LONGSPURS and SNOW BUNTING 1 _______ American Redstart Explanation of the Number Codes Checklist of the Birds of McLean County, IL 1 _______ Lapland Longspur 2 _______ Cape May Warbler 314 species conclusively recorded 2 _______ Smith’s Longspur 4 _______ Cerulean Warbler E 1 – Common – should not be missed if looked last updated August 2018 3 _______ Snow Bunting 2 _______ Northern Parula for in appropriate seasons and habitat. NEW WORLD SPARROWS 1 _______ Magnolia Warbler 2 – Uncommon – present in appropriate DUCKS, GEESE, AND SWANS 1 _______ Eastern Towhee 2 _______ Bay-breasted Warbler habitat during the right season, but not 2 _______ Snow Goose 1 _______ American Tree Sparrow 2 _______ Blackburnian Warbler expected on every outing 3 _______ Ross’s Goose 1 _______ Chipping Sparrow 1 _______ Yellow Warbler 2 _______ Greater White-fronted Goose 3 _______ Clay-colored Sparrow 1 _______ Chestnut-sided Warbler 3 – Occasional – only observed a few times 2 _______ Cackling Goose 1 _______ Field Sparrow 1 _______ Blackpoll Warbler each year; also includes those species which 1 _______ Canada Goose 1 _______ Vesper Sparrow 3 _______ Black-throated Blue Warbler may not occur every year but may be 2 _______ Mute Swan* 3 _______ Lark Sparrow 1 _______ Palm Warbler widespread in others. 3 _______ Trumpeter Swan 1 _______ Savannah Sparrow 3 _______ Pine Warbler 4 – Rare – Five or fewer records in the past ten 4 _______ Tundra Swan 2 _______ Grasshopper Sparrow 1 _______ Yellow-rumped Warbler years. These should always be reported. 1 _______ Wood Duck 3 _______ Henslow’s Sparrow 3 _______ Yellow-throated Warbler 1 _______ Blue-winged Teal 3 _______ LeConte’s Sparrow 4 _______ Prairie Warbler 5 – Accidental – these species are major news 1 _______ Northern Shoveler 4 _______ Nelson’s Sparrow 5 _______ Townsend’s Warbler in the local birding community and often state- 1 _______ Gadwall 1 _______ Fox Sparrow 1 _______ Black-throated Green Warbler wide. In addition to being reported, most need 5 _______ Eurasian Wigeon 1 _______ Song Sparrow 2 _______ Canada Warbler to be documented if part of the Illinois 1 _______ American Wigeon 2 _______ Lincoln’s Sparrow 2 _______ Wilson’s Warbler Ornithological Society’s Review List: 1 _______ Mallard 1 _______ Swamp Sparrow CARDINALIDAE http://www.illinoisbirds.org/illinois- 2 _______ American Black Duck 1 _______ White-throated Sparrow 3 _______ Summer Tanager ornithological-records-committee 2 _______ Northern Pintail 4 _______ Harris’s Sparrow 2 _______ Scarlet Tanager 2 _______ Green-winged Teal 1 _______ White-crowned Sparrow 1 _______ Northern Cardinal 2 _______ Canvasback Italicized denotes breeding birds at or since 1 _______ Dark-eyed Junco 1 _______ Rose-breasted Grosbeak 2 _______ Redhead the 2004 Illinois Breeding Bird Atlas. Not all CHAT and BLACKBIRDS 2 _______ Blue Grosbeak 1 _______ Ring-necked Duck are regular and/or widespread, so the 2 _______ Yellow-breasted Chat 1 _______ Indigo Bunting 2 _______ Greater Scaup following should be reported to eBird.org: 5 _______ Yellow-headed Blackbird E 5 _______ Painted Bunting 1 _______ Lesser Scaup Blue-winged Teal, Northern Bobwhite, Black- 3 _______ Bobolink 1 _______ Dickcissel 4 _______ Surf Scoter billed Cuckoo, Virginia Rail, Spotted Sandpiper, 1 _______ Eastern Meadowlark 4 _______ White-winged Scoter Least Bittern, Northern Harrier, Red- 3 _______ Western Meadowlark The following are either extinct (†) or exist 5 _______ Black Scoter shouldered Hawk, Pileated Woodpecker, 2 _______ Orchard Oriole elsewhere but no longer in McLean County. 