FORTRAN > : »A11 A' ■■ ---— ____.■-.— -- \ -;— JULY 20. 1898. 23, 18B2-VOL. 35. PORTLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE __ MISCELLANEOUS. GOING TO JOIN JULES. HOBSON'S CHOICE THE GROWINGlRiEFlTGARCIA, those Would probably be a pair of handsome Russet Calf or ,,Vlc; and Dis a of Gen. Brooke Expedition Rais we are making specialty NOT PINAL.\ at Started. \ The Cuban Leader’s Chief of Staff Talks Getting $0.00. V-- of His and Disappointment. WE KNOW Regret Newport News, Va., July 28.—The St. Louis and Every lady who is looking for com- transport steamships fort as well as style will bo more Massachusetts with General Brooke, than satisfied with our Russet started for Porto Rico at 2.30 p. m. Othe kid and cloth at Polish Shoes, top, will follow at once. visions for the relief of the French colony transports Santiago, July 27.—General Castillo, at Guantanamo. All hope was abandoned Tho first Kenucky regiment, vanguard of staff of General Garcia, thus $3.00. the chief and the sufferers are awaiting death from of the third brigade, first division, first the situation: The condition of Guantana- views starvation. army corps, in command of General Fred of Cuba for the Cubans, I Col. Kosell says, Is worse than that ‘‘Speaking mo, Grant, which is to make up the second at SagastaSaidtoBeSeek- and Santiago. can only express the deepest regret Porto Rican expedition arrived here from we find disappointment at the position Chickamauga today. General Grant ar- Center & in to the greatest McDowell, ourselves today, subject rived on the his staff. last train with treated as 539 CONGRESS ST., humiliation instead of being With the exception of tho fourth Ohio allies; 6hut out from entering our own regiment, tho second brigade of the first of Some fruits BROWN’S BLOCK. territory; forbidden to eDjoy the army corps, in command of Brigadier Jy9dtf we win; not consulted In General sailed for Porto lticu __ victory helped Haines, ing Advantage. this afternoon ■ m T'EC.E m any way. at four o’olook. General “It was thoaght sufficient to inform us Haines and his staff and the fourth Ohio ------ for us to \ CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK verbally. It was more expedient regiment are on the auxiliary cruiser St. stay out, on account of the Spanish resi- Paul and it is not likely that this will Maine. for It to of Portland, dents, and this, after distinct statements Preparations Moving leave Old Point before daylight tomor- in made to Garoia by General Shafter, row, as there Is yet a large quantity of my presence, at Baiqulri, that the Ameri- the Shores of Long snpplies to be loaded.‘The transports that CAPITAL, $100,000.00 oc- can and Cuban troops should jointly got off are the City of Washington, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 cupy Santiago, both flags floating over Massachnsetts, Seneca and Roumanian The Spanish Peace Talk Not the town. Even private oitlzens among Island Sound, and the anxllary cruiser St. Louis. The Solicits the accounts of Bun Its, Mer- hoist a the Cubans were forbidden to expedition was divided as follows: and cantile Firms, Corporations Cuban flag over their dwellings. What On the Massachusetts—Ambulance, sig- and Is to fur- we Individuals, prepared inspired the American commander nal corps. Hunter’s corps, W troop A and faciltiies Dish its patrons the best cannot say, but we have most gloomy C, New York cavalry, and tho o}ty troop as We refuse now to enter the Regarded Sincere. and liberal accommodations. forebodings. of Philadelphia, including 805 men, S3 town, even in a private capacity, where Washington, July 2S.—Secretary Alger officers, 454 horses, 426 mules, besides the the of Inteiest Paid on Deposits. the Spaniards, guilty of grossest op- is deeply concerned over the welfare wagons. pression of Cubans, still hold office and the gallant troops under Gen. Shatter’s St.Louis—Third Illinois Col. regiment, _;_ SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. where the Spanish nniform is still worn. command now encamped on the out- Bennett and staff. *• > \ Inviled. “General Garoia has retired to Holguin, skirts Of Santiago. The health report Roumanian—rour oaccenes oi iignt ar- Interviews and Correspondence ■■■■- to resume his independent campaign, as shows a surprisingly large number of tillery, A of Missouri, A of Illinois, B of ; i CUIXEN C. CHAPMAN, President* carried oa for the last three years. We re- cases of sickness, but army surgeons Pennsylvania and the 27th Indiana bat- fuse further contaot at with the authorize statement that these there are THOMAS H. EATON, Casliier. present the figures tery. On this transport 19 American army, and will take no are In a certain sense and 700 319 and 72 mules. DIRECTORS: misleading officers, men, horses, farther rations from them. We go to the that the situation may not be nearly as City of Washington—A detachment of President is to To- SETH L. LARRABEE, taken seem indicate, McKinley C. hold the towns we would to