' ^ •■.v- \ ■, w S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 1», 1968 "PAGE TWELVE ArerjiRe Daily Net Press Run Tlw Weather Etanrl^PBtfr iSttBttIng Heraib v^‘ For the. Week Ended April IS, 1S58 Feraeaat of Weather niiraaa pMiili- late this year, have blossomed out ChNidy, seql^^od ehowei* to­ at Center Parte during the last' GENERAL Spirited Pace / 1 2 , 6 9 5 night. Low Mcair 86; l[YModay, aeat- About T o ^ few days of sunshine. Suddenly Pisch-Morra Wedding Hiard Along Main Street she queried: "Did you know you -'Member o f the Andit tered showora, not as Warm. High T V SERVICE ^Bureau o f Cirealstion WHO. M tti Dorothy Glalber, daughter could pick pussy willows on Main And on Some of ^t^heHer*» SideStreets^ Too St.?” Set by Group Days M OK A OaU Mitnchc$ter-—A C U y^ Village Charm of Mr. and Mra. Max K. Nights PfoB Parts \ - .......................^1- ........................... 42 Starkweather St., U general "No, where for goodness sake?” chairman of an Internationar din* Her reply was "N ot on the -^TBL. Ml S-«in street of course, but a feV> yards In ^Preacher^ LXXVII, NO. (FOURTEEN PAGES) (Clanlfled Advorttalog on Pago til ner to be field Tuesday at Hlllyer Trouble Brewing ^junhfM straight up In the air every ■ iW voi. 171 MANCHESTER. CONN„ MpJ<DAY, APRIL 21. 1958 PRICE FIVE CENTR College, of the University of Hart* One man in town loves his beer, time there's a sudden noise.” from It. It Is probably too late to In,’ I.'” By KIT MORRIBSinTE ^ ford. Sponsor Of the affair, being I^e thought -for a moment and find any now." but found its purchase a continual A capacity audience crowded given for June graduates in secVer drain oh his wallet. * then added, "you know, I think She told us they grow oh' the vacant lot next to the Salvation Luther hall at tee Emanuel Luth­ tarial programs, is * Epsilon Xi As a money-saver, he decided to he's shell shocked.” Arm y Citadel, and remarked that eran Church last evening to enjoy Batista Oaims Sigma, honorary executive secre­ make his owm,' starting out first Facsimile Thereof they are at their best late In tee - Hl-League’s production of tarial sorority. with a well-known "home brew" "Papa Was a Preacher," a drama- A group of school boys were March'or early April.. recipe used by his father In Pro­ WeHl try to remember, test. -Uzed version of Alyene Porter’s Castro Failfed The Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, pas­ hibition Days. ^ standing hunched over, in a circle novel by John McOreeyey. tor-of Zion Church, will attend the bn Main St. the other day, look If:' C/ut/ifeP(aH He followed the directions faith­ Catch-AU Turn time back to "tee 1920'S; New England District Pastoral ing for al) the world as' though picture a nm-down parsonage in a On Twin Goals fully and bottled 48 quarts in all, they were involved In a marbles A lady called Pqlica 'leadquar- : Conference in Danbury, _ Monday which he carefully stored In his 0 small West Texas town, with a U through Wednesday. contest or a.game of craps. ters one momina last week and cellar. asked tee oflVcer^n-charge. If any-; lovable -paqtor and his vivacious Havana, April 21 —Gov­ But It was neither, a passerby family, add a trouble making busy­ PINE Like many' " "handy-man" proj­ found out. Report cards had just one had found and turned in a ernment reports indicated to­ The Rev. Edward Nelson, mis­ body and a bevy o f cavorting teen­ ects. however, something went been handed out, it was learned, woman's purse.' c sionary to Formosa, will be guest agers, then sit twek and watch tee day rebel leader Fidel Castro wrong—he’d capped the potent and the youngsters were merely "As. a matter of fact someone PHARMACY ' By WILLIAM H. OAHS i bodies and East-West exchangee minister at yi* 10:*5 a.m. service fun. ha8 failed in his twin goals of stuff too soon but realize it crowding in to watch one of their did,” ' tee policeman Informed the Earl Wardelin, as papa, carried SM Center 8 L—TeL ill t-fSl« United Nations, N^. Y „ April over the propueed- summit con­ tomorrow in Covenant Congrega­ caller, destroying the island’s vital until about 3 'a.m. when he heard number, who was on his knees, his role with poi*e and understand­ 21 (^-^The United States ference. Collide High over Nevada tional Church. ^ make a set of four D'a look like a "W en , I lokt mine last night. V Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei crops and winning oyer Cuban a series of what sounded like gun ing. Linda Erickson; as the ever re s d i^ a new