LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone DATE OF PUBLICATION: Wednesday 9th September 2020 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL: Councillors Cecil (Chair), Hardy (Vice-Chair), Guy, Hope, Palmer, Powell, Probert, Stinchcombe, Tribe, G Watkins and L Watkins. (3 Vacancies) NOTICE OF MEETING You are hereby summoned to attend the remote Parish Council Meeting of the Longtown Group Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 16th September at 8.00pm via Zoom. Please click this link to join or follow the link at the end of the agenda. Paul Russell Clerk to the Council [email protected] AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 2020. Copy attached. 4. OPEN FORUM – For local residents to raise local matters. 5. POLICE – To receive a report from the Police, if available. 6. WARD COUNCILLOR – To receive a report from the Ward Councillor, if available. 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications – To consider the following applications received: NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION 202274/ Sun Inn Cottage, Longtown, Proposed alterations, single storey extension 202275 Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 0LD and new detached garage. (2 applications, one for listed building consent) 202781 Vineyard Farm, Walterstone, Prior notification for proposed extension to Hereford HR2 0DT agricultural building. (b) Planning White Paper – To consider responding to the recent White Paper on planning published by the Government. Please see the attachments provided from HALC. 8. GRANTS, REFUSALS & APPEALS NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION COMMENT/DECISION 202009 Land Lying South of Proposed variation of condition 2 Council agreed to High House, of permission P190786/F (Siting express its concerns. 1 | P a g e Llanveynoe Longtown, of three stables and one field Herefordshire shelter for horses and one Approved with storage container for water). Conditions 202563 Upper Blaen Farm, Application for prior notification of Prior approval not Llanveynoe, agricultural development – required. Longtown, HR2 0NL proposed building 202593 Upper Coed Y Gravel, Prior notification for a proposed Prior approval not Walterstone, agricultural building to be used as required. Hereford, HR2 0DT a hay store. 9. LICENCE APPLICATIONS – To consider the licence application received for Wild by Nature, Lower House Farm, Longtown, Hereford HR2 0NT. Please see the attached application. 10. FINANCES & POLICY (a) Accounts Outstanding and Financial Statement – A list of accounts for approval relating to August and September 2020 will be presented at the meeting. (b) Noticeboards – To note that these noticeboards have now been ordered and will be delivered once manufactured. (c) Grant, Village Pride – Council is requested to consider awarding a grant to Village Pride. The grant goes towards the costs of maintaining the village green, Broome's Garden, the wells at Longtown and Clodock, and other patches of land around the village. The amount is normally £150. Usually Longtown Village Pride is able to run a Summer fundraising event and also has a stall at the Longtown Show, which informs people of our activities and also raises some additional funding. This year Cover 19 has prevented both of these events taking place, but nevertheless LVP has managed to continue its other activities on behalf of the community. Council has been requested to consider increasing the grant in 2020. (d) Payphone Consultation – To note that the Council’s objection to the removal of the telephone box at Craswall Hereford, telephone number 01981 510235 has been confirmed. The analysis on Ofcom site indicates poor mobile coverage. (e) National Pay Award – To consider the ratification of the salary increase for 2020/21 agreed by the NJC for the Deputy Clerk. Current hourly rate is £xx and this will increase to £xx backdated to 1st April 2020. (f) Recruitment of a New Clerk – To consider appointing HALC to undertake the recruitment of a new Clerk at a cost of £200 + VAT. Please see the attached. 11. VERGES – To receive an update if available. 12. CLIMATE CHANGE – To receive an update from the meeting held with the Green Energy provider Ecotricity on 25th August 2020, and to note that the Herefordshire Green Network has announced a significant expansion of its ‘Great Collaboration Towards a Zero Carbon Herefordshire’ project with parish councils, thanks to a recent successful funding bid to the MCS Charitable Foundation. The new funding will support development of an interactive web-based platform for parish councils. The platform, will encourage individual households on their journey towards zero carbon through interactive engagement with simple carbon reduction actions. Parish councils around Herefordshire will be encouraged to link to this Great Collaboration platform from their own websites, thereby guiding and supporting the development and uptake of local zero carbon initiatives around the county. 