ATheReflex Tale Thirty-NineSilver of Two Sword Cities Steps Stage 4 TitleNelson Mandela Rowena AkinyemiAuthor 1 BeforeWhich of these Reading people …? Oliver Tambo, Desmond 164CH HowAMatchPTERS . a.? 6number ColdPhilip TAOND 8 and 7WHdidn’t from WHI Lhungry.EI L READINGAEwin READINGwith either a letter race. from He Bcame to make in Tutu,Before Chief Luthuli, Reading F. W. de Klerk, Dr Daniel Malan. 21 WheresecondJacquesEdekcompletehad .on .Five, .?run Daylight,sentences. To aboutaway a farmhouse. Gaspard’sfromand thirdthe Warthe ondead Chainmail. body camp. after the a … introduced apartheid? ………………… BEFORE READING ACTIVITIES (PAGE 76) 92)76) 372 WhatsoldiersWhenA .the . had.? fightHe killed hoodedlearnt at the him. that field his Georgeeyes kitchen like had afinished, hawk. stopped Ruth at b … organised the ANC from abroad? was holding Edek’s hand. 42 WhatLanceMadame1 . Kinship’s . The.? Defarge, He ANC said house about…that for he the awas drink Revolution. a sailor on his called way home.Ned ACTIVITY………………… 1 BEFORE READING 3 Jan did not believe Edek’s story about hiding under 83 AinslieWhyJohn2 .Barsad, . who.?The Because hadAfrikaner about stolen Yaxley whether Nationalsome was Ernestmoney home Party Defarge from … Honga car.is called 1c FParis … 2 Twas and 3 the London.FT first 44 TF African 5 T 6 toF get 7 F the Nobel Peace Jacquesa train. or not. Kong just three weeks after George’s death. NSWERS NSWERS NSWERS 5 How3 . The.? He Spear used ofexplosive the Nation to blow (MK) up the door. Prize? ………………… A A A 2 In the Bastille prison in Paris. 694 WhereWhatErnestIn Berlin . Defarge,.. .? the.? It On childrenhelped topabout ofthe stayed thean wives old attack in tower.and an on oldchildren the cinema Bastille. of. dead ACTIVITY 2 BEFORE READING 4 The 46664 campaign … d … told Mandela he was going to be released 5 Jan was helping some other boys to steal food from 3 Lucie. 75 HowandJarvis5 injured . Lorry,. The.? He jockeys. Blackabout crawled ConsciousnessJerry slowly Cruncher, and carefullyMovement who was and going… Encourage students to speculate and to make TEST 4 ‘Jacques’.from prison? ………………… tothe take trains. care of Mr Lorry on his trip to Paris. guessesguesses, butbut dodo notnot telltell themthem thethe answersanswers. They They will will avoided the wires. 5e ‘A … terrible was chosen machine to lookof death’, into the with crimes a sharp of knife that 6 BEFORECharlesTheB American RE Darnay,ADING Captain aboutCHAP Tthe toldER Marquis10 Jan he hadof Evrémonde been stealing bewillfind able findout to asout check they as they readtheir read that answers thatthe answers thewhen ‘yes’ they areanswers read1a, 1c theare EncourageCHAPTERS 7students AND 8 WHto speculateILE READING and to make cuts offapartheid? people’s ………………… heads. (himself).Americana … wanted food sentto separate to feed theblack refugees and white. people story.numbers(but for The the1, ‘yes’ 2,Injured and answers 4. Jockeys are 2,Fund, 5 and not 6. himself), 2a, guesses, but do not tell them the answer. They will 71 CharlesJanAlexander went Darnay,in to allTurnbull prison areas about becauseof took life.being care the a of prisonerchildren Hannay himself,didn’t when have he 2b,ACTIVITY 2d. 20 2 marks BEFORE READING findwasb out …ill withasraised they malaria. aread lot ofthat money the answer for people is number with HIV/ 2. C O M P R E H E N S I O N ACTIVITY 3 BEFORE READING andenough remembering money to payDr Manette’s the 200 marks. many years in the Encourage students to speculate and to make ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES 2 Scudder Aids.had sent a letter to Sir Walter Bullivant The Secondcorrect Worldanswer War is 2, began but doin 1939not telland students ended CHBastille.APTERS 10 TO 13 WHILE READING 2 Whatguesses do but the do words not mean?tell them Match the answers.a number They from willA CHsayingAcP T …ERS thatwanted 9 AheND was to10 makewith WHI La Eblack goodREADING people friend. proud of their Whilethis.in 1945 They. The willReading children find out lived when in Poland, they read in eastern the story. 1 Lord White, to Philip, about the photographs that findwith outa letter as theyfrom read B. that the only ‘yes’ answers are 31CHSirAA BavarianP WalterTERShistory. 8 Bullivant Afarmer,ND 9 WHto had ItheLE toldREADING children, the police about that a potato Hannay Europe. To get to Switzerland, they had to go west to showed Dana and Ivor den Relgan as lovers. numbers 5 and 6. 1 wasFthatd Dr …notJan Manette wantedahad murderer. thrown wasto make safe at him. inlife Paris. better for black people Germany,ACHAPTERS and 1 T Othen 5 WHsouthILE READINGto Switzerland. 