ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 VOL. XXII. No. 19 MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1916 $1.00 A Year in Advance # JffiET AT ASWtY CHUiMl FAR-REACHING DECISION PROPOSE ^ULTRY PUNT HURT IN AUTO WRECK TRAGEDY AT NOKESYIUI "UEIFT. WESr CAUGHT Annual Saad# School Coiv-i. ''^ ^i^:!!::'t'llI^.^^'V!^ BuMiMM Men Discuss Propouboo IUT. W. H. K. PHMiUtoa'* Cmr Tura. tMHi of ManasMu District Holds > Negro Kills His Employer Twrtfe-Ocovuto Smhonulf lajiuarf. of Mr. F. B. Price for Start- Turns Gun on Himself— Found in Soutk Carolina and ElktIuisiaificSissioD. ^ WJUBeTri^H^r.^ Stock purc&fta^~ through a i»» i'otdtrirEatcrprise. / N^Tf< Known. mu c o 7r~T bfokeronmarginiasubjecttotax- An automobile driven by Rev.. Ctiarge of Forgery. The Sunday School convention, ation in Virginia, the holder and Mr. ^. Bowman Price, jr.. of W. H. K. Pendleton, a former Jacob R. Burkle. of Nokesville. rector of T i: i n i t y Episcopal H. C. Edge, alias Lieut. Don R. held Sunday at Aabury Methodist not the broker being responsible Gainesville and Philadelphia.. ^Q4J|ug«nsi)oJbB(m.acolored man Episcopal Church, drew a large according to the decipion of Judge Church, turned turOeWednesdajr West, was arrested in Golui». wko wants taeatablish a fecdiar employed on tllg 3urkle farS. at the foot of WinHmill attendance of representatives J. BIT, Thomtori rendered Tueaj- and handling: plant for poiritoy. were fouml dead yesterday~a hill on bi«iS.Ct7iOnd brought to Manas­ from the Sunday schools through^' day in the clrcatt court ofTairfax and eggs, was introduced to the " sas today by Messrs. R M. Weir out MannnaaH diatrict. -HeHeni C" J'. c<>""ty""""*". i'n" th**'e" c^o"""-^ f" ' W"' - X''—^ ^°!^!j;;^ andMr MrEllis. -Edgeischarged^ Itfetitze, retiring head of the _ _ _ Capt uTOBCouu-1 Vvuiard, American ambessa^to '^^"s "en's L«a^e at a meeting shotgun lay beside the body of ty Sunday school organizatioh.^pain. held Tuesday evening in Conner's tally injured.* Mrs. Pendleton James W. Myers of the Seventh and Mr. Powell M. Metz, the new Messrs. Thomas R. Keith and Dobson and it is supposed that and Miss Uta Sito were seriously New York, state militia, to obtain Hall. he committed the crime. Mr. county president, presided over E. R. F. Welts represented Col. Mr. Price offered to furnish injured and Mr. Pendleton's two money on checks deposited with the sesuons;—Thetfevotlonal ex-' y'^^*rd. ^i^. Chriatophcr B. Burkle was shot in the back of daughters and a littla wow f,^. TMDT oT tbe capital necesary for the People's National Bank of the head and^the top of Dobson's ciMI)ed with minor bruises. Manassas. launching the enterprise, the h^ was blown off. ducted by Rey. J. Halpenny.and comb, examiner of records for t^ .Rev. Mr. Pendletonirrector of "Lleui.^West" arrived in Ma­ other half to be furnished by IQ- There were no witnesses. Dob- in the afternoon by Rev. A. Coo- sixteenth judicial circuit, ap- cal people, with a guaranteed div- the Church of the Advent, at nassas about August 20, appar­ Bon was said to have been a model Spsrtanburg. ently on leave of absence from ner. ! peared tor the state. idend of 8 per cent: Mr. Prlec'B of his race and no reason has Music was rendered by Dr. and • ~,^„ „^.^ " ~. his regiment. He wa& introduced offer includes no recompense been assigned for his act. Sev-i Mr8.HervinU.RoopaDdbyRev. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES for his services until the dividend DIES AT MARYLAND HOME about town and was brought to eral stories have come from the the bank by a reputable dtizen T. D. D. Clark. TheLoyalTem-1 ^ of 8 per cent is made good to neighborhood. Some say that perance Legion exercises were' Athletic Association and Class the investors. <2apt Joseph Brown Met<»l£e who told the assistant cashier trouble luul been brewing be 1^t any courtesies extended him rendered under tne Bupervi«on^ Officers Elected by Students Mr. Price explained methods of tween Dobson and his employer Passes Away After Btness <rf Mrs. A-EL HarrelL [ ^M.H.S. feeding, handling, the profit of Seven Months. would be appreciated. for several weeks, Another je- The visitOT deposited cfa«»<»kii Addresses were made as fol- which might be exueeted. ftg port 8tftt« that * «»t».T.ga_maa foi MO and MO. nn thrf. Rgnlrfir hm. "Gam Vital Fwww ia Sitn« The Atblfatk! ABBodatton of kind of building necessary, etc. After being aonfined to btj^bed yisTtedTar. Burkle earlier in the McAllen. McAllen, Tex., where day SduxrfDevelopment," by Manassas Agricultural Hig^h On motion of Hon. Thomas H. for more than seven months Capt. di^ and that the conversation be- the r^fimentis stationed, openinir Mr. W. R. Hooker, of Nokesville; School met Tuesday, for the pw^ Lion, the raising of the required Joseph Brown Metcalfe died at his tween the two had not been^ear- «n aeeount and subsequently ii^ aa address on ^Sundty School pgec of clectiBg new officers for capital was referred to the cxee^ home. SudlerBviHe,~Md:; ISanday, ned on in friendly ton^ aning rhpcVs aggregating naSi • woiKDyaiissKathehn6Gr6B.6f'th«. jjrrm M Tmft.17 nffi^i.rg utive committee, which-will cw^ zi.i-4-^ ..