call in the U.N. shots from the cellar.' set of four B's. Could you teU me -\^at was Inside patient wife and mother, was moat PINE LEN O X Gromyko made the latest charge soM iers. ------------r - ------ ^ ^ ^ ----- ---------- m --------- :------ ----------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ — ------------------------------- ■/ The marriage of Miss Relen the teo one you’ve gipt?" she asked. convinciiig and her emotional Security Council today for Friday. ,He cUlmed that U.S. mi- . The rebels' fire offenalro aRainst! Sibrinaz and Lawrence Wittkofske Scared stiff but game, he seized Right Blend "Oh, all of ttia^usual junk that's acenes, exacting even for a veter- PHARMACY Eisenhower open-skies plan in clear bombers had mad< provoca-1 crops from easternmost Orients Will be solemnized this afternoon his trusty pistol from a bureau draw'er and made his way down "I don't know what I’m going to In every . wom M ’ ) pocketbOok.” an actress, were exceedingly well m E. Center St>-Ml S-08N answer to Russia's denuncia­ live fiighU acroaa the Arctic to- ' Province to weaternmbat Pinar del at 1 o'clock in Concordia Lutheran ward Russia. Grom-ko asaerted ; Rio apparently have made only-a the darkened statrS. By the time do with that daughter of yours,” Interpreted. tion of American nuclear tTax Cut Giant Plane Church. Quitter! that a false radar alert could r e - ! dent In the harvests of auger, to-, he got to the cellar door he real­ the South Windsor mother tqld her The most delightful personalities One M ^chester resident recent­ bombeiHOperations in the Arc­ suit in the dropping ot a bomb i bacco and coffee. > i ized that either there was a run­ husband when he returned home in the play were the children of The Grace Group of the Center from wprk one dav last week. ly gave/up his attempt to grow a the parsonage ably played by Eric tic. ■ and touch off an accidental war. Official reports say that al- ' C a r r i ^ 4 7 , Congregational Church, will hold ning gun battle going on a few mustache. .■ DU P O N T U.S. delegate Henry Csbot '"W hy? What did she do now?”- Goteberg, Carl Torstenson, Ray ■ U.S, Defenae Secr..ary Neil Me- i Decision feet away or his beer was much , His reason — "Everytime I Lodge and Russia's Arkady Sobo­ - a mother and daughter potluck in the patient -father asked. DuCharme, Barbara McIntosh, Elroy replied that the U.S. Air Woodruff hall Monday night aV more potent than he'd planned on. looked down and saw that thing DUCO DULUX lev were, slated to take the floor uJa ^ ^ tonn 01 ■tjgar cane the govern- When' the fusllade stopped he "She marked the bedroom wall Richard Stephexu and Joyce Wog- 6 :30. The Petite Puppet TTieater I wondered what was crawling man. They gaiety With which they In the first round of .debate before 1 ment still has had to decree a 2 10 inched, his way into the cellar just with green crayon. That's what in # ^ Group of the First Congregational across my upper Up.” Invested th «r roles was extremely THE 9E 8T the 1 1-natlon council this . after­ “ arvest than the ' poten- D ela yed she did." In time to be met by several oth Oeronlmoj agUnat he Soviet jo prevent surpluses Church of Vernon will entertain. Infectious end warmed the. audi­ noon. Union. The system sets up definite lower prioes. The crop. er explosions. Something whizzed The father, upon examining his There's one Manchester woman JiL U.S. spokesman said Lodge La.s Vegas,, Nev., Afmt 21 daughter's art work, returned to ence from the firct curtain to tee by his ear and went "klunk" as It who loves spring but hates to see would cite the American disarma­ have been «>- .nil-! Washington, April 21 (/P)- )— A huge airliner wing- • Group 1988, Polish National A l­ the. wife, "A t least It ntatches the last. #r proi'e^s. even after j arting ^ niil->■„---- - (JP embedded Itself in a floor beam. blue jays which tnevitably arrive Justlha Johnson, as the opinion­ MANCHESTER ment record In denying the Soviet alert imless a IJ"" *** .5'a mil- Congress may delay until ing east in perfectly dear liance. Will -hold its .quarterly I Later examination showed it was wallpaper.” out on rAn Initt a im , -unieRR a ■ meeting tonight at 6 o'clock at with tee warm weather. ated maiden lady who caused trou­ chargea and- would reiiew Elaen- Confirming mentagr is received, of- weather collided 'With a super­ a bottle cap). Hastily he aban­ Seems she's been "dive-bombed” hower'B propoaal for mutual U:S.- , .
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