Riverina Wildflowers Native Nursery Page 1/24 Small Shrubs Acacia (Wattle) s Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Leafless grey branches, single y Acacia aphylla Leafless Rock Wattle 2m T, P ellow flowers. Prostrate form, leaves grey, yel Acacia baileyana Cootamundra Wattle 1m P low flowers. Erect shrub, leaves hard rasp-li ke surface, golden rod shaped flowe Acacia denticulosa Sandpaper Wattle 2m T, P rs spring. Small shrub, pale yellow fl Acacia drummondii Drummonds Wattle 2m P owers in spring. Prostrate form, arching branches, y Acacia pravissima Ovens Wattle .7m ellow flowers. Prostrate form, weeping habit, b Acacia vestita Hairy Wattle .7m right yellow flowers. Small shrub with dense weeping l Acacia cognata Fettuccini PBR 1m P ime-green wavy compact foliage. Small compact shrub with dense f Acacia cognata Limelight PBR 1m P ine lime-green weeping foliage. Adenanthos ( Woollybush ) Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Spreading shrub, fine silver grey l Adenanthos cunninghamii Albany Woollybush .8m eaves, red flowers spring-summer. Spreading shrub, bronze red young g Adenanthos cuneatus Jugflower 1m rowth, dull red flowers. Low shrub, bright orange-red flower Adenanthos obovatus Basket Flower 1m s spring-summer. Adenanthos pungens ssp effusus Coral Cover .7m Tall shrub, fine soft hairy foli Adenanthos sericeus Woollybush 1.5-2m age, reddish flowers. Page 2/24 Small shrub, fine soft hairy folia Adenanthos sericeus Dwarf 1m ge, reddish flowers. Medium erect shrub, yellow flowe Adenanthos detmoldii Jugflower 3m P rs during spring. Austromyrtus Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Small low spreading plant, white fl Austromyrtus dulcis Midgen .5m owers spring, greyish fruit. Small low spreading plant, coppery Austromyrtus dulcis x tennifolia Copper Tops .5m new growth, white flowers spring Bushy small shrub, deep red-burg undy new foliage, white flowers spr Gossia inophloia Blushing Beauty .7m P ing. Banksia Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Rounded shrub, very large soft wool ly grey-yellow flowers summer-autum Banksia baueri Possum Banksia 1m n Erect bushy shrub, maroon-reddish f Banksia caleyi 2m lowers spring. Rounded shrub, yellow flower spi Banksia media 1-2m kes summer-autumn. Rounded shrub reddish flower spi Banksia menziesii Dwarf form 1-2m kes autumn. Rounded shrub yellowish flowers sum Banksia ornata Desert Banksia 1-2m mer-autumn Small to medium shrub large yellow- Banksia Giant Candles 2-3m orange flowers autumn-winter. Rounded compact shrub, orange-yello Banksia spinulosa Hairpin Banksia 1.5m w flower spikes autumn-winter Rounded compact shrub, maroon flowe Banksia spinulosa Maroon 1.5m r spikes autumn-winter Rounded compact shrub, pink flower Banksia spinulosa Pink 1.5m spikes autumn-winter Low form of Banksia ericifolia Banksia ericifolia Dwarf .5m P Page 3/24 Beaufortia Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Low spreading shrub, mauve-pink ter Beaufortia schauri Pink Bottlebush 1m minal flowers spring. Small compact shrub, red-orange Beaufortia Flame .5m P flowers autumn. Callistemon (Bottlebrush) Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Small shrub, red flowers. Callistemon pearsonii Rocky Rambler .3-1m Small shrub, red flowers. Callistemon citrinus var White Anzac 1m Medium shrub, reddish tipped pale g Callistemon pallidus var Father Christmas 1-2m reen flowers. Small shrub, green foliage, masses Callistemon viminalis var Captain Cook 1.5m of red flowers. Small shrub, grey green foliage, ma Callistemon viminalis var Running River .5-1m sses of red flowers. Prostrate shrub, red flowers. Callistemon Firebrand .6m Medium to small compact shrub, red Callistemon Little John 1m flowers. Low spreading shrub, gold tipped re Callistemon Tinorvo Dazzler 1m d flowers. Small shrub, bright green foliag e, tangerine coloured flowers in Se Callistemon Wallumbin 1-2m P ptember - October. Small shrub, apple green new fol Callistemon Wildfire 1.5-2m iage, bright red flowers. Upright shrub, greyish leaves, p ale pink-cream flowers autumn-sprin Callistemon Injun 2-3m P g. Medium shrub, pink flowers sprin Callistemon Perth Pink 2-3m P g. Unique narrow upright growth hab it for screen or hedge, red flowers Callistemon viminalis CY01 Slim PBR 3m P September - November, full sun - p art shade. Page 4/24 Compact shrub, new growth red, s uitable for hedge or a specimen pla Callistemon viminalis KPS38 Red Alert PBR 2.4m P nt, rarely flowers Calothamnus (Net Bush) Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Erect shrub, pink-rose flowers spri Calothamnus rupestris 2m ng. Spreading shrub, pine-like leave Calothamnus sanguineus Blood-red Net-bush 1m s, red flowers winter-spring Spreading shrub, leaves covered with silvery hairs, red flowers spr Calothamnus villosus Silky Net Bush 2m ing-summer. Chenopod (Saltbush) Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Local species, medium shrub, grey f Rhagodia spinescens Spiney Saltbush 1m oliage, ruby red fruits. Chorizema (Coral Pea) Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Small shrub, orange yellow and p Chorizema cordatum Heart-leafed Flame Pea .5-1m P ink  flowers spring. Small shrub, with heart shaped t oothed leaves, brillant orange yell Chorizema ilicifolium Coral Flame Pea 1m P ow pink flowers, spring. Low growing groundcover with bri lliant massed orange- yellow flower Chorizema varium .3m P s August - September.  