVHÀJXUHV WKHQ\RXVKRXOGEHUHDGLQJ ´WKHELEOHRIIRUHLJQSROLF\ WKLQNLQJµ 6WXGHQW6XEVFULSWLRQVWR)RUHLJQ$IIDLUVDUH RQO\DQGFRPHZLWKIXOODFFHVVWRRXURQOLQH DUFKLYHUHSOHWHZLWKKLVWRU\PDNLQJDUWLFOHV GDWLQJEDFNWRDQGPRUH 7RSXUFKDVH\RXUVXEVFULSWLRQ YLVLWXVRQOLQHDW )RUHLJQ$IIDLUVFRP6WXGHQWV S5)!*" 2010 | V%+(#- 12 :DVKLQJWRQ3RVW J%()*$+ %, I*&-)*$&!%*$+ R-+$&!%*. S!"#$ I%&$ R'% N$&!%*$+ H%*%) S%6!-&7 ,%) I*&-)*$&!%*$+ S&(8!-. S5)!*" 2010 | V%+(#- 12 E8!&%)!$+ S&$,, Becca Balis Ned Shell Editor-in-Chief Editor University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Julia Enyart Jonathan de Jong Managing Editor Editor University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Euhana Ossi Sam Barre4 Managing Editor Editor University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Vivian Zhang Aliana Greenberg Layout Editor Editor University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Emma Buckhout Carlye Rosenthal Copy Editor Editor University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Emma Dinan Charmaine Hung National Liaison Editor Editor University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Adine Mitrani Assistant Copy Editor University of Pennsylvania 2e JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS is a non-pro9t publication produced by un- dergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania. All inquiries and comments should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, 635 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th Street, Philadelphia PA 19104. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. Copyright 2010, Journal of International Relations. Cover Design by Vivian Zhang A..%6!$&- E8!&%). Laurel Adams | University of Delaware Adina Appelbaum | Washington University in St. Louis Courtney Buie | University of Pennsylvania Alexandra Levite | University of Pennsylvania Angela Livengood | George Washington University Lauren Olens | Washington University in St. Louis Nicole Overley | Johns Hopkins University Gunperi Sisman | American University Callie Wallace | Washington University in St. Louis Zach Witlin | Tu1s University L-:-) ,)%# &'- E8!&%) Dear Readers, It is my pleasure to present the twel1h edition of the Sigma Iota Rho Journal of International Relations. Each year, our Journal has increased its circulation, broadened its appeal in the 9eld, and sought new ways to reach out to Sigma Iota Rho members throughout chapters across the country. 2is year, our e/orts to expand the Journal culminated with a record number of submissions, a meeting with the Foreign A/airs editorial board at the Council on Foreign Relations and a growing relationship with the organization, and the selection of nine outstanding undergraduate manuscripts. It is also our honor to feature a preview of Dr. Richard Haass’s most recent book, War of Necessity, War of Choice: A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars, to be published in May. As the President of the Council on Foreign Relations and former director of policy planning for the U.S. Department of State, Dr. Haass is a highly respected member of the international relations community and o/ers us his views on some of the most prominent U.S. foreign policy issues of today. Dr. Haass o/ers a unique look at U.S. decisions to go to war, either as a ma4er of necessity or choice, as determined by U.S. interests and other policy options. 2e articles selected in the twel1h edition re0ect a4ention to issues of growing importance in the realm of international relations. 2is year we are featuring an historical analysis of the Communist parties in Italy and France by Peter Cere4i. 2e Journal also includes studies on national identity and democracy wri4en by Alexandra Leavy, Joshua Roberts, and Irina Kotchach. JoAnna Tonini and Cory Siskind analyze policy choices regarding economic sanctions and biological weapon nonproliferation. Finally, Elena Blebea studies the e/ects of industrial agriculture in Latin America and Brian Chao o/ers analysis of the U.S. and Chinese naval powers. I would like to thank the University of Pennsylvania’s Student Activities Council and our long list of sponsors for their continued support of our Journal. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Frank Plantan, National Director of SIR, Dr. James McGann, faculty advisor to the Journal, and Donna Shuler, Administrative Director of SIR, for their invaluable guidance and assistance. But most of all, I would like to thank the Editorial Board members and our Associate Editors for their dedication, without which the twel1h edition would not have been possible. Sincerely, Becca J. Balis Editor-in-Chief Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Iota Rho University of Pennsylvania S5)!*" 2010 | V%+(#- 12 F)%# &'- S.I.R. P)-.!8-*& Dear Colleagues, It seems trite to say that we live in a time of crises and con0ict and to call for more a4ention to foreign a/airs and the human condition. Yet the world remains beset international con0ict, genocidal a4acks, civil wars, terrorism, and state-sponsored a4acks on its citizenry. Economic crises, pandemics, mass migrations, piracy, climate change, WMD, human rights (the list goes on) makes it a good time to be a student of world a/airs. 2ese issues impinge on college students facing an uncertain future. It has meant more anxiety and uncertainty about jobs and post-graduate opportunities of various kinds. Yet, the demand for young people with good analytical, research and writing skills, along with complementary technical skills and foreign language ability remains high. International experience and a global perspective are key leverage points in the job market and is why Sigma Iota Rho members have a competitive advantage over many of their peers. 2e fact that S.I.R. members are the crème de la crème of students in international a/airs continues to a4ract the a4ention of the American Professional Schools of International Studies (APSIA).
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