THE COPY 2 THE SHOW WORLD March 27, TREMENDOUS ENTHUSIASM! ATTENDED THE FIRST RELEASE OF OUR FILMS THIS WEEK EXHIBITORS UNIVERSALLY PRAISE QUALITY OF OUR PRODUCT Exchanges, almost without exception, wired increasing their original orders when they were notified last Saturday that the shipments of our first release had been made. The majority of them have increased their orders for the second release, March 29th. Twice as many exchanges will handle our second week’s release as closed contracts for our first week’s output. The International Is a Lusty Infant and Is Thriving on the Cream of Success. All legitimate exchanges are invited to negotiate with us. We Have No Agents And No Exclusive Exchanges Exchange men palming off second class, shoddy material on exhibitors claiming it to be our product will have to change their methods to continue getting International service. THE EXHIBITOR MUST GET WHAT HE PAYS FOR We have no objection as to whose films you rent but Do not place the International Projecting and Producing Company in a False Position as it Savors too much of a Trick of the Trust Independent Moving Picture Exhibitors are urgently requested to keep us fully informed as to the subjects furnished them by their exchanges represented as International films. Exhibitors do not be intimidated by the Trust, it is no longer necessary to sign any of its agreements, or go out of Business. Exchanges handling our product can supply you with all the films you need. The finest moving pictures in the world. Film exchanges should close contracts and place orders with us at once. All communications strictly confidential I INTERNATIONAL PROJECTING AND PRODUCING COMPANY Temporary Offices 1006 Ashland Block, Chicago The lShohj IUorld THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AMUSEMENT WEEKLY IPublished at 87 vSouth Clark Street, Chicago, by The lShoiuTIIorld Publishing Jeered as Second-Class Matter WARREN A. PATRICK , GeNERAlD/RECTOR, thftPf at June 25,190? under the Act oJXonjfre; Volomn IV—No. J4 CHICAGO March 27, 1909 STOCK HOUSES COMBINE SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT GET MORE THEATERS Percy G. Williams Heads New York Corporation, and W. W. Wit tig j To Provide Vaudeville for United Amusement Company Which Acqires Fathers Western Enterprise. ! Thirty Stair and Havlin Houses. Albany, N. Y., March 22. supervision of Manager Daniels. The The United Amusement Company, The theaters will include Heuck's 4 THE SHOW WORLD March 27, 1909. AL. WALTZ OPPOSES FILM MANUFACTURE ROLLER RINK RACING. ERLANGER INSISTS IN ITS INFANCY Ingvald C. Oes, New York Repres of the Great Northern Co., S s Attractions. IT IS A GOOD SEASON Great Future for Industry. Prof. Albert C. Waltz rested In Chicago New York, March for two days this week, before continu¬ Excerpts From Interviews Given at ing to Milwaukee, where he is booked at ieard of Eva Tangu; Ingvald C. Oes, the Nen Various Places by Various ASH years tive of the fireat North the Riverview rink. Prof. Waltz has ago. The moment I got out front the of made an enviable record for himself People. THE SHOW WORLD 5 THE SHOW WORLD SWANSON TALKS OF TRUST TO EXHIBITORS Well Known Film Man Entertains Large Gathering of Chicago March 27, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 7 PATENT RIGHTS & OTHER THINGS By J. J. MURDOCK And we further want the exhibitor to un¬ derstand that every complaint is import¬ ant enough and every suggestion will be welcomed. And furthermore, in our desire to acquaint the exhibitor with the superi¬ FILM MEN ority of our films, in those cities where exchanges have not already been estab¬ lished, we are giving public exhibitions and will establish exchanges there, if we urday that J. must do so ourselves, in order to supply J. Murdock the demand. Exhibitions are now being had arranged given on the Pacific coast, others in Michi¬ with the Co¬ gan ana still others in the southern states. WANTED lumbia Phon¬ And this reminds me that we need a num¬ ograph Com¬ ber of good capable men of experience pany for the who thoroughly understand the exchange rights for the branch of the business as we are desirous of starting such men up in business in kins patents, those cities where exchanges have not controlled by been established. Of course you can un¬ them through derstand that we will require men of high their original calibre and they can readily appreciate the We are in a position to offer purchase of Jenkins’ rights years ago, Mr. opportunity to build up with the moving Murdock was approached by a representa¬ picture industry of the future.”