^...i.... •'n^<— i.. o..— I . 1 • .. -©obstm^rsmd to have g^e-to-^^^^S^^S^ after which he disappeared. Fairfax county; "Hints to Sun­ were elected as follows fer with Mr. Price tomorrow.' the house for •hftngun about 9 He was bom in York^tire. Eng­ day School -teachers." by Dr. Mr. Claude Grigirs, president; The excutive committee is cora- land, June 12. 1861, After re­ The Texas checks were j«- o'dock, telling his wife that he turned "no good" and the bank HervinU. Roop; "PractiattBen- Miss Sally Nervell Larkin, vice posed;ofUie following 'members: wanted to kOl a black RnalcA ceiving traming^ on board the e6ts »i ^mtanizaoop;" ov Hon. | pra«><<»n»; wiaip T^A^^ J^mm. Messrs. W. C. Wagcaier, G. Ray^ Cadet Ship "COftWay," he-4oU immediately got into eommuniea' Mr. BQrkle was about fif tfcfl^ 1^^ tion wiSFCapt Myos. Capt C. J. Meetze;_an address by Miss secretary; Miss Myrtle Grehels, mond Ratcliffe, L. Frank Pattie. the sea for seventeen years old. He.came tothiscbun- Myers wrote that the cheeks isabelle Hutchison, county super­ treasurer. Team manages—Miss R. S. Hynaon. ThomasH. Lion, C. years, going aU over the world. ts a number of years ago frran were a forgery and that a man intendent of elementary work; Eleanor Jones, girls' l>asketbaD; A. Smclair, H. Tho»rton Davies, When he was married he gave up Winchester and is said to have answering thedescripUon of West "Religious Education," by Mr. £, R. Conjuar, D^JLArnagtoiuUid the sea and engaged in farming^^ Mr.f reaton Moraty hoys^ bosket- bem a-native of Pennsyiyam. jbad deserted the army a-short Charles R. Mcb(»ald< 1£ the ab­ B.L.Byrd Dy. C. R, C, John-r In Kince^Wlliam obohty, V*. bidl; Mr. Claude ^Snggs. track. Dobecm was about fifty years ttme ago. sence of Elder E. SC filpogh; team;Mi8s EmUy Maitland Round. stm and Hon. C* J, Meetze are old. In 1911, he moved to S|G41^vvfll«. "Rdatiottof the Sunday felbod ^ria'tanniSj Mr Pofw^ii,9witf, meiTiibent eat offieiOt Hift is Rnnrived hy hisifife, who Last week a check oil the Peo­ to the Chuni," by Rev. E. A. was Miss Hsydon. of Devonshire, ple's Ni^cHlat Bank, agned \i9 boys' tennis, and Mr. Claren^ A Testation to petition the Hon, H. C. Edge, was cashed by the Roads, jm^itot of Chnace Methodist Josephos Daniels, secretary e| msm MADE FIRE CHSF England; sixchOdrot. 1^ Dud- Meetze. liaseball. Bank of Gdaaibia, Cotoniwa. S. Elttscopal 0)iurdi, South, and tiie Navy, to establish the pro- ley G. R06, Mra. J. Roy Bada;' The class^of 1917^ elected Town Counca Hofcfa Reimdar Ses- Or When the ehe(^ wa^ n^ -brief addresses by Mr. S. C flar- 11i6 &dlpwi|igloffic@8rtIi^t)i»t^ posed armoiTdife M^^if, 4, TV nn ifa*.«Mh tamed to the People's Byik j^ am^i and' ItMi. -frifc- :£^ thy tfahaseii; preaMeiii, Mtta jsafly pfate at QmaOeo; ^ at onoe apparent that the secgr^aury. of the mously adopted. Wegener tVesUSng^ James G. Metcalfe, and one 8i»> Norvell LttAy, -secretary, and bank had no ^^loaitor of that WnHam coanty organfyjitiioai. MisB Annie Laarie Swart, troas' ter, Miss EHzd)!^: HeteaJfe. ^ _Xhe deetka of dffieerg resulted REST ROOM VISITORS The town council has made Mr. Yorkshire, England. name and althotith ^ handwrft- ABbert Speidoi &« chiet IWtew- iag was difforont. as follows: Prendent, Jtr. Powell ^ '^esauoradeddedtoiKitcIiaae JFiinerat sexvicea were held~iCt' suspicion VOr ing tiie x9connnendati<Hi ^ the •^M. Metz; vice |igeaid«rt, Mr. J. a pencil sharpener tor the acbcKd. St Andrews* Protestant j^uaco- me^ately was fastoied upcm tbe /J. Corm^77*nd secretary and rfsesf^o^ Manassas Fure Department phi Chorch Wednesday morning missing Lieut West Telegraphic ^treasurer, R«7. u. lisvson, ^ RUHAWAY tlBAPH-ARS" I Thfr regolar mootihg ot iSut at 11 o^aiock, LiUaiueflt was In the Methodist chnrch. ^ '. The resistor at the woman's ^ndl Was hdd M(«day evening SodlersvUle Cemetery. The pall banks resulted in the arrest of teife.aC rest KKHn on Main street contains at the town hall, h|ay« W. C bearers were Joseph B. Metcalfe. Edge. - F . STATE W. C T U MEtlS- Vanfaht iaA« WMM ihe names gf, 860 naitara, jnha WagenerpgRsiding The follow jr;,i>r.<h H.Metealffl. James G. have enjoyed itr benefits since ing coonctlmen were present: MetoUfe, Dudley Q.
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