5 _______ Long-tailed Duck Loggerhead Shrike, Bell’s Vireo, Sedge Wren, 1 _______ Baltimore Oriole 2 _______ Bufflehead Northern Mockingbird, Lark Sparrow, 1 _______ Red-winged Blackbird Carolina Parakeet† 2 _______ Common Goldeneye Savannah Sparrow, Henslow’s Sparrow, 1 _______ Brown-headed Cowbird Eskimo Curlew† 2 _______ Hooded Merganser Bobolink, Western Meadowlark, Ovenbird, 2 _______ Rusty Blackbird Greater Prairie-Chicken 2 _______ Common Merganser Louisiana Waterthrush, Kentucky Warbler, 4 _______ Brewer’s Blackbird Passenger Pigeon† 2 _______ Red-breasted Merganser Blue Grosbeak. Always report unlisted 1 _______ Common Grackle -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 _______ Ruddy Duck breeders. WARBLERS GALLINACEOUS BIRDS 1 _______ Ovenbird This checklist is dedicated to the late Dr. Dale 3 _______ Northern Bobwhite Birkenholz—ornithologist, ISU curator, nature 4 _______ Worm-eating Warbler E = Endangered, T = Threatened as a breeding 1 _______ Ring-necked Pheasant* educator, and avid birder. 2 ______ Louisiana Waterthrush bird in Illinois. It may still be relatively 2 _______ Wild Turkey 1 ______ Northern Waterthrush common as a migrant or wintering species. GREBES We thank Michael Retter for producing the 2 _______ Golden-winged Warbler Any E or T species suspected of breeding 1 _______ Pied-billed Grebe first edition of this checklist. We thank the 2 _______ Blue-winged Warbler should be reported to the IDNR for their 1 _______ Horned Grebe many birders of McLean County who continue 1 _______ Black-and-white Warbler database tracking such activity. 5 _______ Red-necked Grebe to document the status of our birds. 4 _______ Eared Grebe 3 _______ Prothonotary Warbler https://www.dnr.illinois.gov/conservation/Nat 1 _______ Tennessee Warbler uralHeritage/Pages/ETSightingForm.aspx 5 _______ Western Grebe 2 _______ Orange-crowned Warbler This checklist© is a project of the DOVES 1 _______ Nashville Warbler John Wesley Powell (JWP) Audubon Society *Non-native species introduced by humans. 1 _______ Rock Pigeon* 3 _______ Connecticut Warbler PO Box 142, Normal, IL 61761 2 _______ Eurasian Collared-Dove* 3 _______ Mourning Warbler Please report all interesting sightings to: 5_______ Common Ground-Dove 3 _______ Kentucky Warbler Send additions/corrections/enquiries to: 1) JWP Audubon Facebook group 5 _______ White-winged Dove 1 _______ Common Yellowthroat [email protected] 2) eBird.org (any sightings are good here) 1 _______ Mourning Dove 3 _______ Hooded Warbler CUCKOOS 4 _______ Red-necked Phalarope 1 _______ Great Horned Owl 1 _______ Tree Swallow 2 _______ Yellow-billed Cuckoo 5 _______ Red Phalarope 3 _______ Snowy Owl 1 _______ Northern Rough-winged Swallow 3 _______ Black-billed Cuckoo T GULLS and TERNS 5 _______ Burrowing Owl 1 _______ Bank Swallow NIGHTJARS 2 _______ Bonaparte’s Gull 1 _______ Barred Owl 1 _______ Cliff Swallow 1 _______ Common Nighthawk 4 _______ Franklin’s Gull 3 _______ Long-eared Owl 1 _______ Barn