CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017 IN MOTION DIRECTION PHENOMENA SUSTAINABILITY WORK 2017 GRI 2 Table of contents DIRECTION PHENOMENA SUSTAINABILITY GRI WORK 2017 Finland’s leading general Business integrity 28 Business integrity 49 Reporting principles 73 discount retail chain 4 Digitalisation enables more Privacy protection 50 Information used in calculations 74 Our responsibility work 5 responsible business 29 Responsible marketing 50 Data 76 2017 highlights 8 Fair treatment 34 Generating and distributing direct GRI-index 81 Megatrends 9 Diversity as a business driver 35 added financial value 52 Profitable growth as a strategic Responsible sourcing and Tax footprint 52 objective 12 products 38 Fair treatment 53 Stakeholder engagement 14 Living wage and responsible Committed personnel 54 Materiality analysis 16 business 39 Equal treatment at work 55 Management approach 18 Efficient use of resources 43 Employee training and Managing material topics 20 Circular economy challenges and development 57 Values as the basis for encourages us to cooperate 44 Occupational health and safety 58 responsibility work 21 Responsible sourcing and Ethical guidelines 22 products 60 Human rights as a starting point Responsible sourcing 61 for responsibility 24 Product responsibility 64 UN’s Sustainable Development Efficient use of resources 66 Goals and Tokmanni 26 Energy-efficient business 67 Environmentally sound logistics 69 Resource efficiency 69 IN MOTION DIRECTION PHENOMENA SUSTAINABILITY WORK 2017 GRI 3 DIRECTION Tokmanni is in motion. In this section We work hard for smart shopping and more sustainable discount retailing. Finland’s leading general Responsibility is a prerequisite for discount retail chain 4 Tokmanni’s success and a strategic Our responsibility work 5 focus area from the Executive Group 2017 highlights 8 level all the way to the stores and Megatrends 9 supply chain. Our vision and strategy Profitable growth as a strategic define the direction we are heading objective 12 towards. Stakeholder engagement 14 Materiality analysis 16 Management approach 18 Managing material topics 20 Values as the basis for responsibility work 21 Ethical guidelines 22 Human rights as a starting point for responsibility 24 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Tokmanni 26 IN MOTION DIRECTION PHENOMENA SUSTAINABILITY WORK 2017 GRI 4 Finland’s leading general discount retail chain Tokmanni is the only general discount retailer in Finland with a nationwide network. At the end of 2017 Tokmanni had 175 stores across Finland. Tokmanni offers its customers a wide and attractive assortment, affordable prices and a pleasant shopping experience. Tokmanni’s product assortment consists Asia and 12 per cent from other parts of Key Performance Indicators 2015 2016 2017 of leading international brands, the compa- Europe. Tokmanni’s sourcing organisa- Revenue, MEUR 755.3 775.8 796.5 ny’s own private label products, licensed tion is responsible for product purchases. Operating profit, MEUR 39.1 49.2 38.8 brands and non-branded products. Our Tokmanni is committed to responsible private labels are among others: Autoplus, sourcing, and it seeks to buy products only % of revenue 5.2 6.3 4.9 BBQ King, Energy+, Future TT Sport, from responsible suppliers. In 2017 prod- Employment Ideale, Iisi, Kotikulta, Kraft, Priima, Real, ucts were supplied to Tokmanni directly Employees 3,293 3,224 3,255 Tok Garden and Vaeltaja. from the following risk countries defined by The corporate head office is in Mäntsälä. the Business Compliance Initiative (amfori Permanent employees 2,424 2,440 2,540 Besides its operations in Finland, Tokmanni BSCI): Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, India, Full time employees 1,203 1,137 1,187 also has a sourcing joint venture in Shang- Indonesia, Turkey and Vietnam. Sourcing hai with the Norwegian company Europris Tokmanni’s shares are listed on the main Share of Tokmanni's direct risk country purchases coming ASA. Tokmanni owns 50 per cent of the list of the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange. 81 95 99 from suppliers committed to amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, % joint venture. At the end of 2017 the company had ap- Tokmanni does not have its own produc- proximately 14,000 shareholders. The big- Environment tion facilities but acquires its products di- gest shareholders were Rockers Tukku Oy Total energy consumption, MWh* 107,038 118,411 115,697 rectly from Finnish and international manu- owning 17 per cent, Elo Pension Company Waste recovery, % 94.0 99.8 100 facturers, importers and agents. Tokmanni with 8 per cent and Varma Mutual Pension buys about 70 per cent of its products Insurance Company with 7 per cent of the from Finnish suppliers, 18 per cent from company shares. * The figures include both estimated and measured consumption. IN MOTION DIRECTION PHENOMENA SUSTAINABILITY WORK 2017 GRI 5 The most significant issues in our responsibility work are respecting human rights and reducing climate change impacts The aim of our responsibility work is to minimise the business risks, make