MONTANA/REGION SPORTS Montana Senate Pioneers drop advances bill banning overtime battle to end transgender athletes. Page 3 playoffs. Page 10 Miles City Wednesday, March 31, 2021 STARMiles City, Montana $1.00 Police receive notice to vacate VA By DERRICK CALHOUN Gallery building, which the location in 30 years,” ting back to them quickly. Star Staff Writer City of Miles City bought Colombik said. “We have “I wish we didn’t have to for their use. The building been in the VA complex move at all,” Hollowell said. The Miles City Police requires renovations though since 1999.” “I know we went through a Department have received so for the time being the About the temporary long process on figuring out notice that they must vacate MCPD will be operating out space the MCPD will be a public safety building. It the Veteran’s Administra- of a smaller, temporary operating out of while reno- really hit us hard, having to tion building by June 30. area in the back of the vations are completed move, but it was probably According to MCPD building. Colombik said its going to something that would have Chief Doug Colombik, they For Colombik, the move be tough, but the front area had to happen eventually.” are prepared and getting is the third time in his ten- is the long term plan. Hollowell added that they ready to move. “To m o v e ure with the MCPD that According to Miles City are pretty happy with the while also maintaining our they have had to move. He Mayor John Hollowell, they Woolhouse Gallery building, service to the community is said that they were in the knew the move was coming saying that he thought it going to be difficult and is Emergency Operations Cen- in the second quarter, but met the needs that they stressful,” he added. “We ter (EOC) building when he they were hoping it would were looking for. were hoping we would have was first with the depart- be closer to the end of the “I think in the long run another month or so but I ment, then the old VA and quarter. He also mentioned its going to help us a lot,” he STAR PHOTO/Derrick Calhoun don’t think that is going to then current VA building, that the contact the city has said. “Potentially housing The Miles City Police Department signs stands outside the happen.” and now to the Woolhouse been working with in other departments in the Miles City Veteran’s Administration building. The police depart- The MCPD will be mov- Gallery building. regards to the VA building future.” ment received word today that they need to vacate the VA by ing to the former Woolhouse “This will be my fourth has been really good at get- See “VA,” page 5 June 30. No community Easter The Bash egg hunt this year By HANNA KAMBICH for picture opportunities. Star Staff Writer In 2019, the Miles City Kiwanis and Milestown Com- The Easter Bunny will not be munity Improvement, Inc, visiting Wibaux Park this year. donated money to buy pre-filled The Community Easter Egg eggs. Hunt has been a long-standing “It takes teams of volun- event. Many years ago the Miles teers,” said Malenofsky. City Area Chamber of Com- She still has bins containing a merce began filling the eggs lot of stuff used during this and putting them out for kids to event such as signage and any find. The event grew and eggs that aren’t broken. She is around seven years ago Sleep willing to donate what she has to Inn & Suites picked up the a group that wants to organize a event. The event continued to community egg hunt for next grow in those seven years as year. well. There were inquiries to orga- Amber Malenofsky, general nizing this event for this year manager of Sleep Inn & Suites but the inquiries did not leave estimated that 300 man-hours enough time to plan the event went into the preparation for for this year. the event as well as the day of While the Community Egg the event. Hunt is not happening this year, With the COVID-19 pandemic the Miles City Jaycees will be canceling a lot of events last doing their annual “Egg My year, 2019 was the last year it Yard” event. was held. A form can be found on the Approximately 500 kids Miles City Jaycees Facebook showed up to participate at Page or at http:// Wibaux Park. There were 6,000 form.123formbuilder. eggs placed in the park. The com/5290584/form. STAR PHOTOS/Sharon Moore park would be roped off into They are accepting orders Roxanne Harding of Miles three areas for varying age until Friday. City looks at items in the groups. The Easter Bunny was (Contact Hanna Kambich silent auction during The there for two and a half hours at