2 Harold, to Philip, about Ivor den Relgan no longer While Reading 42 KarolidesFFrauLucie Wolff,in was was South to very shother Africa. husband,afraid dead atof seven Madameabout o’clock Edek. Defarge. in the 1A CTIVITYBecause concert 3he BEFORE didn’t READINGlike cheating, and he knew that he being in the Jockey Club. 3 evening.TJan,e …to theplanned farmer, to aboutuse violence the fact against that the the farmer’s South In2 had France aAfrikaans very in thegood 18th chance century of winningrich noblemen that day. owned 3 Elgin Yaxley, to Philip, about Philip asking him for WhileCHAPTERS Reading1 AND 2 WHILE READING 4 FsonsMost had ofbeen the German prisoners soldiers, were sent and to so the enemies Guillotine. who 2most3 He of drovepass the offland, the and road the and poor into had a tree,nothing probably. They had 5 MacGillivrayAfrican told government. Hannay that he didn’t want to 1 31 years. 5 Thadmore fought money against for the Polish Injured people. Jockeys Fund. hard4 because lives, Bantustan hedid went not haveto sleep enough while to he eat, was and driving. hated the arrest him. 2CHHeAP wasTERS bored. 1 TO 3 WHILE READING 46 FFrauMrsHe JacksonWolff, agreed20 to marks(Philip’s tothe help, children, neighbour),if his aboutlife was theirto not Philip, mother.put inabout 35 Because sabotage he was interested to find out why George 6 Marmaduke Jopley told the police that Hannay was 31KingBecauseHow and . his.?a manHe noblemen. knocked called Scudder down a arrived guard withat his a flatcatapult and the man from the water company who came to had kept a box of his worst mistakes. 5 adanger.Edek, murderer. to the Burgomaster, about Jan, trying to hide B askedand stole for his uniform.help. Then he walked out of the 5 checkAre these Philip’s sentences pipes. true (T) or false (F)? 4 By giving him a lot of money. 7 LordFthe Mrfact Alloa Lorry that was Jan was ill couldn’t planning and didn’t speak to comeleave German. Paristo the the meeting next day. at a a place where black people were forced to live 5 Ivor den Relgan, to Philip, about burning George 4WhileThatprison someone with Reading the was other going guards. to kill the Greek Prime 6 SirThea Walter Burgomaster, Mandela’s Bullivant to first’s thehouse. job farmer, in Johannesburg about the children, was in a 5 Because it showed that they had met each other CHAPTERS 10 AND 11 WHILE READING 2b Minister.Howto damage . .? By something hiding in ona luggage purpose lift. whoMillace’s hadkitchen. tohouse. be sent home like other refugees. before O’Tree shot Yaxley’s horses. 1+12 2+16 3+15 4+10 5+17 6+14 7+18 8+11 35CHc SomeoneWhyaA PpublicT ERS. .? performance1putBecause TO a 3 knife WH a ILprisoner throughE ofREADING music hadhis heart.escaped. 6CHClare,AbP T ER to During9 Philip, WHILE theaboutREADING Defiance his injuries, Campaign, which blackshe 6 He was not a serious or responsible person. 7 Edek, to the Burgomaster, about his father Joseph 164d JerryBecauseWhat a piece Cruncher. ofhe.? The paperwas Nazisafraid that took Africansthat herthey awayhad would to and carryarrest sent to himher tofor 19+13Becauserealized Africanshadhe was been often attacked caused too byill white toa beating, go people. to meetings not a fall and 7 Because nobody knew that he had them. Balicki. 2 Jarvismurder.Germany.travel Lorryor get a job Darnayevenfromc when aappeared horse.The he government was before well, the he forced Tribunal was a Africans man a second of veryout time, offew their 8 Dana knew him because she got drugs from him, 8 The farmer, to the children, about using his canoes 375e MonsieurToWhy a kind Scotland. .?of Because DefargeDutch spoken on the bynight some his white wife waspeople taken in 7becausewords.Dana denhehomes was Relgan, accused in Sophiatown.to Philip,by three about citizens. the listWhen she Drhad and Ivor hit him because he wanted him to stay away to get away by river. 48 MadameAsaway,South a milkman. someone Africa Defarge shot at the car, and one of the Nazi 2ManetteBecausewrittend heard onMandelahe awanted packetthat heand to ofwas collectTambo cigarettes one ofhis opened the payfor accusers, Georgepersonally. the first Millace. he from Dana. 5 Lucie’ssoldiers father, was hit Dr in Manette the arm. 38spokeCHBecauseTheAP T angrilypoliceERS Africanhe 11 inspector,wasto TO the 13 lookinglaw Tribunal.WH office toILE forPhilip, READING together. aBut place about Defarge where the explained hydrogenhigh tide 9CHBecauseAPTERS20 he 3marks AthoughtND 4 WH theyILE couldREADING put Philip’s life in 1 She let go of her paddle suddenly, and he fell back 6 CharlesWhat . Darnay.? To tell them that he was going to thatwassulphidee he at had 10.17. MK gas found decidedin Philip’s a paper to water destroywritten filter schoolsby Drthat Manette andnearly killed in 1 Fdanger.The writing in Scudder’s notebook was mostly 7 SydneySwitzerland Carton to find their mother, and that they 4theBecauseJeremy.into Bastille, the hospitalswater.the and spy he was readto makegoing it aloud thingsto leave to thedifficult from Tribunal.
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