Swallow 5 _______ Chuck-will’s-widow T 1 _______ Ring-billed Gull 3 _______ Short-eared Owl E TITS, NUTHATCHES and CREEPERS 3 _______ Whip-poor-will 5 _______ California Gull 4 _______ Northern Saw-whet Owl 1 _______ Black-capped Chickadee SWIFTS and HUMMINGBIRDS 2 _______ Herring Gull KINGFISHERS and WOODPECKERS 1 _______ Tufted Titmouse 1 _______ Chimney Swift 5 _______ Iceland Gull 1 _______ Belted Kingfisher 2 _______ Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 _______ Ruby-throated Hummingbird 5 _______ Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 _______ Red-headed Woodpecker 1 _______ White-breasted Nuthatch RAILS, GALLINULES, COOTS and CRANES 5 _______ Glaucous Gull 1 _______ Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 _______ Brown Creeper 5 _______ Yellow Rail 5 _______ Least Tern E 1 _______ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker WRENS 5 _______ Black Rail E 3 _______ Caspian Tern 1 _______ Downy Woodpecker 5 _______ Rock Wren 5 _______ King Rail E 3 _______ Black Tern E 2 _______ Hairy Woodpecker 1 _______ House Wren 3 _______ Virginia Rail 4 _______ Common Tern E 1 _______ Northern Flicker 2 _______ Winter Wren 2 _______ Sora 5 _______ Arctic Tern 3 _______ Pileated Woodpecker 2 _______ Sedge Wren 5 _______ Purple Gallinule 3 _______ Forster’s Tern E FALCONS 2 _______ Marsh Wren 4 _______ Common Gallinule E LOONS 1 _______ American Kestrel 1 _______ Carolina Wren 1 _______ American Coot 5 _______ Red-throated Loon 3 _______ Merlin 5 _______ Bewick’s Wren E 3 _______ Sandhill Crane 2 _______ Common Loon 5 _______ Gyrfalcon GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS and THRUSHES 4 ______ Whooping Crane 5 _______ Yellow-billed Loon 3 _______ Peregrine Falcon 1 _______ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher STILTS and AVOCETS CORMORANTS and PELICANS 5 _______ Prairie Falcon 1 _______ Golden-crowned Kinglet 4 _______ Black-necked Stilt 1 _______ Double-crested Cormorant FLYCATCHERS 1 _______ Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3 _______ American Avocet 2 _______ American White Pelican 3 _______ Olive-sided Flycatcher 1 _______ Eastern Bluebird PLOVERS and SANDPIPERS HERONS 1 _______ Eastern Wood-Pewee 5 _______ Mountain Bluebird 3 _______ Black-bellied Plover 3 _______ American Bittern E 2 _______ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 2 _______ Veery 1 _______ American Golden-Plover 4 _______ Least Bittern T 2 _______ Acadian Flycatcher 2 _______ Gray-cheeked Thrush 2 _______ Semipalmated Plover 1 _______ Great Blue Heron 2 _______ Alder Flycatcher 1 _______ Swainson’s Thrush 5 _______ Piping Plover E 2 _______ Great Egret 2 _______ Willow Flycatcher 1 _______ Hermit Thrush 1 _______ Killdeer 5 _______ Snowy Egret E 1 _______ Least Flycatcher 1 _______ Wood Thrush 3 _______ Upland Sandpiper E 3 _______ Little Blue Heron E 1 _______ Eastern Phoebe 1 _______ American Robin 5 _______ Hudsonian Godwit 4 _______ Cattle Egret 5 _______ Say’s Phoebe MIMIDS and STARLINGS 1 _______ Green Heron 5 _______ Marbled Godwit 1 _______ Great Crested Flycatcher 1 _______ Gray Catbird 4 _______ Ruddy Turnstone 3 _______ Black-crowned Night-Heron E 5 _______ Western Kingbird 1 _______ Brown
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