ALUMNUS SUMMER 72 annual INCOMING PRESIDENT'S meeting ADDRESS at new goals: promote labatt enrolment says pelton "Sev erol weeks 090 there appeared pragmatic and selling - and was talk­ in the Fi nancial Po\ ton adv ertisement ing about a 12 week cou r se. for on ExecutiveDirectoroftheAlumni Do our graduates earn no acclaim? Associatio n c>.f the Un iv ersity of British What of our i nternational fraternity? Columbia. It read in part 'Th e pur­ Will w e as Loyola graduates not help pose of the . A ssociation is to serve each other? Do w e have nothing lo the university by promoting its be proud of? Do we hove nothing lo academic and economic well-being sell? I think we do! And I also think through I ioison with the graduates, more of us should realize it. the government, the pub I ic, the faculty Consider this: In the lost two aca­ and the students and potential stu­ demic years Loyola has produced two dents.' Rhodes Scholars, three Centennial This is a very definite statement­ Scholars and four Woodrow Wilson no hedging, no questions about rele­ Fellows. Neither McGill nor Sir vance; and what is appropriate lo George Williams con equal this re­ B. C. is equally appropriate in Que­ cord-.:-olone or combined. Only one bec. The key word is 'serve' and that Rhodes Scholarship was awarded in is what the Loyola Alumni Association the Province of Quebec this year­ aspires to do. Our purpose is toserve ii went to a Loyola student. Loyola, and promote its well -being. See Pelton, page 2 Alumnus and financial report. To some this may seem archaic, sentimental, totally at odds with cur­ Some seventy Alumnae and rent values, a goal not at oil suited Alumni were p r esent at Labatt's Brew­ lo the cynical judgments of the seven­ ery for th e 1972 Annual Meeting of the ties- and perhaps they are right. Association. They read and accepted There is at least enough validity to Committee and Event reports, listened their proposition that we hove to ask to outgoing "President Brian Gal­ ourselves why? Why we bother? Why lery, '57, review his year in office, we frustrate ourselves? Why we try to asked questions of the College Presi­ serve? dent, Very Rev . Patr ick G. Malone, S.J., and heard President-Elect Bill SELL Pelton '48 state his aims for 1972 -73. Recently the Director of the Bonff Before, du ring and ofter the busi­ School of Advanced Business Manage­ nes·s session Labatt employees made men I spoke of the international ac­ certain that refreshments were avail­ claim which had come lo the school able to all participants and also con­ because of the outstanding achieve­ ducted a tour of the facilities and ex­ ments of its g~oduotism in the field plained the process of producing their of business. He spoke of the interna­ prize-winning beer. tional fraternity of Bonff graduates, The highlight of the evening was mentioning the way Banff graduates the address by Bill Pelton, which ap­ oil over the world help each other pears here in al most its entirety. lo gel things done. He was proud, New president Bill Pelton 2 that of the fifties- ·and the changes to the vigour with which our member s roll on swiftly and inexorably. But participate. pelton ther e is still continuity; a cathol ic over­ Because publicity issofundamental tone, a Jesu i t presence, academic ex­ lo everything we hope lo accomplish, "promote cellence combinec/ with athletic prow­ this function hos been assigned major ess, and the essence of what was status in our I isl of p roj eels. Likewise enrolment" Loyola remains. More than that the we hope to inaugurate a Closs Agent Loyola of today is more dynamic than typ e of program so that we hove the Of all the Engl ish language univer­ the Loyola of the past. The atmosphe re means lo establ ish p e rsonal contact sities in Quebec, only Loyola showed is exc iting and challenging. More with pur membership. on increase in enrolment in 1971-72. things happen. There is mo re free­ The college hod 4100 full -time day dom, more inqu ir y. ALUMNI/STUDENT CONTACT students, registration in the Evening Thi s v ital, th riving enterpr ise i s We al so hope lo achiev e an im­ Div ision, which started in 1957 w ith what we hope lo serve, but not b y p r ov ed and more enxlensive r elation­ 25 students, totalled 5000 in 1971 -72. ra ising money. The gov ernment grant ship with the student body. As of now, If Loyola continues lo grow, during a has for all p ractical purposes supplan­ they really do not know us, nor do we period when student population is de­ ted the g ift of the private donor. know them. While our Student Loan clining, there hos lo