2 | P a g e 13. FOOTPATHS AND HIGHWAYS (a) Parish Footpath Officers – To note that Parish Footpath Officers have been confirmed for the Group Parish. (b) Car Parking Charges Consultation – To ratify the response submitted regarding this consultation. (c) Highway Issues Raised – To consider the issues raised by a local resident. Please see the attached items. 14. LENGTHSMAN WORKS – To receive an update regarding the works to be undertaken by the Lengthsman. 15. NOTE THE CORRESPONDENCE SHEET The following correspondence has been received: Locality Steward Weekly Briefings – August/September 2020 Herefordshire Transport Strategy Review Parking Charges consultation Annual Canvass 2020 HALC Information Corner – August/September 2020 Herefordshire Council, Road Closures August/September 2020 – Update to programme Herefordshire Rural Hub – August/September 2020 newsletter Police Newsletter – August/September 2020 Herefordshire Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) 2020 – Call for Sites 16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To note that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st October 2020 at 8:00pm either remotely or at Longtown Village Hall, subject to Covid-19 restrictions. Topic: Longtown Group Parish Council Meeting Time: September 16th 2020 at 8:00pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89639884872?pwd=WTZVbWo5dnFjYnNmdzJrOHdQWmp6UT09 Meeting ID: 896 3988 4872 Passcode: 207542 3 | P a g e LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone Minutes of the Longtown Group Parish Council Meeting held remotely via the Zoom platform on Wednesday 15th July 2020 commencing at 8:00pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors Cecil (Chair), Hardy (Vice-Chair), Hope, Palmer, Powell, Probert, Stinchcombe, Tribe, G Watkins and L Watkins. ALSO PRESENT: Ward Cllr Jinman and the Clerk to the Council. 176/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies to receive. 177/19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION The following Declaration of Interest was made: Cllr Tribe – Personal: P202009 178/20 ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Council RESOLVED that the minutes of the Longtown Group Parish Council meeting held on 17th June 2020 be agreed and signed as a correct record subject to the agreed amendments. 179/20 CO-OPTION Council noted that a co-option application had been received from Catherine Guy. Following consideration, it was RESOLVED to formally co-opt Catherine Guy on to Longtown Group Parish Council. 180/20 OPEN FORUM – The following matter was raised: Cayo Lane – Concerns had been raised regarding works that had taken place along this lane and the spoil being deposited in this area. It was a matter for Herefordshire Council and had been reported. It was agreed to follow this up and forward the additional photographs received. Cllr Jiman would be copied into the correspondence. 181/20 POLICE – The Police had apologised and were unable to attend. 182/20 WARD COUNCILLOR – The following Ward Councillor report presented by Cllr Jinman was noted: Cllr Jinman had been alerted to planning application P202009, which was currently being considered; An update regarding the Covid-19 cases identified near Ledbury was noted. Around 90 cases had been recorded and the relevant embassies were now involved; Play areas were now being opened; Further clarification was currently being sought from central Government with regard to funding to meet the costs of flood damage repair; The Golden Valley Action Group was now looking at taking a broader view on tourism. An interactive map was being developed and the Golden Valley was being developed as a destination. It would also link to the proposed new station at Pontrillas; It was confirmed that Herefordshire Council had applied for a grant from the £2 billion fund the Government had allocated to improving cycle ways; No date had yet been set for the proposed station at Pontrillas to open. The process to create a new station was lengthy. If the proposal went through the next round in October 2020 then a further two years would then be spent developing a management plan. If that was successful then it was hoped that the station might be in place by 2023/24; 4 | P a g e It was confirmed that Herefordshire Council was taking the Covid-19 outbreak at the fruit farm near Ledbury very seriously. Legislation was difficult to follow through but the Council was providing a high level of support to help manage the issue. 183/20 PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION COMMENT 201870 Upper Blaen
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