Small twinning plant, orange-red Chorizema diversifolium Climbing Flame Pea P flowers during spring. Conospermum (Smoke Bush) Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Medium shrub, dense grey flowers Conospermum stoechadis Smoke Bush 1-2m P spring. Medium shrub, light grey woolly flo Conospermum triplinervium Smoke Bush 1.5-2m wers spring. Correa (Native Fushia) Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Page 5/24 Spreading shrub, cream flowers Correa backhouseana 1-2m Small compact shrub, pink flowers a Correa backhouseana .7m utumn-winter. Large open shrub, pink flowers tipp Correa backhouseanx reflexa Marian’s Marvel 2m ed pale green Upright shrub, glossy dark green leaves, pale cream-green flowers i Correa baeuerlenii Chefs Cap 1-2m P n spring. Medium shrub, pale green flowers. Correa glabra Rock Correa 1-2m Medium shrub, pink flowers with whi Correa pulchella White Tips .2-1m te tips winter Compact shrub orange-red flowers au Correa pulchella Firebird 1m tumn-winter Large open shrub, pink-red flowers Correa reflexa 1-2m tipped pale green autumn-winter. Dryandra Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Erect shrub, orange-yellow flowe Dryandra formosa Showy Dryandra 2m rs winter-spring. Dense medium shrub, profuse yellow flowers September - October Dryandra polycephala Many-headed Dryandra 1.5m P . Rounded shrub, yellow flowers autum Dryandra quercifolia Oak-leaved Dryandra 1.5m n-winter. Attractive compact shrub, long t oothed leaves, yellow-orange flower Dryandra nivea .4m P s in spring. Darwinia Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Spreading shrub, lemon-scented leav es, white to reddish flowers spring Darwinia citriodora Lemon-scented Darwinia .7m . Rounded bush, white flowers, spring Darwinia diosimoides 1m . Erect open shrub, pink-red flowers Darwinia lejostyla 1m spring Page 6/24 Erect shrub, pink-red flowers sprin Darwinia lejostyla Coolamon Pink 1m g Open shrub, flowers streaked red Darwinia macrostegia Mondurup Bell 1m P and white September - December. Erect shrub, red and white flowe Darwinia meebolii Cranbrook Bell 1.2m rs spring. Small shrub, red flowers spring. Darwinia neildiana Fringed Darwinia .5m Small shrub, green-yellow-red flowe Darwinia oederoides .2-.3m rs, spring-early summer. Erect shrub, red-pink flowers sprin Darwinia oxylepis Gillham’s Bell 1m g. Diplolaena Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Small shrub with narrow green le aves, outstanding red-orange flower Diplolaena angustifolia Yancep Rose .5-1.5m P s spring, good drainage needed. Shrub, red-orange flowers spring. Diplolaena damperi .5-1.5m Upright compact shrub, silver gr ey foliage, large red-orange flower Diplolaena grandiflora Coastal Rose .5-1.5m P s spring. Eremaea Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Spreading shrub, brilliant orange t Eremaea beaufortiodes 1-1.5m erminal flowers spring. Eucalyptus s Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Small red flowering eucalypt. Corymbia ficifolia Mini Red (grafted) 2m Small compact rounded tree, larg e clusters of green yellow flowers Eucalyptus lehmannii Bushy Yate 5m T in spring. Eutaxia Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Erect shrub, profuse yellow flow Eutaxia microphylla 1m ers spring. Page 7/24 Eutaxia cuneata Small shrub, profuse yellow-oran Eutaxia obovata 1m P ge flowers in spring, most soils. Eremophila (Emu Bush) s Scientific Name Common Name Height Metres Description Open shrub, hairy grey leav es, large blue-mauve flowers, requi Eremophila bowmanii .7-1m P res good drainage. Shrub with rounded stalkless leaves , white-mauve flowers, requires goo Eremophila brevifolia 1-2m d drainage Erect sparsely branched shrub, pink Eremophila calorhabdos 1-2m -magenta flowers spring-summer. Open shrub, pink flowers autumn-spr Eremophila georgei 1.5m ing. Compact rounded shrub, grey leav es, orange-yellow flowers winter-sp Eremophila glabra 1m P ring. Spreading rounded shrub, dull gr een foilage, orange-yellow flowers
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