VALERIANACEAE Wet Grass Forest Valeriana dioica - - C wood valerian Valeriana edulis U U - tobacco root VERBENACEAE Verbena bracteata - U - bracted vervain VIOLACEAE Viola adunca U - C early blue violet Viola canadensis U - C Canada violet Viola orbiculata - - U round-leaved violet Viola palustris U - U marsh violet A Vascular Plant Checklist for Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge Peter Lesica January 2015 The checklist is organized alphabetically by family, genus and RUBIACEAE Wet Grass Forest species. We have not attempted to determine plants to subspecies Galium aparine - U U or varieties. Vascular plant nomenclature follows Lesica, P. cleavers 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. Botanical Research Galium boreale - C U Institute of Texas Press, Fort Worth, Texas. northern bedstraw Habitat and Abundance Codes Galium trifidum C - - small bedstraw Wetlands (Wet) are supplied with groundwater greater than what Galium triflorum - - C is supplied to upland habitats. These include the peatland fens sweet-scented bedst raw and carrs as well as ponds, marshes and wet meadows. Riparian SALICACEAE habitats such as wet spruce forests and willow thickets are also Populus balsamifera U - - included. black cottonwood Populus tremuloides C - C Grassland (Grass) include foothills prairie as well as shrubby quaking aspen inclusions on rocky outcrops and roadside habitats. Salix bebbiana C - - Bebb willow Forest (Forest) are dominated by Douglas fir, ponderosa pine and Salix boothii C - - lodgepole pine. Rock outcrops and small openings in the forest Booth’s willow are also included. Aspen groves are also included. Salix brachycarpa U U - short-fruit willow Common (C): often observed in the this habitat Salix fragilis* U - - crack willow Uncommon (U): not commonly observed in this habitat Salix geyeriana C - - Geyer willow Not present (-): not observed in this habitat Salix scouleriana U - C Scouler willow SANTALACEAE Comandra umbellata - C - bastard toadflax SAXIFRAGACEAE Heuchera cylindrical - U C round-leaf alumroot SAXIFRAGACEAE (cont.) Wet Grass Forest A Vascular Plant Checklist for Heuchera parviflora - C - Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge small-leaved alumroot Lithophragma glabrum U C - Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge is a large biological reserve smooth prairie star (ca. 8,000 acres) in the Northern Rocky Mountains of northwest Lithophragma parviflorum - C - Montana. Lost Trail NWR is a mosaic of wetlands, foothills small-flowered prairie star grasslands and montane coniferous forest and provides habitat for Micranthes nidifica U U - a large number of native plants. A total of 433 species have peak saxifrage been observed on Lost Trail NWR. Seventy-two of the species Mitella nuda U - U encountered were introduced. Fourteen of these species are naked-stem miterwort considered noxious in Montana: Bromus tectorum, Carduus SCROPHULARIACEAE nutans, Centaurea maculosa, Cirsium arvense, Cynoglossum Verbascum thapsus* - C U officinale, Hieracium aurantiacum, H. caespitosum, Hypericum mullein perforatum, Leucanthemum vulgare, Linaria vulgaris, SELAGINELLACEAE Potamogeton crispus, Potentilla recta, Ranunculus acris, and Selaginella densa - C U Senecio jacobea. dense spikemoss SOLANACEAE Four species that are currently listed as species of concern by the Solanum sarachoides* - U - Montana Natural Heritage Program. Carex amplifolia occurs in hairy nightshade permanently wet soil along Pleasant Valley Creek. Hornungia SPARGANIACEAE procumbens is uncommon on soil hummocks in a saline wetland Sparganium angustifolium C - - on the west end of the refuge. Idahoa scapigera is locally narrow-leaved bur-reed common in vernally moist shallow soil of rock outcrop areas on Sparganium eurycarpum U - - the west end of the refuge. Silene spaldingii is scattered in rough broad-fruited bur-reed fescue grasslands on the north and east sides of the refuge. It is TYPHACEAE also listed as threatened under the Federal Endangered Species Typha latifolia C - - Act. Although not currently listed by the Montana Natural cattail Heritage Program, one other species that is rare in Montana also URTICACEAE occurs on the refuge. Allium geyeri var. geyeri is common in Urtica dioica U - U moist grasslands and meadows. stinging nettle APIACEAE (cont.) Wet Grass Forest RANUNCULACEAE (cont.) Wet Grass Forest Osmorhiza chilensis - - C Ranunculus testiculatus* - U - sweet cicely hornseed buttercup Sium suave C - - Ranunculus uncinatus - - U water parsnip woodland buttercup Zizia aptera - - U Thalictrum occidentale - - C heart-leaved alexanders western meadowrue ASTERACEAE Thalictrum venulosum U - - Achillea millefolium - C U veiny meadowrue yarrow RHAMNACEAE Agoseris glauca - C - Rhamnus alnifolia U - U pale mountain dandelion alderleaf buckthorn