Expected CULLEN CHAPMAN, interior to have bad as the fourth of 23 Reply they Pennsylvania regiment E R TEADMAN, PERLEY P. BURNHAM, ourselves. Our soldiers, disheartened, 'the slightest ailment of the most tem- officers and 012 men. BRICE M. EDWARDS, JAMES F. HAWKES. have in many instances left ns. Onr long porary nature suffices to place a soldier’s Seneca—A detachment of the 4th to the of M. a Caban sick which in their Gambon. HENRY S. OSGOOD, WILLIAM M. MARKS. cherished dream, republic, free, name on the reports, Pennsylvania,consisting of 24 officers and day Request jei M.W&Ftflstp independent, is apparently again vanish- present shape would not distinguish be- 611 men. ing in the dim distance. Our men, nn- tween suoh a case and one of mortal ill- DEWEY’S ADVICE. pa id in three years, serving entirely for ness. The Inference Is that many of NOTICE. the love of country, deserve some reward. these cases in Gen. Shatter’s camp are of We do not want office or positions. We a trivial nature, but go to swell its grand It Is Said the President Wants to Have wish cordial recognition, as brothers in total of sick and wounded. Notwith- It. ALL PERSONS are hereby arras, on equal terms, but throughout we standing this mitigating fact, Secretary requested to abstain respectfully were treated with scan test courtesy. Alger Is going to remove the soldiers at around the city Washington, July 28.—The President external and will be based the would “This from going “General Garcia was never made aware the very earliest opportunity to a more upon they Impose, says: sugges- when can sent a to Admiral of a mere- looking shabby they of the terms of surrender, or oonsulted in healthful clime. The surgeon general, yesterday long dispatch preparation treaty chat shall secure tion from would-be friends of Spain or him to give his views as to have their clothing dyed regard to negotiations or acts. When the nnder the direction of the secretary,a few Dewey asking OUR TERMS, the ratification of the United States Sen- ly shows that these critics entirely fail HER PROTEST. tailor’s to the value of the Philippine Islands ate, It be out that if we are the of Ameri- cleansed and pressed by refugees arrived at Caney, we considered days ago inspected a tract of land ad- may pointed grasp military significance to the United States, what portion, if as near to as ca's sea and pressmen at them as forming the town of Santiago. joining Montauk Point, L. I., belonging really peace many people power. Only by prompt any, should he retained for naval and It will become to Issue with President Forest City Dye House and General Garcia gave me a commission as to the Long'Island railroad company, suppose. necessary straightforward dealings CdOTCDiP the of St,am Carpet Cleansing confirmed a as strategical purposes, prospects the u call for an extra session of the Senate can Spain hope to prevent the rllo I Lit wd which was by which road offered to the government McKinley ■ uuiki. Works. Governor, being able to establish and to aot the with the. frition of American in Talks Nonsense About vote. I acted as such, regulating suitable for a large encampment. The insurgents Wh’t the Government Will upon peace treaty imperial policy 13 Preble opp. Preble House popular Spain St., orders The maintain a stablo government, and his promptness that the importance of the the Pacifio, the advantages of which Kid Gloves Cleansed Every Day. and controlling affairs, issuing tract Is three miles square. necessary I views on the situation. moderate and appointing officers. This commission orders to equip this as a camping ground general subject demands. even peace loving, Americans the Terms of Peace. It is understood the President will bo Ask of cannot was not even recognized, and I am here, will go forward immediately and every Spain. Ignore.” by Admiral Dewey’s The Madrid of the lying on the outskirts of Santiago, with advantage will be taken Of the experience guided largely correspondent Daily This is views. The President has the greatest THE TALK AT HADRID. Mall the of satisfac- one hundred followers, actually pro- gained in the formation of the camps at remarking “feeling conlidenoe in the admiral’s sound judg- tion and relief the overtures hare the Season hibited entry. I am no opponent of an- Chiokamauaa and damn Alger to make peace ment, as he ha3 shown himself to be not which “there is little Disinfectants. nexation, and firmly believe it will solve the conditions as comfortable as possible ■Washington, July 28.—The terms produced,” says: proba- London, 28.—The Madrid corre- for only a naval commander, bnt a July veterans of great the United States will find bility of discontent and none at the Cuban problem with the greatest for the battle scarred Shafter’s man of such taot and government popular spondent of the Daily Mail, says: conspicuous diplo- all if Spain is allowed to retain the Phil- benefit artd to the material advantage of army.
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