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Robison CONTRIBUTING AND Preserving Houston's heritage 8 STAFF WRITERS Steve Brynes When Marie Lee Phelps McAshan '31 published On the Corner of Main and Texas: A Houston Scheleen Johnson '87 Legacy last year, it was only the latest in the fifth-generation Texan's many activities to help Patti Lipoma '87 preserve the past of her state and her native city, Houston. Second in the Sallyport series cel- Shelly Unger '86 ebrating Texas' and Houston's sesquicentennial year. Bill Whitmore PHOTOGRAPHERS Lex Boterf The owl that roars 10 Philippe Paravicini '86 The uninitiated might be perplexed to hear names like Psychedelic Furs or Fine Young Can- DESIGNER nibals being bandied about the airwaves on Rice's KTRU-FM, but the station is making a Carol Edwards name for itself throughout the state in progressive music programming. Staff writer Sche- OFFICERS OF THE leen Johnson talks to some Fine Young D.J.s(and some not-so-young)from KTRU's past and ASSOCIATION OF RICE ALUMNI present. President, G. Walter McReynolds '65 President-Elect, Gwynne E. Old '59 1st Vice-President, Bridget Rote Jensen '53 How Fondren stacks up 12 2nd Vice-President, Nancy Moore Eubank '55 Rice's Fondren Library is undergoing a lot of changes these days, with rearranged stacks, Treasurer, Russ H. Pitman '58 Past President, Harvin C. Moore Jr. '59 newly-installed computers and increased security. For some professors and students who Interim Executive Director, Marilyn Moore '55 cannot find the books and periodicals they need, it is not enough. For others, Fondren is all it should be. Sallyport explores the pros and cons of Fondren in the '80s. ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS Chairman, John Boles '65 Co-chairman, Darrell Hancock '68 Past Chairman, Charles Szalkowski '70 W.W. Akers th W.V. Ballew Jr. '40 _eetteia, Brent Breedin to Franz Brotzen th Ira Gruber A wiser owl Cox or Eric Hoffer, and has no apparent Ain't that nice. Nancy Boothe Parker '52 hope of ever sending a faculty member or I would like to point out a "serious error" on Who are you? Sara Meredith Peterson '47 cl graduate to the College of Cardinals. How Do you know?" page three of the November '85-January '86 Patti Simon '65 b( many philosophy shops are being fran- Was such a cheer heard over the Rice issue of Sallyport. Geri Snider '80 rn chised these days and have any hope of op- Stadium? Does such a cheer make us better The first live owl(Sammy) was present Scott Snyder '87 D, during the great games of the '49-50 sea- erating in the black? The Nobel Prize for than our opponents? Linda Leigh Sylvan '73 In son. Please let the records be corrected. Peace (or Philosophy) is an idle pipe dream. When I was at Rice I think we enjoyed a t Harry C. Hoover Jr. '50 We must face facts and disband these good Calculus 100 class and we also en- RICE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI GOVERNORS wasteful academic departments before it is th Dallas joyed a good football game in which, as of- Neal T. Lacey Jr. '52 too late. ten as not, we were victorious over the likes Jerry McCleskey '56 di The Rice Board of Trustees' futile at- of Texas, Texas A&M, Bally, Ballew on right track SMU, etc. The most in- Pat H. Moore '52 Pt tempt to revive a flagging discipline by im- tellectual cheer I recall in those days was: cl Professor Albert Bally's concepts about cer- porting a celebrity religionist from Harvard "Rooty, toot, toot SALLYPORT(USPS 412-950) is published in tain of academia's maxims rings a familiar should be seen for what it is — an indul- Rooty, toot, toot September, November, February, April bell for me, and I enthusiastically applaud in gence of those trustees and alumni who are We are the boys and June by the Association of Rice him. Rice should give serious consideration of trapped by a distorted perception that Rice From the Institute Alumni, and is sent free to all university to this man's comments regarding credit for sc can compete for the top players and prizes We don't smoke and alumni, parents of students, and friends. courses complementary too major, tenure, in the metaphysical field. We don't chew, and Second class postage paid at Houston, Ai faculty publication and faculty evaluation Seventy-five years of failure and futility We don't go with Texas. by students. are enough. I call for the only reasonable Girls who do." Accompanying recent changes at Rice response — Get out of religion and philoso- ("Persons" may be substituted for "boys" William Marsh Rice University offers (a new president, athletic director, etc.) are phy while there is still time! and "girls" today.) equal opportunity to all applicants with- the usual strains about improvements and Rod Crowl '70 They say that necessity is the mother of out regard to race, color, sex, age, na- high goals. Fortunately, such has been President, Owl Club invention. Well, I think that the necessity of tional or ethnic origin, or physical ist Rice's credo all along, but there seems to be finding some alternative to or some ration- handicap. isi immobility in aspects of academics as re- ale for losing football games to Southwest vealed by Professor Bally and as ex- The 'brouhaha' continues Conference teams has spawned a new in- Editorial offices for SALLYPORT are located Al pounded by my classmate Bill Ballew in his The current brouhaha concerning the right- tellectualism which somehow equates los- in the Allen Center for Business Activi- article. It appears that at times academia ful place of athletics in the scheme of things Flo ing with winning. ties, Rice University, 6100 South Main th, wears self-imposed blinders. at Rice is highlighted in a recent issue of Street, Why don't we just say we can't compete Houston, Texas. in No
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