Agoseris heterophylla - R - ROSACEAE annual mountain dandelion Amelanchier alnifolia U U C Antennaria anaphaloides - C - serviceberry tall pussytoes Comarum palustre U - - Antennaria dimorpha - C - marsh cinquefoil low pusstoes Crataegus douglasii C - U Antennaria luzuloides - C - Douglas hawthorn rush pussytoes Dasiphora fruticosa C C U Antennaria microphylla - U - shrubby cinquefoil littleleaf pussytoes Drymocallis arguta - C - Antennaria neglecta - U C tall cinquefoil field pussytoes Drymocallis glandulosa - C U Antennaria parvifolia - U U sticky cinquefoil Nuttall’s pussytoes Fragaria vesca - - U Antennaria racemosa - - C woodland strawberry racemose pussytoes Fragaria virginiana - U C Antennaria rosea - C U Virginia strawberry rosy pussytoes Geum allepicum U - U Antennaria umbrinella - C - yellow avens ROSACEAE (cont.) Wet Grass Forest ALISMATACEAE Wet Grass Forest Geum macrophyllum C - - Alisma plantago-aquatica U - - largeleaf avens Water plantain Geum rivale U - - AMARANTHACEAE purple avens Amaranthus blitoides - U - Geum triflorum - C - prostrate pigweed prairie smoke Chenopodium album* - U - Potentilla anserina C - - lamb’s quarters silverweed Chenopodium glaucum C - - Potentilla argentea* U U U oakleaf goosefoot silvery cinquefoil Chenopodium leptophyllum - C - Potentilla gracilis C C - slimleaf goosefoot fanleaf cinquefoil Chenopodium rubrum - U U Potentilla norvegica* U - U red goosefoot Norway cinquefoil Monolepis nuttalliana - C - Potentilla recta* - C U poverty weed sulphur cinquefoil Suaeda occidentalis U - - Prunus virginiana C C C slender seablite chokecherry APIACEAE Rosa acicularis - - U Angelica arguta U - U prickly rose angelica Rosa woodsii C C C Heracleum lanatum U - U Wood’s rose cow parsnip Rubus idaeus - - U Lomatium ambiguum - U - red raspberry swale desert parsley Rubus pubescens U - - Lomatium dissectum - U U dwarf red raspberry fern-leaved desert parsley Sanguisorba annua U U - Lomatium macrocarpum - C - prairie burnet large-fruit desert parsley Spiraea betulifolia - - C Lomatium triternatum - C - birch-leaved spiraea nine-leaf lomatium ASTERACEAE (cont.) Wet Grass Forest POLYPODIACEAE Wet Grass Forest Cirsium arvense* C C U Athyrium filix-femina U - U Canada thistle lady fern Cirsium hookerianum - U - Cystopteris fragilis - C U Hooker’s thistle fragile fern Cirsium scariosum - C - Gymnocarpium dryopteris - - U elk thistle oak fern Cirsium undulatum - C - Woodsia oregana - C U wavy-leaved thistle western cliff fern Cirsium vulgare* - U - PORTULACACEAE bull thistle Claytonia lanceolata - U - Conyza canadensis - U - spring beauty horseweed Claytonia rubra - - U Crepis atribarba - U - redstem spring beauty slender hawks beard Lewisia rediviva - C - Crepis runcinata - C - bitterroot naked-stem hawksbeard Montia dichotoma - - U Erigeron corymbosus - C - dwarf miner’s lettuce long-leaf fleabane Montia linearis C C - Erigeron divergens - C - narrow-leaved miner’s lettuce spreading fleabane Potamogeton crispus* C - - Erigeron filifolius - C - curly pondweed thread-leaf fleabane Potamogeton foliosus U - - Erigeron pumilus - C - leafy pondweed shaggy fleabane Potamogeton natans C - - Erigeron speciosus U C U floating pondweed showy fleabane Potamogeton pusillus C - - Erigeron strigosus - U - slender pondweed daisy fleabane Potamogeton richardsonii U - - Filago arvensis* - U - Richardson’s pondweed fluffweed PRIMULACEAE Wet Grass Forest ASTERACEAE (cont.) Wet Grass Forest Dodecatheon conjugens U C - Arnica chamissonis U - - desert shooting star leafy arnica Dodecatheon pulchellum C - - Arnica cordifolia - - C dark-throat shooting star heart-leaved arnica RANUNCULACEAE Arnica sororia - C U Actaea rubra - - C twin arnica baneberry Artemisia absinthium* - U - Anemone cylindrical - U - wormwood long-headed anemone Artemisia biennis - U - Anemone multifida - C - biennial wormwood Pacific anemone Artemisia dracunculus - C - Clematis occidentalis - - C wild taragon western virgin’s bower Artemisia frigida - C - Delphinium nuttallianum U C - fringed sagewort Nuttall’s larkspur Artemisia ludoviciana U C - Myosurus apetalus U U - mugwort bristly mousetail Artemisia tripartita - U - Ranunculus acris* U U - three-tip sagebrush tall buttercup Balsamorhiza sagittata - C U Ranunculus aquatilis C - - arrow-leaf basamroot white water crowfoot Bidens cernua U - - Ranunculus cymbalaria U - - nodding beggar’s ticks alkali buttercup Canadanthus modestus U - U Ranunculus glaberrimus U U - great northern aster sagebrush buttercup Carduus nutans* - U - Ranunculus gmelinii C - - musk thistle yellow water crowfoot Centaurea maculosa* U C C Ranunculus macounii U - - spotted maculosa Macoun’s buttercup Chrysothamnus nauseosus - U - Ranunculus sceleratus C - - rubber rabbitbrush celery-leaved buttercup ASTERACEAE (cont.) Wet Grass
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