be a reason. I But this fact does not render the Alum­ Fund hos undoubtedly assisted some attribute ii to the continuance of Loy­ students it has produced no measure­ ola's most cherished tradition- oco­ ni Association irrelevant. dem ic excellence. Why else would Since the major sources of college able or discernable benefits to the students come? If Loyola did not pro­ revenue todayoregovernmentgrants Alumni Association or the College. vide the type and quality of educa­ and tuition fees, the obvi.6us corollary Steppingstones, launched with high tion that young people wont, would to this is that student enrolment is hopes, failed to arouse much interest. they not go elsewhere? So the in­ the essentibl element in the surv ival Improving communications be­ creosed enrolment is indeed signi­ of any univ~rsity. Promotion of en­ tween our organization and the stu­ ficant. It is especially so when one rol men I therefore, from among the dent body may well be the crux of considers that Loyola's future hos been families of our membership, and in our problem and we intend to work in doubt. the community at large, will be one very hard to bridge this gap. Your But if Loyola con toke pride in its of our major objectives. directors have thought that as for academic accomplishments, its fiscal occompl ishments or e if anything, even more impressive. According to figures released by the Ministry of Education for the 1971-72 academic year, uni­ versity operating grants in Quebec averaged S2458 per student. Laval received SJ237, University of Mon­ treal S3020, McGill S2363, Bishops S1646, Sir George S1256, and Loyola S727 - less than a third of the overage for the province. Because of this peri­ lous financial condition, Loyola has been compelled to achieve a level of efficiency which is unrivalled in Que­ bec education. It has occompl ished much and should be applauded for the A comfortable chat at the annual meeting. excellence ii has achieved, and com ­ Within our own group we will strive as students are concerned, the Alumni mended for the contributions it has to keep our membership aware of Association represents a vast reser­ made lo Quebec and to Canada. We what is happening at Loyola so that voir of talent and good will, waiting should be proud of Loyola, as it was, the judgments ofouralumniarebased to be topped, but we have yet to as ii is, and as it will be- and ii will on facts and not on impressions. In the find the way to reach them. Two of be. community we will assist the College our directors will be assigned res­ in recruiting at the CEGEP level, pro­ ponsibility for narrowing the gap be­ SIR GEORGE UNION bably by means of a vocational guid­ tween us and students and faculty. ance series, and we may extend these By this definite assignment we may be The union with Sir George Williams programs to high schools as well. abl e to make our Association available does not preface the disappearance The subject of enrolment aside, for very useful work among the student of Loyola. On the contrary it should we plan to focus our energies in two body. create a stronger and morevigourous directions: our own membership and As you might expect, the Alumni university. The terms of the union our students. Association also has financial prob­ stipulate that each college of the new For our member;s we will continue lems. With assistance from the College university will be per mitted to pre­ our traditional activities, the Golf Administration they are not critical, serve much of its essential character Tournament, Oyster Party, The Hap­ but they cannot be ignored. Ou rs is and tradition. Our Alumni Association pening, our Hockey/Basketball night a deficit operation and it is likely to will continue lo have a role to ploy and our alumnae event. continue as such for some time. We in advancing the well-being ofloyolo, We also hope to develop a cul­ have several possibilities toconsider and in maintaining its troditions. tural and educational program which which would amel iorote the situation, However, there is certainly no will appeal to some of our alumni but it will be some months before we doubt that the new Loyola, the federa­ who are not attracted by traditional ore able to make any firm decisions. ted Loyola, will be different than the events. A broader involvement of In the interval, your directors will be Loyola we know. But then the Loyola our membership is intended since the addressing themselves to this prob­ of the forties hos disappear ed, so has v igour of our Association is related lem.
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