. tive of THE SHOW WORLD at the of¬ May Open Exchanges. fices of the International Projecting and “May we infer, men, that the Interna¬ Producing Company an”-d was askedJ t< “ tional Company is to open independent exceptional opportunities to nish some information film exchanges on its own account?” "Not generally hut only in those cities now controlled by the trust and in those cases we intend to give backing to the _ _ t-Jenkins pat¬ enterprising men whom we select on ac¬ ent as are claimed by our competitors. count of their ability and experience. It “When I inaugurated the independent is not our intenton to interfere with the First Class Film Men of campaign, one of the first things we did legitimate exchange man, but it is our in¬ was to arrange for one of the best patent tention to exploit our goods in every city, attorneys in Washington to make a re¬ large or small in the Ufiited States. search through the archives of the pat¬ “The independent campaign can now be ents office for a record of every patent is¬ said to be in full swing; no pains nor ex¬ sued for moving picture apparatus and pense will be spared in our co-operation the names of the inventors and all data with the exchanges and the exhibitors. We High Calibre as to the present holders of the patents. have the best films, as is evidenced by our And to our surprise, • the record showed first week’s release, which has awakened _ that the Columbia Phonograph Company a tremendous demand for the second.. We with Experience were-the owners of the Jenkins’ interests have carried out every promise and ob¬ in the Armat-Jenkins patent. The Inter¬ ligation to the letter, and, as I have stated in the national Company then immediately en¬ before, our interest and success should be tered into negotiations with the Columbia the interest of- every moving picture ex¬ Company to secure rights for the use of hibitor and: exchange, no matter what this patent. Last Friday night, after their affiliations may be. As it is through weeks of negotiation, papers were signed our success that he will attain independ¬ in Chicago which give the International ence and enable him to throw off the trust Projecting and Producing Company the shackles that threaten to enmesh hint. Exchange Branch same right to the Armat-Jenkins patent “One of the greatest jokes in the trust’s which our competitors have.” comedy of errors, was the announcement Importance of Patents. during the past week that-the licensed “What bearing will this transaction have exchange man who had been kicked out, on the future operations of your com¬ irrespective of what happened to his busi¬ pany?” was asked Mr. Murdock. ness or the loss of money invested therein, of the Business “While [I have alwavs questioned the could return to the trust fold by paying a validity of the patents claimed by our nominal fine. How fatherly the heads of competitors, yet to lend further confidence the trust are to their children turned out to exhibitors and exchanges, I thought it in the cold and just at the point of enter¬ just as well that we avail ourselves of ing the open door to the cozy hearthside this same sacred patent right which has of the independents! Lo, and behold, this been held over the. trade as the magic kindhearted trust reaches out its clammy talisman and has given the greatest ex¬ hand and says ‘come back and let us cuse for their threatened legal procedure. Kick you out again as one of our members “The Armat-Jenkins patent right, to¬ did not see us do it.’ ” , gether with the patent's which the Bio¬ No Exclusive Agencies. IF YOU HAVE THE BRAINS graph Company sold in France some years “It would appear from the number of ago, but which patents the foreigner did letters which we have received from mov¬ not deem important enough to use, gives ing picture men that the idea is still prev¬ the International Projecting and Produc¬ alent that you have exclusive agencies.” ing Company’s imported films the same “This question seems absurd to me now stamp that the so-called licensed films as week after week we have been adver¬ tising through the columns of the papers, “What is stating that we have no agent nor ex¬ films now t clusive exchanges. Then if these parties We Have The who are writing you, understand plain “Ther-iaB— en 'e weekly-™—j shipment- films will English, why under the sun do they not made to the exchanges each week in write to our offices here and get the de¬ “ 1 Mondays. And in sired information at first hand and not be connection it ha=‘ * .((tJust brought guided by rumbr. There is one price, one my attention that a few of the condition, for each and every exchange fhonges.tncrAo who secured , week’,,. , ,, ; and every man with clean hands, and the Films and Money ' theseuitSS nimsfilms in witnwith other fo?| price, can get .
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