use of opportunities, and produce added value for stakeholders. We observe the relevant legislative requirements and collective agreements and the principles of good governance in everything we do. Our operations accord with the provisions of and aim to make responsibility part of our the UN’s International Bill of Human Rights, value creation in all of our operations. the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Tokmanni’s goal is a motivated, Rights at Work, and the UN Global Compact. committed and diverse Our operations are also governed by our eth- personnel ical guidelines, which consist of Tokmanni’s Fair treatment of people is an important Code of Conduct and the related principles, theme in our responsibility work. We are policies and instructions. These provide the building an operating culture that is fair and framework for our corporate responsibility based on trust and supports the wellbeing work and guide our operations. of all employees. We assess responsibility risks as part Our aim is to ensure that our personnel of the process of managing business risks is motivated and committed to their work. IN MOTION DIRECTION PHENOMENA SUSTAINABILITY WORK 2017 GRI 6 Our target is to portant to ensure our employees’ wellbeing As a result of the assessment, it was found our selling space, which will increase energy have a diverse work at work and career development. that the most salient potential human rights consumption and waste volumes. The com- impacts in Tokmanni’s operations and pany will be required to do significant efforts community in which We develop the responsibility of value chain relate to health and safety, on improving resource efficiency. equal treatment is our sourcing safety of buildings, excessive overtime, We aim to gradually increase our use Responsible sourcing and products are an lack of living wage, and the use of child of solar power, among other things, in our ensured for everyone essential part of our strategy. We will contin- labour and forced labour. The monitoring stores’ electricity production. The compa- from the recruitment ue to improve our sourcing operations by, for and indicators of these potential human ny already produces part of the electricity example, increasing direct imports without rights impacts were agreed in connection for some of its stores with store-specific phase onwards. compromising product safety, quality or with the investigation. Third party audits, solar power. We are also seeking similar responsibility. Tokmanni is a member of the in which factory workers have been inter- opportunities at other stores and our logis- amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative viewed also outside the factories, have tics centre in Mäntsälä. Tokmanni does (BSCI), which is a development programme been carried out in 2017 in four countries to not own its store premises, so adding solar On account of our growth and new stores, directed at companies with the aim of im- confirm the results of the assessment. The panels will require long-term planning and we are constantly in need of new, skilled proving working conditions at the factories results of the audits will be published later. negotiations for the individual premises. employees. In 2017, we opened a record and farms in a company’s supply chain. Product safety is also key in responsible The majority of transport service providers 13 new and 2 relocated stores across Fin- Factories producing Tokmanni’s private operations. We want to be certain that all are setting emissions reduction targets land, and our target is to open about 5 new label products and products in the standard the products we sell are safe to use. and moving over to more environmentally and relocated stores per year. Tokmanni selection imported by Tokmanni must be friendly technology. Regarding waste, has a significant role as an employer in amfori BSCI members or become so within Continued efforts into energy Tokmanni is working towards a reduction Finland and is known particularly as an em- a reasonable time frame. We also require and resource efficiency in food waste and in 2016, the compa- ployer of young people. In 2017 Tokmanni the factories supplying our brand products Tokmanni’s biggest environmental impacts ny committed to reducing the number employed hundreds of young people. to provide an undertaking that their produc- are caused by energy use, logistics and of plastic bags as part of the Ministry of Our target is to have a diverse work tion is in accordance with the amfori BSCI waste. Efficient resource use is an important the Environment’s and the Federation of community in which equal treatment is requirements. In addition to amfori BSCI part of the company’s responsibility work. Finnish Commerce’s Green Deal initiative. ensured for everyone from the recruitment audits, we also carry out our own audits at Our goal is to reduce energy consumption, phase onwards. Tokmanni is a member of our suppliers’ factories. to prioritise renewable energy and to mini- 2017 was a transitional year, the FIBS Diversity Charter.
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