DOCUMENT RESUME ED 384 532 SE 056 717 AUTHOR Rohwedder, W. J.; Alm, Andy TITLE Using Computers in Environmental Education: Interactive Multimedia and On-Line Learning. The Environmental Education Toolbox--EE Toolbox Workshop Resource Manual. INSTITUTION Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. School of Natural Resources and Environment.; National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training. SPONS AGENCY Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D. C. REPORT NO ISBN-1-884782-11-6 PUB DATE 94 CONTRACT EPA-G-NT901935-01-0 NOTE 79p. PUB TYPE Guides Non-Classroom Use (055) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Classroom Techniques; *Computer Assisted Instruction; *Computer Uses in Education; Educational Resources; Educational Technology; Elementary Secondary Education; Environmental Education; *Inservice Teacher Education; Learning Activities; Multimedia Instruction; *Multimedia Materials; Online Systems; *Program Implementation; orkshops ABSTRACT This manual provides teacher educators with a broad perspective on educational technology to ensure thatenvironmental education is enhanced not compromised by new information and communication tools. The manual puts technology problems andpromises in perspective and contains sections that revieweducational philosophy and instructional techniques related tointeractive multimedia and on-line learning. Handouts and overheads forteacher' workshops are provided. A resources section offersassistance to workshop participants and leaders. It contains referencesto over 100 resources in the following areas:educational technology journals and trade publications, organizations and institutions,books, multimedia and on-line learning resources, g.neral softwareand multimedia catalogs, environmental education software andmultimedia catalogs, network service providers, networked projects and resources, environmental database resources, product reviews, andthe greening of computers. A glossary of computing termsis provided. 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"Rocky" Rohwedder, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Studies and Planning Sonoma State ('mersttv Andy Alm Contributing Autbor ,On -Lute Learning) Institute tor Global Communications This project has been funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement number EPA-GNT90193501-0 to the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment. 3 NCEET Z. School of Natural Resources and Environment University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI48109-1115 313 998-6726 Workshop Resource Manual Managing Editors: Martha C. Monroe David Cappaert ISBN 1.884782.11 6 The contents cf this document do not necessarily reflect tne views and policies of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. nor does mention of trade names or commercial products consti Lute endorsement or recom mendation for use. Copyrignt 1994 by the Regents of the University of Michigan Educators may photocopy these materials for the non commercial mow- I of educational advancers .1 Printed on paper contaii..ng 100% total recycled tiber,200/... post consumer fiber using soy based ink Production Coordinator Joan Wolf Designed by Margaret Re Typeset in Sabon News Gothic and Franklin Gothic Number 2 4 Contents Introduction O Problems and Promises in Perspective 3 Problems: Technological Misapplication 4 Inequity of Access 5 Environmental Activity Substitution 5 Environmental Impact 6 Promises: New Definitions for Teacher and School 7 Technology Integration and Synergy 9 Introducing New Tools for Teaching EE 11 Interactive Multimedia 13 Where the Action Is 13 Do Your Own Thing 14 Storage Power' 14 CDROM vs. Laserdisc Multimedia 14 Why Bother? 15 Reasons to Use Multimedia in Education 16 But How Can We Really Use This Stuff? 16 Training Tips and Techniques 18 0 On-Line Learning 21 What Is OnLine Learning, 22 What On-Line Learning Is Not 24 Why Even Attempt It? 24 Telecommunications Hardware and Software 25 Choosing a Service Provider 25 Keys to On.Line Success 28 Continuity of Support 30 Training Techniques 31 Down the Gopher Hole 34 On-Line Projects 36 Interpersonal Exchanges 36 Information Collection and Exchange 37 Problem Solving 38 How to Seek On Line Partners 39 Summary 40 O Handouts and Overheads for Teacher Workshops 41 The File Folder 51 Computer Basics 52 Helpful Publications and Other Resources 54 Network Service Providers 59 Networked Projects and Resources 60 Environmental Database Resources 63 Product Reviews 64 The Greening of Computers 64 Glossary of Computing Terms 65 a 'Ibis unit provides teacher educators
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