mcreporter@midrivers. Bash on Saturday. There were roughly 350 people in attendance. According to Directive reduces barriers to MCC Rodeo Coach Chris Witcher, every seat in the Home Show building was administer vaccines in pharmacies full. They raised around By DERRICK CALHOUN gency. $45,000. The top selling Star Staff Writer A restriction on the num- auction item was a Will ber of pharmacy technicians a James original sketch, Will A directive to reduce barri- registered pharmacist may James No. 8, which sold ers to vaccine administration supervise for the purpose of for $5,500. Witcher indicat- in pharmacies across Mon- administering the COVID-19 ed that he didn’t know it for tana was announced today by vaccine and conducting asso- a fact, but he thought it Montana Governor Greg ciated administrative duties was the most successful to Gianforte. and procedures is also tempo- date of the annual MCC According to Gianforte, as rarily waived by the directive. rodeo fundraisers. The they expand vaccine eligibili- “Any opportunity to offer MCC rodeo team also ty to all Montanans on April 1, more vaccinations to our com- helped work the event. they’re focused on reducing munity is beneficial,” said Blayne Hubing of the MCC barriers Montanans face to oneHealth Public Health rodeo team carries a tray get the vaccine and increas- Director Chelsea Jerke. “We with prime rib dinner to ing access to it. are excited that our communi- serve those attending. “To that end, the directive I ty has options to become vac- issued today will make it easi- cinated and choose what is er for pharmacies to efficient- best for their health and well- ly administer doses to more ness. Rural communities face Montanans,” Gianforte said in hardships when it comes to Annual Walk With the Cross to take place Friday a press release. available resources and Pharmacists are authorized healthcare, so reducing barri- By HANNA KAMBICH byterian Church, 1401 Main “We have walked in rain, Charles Blom, Pastor of to use any health care provid- ers in our area is a very posi- Star Staff Writer St., at 11:50 a.m. snow, and shine. But it is the First Presbyterian er who is licensed by Montana tive thing.” The walk will begin at supposed to be nice on Fri- Church, will lead a 10 to 15 Local and area residents or another state and who is The directive is in effect noon. During the walk indi- day,” said Pastor Alan minute worship service. of all denominations are qualified to administer vac- for the remainder of Mon- viduals carry a large cross Brown of the First Baptist The cross will remain in invited to participate in the cines under his or her scope tana’s state of emergency per and participants sing hymns Church. the park until after Easter annual Walk With the Cross of practice, by the directive, Executive Order 2-2021. while walking down Main The group will stop at Sunday. on Friday in Miles City. Hanna Kambich to assist in the administration (Contact Derrick Calhoun Street. Riverside Park and set up (Contact Walkers will begin gather- of COVID-19 vaccines for the at mcsportsreporter@gmail. Despite the weather this the cross just in time for at mcreporter@midrivers. ing in front of the First Pres- duration of the state of emer- com or at 406-234-0450.) event takes place every year. Easter. com or 406-234-0450.) Visit our Website at www.milescitystar.com 2 – Wednesday, March 31, 2021 LOCAL / MONTANA Miles City Star Dear Abby Obituary Calendar New hire is woman who Flora May 'Dodie' Paxson WEDNESDAY Economic Develop- A force of nature, Generous with her time nAlcoholics Anonymous, ment Council meeting, technicolor storyteller, and and heart, Dodie knew how 5:30 p.m., Convent Keep- 7 a.m., Miles Commu- wrecked neighbor’s car friend to all, Flora May to pick you up when you were ers Community Center nity College room 106. “Dodie” Paxson passed feeling down, never (formerly Miles City nRite Breakfast (Scottish At some point, she’s going DEAR ABBY: Last year, away peacefully forgot a birthday, Academy), 1411 Leighton Rite and York Rite Ma- to see me in my yard and my across-the-street neigh- surrounded by her and was a loyal, Blvd. sons), 7:30 a.m. Bring the realize I’m her neighbor. bor backed into my car. At loving family trusted friend to nSoup supper/Lenten ser- wife, a friend or a guest. Should I clear the air now, or least, that’s what I think the evening many. She was vice, 5:45-7:15 p.m., First nSpring Arthritis Exer- should I pretend it never happened.
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